sessions: max: exchange: max envVarPrefix: max makerFeeRate: 0% takerFeeRate: 0.025% #services: # googleSpreadSheet: # jsonTokenFile: ".credentials/google-cloud/service-account-json-token.json" # spreadSheetId: "YOUR_SPREADSHEET_ID" exchangeStrategies: - on: max liquiditymaker: symbol: &symbol USDTTWD ## adjustmentUpdateInterval is the interval for adjusting position adjustmentUpdateInterval: 1m ## liquidityUpdateInterval is the interval for updating liquidity orders liquidityUpdateInterval: 1h numOfLiquidityLayers: 30 askLiquidityAmount: 20_000.0 bidLiquidityAmount: 20_000.0 liquidityPriceRange: 2% useLastTradePrice: true spread: 1.1% liquidityScale: exp: domain: [1, 30] range: [1, 4] ## maxExposure controls how much balance should be used for placing the maker orders maxExposure: 200_000 minProfit: 0.01% backtest: sessions: - max startTime: "2023-05-20" endTime: "2023-06-01" symbols: - *symbol account: max: makerFeeRate: 0.0% takerFeeRate: 0.025% balances: USDT: 5000 TWD: 150_000