# BBGO Documentation Index -------------------------- ### General Topics * [Commands](commands/bbgo.md) - BBGO command line usage * [Build From Source](build-from-source.md) - How to build bbgo * [Back-testing](topics/back-testing.md) - How to back-test strategies * [TWAP](topics/twap.md) - TWAP order execution to buy/sell large quantity of order * [Dnum Installation](topics/dnum-binary.md) - installation of high-precision version of bbgo * [bbgo completion](topics/bbgo-completion.md) - Convenient use of the command line ### Configuration * [Setting up Slack Notification](configuration/slack.md) * [Setting up Telegram Notification](configuration/telegram.md) - Setting up Telegram Bot Notification * [Environment Variables](configuration/envvars.md) * [Syncing Trading Data](configuration/sync.md) - Synchronize private trading data ### Deployment * [Helm Chart Deployment](deployment/helm-chart.md) * [Setting up Systemd](deployment/systemd.md) ### Strategies * [Grid](strategy/grid.md) - Grid Strategy Explanation * [Interaction](strategy/interaction.md) - Interaction registration for strategies * [Price Alert](strategy/pricealert.md) - Send price alert notification on price changes * [Supertrend](strategy/supertrend.md) - Supertrend strategy uses Supertrend indicator as trend, and DEMA indicator as noise filter * [Support](strategy/support.md) - Support strategy that buys on high volume support ### Development * [Developing Strategy](topics/developing-strategy.md) - developing strategy * [Adding New Exchange](development/adding-new-exchange.md) - Check lists for adding new exchanges * [KuCoin Command-line Test Tool](development/kucoin-cli.md) - Kucoin command-line tools * [SQL Migration](development/migration.md) - Adding new SQL migration scripts * [Release Process](development/release-process.md) - How to make a new release