package xgap import ( "context" "fmt" "math" "math/rand" "sync" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ID = "xgap" const stateKey = "state-v1" var log = logrus.WithField("strategy", ID) var StepPercentageGap = fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(0.05) var NotionModifier = fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(1.01) var Two = fixedpoint.NewFromInt(2) func init() { bbgo.RegisterStrategy(ID, &Strategy{}) } func (s *Strategy) ID() string { return ID } type State struct { AccumulatedFeeStartedAt time.Time `json:"accumulatedFeeStartedAt,omitempty"` AccumulatedFees map[string]fixedpoint.Value `json:"accumulatedFees,omitempty"` AccumulatedVolume fixedpoint.Value `json:"accumulatedVolume,omitempty"` } func (s *State) IsOver24Hours() bool { return time.Since(s.AccumulatedFeeStartedAt) >= 24*time.Hour } func (s *State) Reset() { t := time.Now() dateTime := time.Date(t.Year(), t.Month(), t.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, t.Location()) log.Infof("resetting accumulated started time to: %s", dateTime) s.AccumulatedFeeStartedAt = dateTime s.AccumulatedFees = make(map[string]fixedpoint.Value) s.AccumulatedVolume = fixedpoint.Zero } type Strategy struct { *bbgo.Graceful *bbgo.Persistence Symbol string `json:"symbol"` SourceExchange string `json:"sourceExchange"` TradingExchange string `json:"tradingExchange"` MinSpread fixedpoint.Value `json:"minSpread"` Quantity fixedpoint.Value `json:"quantity"` DailyFeeBudgets map[string]fixedpoint.Value `json:"dailyFeeBudgets,omitempty"` DailyMaxVolume fixedpoint.Value `json:"dailyMaxVolume,omitempty"` UpdateInterval types.Duration `json:"updateInterval"` SimulateVolume bool `json:"simulateVolume"` sourceSession, tradingSession *bbgo.ExchangeSession sourceMarket, tradingMarket types.Market state *State mu sync.Mutex lastSourceKLine, lastTradingKLine types.KLine sourceBook, tradingBook *types.StreamOrderBook groupID uint32 stopC chan struct{} } func (s *Strategy) isBudgetAllowed() bool { if s.DailyFeeBudgets == nil { return true } if s.state.AccumulatedFees == nil { return true } for asset, budget := range s.DailyFeeBudgets { if fee, ok := s.state.AccumulatedFees[asset]; ok { if fee.Compare(budget) >= 0 { log.Warnf("accumulative fee %s exceeded the fee budget %s, skipping...", fee.String(), budget.String()) return false } } } return true } func (s *Strategy) handleTradeUpdate(trade types.Trade) { log.Infof("received trade %+v", trade) if trade.Symbol != s.Symbol { return } if s.state.IsOver24Hours() { s.state.Reset() } // safe check if s.state.AccumulatedFees == nil { s.state.AccumulatedFees = make(map[string]fixedpoint.Value) } s.state.AccumulatedFees[trade.FeeCurrency] = s.state.AccumulatedFees[trade.FeeCurrency].Add(trade.Fee) s.state.AccumulatedVolume = s.state.AccumulatedVolume.Add(trade.Quantity) log.Infof("accumulated fee: %s %s", s.state.AccumulatedFees[trade.FeeCurrency].String(), trade.FeeCurrency) } func (s *Strategy) CrossSubscribe(sessions map[string]*bbgo.ExchangeSession) { sourceSession, ok := sessions[s.SourceExchange] if !ok { panic(fmt.Errorf("source session %s is not defined", s.SourceExchange)) } sourceSession.Subscribe(types.KLineChannel, s.Symbol, types.SubscribeOptions{Interval: "1m"}) sourceSession.Subscribe(types.BookChannel, s.Symbol, types.SubscribeOptions{}) tradingSession, ok := sessions[s.TradingExchange] if !ok { panic(fmt.Errorf("trading session %s is not defined", s.TradingExchange)) } tradingSession.Subscribe(types.KLineChannel, s.Symbol, types.SubscribeOptions{Interval: "1m"}) tradingSession.Subscribe(types.BookChannel, s.Symbol, types.SubscribeOptions{}) } func (s *Strategy) CrossRun(ctx context.Context, _ bbgo.OrderExecutionRouter, sessions map[string]*bbgo.ExchangeSession) error { if s.UpdateInterval == 0 { s.UpdateInterval = types.Duration(time.Second) } sourceSession, ok := sessions[s.SourceExchange] if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("source session %s is not defined", s.SourceExchange) } s.sourceSession = sourceSession tradingSession, ok := sessions[s.TradingExchange] if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("trading session %s is not defined", s.TradingExchange) } s.tradingSession = tradingSession s.sourceMarket, ok = s.sourceSession.Market(s.Symbol) if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("source session market %s is not defined", s.Symbol) } s.tradingMarket, ok = s.tradingSession.Market(s.Symbol) if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("trading session market %s is not defined", s.Symbol) } s.stopC = make(chan struct{}) var state State // load position if err := s.Persistence.Load(&state, ID, stateKey); err != nil { if err != service.ErrPersistenceNotExists { return err } s.state = &State{} s.state.Reset() } else { // loaded successfully s.state = &state log.Infof("state is restored: %+v", s.state) if s.state.IsOver24Hours() { log.Warn("state is over 24 hours, resetting to zero") s.state.Reset() } } s.Graceful.OnShutdown(func(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup) { defer wg.Done() close(s.stopC) if err := s.Persistence.Save(&s.state, ID, stateKey); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("can not save state: %+v", s.state) } else { log.Infof("state is saved => %+v", s.state) } }) // from here, set data binding s.sourceSession.MarketDataStream.OnKLine(func(kline types.KLine) { log.Infof("source exchange %s price: %s volume: %s", s.Symbol, kline.Close.String(), kline.Volume.String()) s.lastSourceKLine = kline }) s.tradingSession.MarketDataStream.OnKLine(func(kline types.KLine) { log.Infof("trading exchange %s price: %s volume: %s", s.Symbol, kline.Close.String(), kline.Volume.String()) s.lastTradingKLine = kline }) s.sourceBook = types.NewStreamBook(s.Symbol) s.sourceBook.BindStream(s.sourceSession.MarketDataStream) s.tradingBook = types.NewStreamBook(s.Symbol) s.tradingBook.BindStream(s.tradingSession.MarketDataStream) s.tradingSession.UserDataStream.OnTradeUpdate(s.handleTradeUpdate) instanceID := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", ID, s.Symbol) s.groupID = util.FNV32(instanceID) log.Infof("using group id %d from fnv32(%s)", s.groupID, instanceID) go func() { ticker := time.NewTicker( util.MillisecondsJitter(s.UpdateInterval.Duration(), 1000), ) defer ticker.Stop() for { select { case <-ctx.Done(): return case <-s.stopC: return case <-ticker.C: if !s.isBudgetAllowed() { continue } // < 10 seconds jitter sleep delay := util.MillisecondsJitter(s.UpdateInterval.Duration(), 10*1000) if delay < s.UpdateInterval.Duration() { time.Sleep(delay) } bestBid, hasBid := s.tradingBook.BestBid() bestAsk, hasAsk := s.tradingBook.BestAsk() // try to use the bid/ask price from the trading book if hasBid && hasAsk { var spread = bestAsk.Price.Sub(bestBid.Price) var spreadPercentage = spread.Div(bestAsk.Price) log.Infof("trading book spread=%s %s", spread.String(), spreadPercentage.Percentage()) // use the source book price if the spread percentage greater than 10% if spreadPercentage.Compare(StepPercentageGap) > 0 { log.Warnf("spread too large (%s %s), using source book", spread.String(), spreadPercentage.Percentage()) bestBid, hasBid = s.sourceBook.BestBid() bestAsk, hasAsk = s.sourceBook.BestAsk() } if s.MinSpread.Sign() > 0 { if spread.Compare(s.MinSpread) < 0 { log.Warnf("spread < min spread, spread=%s minSpread=%s bid=%s ask=%s", spread.String(), s.MinSpread.String(), bestBid.Price.String(), bestAsk.Price.String()) continue } } // if the spread is less than 100 ticks (100 pips), skip if spread.Compare(s.tradingMarket.TickSize.MulExp(2)) < 0 { log.Warnf("spread too small, we can't place orders: spread=%v bid=%v ask=%v", spread, bestBid.Price, bestAsk.Price) continue } } else { bestBid, hasBid = s.sourceBook.BestBid() bestAsk, hasAsk = s.sourceBook.BestAsk() } if !hasBid || !hasAsk { log.Warn("no bids or asks on the source book or the trading book") continue } var spread = bestAsk.Price.Sub(bestBid.Price) var spreadPercentage = spread.Div(bestAsk.Price) log.Infof("spread=%v %s ask=%v bid=%v", spread, spreadPercentage.Percentage(), bestAsk.Price, bestBid.Price) // var spreadPercentage = spread.Float64() / bestBid.Price.Float64() var midPrice = bestAsk.Price.Add(bestBid.Price).Div(Two) var price = midPrice log.Infof("mid price %v", midPrice) var balances = s.tradingSession.GetAccount().Balances() var quantity = s.tradingMarket.MinQuantity if s.Quantity.Sign() > 0 { quantity = fixedpoint.Min(s.Quantity, s.tradingMarket.MinQuantity) } else if s.SimulateVolume { if s.lastTradingKLine.Volume.Sign() > 0 && s.lastSourceKLine.Volume.Sign() > 0 { volumeDiff := s.lastSourceKLine.Volume.Sub(s.lastTradingKLine.Volume) // change the current quantity only diff is positive if volumeDiff.Sign() > 0 { quantity = volumeDiff } if baseBalance, ok := balances[s.tradingMarket.BaseCurrency]; ok { quantity = fixedpoint.Min(quantity, baseBalance.Available) } if quoteBalance, ok := balances[s.tradingMarket.QuoteCurrency]; ok { maxQuantity := quoteBalance.Available.Div(price) quantity = fixedpoint.Min(quantity, maxQuantity) } } } else { // plus a 2% quantity jitter jitter := 1.0 + math.Max(0.02, rand.Float64()) quantity = quantity.Mul(fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(jitter)) } var quoteAmount = price.Mul(quantity) if quoteAmount.Compare(s.tradingMarket.MinNotional) <= 0 { quantity = fixedpoint.Max( s.tradingMarket.MinQuantity, s.tradingMarket.MinNotional.Mul(NotionModifier).Div(price)) } createdOrders, err := tradingSession.Exchange.SubmitOrders(ctx, types.SubmitOrder{ Symbol: s.Symbol, Side: types.SideTypeBuy, Type: types.OrderTypeLimit, Quantity: quantity, Price: price, Market: s.tradingMarket, // TimeInForce: types.TimeInForceGTC, GroupID: s.groupID, }, types.SubmitOrder{ Symbol: s.Symbol, Side: types.SideTypeSell, Type: types.OrderTypeLimit, Quantity: quantity, Price: price, Market: s.tradingMarket, // TimeInForce: types.TimeInForceGTC, GroupID: s.groupID, }) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Error("order submit error") } time.Sleep(time.Second) if err := tradingSession.Exchange.CancelOrders(ctx, createdOrders...); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Error("cancel order error") } } } }() return nil }