package tri import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "math" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) //go:generate bash const ID = "tri" var log = logrus.WithField("strategy", ID) var one = fixedpoint.One var marketOrderProtectiveRatio = fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(0.008) var balanceBufferRatio = fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(0.005) func init() { bbgo.RegisterStrategy(ID, &Strategy{}) } type Side int const Buy Side = 1 const Sell Side = -1 func (s Side) String() string { return s.SideType().String() } func (s Side) SideType() types.SideType { if s == 1 { return types.SideTypeBuy } return types.SideTypeSell } type PathRank struct { Path *Path Ratio float64 } // backward buy -> buy -> sell func calculateBackwardRate(p *Path) float64 { var ratio = 1.0 ratio *= p.marketA.calculateRatio(-p.dirA) ratio *= p.marketB.calculateRatio(-p.dirB) ratio *= p.marketC.calculateRatio(-p.dirC) return ratio } // calculateForwardRatio // path: BTCUSDT (0.000044 / 22830.410000) => USDTTWD (0.033220 / 30.101000) => BTCTWD (0.000001 / 687500.000000) <= -> 0.9995899221105569 <- 1.0000373943873788 // 1.0 * 22830 * 30.101000 / 687500.000 // BTCUSDT (0.000044 / 22856.910000) => USDTTWD (0.033217 / 30.104000) => BTCTWD (0.000001 / 688002.100000) // sell -> rate * 22856 // sell -> rate * 30.104 // buy -> rate / 688002.1 // 1.0000798312 func calculateForwardRatio(p *Path) float64 { var ratio = 1.0 ratio *= p.marketA.calculateRatio(p.dirA) ratio *= p.marketB.calculateRatio(p.dirB) ratio *= p.marketC.calculateRatio(p.dirC) return ratio } func adjustOrderQuantityByRate(orders [3]types.SubmitOrder, rate float64) [3]types.SubmitOrder { if rate == 1.0 || math.IsNaN(rate) { return orders } for i, o := range orders { orders[i].Quantity = o.Quantity.Mul(fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(rate)) } return orders } type State struct { IOCWinTimes int `json:"iocWinningTimes"` IOCLossTimes int `json:"iocLossTimes"` IOCWinningRatio float64 `json:"iocWinningRatio"` } type Strategy struct { Symbols []string `json:"symbols"` Paths [][]string `json:"paths"` MinSpreadRatio fixedpoint.Value `json:"minSpreadRatio"` SeparateStream bool `json:"separateStream"` Limits map[string]fixedpoint.Value `json:"limits"` CoolingDownTime types.Duration `json:"coolingDownTime"` NotifyTrade bool `json:"notifyTrade"` ResetPosition bool `json:"resetPosition"` MarketOrderProtectiveRatio fixedpoint.Value `json:"marketOrderProtectiveRatio"` IocOrderRatio fixedpoint.Value `json:"iocOrderRatio"` DryRun bool `json:"dryRun"` markets map[string]types.Market arbMarkets map[string]*ArbMarket paths []*Path session *bbgo.ExchangeSession activeOrders *bbgo.ActiveOrderBook orderStore *core.OrderStore tradeCollector *core.TradeCollector Position *MultiCurrencyPosition `persistence:"position"` State *State `persistence:"state"` TradeState *types.TradeStats `persistence:"trade_stats"` sigC sigchan.Chan } func (s *Strategy) ID() string { return ID } func (s *Strategy) InstanceID() string { return ID + strings.Join(s.Symbols, "-") } func (s *Strategy) Subscribe(session *bbgo.ExchangeSession) { if !s.SeparateStream { for _, symbol := range s.Symbols { session.Subscribe(types.BookChannel, symbol, types.SubscribeOptions{ Depth: types.DepthLevelFull, }) } } } func (s *Strategy) executeOrder(ctx context.Context, order types.SubmitOrder) *types.Order { waitTime := 100 * time.Millisecond for maxTries := 100; maxTries >= 0; maxTries-- { createdOrder, err := s.session.Exchange.SubmitOrder(ctx, order) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("can not submit orders") time.Sleep(waitTime) waitTime *= 2 continue } s.orderStore.Add(*createdOrder) s.activeOrders.Add(*createdOrder) return createdOrder } return nil } func (s *Strategy) Run(ctx context.Context, orderExecutor bbgo.OrderExecutor, session *bbgo.ExchangeSession) error { if s.TradeState == nil { s.TradeState = types.NewTradeStats("") } s.Symbols = compileSymbols(s.Symbols) if s.MarketOrderProtectiveRatio.IsZero() { s.MarketOrderProtectiveRatio = marketOrderProtectiveRatio } if s.MinSpreadRatio.IsZero() { s.MinSpreadRatio = fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(1.002) } if s.State == nil { s.State = &State{} } = make(map[string]types.Market) s.sigC = sigchan.New(10) s.session = session s.orderStore = core.NewOrderStore("") s.orderStore.AddOrderUpdate = true s.orderStore.BindStream(session.UserDataStream) s.activeOrders = bbgo.NewActiveOrderBook("") s.activeOrders.BindStream(session.UserDataStream) s.tradeCollector = core.NewTradeCollector("", nil, s.orderStore) for _, symbol := range s.Symbols { market, ok := session.Market(symbol) if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("market not found: %s", symbol) }[symbol] = market } s.optimizeMarketQuantityPrecision() arbMarkets, err := s.buildArbMarkets(session, s.Symbols, s.SeparateStream, s.sigC) if err != nil { return err } s.arbMarkets = arbMarkets if s.Position == nil { s.Position = NewMultiCurrencyPosition( } if s.ResetPosition { s.Position = NewMultiCurrencyPosition( } s.tradeCollector.OnTrade(func(trade types.Trade, profit fixedpoint.Value, netProfit fixedpoint.Value) { s.Position.handleTrade(trade) }) if s.NotifyTrade { s.tradeCollector.OnTrade(func(trade types.Trade, profit fixedpoint.Value, netProfit fixedpoint.Value) { bbgo.Notify(trade) }) } s.tradeCollector.BindStream(session.UserDataStream) for _, market := range s.arbMarkets { m := market if s.SeparateStream { log.Infof("connecting %s market stream...", m.Symbol) if err :=; err != nil { return err } } } // build paths // rate update and check paths for _, pathSymbols := range s.Paths { if len(pathSymbols) != 3 { return errors.New("a path must contains 3 symbols") } p := &Path{ marketA: s.arbMarkets[pathSymbols[0]], marketB: s.arbMarkets[pathSymbols[1]], marketC: s.arbMarkets[pathSymbols[2]], } if p.marketA == nil { return fmt.Errorf("market object of %s is missing", pathSymbols[0]) } if p.marketB == nil { return fmt.Errorf("market object of %s is missing", pathSymbols[1]) } if p.marketC == nil { return fmt.Errorf("market object of %s is missing", pathSymbols[2]) } if err := p.solveDirection(); err != nil { return err } s.paths = append(s.paths, p) } go func() { fs := []ratioFunction{calculateForwardRatio, calculateBackwardRate} log.Infof("waiting for market prices ready...") wait := true for wait { wait = false for _, p := range s.paths { if !p.Ready() { wait = true break } } } log.Infof("all markets ready") for { select { case <-ctx.Done(): return case <-s.sigC: minRatio := s.MinSpreadRatio.Float64() for side, f := range fs { ranks := s.calculateRanks(minRatio, f) if len(ranks) == 0 { break } forward := side == 0 bestRank := ranks[0] if forward { log.Infof("%d paths elected, found best forward path %s profit %.5f%%", len(ranks), bestRank.Path, (bestRank.Ratio-1.0)*100.0) } else { log.Infof("%d paths elected, found best backward path %s profit %.5f%%", len(ranks), bestRank.Path, (bestRank.Ratio-1.0)*100.0) } s.executePath(ctx, session, bestRank.Path, bestRank.Ratio, forward) } } } }() return nil } type ratioFunction func(p *Path) float64 func (s *Strategy) checkMinimalOrderQuantity(orders [3]types.SubmitOrder) error { for _, order := range orders { market := s.arbMarkets[order.Symbol] if order.Quantity.Compare( < 0 { return fmt.Errorf("order quantity is too small: %f < %f", order.Quantity.Float64(), } if order.Quantity.Mul(order.Price).Compare( < 0 { return fmt.Errorf("order min notional is too small: %f < %f", order.Quantity.Mul(order.Price).Float64(), } } return nil } func (s *Strategy) optimizeMarketQuantityPrecision() { var baseMarkets = make(map[string][]types.Market) for _, m := range { baseMarkets[m.BaseCurrency] = append(baseMarkets[m.BaseCurrency], m) } for _, markets := range baseMarkets { var prec = -1 for _, m := range markets { if prec == -1 || m.VolumePrecision < prec { prec = m.VolumePrecision } } if prec == -1 { continue } for _, m := range markets { m.VolumePrecision = prec[m.Symbol] = m } } } func (s *Strategy) applyBalanceMaxQuantity(balances types.BalanceMap) types.BalanceMap { if s.Limits == nil { return balances } for c, b := range balances { if limit, ok := s.Limits[c]; ok { b.Available = fixedpoint.Min(b.Available, limit) balances[c] = b } } return balances } func (s *Strategy) addBalanceBuffer(balances types.BalanceMap) (out types.BalanceMap) { out = types.BalanceMap{} for c, b := range balances { ab := b ab.Available = ab.Available.Mul(one.Sub(balanceBufferRatio)) out[c] = ab } return out } func (s *Strategy) toProtectiveMarketOrder(order types.SubmitOrder, ratio fixedpoint.Value) types.SubmitOrder { sellRatio := one.Sub(ratio) buyRatio := one.Add(ratio) switch order.Side { case types.SideTypeSell: order.Price = order.Price.Mul(sellRatio) case types.SideTypeBuy: order.Price = order.Price.Mul(buyRatio) } return order } func (s *Strategy) toProtectiveMarketOrders(orders [3]types.SubmitOrder, ratio fixedpoint.Value) [3]types.SubmitOrder { sellRatio := one.Sub(ratio) buyRatio := one.Add(ratio) for i, order := range orders { switch order.Side { case types.SideTypeSell: order.Price = order.Price.Mul(sellRatio) case types.SideTypeBuy: order.Price = order.Price.Mul(buyRatio) } // order.Quantity = order.Market.TruncateQuantity(order.Quantity) // order.Type = types.OrderTypeMarket orders[i] = order } return orders } func (s *Strategy) executePath(ctx context.Context, session *bbgo.ExchangeSession, p *Path, ratio float64, dir bool) { balances := session.Account.Balances() balances = s.addBalanceBuffer(balances) balances = s.applyBalanceMaxQuantity(balances) var orders [3]types.SubmitOrder if dir { orders = p.newOrders(balances, 1) } else { orders = p.newOrders(balances, -1) } if err := s.checkMinimalOrderQuantity(orders); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Warnf("order quantity too small, skip") return } if s.DryRun { logSubmitOrders(orders) return } createdOrders, err := s.iocOrderExecution(ctx, session, orders, ratio) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("order execute error") return } if len(createdOrders) == 0 { return } log.Info(s.Position.String()) profits := s.Position.CollectProfits() profitInUSD := fixedpoint.Zero for _, profit := range profits { bbgo.Notify(&profit) log.Info(profit.PlainText()) profitInUSD = profitInUSD.Add(profit.ProfitInUSD) // FIXME: // s.TradeState.Add(&profit) } notifyUsdPnL(profitInUSD) log.Info(s.TradeState.BriefString()) bbgo.Sync(ctx, s) if s.CoolingDownTime > 0 { log.Infof("cooling down for %s", s.CoolingDownTime.Duration().String()) time.Sleep(s.CoolingDownTime.Duration()) } } func notifyUsdPnL(profit fixedpoint.Value) { var title = fmt.Sprintf("Triangular Sum PnL ~= ") title += style.PnLEmojiSimple(profit) + " " title += style.PnLSignString(profit) + " USD" bbgo.Notify(title) } func (s *Strategy) iocOrderExecution(ctx context.Context, session *bbgo.ExchangeSession, orders [3]types.SubmitOrder, ratio float64) (types.OrderSlice, error) { service, ok := session.Exchange.(types.ExchangeOrderQueryService) if !ok { return nil, errors.New("exchange does not support ExchangeOrderQueryService") } var filledQuantity = fixedpoint.Zero // Change the first order to IOC orders[0].Type = types.OrderTypeLimit orders[0].TimeInForce = types.TimeInForceIOC var originalOrders [3]types.SubmitOrder originalOrders[0] = orders[0] originalOrders[1] = orders[1] originalOrders[2] = orders[2] logSubmitOrders(orders) if !s.IocOrderRatio.IsZero() { orders[0] = s.toProtectiveMarketOrder(orders[0], s.IocOrderRatio) } iocOrder := s.executeOrder(ctx, orders[0]) if iocOrder == nil { return nil, errors.New("ioc order submit error") } iocOrderC := make(chan types.Order, 2) defer func() { close(iocOrderC) }() go func() { o, err := s.waitWebSocketOrderDone(ctx, iocOrder.OrderID, 300*time.Millisecond) if err != nil { // log.WithError(err).Errorf("ioc order wait error") return } else if o != nil { select { case iocOrderC <- *o: default: } } }() go func() { o, err := waitForOrderFilled(ctx, service, *iocOrder, 3*time.Second) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("ioc order restful wait error") return } else if o != nil { select { case iocOrderC <- *o: default: } } }() o := <-iocOrderC filledQuantity = o.ExecutedQuantity if filledQuantity.IsZero() { s.State.IOCLossTimes++ // we didn't get filled log.Infof("%s %s IOC order did not get filled, skip: %+v", o.Symbol, o.Side, o) return nil, nil } filledRatio := filledQuantity.Div(iocOrder.Quantity) bbgo.Notify("%s %s IOC order got filled %f/%f (%s)", iocOrder.Symbol, iocOrder.Side, filledQuantity.Float64(), iocOrder.Quantity.Float64(), filledRatio.Percentage()) log.Infof("%s %s IOC order got filled %f/%f", iocOrder.Symbol, iocOrder.Side, filledQuantity.Float64(), iocOrder.Quantity.Float64()) orders[1].Quantity = orders[1].Quantity.Mul(filledRatio) orders[2].Quantity = orders[2].Quantity.Mul(filledRatio) if orders[1].Quantity.Compare(orders[1].Market.MinQuantity) <= 0 { log.Warnf("order #2 quantity %f is less than min quantity %f, skip", orders[1].Quantity.Float64(), orders[1].Market.MinQuantity.Float64()) return nil, nil } if orders[2].Quantity.Compare(orders[2].Market.MinQuantity) <= 0 { log.Warnf("order #3 quantity %f is less than min quantity %f, skip", orders[2].Quantity.Float64(), orders[2].Market.MinQuantity.Float64()) return nil, nil } orders[1] = s.toProtectiveMarketOrder(orders[1], s.MarketOrderProtectiveRatio) orders[2] = s.toProtectiveMarketOrder(orders[2], s.MarketOrderProtectiveRatio) var orderC = make(chan types.Order, 2) var wg sync.WaitGroup wg.Add(2) go func() { o := s.executeOrder(ctx, orders[1]) orderC <- *o wg.Done() }() go func() { o := s.executeOrder(ctx, orders[2]) orderC <- *o wg.Done() }() wg.Wait() var createdOrders = make(types.OrderSlice, 3) createdOrders[0] = *iocOrder createdOrders[1] = <-orderC createdOrders[2] = <-orderC close(orderC) orderTrades, updatedOrders, err := s.waitOrdersAndCollectTrades(ctx, service, createdOrders) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("trade collecting error") } else { for i, order := range updatedOrders { trades, hasTrades := orderTrades[order.OrderID] if !hasTrades { continue } averagePrice := tradeAveragePrice(trades, order.OrderID) updatedOrders[i].AveragePrice = averagePrice if market, hasMarket :=[order.Symbol]; hasMarket { updatedOrders[i].Market = market } for _, originalOrder := range originalOrders { if originalOrder.Symbol == updatedOrders[i].Symbol { updatedOrders[i].Price = originalOrder.Price } } } s.analyzeOrders(updatedOrders) } // update ioc winning ratio s.State.IOCWinTimes++ if s.State.IOCLossTimes == 0 { s.State.IOCWinningRatio = 999.0 } else { s.State.IOCWinningRatio = float64(s.State.IOCWinTimes) / float64(s.State.IOCLossTimes) } log.Infof("ioc winning ratio update: %f", s.State.IOCWinningRatio) return createdOrders, nil } func (s *Strategy) waitWebSocketOrderDone(ctx context.Context, orderID uint64, timeoutDuration time.Duration) (*types.Order, error) { prof := util.StartTimeProfile("waitWebSocketOrderDone") defer prof.StopAndLog(log.Infof) if order, ok := s.orderStore.Get(orderID); ok { if order.Status == types.OrderStatusFilled || order.Status == types.OrderStatusCanceled { return &order, nil } } timeoutC := time.After(timeoutDuration) for { select { case <-ctx.Done(): return nil, ctx.Err() case <-timeoutC: return nil, fmt.Errorf("order wait time timeout %s", timeoutDuration) case order := <-s.orderStore.C: if orderID == order.OrderID && (order.Status == types.OrderStatusFilled || order.Status == types.OrderStatusCanceled) { return &order, nil } } } } func (s *Strategy) waitOrdersAndCollectTrades(ctx context.Context, service types.ExchangeOrderQueryService, createdOrders types.OrderSlice) (map[uint64][]types.Trade, types.OrderSlice, error) { var err error var orderTrades = make(map[uint64][]types.Trade) var updatedOrders types.OrderSlice for _, o := range createdOrders { updatedOrder, err2 := waitForOrderFilled(ctx, service, o, time.Second) if err2 != nil { err = multierr.Append(err, err2) continue } trades, err3 := service.QueryOrderTrades(ctx, types.OrderQuery{ Symbol: o.Symbol, OrderID: strconv.FormatUint(o.OrderID, 10), }) if err3 != nil { err = multierr.Append(err, err3) continue } for _, t := range trades { s.tradeCollector.ProcessTrade(t) } orderTrades[o.OrderID] = trades updatedOrders = append(updatedOrders, *updatedOrder) } /* */ return orderTrades, updatedOrders, nil } func (s *Strategy) analyzeOrders(orders types.OrderSlice) { sort.Slice(orders, func(i, j int) bool { // o1 < o2 -- earlier first return orders[i].CreationTime.Before(orders[i].CreationTime.Time()) }) log.Infof("ANALYZING ORDERS (Earlier First)") for i, o := range orders { in, inCurrency := o.In() out, outCurrency := o.Out() log.Infof("#%d %s IN %f %s -> OUT %f %s", i, o.String(), in.Float64(), inCurrency, out.Float64(), outCurrency) } for _, o := range orders { switch o.Side { case types.SideTypeSell: price := o.Price priceDiff := o.AveragePrice.Sub(price) slippage := priceDiff.Div(price) log.Infof("%-8s %-4s %-10s AVG PRICE %f PRICE %f Q %f SLIPPAGE %.3f%%", o.Symbol, o.Side, o.Type, o.AveragePrice.Float64(), price.Float64(), o.Quantity.Float64(), slippage.Float64()*100.0) case types.SideTypeBuy: price := o.Price priceDiff := price.Sub(o.AveragePrice) slippage := priceDiff.Div(price) log.Infof("%-8s %-4s %-10s AVG PRICE %f PRICE %f Q %f SLIPPAGE %.3f%%", o.Symbol, o.Side, o.Type, o.AveragePrice.Float64(), price.Float64(), o.Quantity.Float64(), slippage.Float64()*100.0) } } } func (s *Strategy) buildArbMarkets(session *bbgo.ExchangeSession, symbols []string, separateStream bool, sigC sigchan.Chan) (map[string]*ArbMarket, error) { markets := make(map[string]*ArbMarket) // build market object for _, symbol := range symbols { market, ok :=[symbol] if !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("market not found: %s", symbol) } m := &ArbMarket{ Symbol: symbol, market: market, BaseCurrency: market.BaseCurrency, QuoteCurrency: market.QuoteCurrency, sigC: sigC, } if separateStream { stream := session.Exchange.NewStream() stream.SetPublicOnly() stream.Subscribe(types.BookChannel, symbol, types.SubscribeOptions{ Depth: types.DepthLevelFull, Speed: types.SpeedHigh, }) book := types.NewStreamBook(symbol) priceUpdater := func(_ types.SliceOrderBook) { bestAsk, bestBid, _ := book.BestBidAndAsk() if bestAsk.Equals(m.bestAsk) && bestBid.Equals(m.bestBid) { return } m.bestBid = bestBid m.bestAsk = bestAsk m.updateRate() } book.OnUpdate(priceUpdater) book.OnSnapshot(priceUpdater) book.BindStream(stream) stream.OnDisconnect(func() { // reset price and volume m.bestBid = types.PriceVolume{} m.bestAsk = types.PriceVolume{} }) = book = stream } else { book, _ := session.OrderBook(symbol) priceUpdater := func(_ types.SliceOrderBook) { bestAsk, bestBid, _ := book.BestBidAndAsk() if bestAsk.Equals(m.bestAsk) && bestBid.Equals(m.bestBid) { return } m.bestBid = bestBid m.bestAsk = bestAsk m.updateRate() } book.OnUpdate(priceUpdater) book.OnSnapshot(priceUpdater) = book = session.MarketDataStream } markets[symbol] = m } return markets, nil } func (s *Strategy) calculateRanks(minRatio float64, method func(p *Path) float64) []PathRank { ranks := make([]PathRank, 0, len(s.paths)) // ranking paths here for _, path := range s.paths { ratio := method(path) if ratio < minRatio { continue } p := path ranks = append(ranks, PathRank{Path: p, Ratio: ratio}) } // sort and pick up the top rank path sort.Slice(ranks, func(i, j int) bool { return ranks[i].Ratio > ranks[j].Ratio }) return ranks } func waitForOrderFilled(ctx context.Context, ex types.ExchangeOrderQueryService, order types.Order, timeout time.Duration) (*types.Order, error) { prof := util.StartTimeProfile("waitForOrderFilled") defer prof.StopAndLog(log.Infof) timeoutC := time.After(timeout) for { select { case <-timeoutC: return nil, fmt.Errorf("order wait timeout %s", timeout) default: p := util.StartTimeProfile("queryOrder") remoteOrder, err2 := ex.QueryOrder(ctx, types.OrderQuery{ Symbol: order.Symbol, OrderID: strconv.FormatUint(order.OrderID, 10), }) p.StopAndLog(log.Infof) if err2 != nil { log.WithError(err2).Errorf("order query error") time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) continue } switch remoteOrder.Status { case types.OrderStatusFilled, types.OrderStatusCanceled: return remoteOrder, nil default: log.Infof("WAITING: %s", remoteOrder.String()) time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond) } } } } func tradeAveragePrice(trades []types.Trade, orderID uint64) fixedpoint.Value { totalAmount := fixedpoint.Zero totalQuantity := fixedpoint.Zero for _, trade := range trades { if trade.OrderID != orderID { continue } totalAmount = totalAmount.Add(trade.Price.Mul(trade.Quantity)) totalQuantity = totalQuantity.Add(trade.Quantity) } return totalAmount.Div(totalQuantity) }