
269 lines
7.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

package dca2
import (
type queryAPI interface {
QueryOpenOrders(ctx context.Context, symbol string) ([]types.Order, error)
QueryClosedOrdersDesc(ctx context.Context, symbol string, since, until time.Time, lastOrderID uint64) ([]types.Order, error)
QueryOrderTrades(ctx context.Context, q types.OrderQuery) ([]types.Trade, error)
func (s *Strategy) recover(ctx context.Context) error {
s.logger.Info("[DCA] recover")
queryService, ok := s.Session.Exchange.(queryAPI)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("[DCA] exchange %s doesn't support queryAPI interface", s.Session.ExchangeName)
openOrders, err := queryService.QueryOpenOrders(ctx, s.Symbol)
if err != nil {
return err
closedOrders, err := queryService.QueryClosedOrdersDesc(ctx, s.Symbol, time.Time{}, time.Now(), 0)
if err != nil {
return err
currentRound, err := getCurrentRoundOrders(s.Short, openOrders, closedOrders, s.OrderGroupID)
if err != nil {
return err
debugRoundOrders(s.logger, "current", currentRound)
// recover state
state, err := recoverState(ctx, s.Symbol, s.Short, int(s.MaxOrderNum), openOrders, currentRound, s.OrderExecutor.ActiveMakerOrders(), s.OrderExecutor.OrderStore(), s.OrderGroupID)
if err != nil {
return err
// recover position
if err := recoverPosition(ctx, s.Position, queryService, currentRound); err != nil {
return err
// recover budget
budget := recoverBudget(currentRound)
// recover startTimeOfNextRound
startTimeOfNextRound := recoverStartTimeOfNextRound(ctx, currentRound, s.CoolDownInterval)
s.state = state
if !budget.IsZero() {
s.Budget = budget
s.startTimeOfNextRound = startTimeOfNextRound
return nil
// recover state
func recoverState(ctx context.Context, symbol string, short bool, maxOrderNum int, openOrders []types.Order, currentRound Round, activeOrderBook *bbgo.ActiveOrderBook, orderStore *core.OrderStore, groupID uint32) (State, error) {
numOpenOrders := len(openOrders)
// dca stop at take profit order stage
if currentRound.TakeProfitOrder.OrderID != 0 {
// check the open orders is take profit order or not
if numOpenOrders == 1 {
if openOrders[0].OrderID == currentRound.TakeProfitOrder.OrderID {
// current round's take-profit order still opened, wait to fill
return TakeProfitReady, nil
} else {
return None, fmt.Errorf("stop at taking profit stage, but the open order's OrderID is not the take-profit order's OrderID")
if numOpenOrders == 0 {
// current round's take-profit order filled, wait to open next round
return WaitToOpenPosition, nil
return None, fmt.Errorf("stop at taking profit stage, but the number of open orders is > 1")
if len(currentRound.OpenPositionOrders) == 0 {
// new strategy
return WaitToOpenPosition, nil
numOpenPositionOrders := len(currentRound.OpenPositionOrders)
if numOpenPositionOrders > maxOrderNum {
return None, fmt.Errorf("the number of open-position orders is > max order number")
} else if numOpenPositionOrders < maxOrderNum {
// failed to place some orders at open position stage
return None, fmt.Errorf("the number of open-position orders is < max order number")
if numOpenOrders > numOpenPositionOrders {
return None, fmt.Errorf("the number of open orders is > the number of open-position orders")
if numOpenOrders == numOpenPositionOrders {
return OpenPositionReady, nil
var openedCnt, filledCnt, cancelledCnt int64
for _, order := range currentRound.OpenPositionOrders {
switch order.Status {
case types.OrderStatusNew, types.OrderStatusPartiallyFilled:
case types.OrderStatusFilled:
case types.OrderStatusCanceled:
return None, fmt.Errorf("there is unexpected status %s of order %s", order.Status, order)
if filledCnt > 0 && cancelledCnt == 0 {
return OpenPositionOrderFilled, nil
if openedCnt > 0 && filledCnt > 0 && cancelledCnt > 0 {
return OpenPositionOrdersCancelling, nil
if openedCnt == 0 && filledCnt > 0 && cancelledCnt > 0 {
return OpenPositionOrdersCancelled, nil
return None, fmt.Errorf("unexpected order status combination")
func recoverPosition(ctx context.Context, position *types.Position, queryService queryAPI, currentRound Round) error {
if position == nil {
return nil
var positionOrders []types.Order
if currentRound.TakeProfitOrder.OrderID != 0 {
if !types.IsActiveOrder(currentRound.TakeProfitOrder) {
return nil
positionOrders = append(positionOrders, currentRound.TakeProfitOrder)
for _, order := range currentRound.OpenPositionOrders {
// no executed quantity order, no need to get trades
if order.ExecutedQuantity.IsZero() {
positionOrders = append(positionOrders, order)
for _, positionOrder := range positionOrders {
trades, err := queryService.QueryOrderTrades(ctx, types.OrderQuery{
Symbol: position.Symbol,
OrderID: strconv.FormatUint(positionOrder.OrderID, 10),
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get trades of order (%d)", positionOrder.OrderID)
return nil
func recoverBudget(currentRound Round) fixedpoint.Value {
if len(currentRound.OpenPositionOrders) == 0 {
return fixedpoint.Zero
total := fixedpoint.Zero
for _, order := range currentRound.OpenPositionOrders {
total = total.Add(order.Quantity.Mul(order.Price))
if currentRound.TakeProfitOrder.OrderID != 0 && currentRound.TakeProfitOrder.Status == types.OrderStatusFilled {
total = total.Add(currentRound.TakeProfitOrder.Quantity.Mul(currentRound.TakeProfitOrder.Price))
for _, order := range currentRound.OpenPositionOrders {
total = total.Sub(order.ExecutedQuantity.Mul(order.Price))
return total
func recoverStartTimeOfNextRound(ctx context.Context, currentRound Round, coolDownInterval types.Duration) time.Time {
if currentRound.TakeProfitOrder.OrderID != 0 && currentRound.TakeProfitOrder.Status == types.OrderStatusFilled {
return currentRound.TakeProfitOrder.UpdateTime.Time().Add(coolDownInterval.Duration())
return time.Time{}
type Round struct {
OpenPositionOrders []types.Order
TakeProfitOrder types.Order
func getCurrentRoundOrders(short bool, openOrders, closedOrders []types.Order, groupID uint32) (Round, error) {
openPositionSide := types.SideTypeBuy
takeProfitSide := types.SideTypeSell
if short {
openPositionSide = types.SideTypeSell
takeProfitSide = types.SideTypeBuy
var allOrders []types.Order
allOrders = append(allOrders, openOrders...)
allOrders = append(allOrders, closedOrders...)
sort.Slice(allOrders, func(i, j int) bool {
return allOrders[i].CreationTime.After(allOrders[j].CreationTime.Time())
var currentRound Round
lastSide := takeProfitSide
for _, order := range allOrders {
// group id filter is used for debug when local running
if order.GroupID != groupID {
if order.Side == takeProfitSide && lastSide == openPositionSide {
switch order.Side {
case openPositionSide:
currentRound.OpenPositionOrders = append(currentRound.OpenPositionOrders, order)
case takeProfitSide:
if currentRound.TakeProfitOrder.OrderID != 0 {
return currentRound, fmt.Errorf("there are two take-profit orders in one round, please check it")
currentRound.TakeProfitOrder = order
lastSide = order.Side
return currentRound, nil