
176 lines
4.8 KiB

package types
import (
const DateFormat = "2006-01-02"
type ExchangeName string
const (
ExchangeMax ExchangeName = "max"
ExchangeBinance ExchangeName = "binance"
ExchangeOKEx ExchangeName = "okex"
ExchangeKucoin ExchangeName = "kucoin"
ExchangeBitget ExchangeName = "bitget"
ExchangeBacktest ExchangeName = "backtest"
ExchangeBybit ExchangeName = "bybit"
var SupportedExchanges = []ExchangeName{
// note: we are not using "backtest"
func (n *ExchangeName) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
return n.String(), nil
func (n *ExchangeName) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
var s string
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &s); err != nil {
return err
*n = ExchangeName(s)
if !n.IsValid() {
return fmt.Errorf("%s is an invalid exchange name", s)
return nil
func (n ExchangeName) IsValid() bool {
switch n {
case ExchangeBinance, ExchangeBitget, ExchangeBybit, ExchangeMax, ExchangeOKEx, ExchangeKucoin:
return true
return false
func (n ExchangeName) String() string {
return string(n)
func ValidExchangeName(a string) (ExchangeName, error) {
exName := ExchangeName(strings.ToLower(a))
if !exName.IsValid() {
return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid exchange name: %s", a)
return exName, nil
type ExchangeMinimal interface {
Name() ExchangeName
PlatformFeeCurrency() string
//go:generate mockgen -destination=mocks/mock_exchange.go -package=mocks . Exchange
type Exchange interface {
//go:generate mockgen -destination=mocks/mock_exchange_public.go -package=mocks . ExchangePublic
type ExchangePublic interface {
// ExchangeBasic is the new type for replacing the original Exchange interface
type ExchangeBasic = Exchange
// ExchangeOrderQueryService provides an interface for querying the order status via order ID or client order ID
//go:generate mockgen -destination=mocks/mock_exchange_order_query.go -package=mocks . ExchangeOrderQueryService
type ExchangeOrderQueryService interface {
QueryOrder(ctx context.Context, q OrderQuery) (*Order, error)
QueryOrderTrades(ctx context.Context, q OrderQuery) ([]Trade, error)
type ExchangeAccountService interface {
QueryAccount(ctx context.Context) (*Account, error)
QueryAccountBalances(ctx context.Context) (BalanceMap, error)
type ExchangeTradeService interface {
SubmitOrder(ctx context.Context, order SubmitOrder) (createdOrder *Order, err error)
QueryOpenOrders(ctx context.Context, symbol string) (orders []Order, err error)
CancelOrders(ctx context.Context, orders ...Order) error
type ExchangeDefaultFeeRates interface {
DefaultFeeRates() ExchangeFee
type ExchangeAmountFeeProtect interface {
//go:generate mockgen -destination=mocks/mock_exchange_trade_history.go -package=mocks . ExchangeTradeHistoryService
type ExchangeTradeHistoryService interface {
QueryTrades(ctx context.Context, symbol string, options *TradeQueryOptions) ([]Trade, error)
QueryClosedOrders(ctx context.Context, symbol string, since, until time.Time, lastOrderID uint64) (orders []Order, err error)
type ExchangeMarketDataService interface {
NewStream() Stream
QueryMarkets(ctx context.Context) (MarketMap, error)
QueryTicker(ctx context.Context, symbol string) (*Ticker, error)
QueryTickers(ctx context.Context, symbol ...string) (map[string]Ticker, error)
QueryKLines(ctx context.Context, symbol string, interval Interval, options KLineQueryOptions) ([]KLine, error)
type CustomIntervalProvider interface {
SupportedInterval() map[Interval]int
IsSupportedInterval(interval Interval) bool
type ExchangeTransferHistoryService interface {
QueryDepositHistory(ctx context.Context, asset string, since, until time.Time) (allDeposits []Deposit, err error)
QueryWithdrawHistory(ctx context.Context, asset string, since, until time.Time) (allWithdraws []Withdraw, err error)
type ExchangeTransferService interface {
QueryDepositHistory(ctx context.Context, asset string, since, until time.Time) (allDeposits []Deposit, err error)
QueryWithdrawHistory(ctx context.Context, asset string, since, until time.Time) (allWithdraws []Withdraw, err error)
type ExchangeWithdrawalService interface {
Withdraw(ctx context.Context, asset string, amount fixedpoint.Value, address string, options *WithdrawalOptions) error
type ExchangeRewardService interface {
QueryRewards(ctx context.Context, startTime time.Time) ([]Reward, error)
type TradeQueryOptions struct {
StartTime *time.Time
EndTime *time.Time
Limit int64
LastTradeID uint64