package ftx import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "hash/crc32" "math" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" ) type operation string const ping operation = "ping" const login operation = "login" const subscribe operation = "subscribe" const unsubscribe operation = "unsubscribe" type channel string const orderBookChannel channel = "orderbook" const privateOrdersChannel channel = "orders" const privateTradesChannel channel = "fills" var errUnsupportedConversion = fmt.Errorf("unsupported conversion") /* Private: order update: `{'op': 'subscribe', 'channel': 'orders'}` login: `{"args": { "key": "", "sign": "", "time": }, "op": "login" }` */ type websocketRequest struct { Operation operation `json:"op"` // {'op': 'subscribe', 'channel': 'trades', 'market': 'BTC-PERP'} Channel channel `json:"channel,omitempty"` Market string `json:"market,omitempty"` Login loginArgs `json:"args,omitempty"` } /* { "args": { "key": "", "sign": "", "time": }, "op": "login" } */ type loginArgs struct { Key string `json:"key"` Signature string `json:"sign"` Time int64 `json:"time"` } func newLoginRequest(key, secret string, t time.Time) websocketRequest { millis := t.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond) return websocketRequest{ Operation: login, Login: loginArgs{ Key: key, Signature: sign(secret, loginBody(millis)), Time: millis, }, } } func loginBody(millis int64) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%dwebsocket_login", millis) } type respType string const pongRespType respType = "pong" const errRespType respType = "error" const subscribedRespType respType = "subscribed" const unsubscribedRespType respType = "unsubscribed" const infoRespType respType = "info" const partialRespType respType = "partial" const updateRespType respType = "update" type websocketResponse struct { mandatoryFields optionalFields } type mandatoryFields struct { Channel channel `json:"channel"` Type respType `json:"type"` } type optionalFields struct { Market string `json:"market"` // Example: {"type": "error", "code": 404, "msg": "No such market: BTCUSDT"} Code int64 `json:"code"` Message string `json:"msg"` Data json.RawMessage `json:"data"` } type orderUpdateResponse struct { mandatoryFields Data order `json:"data"` } func (r websocketResponse) toOrderUpdateResponse() (orderUpdateResponse, error) { if r.Channel != privateOrdersChannel { return orderUpdateResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("type %s, channel %s: %w", r.Type, r.Channel, errUnsupportedConversion) } var o orderUpdateResponse if err := json.Unmarshal(r.Data, &o.Data); err != nil { return orderUpdateResponse{}, err } o.mandatoryFields = r.mandatoryFields return o, nil } type tradeUpdateResponse struct { mandatoryFields Data fill `json:"data"` } func (r websocketResponse) toTradeUpdateResponse() (tradeUpdateResponse, error) { if r.Channel != privateTradesChannel { return tradeUpdateResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("type %s, channel %s: %w", r.Type, r.Channel, errUnsupportedConversion) } var t tradeUpdateResponse if err := json.Unmarshal(r.Data, &t.Data); err != nil { return tradeUpdateResponse{}, err } t.mandatoryFields = r.mandatoryFields return t, nil } /* Private: order: {"type": "subscribed", "channel": "orders"} Public orderbook: {"type": "subscribed", "channel": "orderbook", "market": "BTC/USDT"} */ type subscribedResponse struct { mandatoryFields Market string `json:"market"` } func (s subscribedResponse) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("`%s` channel is subsribed", strings.TrimSpace(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", s.Market, s.Channel))) } // {"type": "subscribed", "channel": "orderbook", "market": "BTC/USDT"} func (r websocketResponse) toSubscribedResponse() (subscribedResponse, error) { if r.Type != subscribedRespType { return subscribedResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("type %s, channel %s: %w", r.Type, r.Channel, errUnsupportedConversion) } return subscribedResponse{ mandatoryFields: r.mandatoryFields, Market: r.Market, }, nil } // {"type": "error", "code": 400, "msg": "Already logged in"} type errResponse struct { Code int64 `json:"code"` Message string `json:"msg"` } func (e errResponse) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%d: %s", e.Code, e.Message) } func (r websocketResponse) toErrResponse() errResponse { return errResponse{ Code: r.Code, Message: r.Message, } } func (r websocketResponse) toPublicOrderBookResponse() (orderBookResponse, error) { if r.Channel != orderBookChannel { return orderBookResponse{}, fmt.Errorf("type %s, channel %s: %w", r.Type, r.Channel, errUnsupportedConversion) } var o orderBookResponse if err := json.Unmarshal(r.Data, &o); err != nil { return orderBookResponse{}, err } o.mandatoryFields = r.mandatoryFields o.Market = r.Market o.Timestamp = nanoToTime(o.Time) return o, nil } func nanoToTime(input float64) time.Time { sec, dec := math.Modf(input) return time.Unix(int64(sec), int64(dec*1e9)) } type orderBookResponse struct { mandatoryFields Market string `json:"market"` Action string `json:"action"` Time float64 `json:"time"` Timestamp time.Time Checksum uint32 `json:"checksum"` // best 100 orders. Ex. {[100,1], [50, 2]} Bids [][]json.Number `json:"bids"` // best 100 orders. Ex. {[51, 1], [102, 3]} Asks [][]json.Number `json:"asks"` } // only 100 orders so we use linear search here func (r *orderBookResponse) update(orderUpdates orderBookResponse) { r.Checksum = orderUpdates.Checksum r.updateBids(orderUpdates.Bids) r.updateAsks(orderUpdates.Asks) } func (r *orderBookResponse) updateAsks(asks [][]json.Number) { higherPrice := func(dst, src float64) bool { return dst < src } for _, o := range asks { if remove := o[1] == "0"; remove { r.Asks = removePrice(r.Asks, o[0]) } else { r.Asks = upsertPriceVolume(r.Asks, o, higherPrice) } } } func (r *orderBookResponse) updateBids(bids [][]json.Number) { lessPrice := func(dst, src float64) bool { return dst > src } for _, o := range bids { if remove := o[1] == "0"; remove { r.Bids = removePrice(r.Bids, o[0]) } else { r.Bids = upsertPriceVolume(r.Bids, o, lessPrice) } } } func upsertPriceVolume(dst [][]json.Number, src []json.Number, priceComparator func(dst float64, src float64) bool) [][]json.Number { for i, pv := range dst { dstPrice := pv[0] srcPrice := src[0] // update volume if dstPrice == srcPrice { pv[1] = src[1] return dst } // The value must be a number which is verified by json.Unmarshal, so the err // should never happen. dstPriceNum, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(dstPrice), 64) if err != nil { logger.WithError(err).Errorf("unexpected price %s", dstPrice) continue } srcPriceNum, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(srcPrice), 64) if err != nil { logger.WithError(err).Errorf("unexpected price updates %s", srcPrice) continue } if !priceComparator(dstPriceNum, srcPriceNum) { return insertAt(dst, i, src) } } return append(dst, src) } func insertAt(dst [][]json.Number, id int, pv []json.Number) (result [][]json.Number) { result = append(result, dst[:id]...) result = append(result, pv) result = append(result, dst[id:]...) return } func removePrice(dst [][]json.Number, price json.Number) [][]json.Number { for i, pv := range dst { if pv[0] == price { return append(dst[:i], dst[i+1:]...) } } return dst } func (r orderBookResponse) verifyChecksum() error { if crc32Val := crc32.ChecksumIEEE([]byte(checksumString(r.Bids, r.Asks))); crc32Val != r.Checksum { return fmt.Errorf("expected checksum %d, actual checksum %d: %w", r.Checksum, crc32Val, errUnmatchedChecksum) } return nil } // :::... func checksumString(bids, asks [][]json.Number) string { sb := strings.Builder{} appendNumber := func(pv []json.Number) { if sb.Len() != 0 { sb.WriteString(":") } sb.WriteString(string(pv[0])) sb.WriteString(":") sb.WriteString(string(pv[1])) } bidsLen := len(bids) asksLen := len(asks) for i := 0; i < bidsLen || i < asksLen; i++ { if i < bidsLen { appendNumber(bids[i]) } if i < asksLen { appendNumber(asks[i]) } } return sb.String() } var errUnmatchedChecksum = fmt.Errorf("unmatched checksum") func toGlobalOrderBook(r orderBookResponse) (types.OrderBook, error) { bids, err := toPriceVolumeSlice(r.Bids) if err != nil { return types.OrderBook{}, fmt.Errorf("can't convert bids to priceVolumeSlice: %w", err) } asks, err := toPriceVolumeSlice(r.Asks) if err != nil { return types.OrderBook{}, fmt.Errorf("can't convert asks to priceVolumeSlice: %w", err) } return types.OrderBook{ // ex. BTC/USDT Symbol: strings.ToUpper(r.Market), Bids: bids, Asks: asks, }, nil } func toPriceVolumeSlice(orders [][]json.Number) (types.PriceVolumeSlice, error) { var pv types.PriceVolumeSlice for _, o := range orders { p, err := fixedpoint.NewFromString(string(o[0])) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't convert price %+v to fixedpoint: %w", o[0], err) } v, err := fixedpoint.NewFromString(string(o[1])) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't convert volume %+v to fixedpoint: %w", o[0], err) } pv = append(pv, types.PriceVolume{Price: p, Volume: v}) } return pv, nil }