package dynamic import ( "fmt" "reflect" "time" "" ) type testEnvironment struct { startTime time.Time } func InjectField(target interface{}, fieldName string, obj interface{}, pointerOnly bool) error { rs := reflect.ValueOf(target) field := rs.FieldByName(fieldName) if !field.IsValid() { return nil } if !field.CanSet() { return fmt.Errorf("field %s of %s can not be set", fieldName, rs.Type()) } rv := reflect.ValueOf(obj) if field.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { if field.Type() != rv.Type() { return fmt.Errorf("field type mismatches: %s != %s", field.Type(), rv.Type()) } field.Set(rv) } else if field.Kind() == reflect.Interface { field.Set(rv) } else { // set as value if pointerOnly { return fmt.Errorf("field %s %s does not allow value assignment (pointer type only)", field.Type(), rv.Type()) } field.Set(rv.Elem()) } return nil } // ParseStructAndInject parses the struct fields and injects the objects into the corresponding fields by its type. // if the given object is a reference of an object, the type of the target field MUST BE a pointer field. // if the given object is a struct value, the type of the target field CAN BE a pointer field or a struct value field. func ParseStructAndInject(f interface{}, objects ...interface{}) error { sv := reflect.ValueOf(f) st := reflect.TypeOf(f) if st.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { return fmt.Errorf("f needs to be a pointer of a struct, %s given", st) } // solve the reference st = st.Elem() sv = sv.Elem() if st.Kind() != reflect.Struct { return fmt.Errorf("f needs to be a struct, %s given", st) } for i := 0; i < sv.NumField(); i++ { fv := sv.Field(i) ft := fv.Type() // skip unexported fields if !st.Field(i).IsExported() { continue } fieldName := st.Field(i).Name switch k := fv.Kind(); k { case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Struct: for oi := 0; oi < len(objects); oi++ { obj := objects[oi] if obj == nil { continue } ot := reflect.TypeOf(obj) if ft.AssignableTo(ot) { if !fv.CanSet() { return fmt.Errorf("field %v of %s can not be set to %s, make sure it is an exported field", fv, sv.Type(), ot) } if k == reflect.Ptr && !fv.IsNil() { logrus.Debugf("[injection] field %s is not nil, not injecting", fieldName) continue } if k == reflect.Ptr && ot.Kind() == reflect.Struct { logrus.Debugf("[injection] found ptr + struct, injecting field %s to %T", fieldName, obj) fv.Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj).Addr()) } else { logrus.Debugf("[injection] injecting field %s to %T", fieldName, obj) fv.Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) } } } case reflect.Interface: for oi := 0; oi < len(objects); oi++ { obj := objects[oi] if obj == nil { continue } objT := reflect.TypeOf(obj) logrus.Debugln( ft.PkgPath(), ft.Name(), objT, "implements", ft, "=", objT.Implements(ft), ) if objT.Implements(ft) { fv.Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) } } } } return nil }