package mysql import ( "fmt" "log" "runtime" "strings" "" ) var registeredGoMigrations map[int64]*rockhopper.Migration func MergeMigrationsMap(ms map[int64]*rockhopper.Migration) { for k, m := range ms { if _, ok := registeredGoMigrations[k]; !ok { registeredGoMigrations[k] = m } else { log.Printf("the migration key %d is duplicated: %+v", k, m) } } } func GetMigrationsMap() map[int64]*rockhopper.Migration { return registeredGoMigrations } // SortedMigrations builds up the migration objects, sort them by timestamp and return as a slice func SortedMigrations() rockhopper.MigrationSlice { return Migrations() } // Migrations builds up the migration objects, sort them by timestamp and return as a slice func Migrations() rockhopper.MigrationSlice { var migrations = rockhopper.MigrationSlice{} for _, migration := range registeredGoMigrations { migrations = append(migrations, migration) } return migrations.SortAndConnect() } // AddMigration adds a migration with its runtime caller information func AddMigration(up, down rockhopper.TransactionHandler) { pc, filename, _, _ := runtime.Caller(1) funcName := runtime.FuncForPC(pc).Name() packageName := _parseFuncPackageName(funcName) AddNamedMigration(packageName, filename, up, down) } // parseFuncPackageName parses the package name from a given runtime caller function name func _parseFuncPackageName(funcName string) string { lastSlash := strings.LastIndexByte(funcName, '/') if lastSlash < 0 { lastSlash = 0 } lastDot := strings.LastIndexByte(funcName[lastSlash:], '.') + lastSlash packageName := funcName[:lastDot] return packageName } // AddNamedMigration adds a named migration to the registered go migration map func AddNamedMigration(packageName, filename string, up, down rockhopper.TransactionHandler) { if registeredGoMigrations == nil { registeredGoMigrations = make(map[int64]*rockhopper.Migration) } v, _ := rockhopper.FileNumericComponent(filename) migration := &rockhopper.Migration{ Package: packageName, Registered: true, Version: v, UpFn: up, DownFn: down, Source: filename, UseTx: true, } if existing, ok := registeredGoMigrations[v]; ok { panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to add migration %q: version conflicts with %q", filename, existing.Source)) } registeredGoMigrations[v] = migration }