fix: date parsing in tradingview, feature: enforce trailingstop in drift, add rebalance prototype

This commit is contained in:
zenix 2022-08-02 20:21:44 +09:00
parent 53d4f21c30
commit 214e7259ed
4 changed files with 253 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ const parseOrder = () => {
case "update_time":
case "creation_time":
case "time":
d[key] = new Date(d[key]);
d[key] = moment(d[key], 'dddd, DD MMM YYYY h:mm:ss').toDate();

View File

@ -28,14 +28,21 @@ exchangeStrategies:
takeProfitFactor: 6
profitFactorWindow: 8
noTrailingStopLoss: false
trailingStopLossType: kline
# stddev on high/low-source
hlVarianceMultiplier: 0.22
hlVarianceMultiplier: 0.23
hlRangeWindow: 5
smootherWindow: 1
fisherTransformWindow: 9
atrWindow: 14
# orders not been traded will be canceled after `pendingMinutes` minutes
pendingMinutes: 5
pendingMinutes: 4
noRebalance: true
trendWindow: 12
rebalanceFilter: 1.5
trailingActivationRatio: [0.008, 0.015]
trailingCallbackRate: [0.002, 0.001]
generateGraph: true
graphPNLDeductFee: true

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ exchangeStrategies:
- on: binance
canvasPath: "./output.png"
symbol: BTCBUSD
symbol: BTCUSDT
# kline interval for indicators
interval: 15m
window: 2
@ -25,17 +25,28 @@ exchangeStrategies:
source: close
predictOffset: 2
noTrailingStopLoss: false
trailingStopLossType: kline
# stddev on high/low-source
hlVarianceMultiplier: 0.27
hlVarianceMultiplier: 0.23
hlRangeWindow: 5
smootherWindow: 1
fisherTransformWindow: 9
# the init value of takeProfitFactor Series, the coefficient of ATR as TP
takeProfitFactor: 8
profitFactorWindow: 8
atrWindow: 14
takeProfitFactor: 1.2
profitFactorWindow: 5
atrWindow: 12
# orders not been traded will be canceled after `pendingMinutes` minutes
pendingMinutes: 5
pendingMinutes: 3
noRebalance: true
trendWindow: 12
rebalanceFilter: 3
# ActivationRatio should be increasing order
# when farest price from entry goes over that ratio, start using the callback ratio accordingly to do trailingstop
#trailingActivationRatio: [0.007, 0.015, 0.02, 0.05]
trailingActivationRatio: [0.007, 0.011]
#trailingCallbackRate: [0.005, 0.003, 0.002, 0.001]
trailingCallbackRate: [0.002, 0.001]
generateGraph: true
graphPNLDeductFee: true
@ -95,13 +106,13 @@ sync:
- binance
startTime: "2022-01-01"
endTime: "2022-07-30"
endTime: "2022-07-26"
sessions: [binance]
@ -109,4 +120,4 @@ backtest:
takerFeeRate: 0.00075
BTC: 1
BUSD: 50000.0
USDT: 5000.0

View File

@ -54,16 +54,22 @@ type Strategy struct {
*types.ProfitStats `persistence:"profit_stats"`
*types.TradeStats `persistence:"trade_stats"`
p *types.Position
trendLine types.UpdatableSeriesExtend
ma types.UpdatableSeriesExtend
stdevHigh *indicator.StdDev
stdevLow *indicator.StdDev
drift *DriftMA
drift1m *indicator.Drift
atr *indicator.ATR
midPrice fixedpoint.Value
lock sync.RWMutex
minutesCounter int
orderPendingCounter map[uint64]int
beta float64
// This stores the maximum TP coefficient of ATR multiplier of each entry point
takeProfitFactor types.UpdatableSeriesExtend
@ -75,16 +81,22 @@ type Strategy struct {
PredictOffset int `json:"predictOffset"`
HighLowVarianceMultiplier float64 `json:"hlVarianceMultiplier"`
NoTrailingStopLoss bool `json:"noTrailingStopLoss"`
TrailingStopLossType string `json:"trailingStopLossType"` // trailing stop sources. Possible options are `kline` for 1m kline and `realtime` from order updates
HLRangeWindow int `json:"hlRangeWindow"`
SmootherWindow int `json:"smootherWindow"`
FisherTransformWindow int `json:"fisherTransformWindow"`
ATRWindow int `json:"atrWindow"`
PendingMinutes int `json:"pendingMinutes"`
PendingMinutes int `json:"pendingMinutes"` // if order not be traded for pendingMinutes of time, cancel it.
NoRebalance bool `json:"noRebalance"` // disable rebalance
TrendWindow int `json:"trendWindow"` // trendLine is used for rebalancing the position. When trendLine goes up, hold base, otherwise hold quote
RebalanceFilter float64 `json:"rebalanceFilter"` // beta filter on the Linear Regression of trendLine
TrailingCallbackRate []float64 `json:"trailingCallbackRate"`
TrailingActivationRatio []float64 `josn:"trailingActivationRatio"`
buyPrice float64
sellPrice float64
highestPrice float64
lowestPrice float64
buyPrice float64 `persistence:"buy_price"`
sellPrice float64 `persistence:"sell_price"`
highestPrice float64 `persistence:"highest_price"`
lowestPrice float64 `persistence:"lowest_price"`
// This is not related to trade but for statistics graph generation
// Will deduct fee in percentage from every trade
@ -122,12 +134,18 @@ func (s *Strategy) Print(o *os.File) {
hiyellow(f, "interval: %s\n", s.Interval)
hiyellow(f, "window: %d\n", s.Window)
hiyellow(f, "noTrailingStopLoss: %v\n", s.NoTrailingStopLoss)
hiyellow(f, "trailingStopLossType: %s\n", s.TrailingStopLossType)
hiyellow(f, "hlVarianceMutiplier: %f\n", s.HighLowVarianceMultiplier)
hiyellow(f, "hlRangeWindow: %d\n", s.HLRangeWindow)
hiyellow(f, "smootherWindow: %d\n", s.SmootherWindow)
hiyellow(f, "fisherTransformWindow: %d\n", s.FisherTransformWindow)
hiyellow(f, "atrWindow: %d\n", s.ATRWindow)
hiyellow(f, "pendingMinutes: %d\n", s.PendingMinutes)
hiyellow(f, "noRebalance: %v\n", s.NoRebalance)
hiyellow(f, "\ttrendWindow: %d\n", s.TrendWindow)
hiyellow(f, "\trebalanceFilter: %f\n", s.RebalanceFilter)
hiyellow(f, "trailingActivationRatio: %v\n", s.TrailingActivationRatio)
hiyellow(f, "trailingCallbackRate: %v\n", s.TrailingCallbackRate)
hiyellow(f, "\n")
@ -136,7 +154,7 @@ func (s *Strategy) ID() string {
func (s *Strategy) InstanceID() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", ID, s.Symbol)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%v", ID, s.Symbol, bbgo.IsBackTesting)
func (s *Strategy) Subscribe(session *bbgo.ExchangeSession) {
@ -158,13 +176,13 @@ func (s *Strategy) CurrentPosition() *types.Position {
func (s *Strategy) ClosePosition(ctx context.Context, percentage fixedpoint.Value) error {
order := s.Position.NewMarketCloseOrder(percentage)
order := s.p.NewMarketCloseOrder(percentage)
if order == nil {
return nil
order.Tag = "close"
order.TimeInForce = ""
balances := s.Session.GetAccount().Balances()
balances := s.GeneralOrderExecutor.Session().GetAccount().Balances()
baseBalance := balances[s.Market.BaseCurrency].Available
price := s.getLastPrice()
if order.Side == types.SideTypeBuy {
@ -282,8 +300,14 @@ func (s *Strategy) initIndicators() error {
s.drift.SeriesBase.Series = s.drift
s.drift1m = &indicator.Drift{
MA: &indicator.SMA{IntervalWindow: types.IntervalWindow{Interval: types.Interval1m, Window: 2}},
IntervalWindow: types.IntervalWindow{Interval: types.Interval1m, Window: 2},
s.atr = &indicator.ATR{IntervalWindow: types.IntervalWindow{Interval: s.Interval, Window: s.ATRWindow}}
s.takeProfitFactor = &indicator.SMA{IntervalWindow: types.IntervalWindow{Interval: s.Interval, Window: s.ProfitFactorWindow}}
s.trendLine = &indicator.EWMA{IntervalWindow: types.IntervalWindow{Interval: s.Interval, Window: s.TrendWindow}}
for i := 0; i < s.ProfitFactorWindow; i++ {
@ -301,8 +325,17 @@ func (s *Strategy) initIndicators() error {
s.stdevHigh.Update(high -
s.stdevLow.Update( - low)
klines, ok = store.KLinesOfInterval(types.Interval1m)
if !ok {
return errors.New("klines not exists")
for _, kline := range *klines {
source := s.getSource(&kline).Float64()
return nil
@ -343,6 +376,31 @@ func (s *Strategy) smartCancel(ctx context.Context, pricef, atr, takeProfitFacto
return len(nonTraded), nil
func (s *Strategy) trailingCheck(price float64, direction string) bool {
avg := s.buyPrice + s.sellPrice
if s.highestPrice > 0 && s.highestPrice < price {
s.highestPrice = price
if s.lowestPrice > 0 && s.lowestPrice > price {
s.lowestPrice = price
isShort := direction == "short"
for i := len(s.TrailingCallbackRate) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
trailingCallbackRate := s.TrailingCallbackRate[i]
trailingActivationRatio := s.TrailingActivationRatio[i]
if isShort {
if (avg-s.lowestPrice)/s.lowestPrice > trailingActivationRatio {
return (price-s.lowestPrice)/s.lowestPrice > trailingCallbackRate
} else {
if (s.highestPrice-avg)/avg > trailingActivationRatio {
return (s.highestPrice-price)/price > trailingCallbackRate
return false
func (s *Strategy) initTickerFunctions(ctx context.Context) {
if s.IsBackTesting() {
s.getLastPrice = func() fixedpoint.Value {
@ -375,7 +433,7 @@ func (s *Strategy) initTickerFunctions(ctx context.Context) {
defer s.lock.Unlock()
// for trailing stoploss during the realtime
if s.NoTrailingStopLoss {
if s.NoTrailingStopLoss || s.TrailingStopLossType == "kline" {
@ -400,11 +458,11 @@ func (s *Strategy) initTickerFunctions(ctx context.Context) {
avg = s.buyPrice + s.sellPrice
exitShortCondition := ( /*avg+atr/2 <= pricef || avg*(1.+stoploss) <= pricef || (ddrift > 0 && drift > DDriftFilterPos) ||*/ avg-atr*takeProfitFactor >= pricef ||
((pricef-s.lowestPrice)/s.lowestPrice > 0.003 && (avg-s.lowestPrice)/s.lowestPrice > 0.015)) &&
(s.Position.IsShort() && !s.Position.IsDust(price))
s.trailingCheck(pricef, "short")) &&
(s.p.IsShort() && !s.p.IsDust(price))
exitLongCondition := ( /*avg-atr/2 >= pricef || avg*(1.-stoploss) >= pricef || (ddrift < 0 && drift < DDriftFilterNeg) ||*/ avg+atr*takeProfitFactor <= pricef ||
((s.highestPrice-pricef)/pricef > 0.003 && (s.highestPrice-avg)/avg > 0.015)) &&
(!s.Position.IsLong() && !s.Position.IsDust(price))
s.trailingCheck(pricef, "long")) &&
(!s.p.IsLong() && !s.p.IsDust(price))
if exitShortCondition || exitLongCondition {
if exitLongCondition && s.highestPrice > avg {
s.takeProfitFactor.Update((s.highestPrice - avg) / atr * 4)
@ -495,11 +553,115 @@ func (s *Strategy) Draw(time types.Time, priceLine types.SeriesExtend, profit ty
// Sending new rebalance orders cost too much.
// Modify the position instead to expect the strategy itself rebalance on Close
func (s *Strategy) Rebalance(ctx context.Context, orderTagHistory map[uint64]string) {
price := s.getLastPrice()
_, beta := types.LinearRegression(s.trendLine, 3)
if math.Abs(beta) > s.RebalanceFilter && math.Abs(s.beta) > s.RebalanceFilter || math.Abs(s.beta) < s.RebalanceFilter && math.Abs(beta) < s.RebalanceFilter {
balances := s.GeneralOrderExecutor.Session().GetAccount().Balances()
baseBalance := balances[s.Market.BaseCurrency].Total()
quoteBalance := balances[s.Market.QuoteCurrency].Total()
total := baseBalance.Add(quoteBalance.Div(price))
percentage := fixedpoint.One.Sub(Delta)
log.Infof("rebalance beta %f %v", beta, s.p)
if beta > s.RebalanceFilter {
if total.Mul(percentage).Compare(baseBalance) > 0 {
q := total.Mul(percentage).Sub(baseBalance)
defer s.p.Unlock()
s.p.Base = q.Neg()
s.p.Quote = q.Mul(price)
s.p.AverageCost = price
/*if total.Mul(percentage).Compare(baseBalance) > 0 {
q := total.Mul(percentage).Sub(baseBalance)
if s.Market.IsDustQuantity(q, price) {
err := s.GeneralOrderExecutor.GracefulCancel(ctx)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s", err))
orders, err := s.GeneralOrderExecutor.SubmitOrders(ctx, types.SubmitOrder{
Symbol: s.Symbol,
Side: types.SideTypeBuy,
Type: types.OrderTypeMarket,
Price: price,
Quantity: q,
Tag: "rebalance",
if err == nil {
orderTagHistory[orders[0].OrderID] = "rebalance"
} else {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("rebalance %v %v %v %v", total, q, balances[s.Market.QuoteCurrency].Available, quoteBalance)
} else if beta <= -s.RebalanceFilter {
if total.Mul(percentage).Compare(quoteBalance.Div(price)) > 0 {
q := total.Mul(percentage).Sub(quoteBalance.Div(price))
defer s.p.Unlock()
s.p.Base = q
s.p.Quote = q.Mul(price).Neg()
s.p.AverageCost = price
/*if total.Mul(percentage).Compare(quoteBalance.Div(price)) > 0 {
q := total.Mul(percentage).Sub(quoteBalance.Div(price))
if s.Market.IsDustQuantity(q, price) {
err := s.GeneralOrderExecutor.GracefulCancel(ctx)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s", err))
orders, err := s.GeneralOrderExecutor.SubmitOrders(ctx, types.SubmitOrder{
Symbol: s.Symbol,
Side: types.SideTypeSell,
Type: types.OrderTypeMarket,
Price: price,
Quantity: q,
Tag: "rebalance",
if err == nil {
orderTagHistory[orders[0].OrderID] = "rebalance"
} else {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("rebalance %v %v %v %v", total, q, balances[s.Market.BaseCurrency].Available, baseBalance)
} else {
if total.Div(Two).Compare(quoteBalance.Div(price)) > 0 {
q := total.Div(Two).Sub(quoteBalance.Div(price))
defer s.p.Unlock()
s.p.Base = q
s.p.Quote = q.Mul(price).Neg()
s.p.AverageCost = price
} else if total.Div(Two).Compare(baseBalance) > 0 {
q := total.Div(Two).Sub(baseBalance)
defer s.p.Unlock()
s.p.Base = q.Neg()
s.p.Quote = q.Mul(price)
s.p.AverageCost = price
} else {
defer s.p.Unlock()
log.Infof("rebalanceafter %v %v %v", baseBalance, quoteBalance, s.p)
s.beta = beta
func (s *Strategy) Run(ctx context.Context, orderExecutor bbgo.OrderExecutor, session *bbgo.ExchangeSession) error {
instanceID := s.InstanceID()
// Will be set by persistence if there's any from DB
if s.Position == nil {
s.Position = types.NewPositionFromMarket(s.Market)
s.p = types.NewPositionFromMarket(s.Market)
if s.ProfitStats == nil {
s.ProfitStats = types.NewProfitStats(s.Market)
@ -547,8 +709,6 @@ func (s *Strategy) Run(ctx context.Context, orderExecutor bbgo.OrderExecutor, se
profit := types.Float64Slice{}
cumProfit := types.Float64Slice{1.}
orderTagHistory := make(map[uint64]string)
s.buyPrice = 0
s.sellPrice = 0
s.Session.UserDataStream.OnOrderUpdate(func(order types.Order) {
orderTagHistory[order.OrderID] = order.Tag
@ -561,6 +721,7 @@ func (s *Strategy) Run(ctx context.Context, orderExecutor bbgo.OrderExecutor, se
s.Session.UserDataStream.OnTradeUpdate(func(trade types.Trade) {
tag, ok := orderTagHistory[trade.OrderID]
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot find order: %v", trade))
@ -598,7 +759,14 @@ func (s *Strategy) Run(ctx context.Context, orderExecutor bbgo.OrderExecutor, se
panic("buyprice shouldn't be zero")
} else {
panic("no price available")
// position changed by strategy
if trade.Side == types.SideTypeBuy {
buyPrice = trade.Price
Volume = Volume.Add(trade.Quantity)
} else if trade.Side == types.SideTypeSell {
sellPrice = trade.Price
Volume = Volume.Sub(trade.Quantity)
} else if tag == "short" {
if buyPrice.IsZero() {
@ -630,6 +798,19 @@ func (s *Strategy) Run(ctx context.Context, orderExecutor bbgo.OrderExecutor, se
Volume = fixedpoint.Zero
Volume = Volume.Add(trade.Quantity)
} else if tag == "rebalance" {
if sellPrice.IsZero() {
} else {
cumProfit.Update(cumProfit.Last() * profit.Last())
sellPrice = fixedpoint.Zero
buyPrice = fixedpoint.Zero
Volume = fixedpoint.Zero
defer s.p.Unlock()
s.buyPrice = buyPrice.Float64()
s.highestPrice = s.buyPrice
@ -647,6 +828,10 @@ func (s *Strategy) Run(ctx context.Context, orderExecutor bbgo.OrderExecutor, se
priceLine := types.NewQueue(300)
zeroPoints := types.NewQueue(300)
stoploss := s.StopLoss.Float64()
// default value: use 1m kline
if !s.NoTrailingStopLoss && s.IsBackTesting() || s.TrailingStopLossType == "" {
s.TrailingStopLossType = "kline"
session.MarketDataStream.OnKLineClosed(func(kline types.KLine) {
if s.Status != types.StrategyStatusRunning {
@ -662,8 +847,9 @@ func (s *Strategy) Run(ctx context.Context, orderExecutor bbgo.OrderExecutor, se
if kline.Interval == types.Interval1m {
s.minutesCounter += 1
if s.NoTrailingStopLoss || !s.IsBackTesting() {
if s.NoTrailingStopLoss || s.TrailingStopLossType == "realtime" {
// for doing the trailing stoploss during backtesting
@ -691,12 +877,13 @@ func (s *Strategy) Run(ctx context.Context, orderExecutor bbgo.OrderExecutor, se
s.highestPrice = highf
avg := s.buyPrice + s.sellPrice
stoploss = s.StopLoss.Float64()
exitShortCondition := ( /*avg+atr/2 <= highf || avg*(1.+stoploss) <= pricef || (drift > 0 && ddrift > DDriftFilterPos) ||*/ avg-atr*takeProfitFactor >= pricef ||
((highf-s.lowestPrice)/s.lowestPrice > 0.003 && (avg-s.lowestPrice)/s.lowestPrice > 0.015)) &&
exitShortCondition := ( /*avg+atr/2 <= highf || avg*(1.+stoploss) <= pricef || (drift > 0 || ddrift > DDriftFilterPos) ||*/ avg-atr*takeProfitFactor >= pricef ||
s.trailingCheck(highf, "short")) &&
(s.Position.IsShort() && !s.Position.IsDust(price))
exitLongCondition := ( /*avg-atr/2 >= lowf || avg*(1.-stoploss) >= pricef || (drift < 0 && ddrift < DDriftFilterNeg) ||*/ avg+atr*takeProfitFactor <= pricef ||
((s.highestPrice-lowf)/lowf > 0.003 && (s.highestPrice-avg)/avg > 0.015)) &&
exitLongCondition := ( /*avg-atr/2 >= lowf || avg*(1.-stoploss) >= pricef || (drift < 0 || ddrift < DDriftFilterNeg) ||*/ avg+atr*takeProfitFactor <= pricef ||
s.trailingCheck(lowf, "long")) &&
(s.Position.IsLong() && !s.Position.IsDust(price))
if exitShortCondition || exitLongCondition {
if exitLongCondition && s.highestPrice > avg {
@ -714,7 +901,9 @@ func (s *Strategy) Run(ctx context.Context, orderExecutor bbgo.OrderExecutor, se
sourcef := source.Float64()
zeroPoint := s.drift.ZeroPoint()
@ -740,26 +929,32 @@ func (s *Strategy) Run(ctx context.Context, orderExecutor bbgo.OrderExecutor, se
avg := s.buyPrice + s.sellPrice
takeProfitFactor := s.takeProfitFactor.Predict(2)
if !s.NoRebalance {
s.Rebalance(ctx, orderTagHistory)
if !s.IsBackTesting() {
balances := s.Session.GetAccount().Balances()
balances := s.GeneralOrderExecutor.Session().GetAccount().Balances()
bbgo.Notify("zeroPoint: %.4f, source: %.4f, price: %.4f, driftPred: %.4f, drift: %.4f, drift[1]: %.4f, atr: %.4f, avg: %.4f",
zeroPoint, sourcef, pricef, driftPred, drift[0], drift[1], atr, avg)
// Notify will parse args to strings and process separately
bbgo.Notify("balances: [Base] %s [Quote] %s", balances[s.Market.BaseCurrency].String(), balances[s.Market.QuoteCurrency].String())
drift1m := s.drift1m.Predict(3)
shortCondition := (drift[1] >= DriftFilterNeg || ddrift[1] >= 0) && (driftPred <= DDriftFilterNeg || ddriftPred <= 0)
longCondition := (drift[1] <= DriftFilterPos || ddrift[1] <= 0) && (driftPred >= DDriftFilterPos || ddriftPred >= 0)
exitShortCondition := ((drift[0] >= DriftFilterPos && ddrift[0] >= 0) ||
exitShortCondition := ((drift[0] >= DDriftFilterPos || ddrift[0] >= 0) && drift1m > 0 ||
avg*(1.+stoploss) <= pricef ||
avg-atr*takeProfitFactor >= pricef) &&
s.Position.IsShort() && !longCondition && !shortCondition
exitLongCondition := ((drift[0] <= DriftFilterNeg && ddrift[0] <= 0) ||
exitLongCondition := ((drift[0] <= DDriftFilterNeg || ddrift[0] <= 0) && drift1m < 0 ||
avg*(1.-stoploss) >= pricef ||
avg+atr*takeProfitFactor <= pricef) &&
s.Position.IsLong() && !shortCondition && !longCondition
if (exitShortCondition || exitLongCondition) && s.Position.IsOpened(price) {
if (exitShortCondition || exitLongCondition) && s.Position.IsOpened(price) && !shortCondition && !longCondition {
if err := s.GeneralOrderExecutor.GracefulCancel(ctx); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot cancel orders")