_,err=tx.ExecContext(ctx,"CREATE TABLE `orders`\n(\n `gid` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `exchange` VARCHAR(24) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n -- order_id is the order id returned from the exchange\n `order_id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n `client_order_id` VARCHAR(122) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n `order_type` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL,\n `symbol` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,\n `status` VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL,\n `time_in_force` VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL,\n `price` DECIMAL(16, 8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n `stop_price` DECIMAL(16, 8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n `quantity` DECIMAL(16, 8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n `executed_quantity` DECIMAL(16, 8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0,\n `side` VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n `is_working` BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,\n `created_at` DATETIME(3) NOT NULL,\n `updated_at` DATETIME(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(3) ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(3),\n `is_margin` BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,\n `is_isolated` BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,\n PRIMARY KEY (`gid`)\n);")
_,err=tx.ExecContext(ctx,"CREATE INDEX orders_symbol ON orders (exchange, symbol);")
_,err=tx.ExecContext(ctx,"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX orders_order_id ON orders (order_id, exchange);")