disable hedge quote adjustment

This commit is contained in:
c9s 2021-05-11 00:10:49 +08:00
parent fa3ca54a55
commit 4429a29c29

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@ -118,13 +118,18 @@ func (s *Strategy) CrossSubscribe(sessions map[string]*bbgo.ExchangeSession) {
makerSession.Subscribe(types.KLineChannel, s.Symbol, types.SubscribeOptions{Interval: "1m"})
func aggregatePrice(quantity fixedpoint.Value) (price fixedpoint.Value) {
func (s *Strategy) updateQuote(ctx context.Context) {
if err := s.makerSession.Exchange.CancelOrders(ctx, s.activeMakerOrders.Orders()...); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("can not cancel orders")
log.WithError(err).Errorf("can not cancel %s orders", s.Symbol)
// avoid unlock issue
// avoid unlock issue and wait for the balance update
if s.OrderCancelWaitTime > 0 {
} else {
@ -144,86 +149,126 @@ func (s *Strategy) updateQuote(ctx context.Context) {
if valid, err := sourceBook.IsValid(); !valid {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("%s invalid order book: %v", s.Symbol, err)
log.WithError(err).Errorf("%s invalid order book, skip quoting: %v", s.Symbol, err)
bestBidPrice := sourceBook.Bids[0].Price
bestAskPrice := sourceBook.Asks[0].Price
log.Infof("%s best bid price %f, best ask price: %f", s.Symbol, bestBidPrice.Float64(), bestAskPrice.Float64())
bidPrice := bestBidPrice.MulFloat64(1.0 - s.BidMargin.Float64())
askPrice := bestAskPrice.MulFloat64(1.0 + s.AskMargin.Float64())
log.Infof("%s quote bid price: %f ask price: %f", s.Symbol, bidPrice.Float64(), askPrice.Float64())
var disableMakerBid = false
var disableMakerAsk = false
var submitOrders []types.SubmitOrder
// we load the balances from the account,
// however, while we're generating the orders,
// check maker's balance quota
// we load the balances from the account while we're generating the orders,
// the balance may have a chance to be deducted by other strategies or manual orders submitted by the user
makerBalances := s.makerSession.Account.Balances()
makerQuota := &bbgo.QuotaTransaction{}
if b, ok := makerBalances[s.makerMarket.BaseCurrency]; ok {
if b.Available.Float64() <= s.makerMarket.MinQuantity {
if b.Available.Float64() > s.makerMarket.MinQuantity {
} else {
disableMakerAsk = true
if b, ok := makerBalances[s.makerMarket.QuoteCurrency]; ok {
if b.Available.Float64() <= s.makerMarket.MinNotional {
if b.Available.Float64() > s.makerMarket.MinNotional {
} else {
disableMakerBid = true
hedgeBalances := s.sourceSession.Account.Balances()
hedgeQuota := &bbgo.QuotaTransaction{}
if b, ok := hedgeBalances[s.sourceMarket.BaseCurrency]; ok {
// to make bid orders, we need enough base asset in the foreign exchange,
// if the base asset balance is not enough for selling
if b.Available.Float64() > s.sourceMarket.MinQuantity {
} else {
disableMakerBid = true
if b, ok := hedgeBalances[s.sourceMarket.QuoteCurrency]; ok {
// to make ask orders, we need enough quote asset in the foreign exchange,
// if the quote asset balance is not enough for buying
if b.Available.Float64() > s.sourceMarket.MinNotional {
} else {
disableMakerAsk = true
// if max exposure position is configured, we should not:
// 1. place bid orders when we already bought too much
// 2. place ask orders when we already sold too much
if s.MaxExposurePosition > 0 {
pos := s.state.HedgePosition.AtomicLoad()
if pos < -s.MaxExposurePosition {
// stop sell if we over-sell
disableMakerAsk = true
} else if pos > s.MaxExposurePosition {
// stop buy if we over buy
disableMakerBid = true
hedgeBalances := s.sourceSession.Account.Balances()
hedgeQuota := &bbgo.QuotaTransaction{}
if b, ok := hedgeBalances[s.sourceMarket.BaseCurrency]; ok {
// to make bid orders, we need enough base asset in the foreign exchange,
// if the base asset balance is not enough for selling
if b.Available.Float64() <= s.sourceMarket.MinQuantity {
disableMakerBid = true
if b, ok := hedgeBalances[s.sourceMarket.QuoteCurrency]; ok {
// to make ask orders, we need enough quote asset in the foreign exchange,
// if the quote asset balance is not enough for buying
if b.Available.Float64() <= s.sourceMarket.MinNotional {
disableMakerAsk = true
if disableMakerAsk && disableMakerBid {
log.Warn("maker is disabled due to insufficient balances")
bidQuantity := s.Quantity
askQuantity := s.Quantity
var totalBidQuantity, totalAskQuantity fixedpoint.Value
// askQuantity and bidQuantity could be different, so we are doing it twice
for i := 0; i < s.NumLayers; i++ {
askQuantity := s.Quantity
bidQuantity := s.Quantity
if !disableMakerBid {
if s.QuantityScale != nil {
qf, err := s.QuantityScale.Scale(i + 1)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("quantityScale error")
log.Infof("scaling quantity to %f by layer: %d", qf, i+1)
// override the default bid quantity
bidQuantity = fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(qf)
totalBidQuantity += bidQuantity
// for maker ask orders
if !disableMakerAsk {
if s.QuantityScale != nil {
qf, err := s.QuantityScale.Scale(i + 1)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("quantityScale error")
// override the default bid quantity
askQuantity = fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(qf)
totalAskQuantity += askQuantity
bestBidPrice := sourceBook.Bids[0].Price
bestAskPrice := sourceBook.Asks[0].Price
log.Infof("%s best bid price %f, best ask price: %f", s.Symbol, bestBidPrice.Float64(), bestAskPrice.Float64())
bidPrice := bestBidPrice.MulFloat64(1.0 - s.BidMargin.Float64())
askPrice := bestAskPrice.MulFloat64(1.0 + s.AskMargin.Float64())
log.Infof("%s quote bid price: %f ask price: %f", s.Symbol, bidPrice.Float64(), askPrice.Float64())
var submitOrders []types.SubmitOrder
var bidQuantity = s.Quantity
var askQuantity = s.Quantity
for i := 0; i < s.NumLayers; i++ {
// for maker bid orders
if !disableMakerBid {
@ -368,8 +413,8 @@ func (s *Strategy) Hedge(ctx context.Context, pos fixedpoint.Value) {
// check quote quantity
if quote, ok := account.Balance(s.sourceMarket.QuoteCurrency); ok {
if quote.Available < notional {
qf := bbgo.AdjustQuantityByMaxAmount(quantity.Float64(), lastPrice, quote.Available.Float64())
quantity = fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(qf)
// qf := bbgo.AdjustQuantityByMaxAmount(quantity.Float64(), lastPrice, quote.Available.Float64())
// quantity = fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(qf)