package service import ( "context" "database/sql" "fmt" "strconv" "strings" "time" sq "" "" "" log "" "" "" ) type BacktestService struct { DB *sqlx.DB } func (s *BacktestService) SyncKLineByInterval(ctx context.Context, exchange types.Exchange, symbol string, interval types.Interval, startTime, endTime time.Time) error { log.Infof("synchronizing %s klines with interval %s: %s <=> %s", exchange.Name(), interval, startTime, endTime) // TODO: use isFutures here _, _, isIsolated, isolatedSymbol := getExchangeAttributes(exchange) // override symbol if isolatedSymbol is not empty if isIsolated && len(isolatedSymbol) > 0 { symbol = isolatedSymbol } if s.DB.DriverName() == "sqlite3" { _, _ = s.DB.Exec("PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL") _, _ = s.DB.Exec("PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL") } tasks := []SyncTask{ { Type: types.KLine{}, Select: SelectLastKLines(exchange.Name(), symbol, interval, startTime, endTime, 100), Time: func(obj interface{}) time.Time { return obj.(types.KLine).StartTime.Time().UTC() }, ID: func(obj interface{}) string { kline := obj.(types.KLine) return kline.Symbol + kline.Interval.String() + strconv.FormatInt(kline.StartTime.UnixMilli(), 10) }, BatchQuery: func(ctx context.Context, startTime, endTime time.Time) (interface{}, chan error) { q := &batch.KLineBatchQuery{Exchange: exchange} return q.Query(ctx, symbol, interval, startTime, endTime) }, Insert: func(obj interface{}) error { kline := obj.(types.KLine) return s.Insert(kline) }, LogInsert: log.GetLevel() == log.DebugLevel, }, } for _, sel := range tasks { if err := sel.execute(ctx, s.DB, startTime, endTime); err != nil { return err } } return nil } func (s *BacktestService) Verify(sourceExchange types.Exchange, symbols []string, startTime time.Time, endTime time.Time) error { var corruptCnt = 0 for _, symbol := range symbols { for interval := range types.SupportedIntervals { log.Infof("verifying %s %s backtesting data: %s to %s...", symbol, interval, startTime, endTime) timeRanges, err := s.FindMissingTimeRanges(context.Background(), sourceExchange, symbol, interval, startTime, endTime) if err != nil { return err } if len(timeRanges) == 0 { continue } log.Warnf("%s %s found missing time ranges:", symbol, interval) corruptCnt += len(timeRanges) for _, timeRange := range timeRanges { log.Warnf("- %s", timeRange.String()) } } } log.Infof("backtest verification completed") if corruptCnt > 0 { log.Errorf("found %d corruptions", corruptCnt) } else { log.Infof("found %d corruptions", corruptCnt) } return nil } func (s *BacktestService) Sync(ctx context.Context, exchange types.Exchange, symbol string, interval types.Interval, startTime, endTime time.Time) error { return s.SyncKLineByInterval(ctx, exchange, symbol, interval, startTime, endTime) } func (s *BacktestService) QueryFirstKLine(ex types.ExchangeName, symbol string, interval types.Interval) (*types.KLine, error) { return s.QueryKLine(ex, symbol, interval, "ASC", 1) } // QueryKLine queries the klines from the database func (s *BacktestService) QueryKLine(ex types.ExchangeName, symbol string, interval types.Interval, orderBy string, limit int) (*types.KLine, error) { log.Infof("querying last kline exchange = %s AND symbol = %s AND interval = %s", ex, symbol, interval) tableName := targetKlineTable(ex) // make the SQL syntax IDE friendly, so that it can analyze it. sql := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE `symbol` = :symbol AND `interval` = :interval ORDER BY end_time "+orderBy+" LIMIT "+strconv.Itoa(limit), tableName) rows, err := s.DB.NamedQuery(sql, map[string]interface{}{ "interval": interval, "symbol": symbol, }) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "query kline error") } if rows.Err() != nil { return nil, rows.Err() } defer rows.Close() if rows.Next() { var kline types.KLine err = rows.StructScan(&kline) return &kline, err } return nil, rows.Err() } // QueryKLinesForward is used for querying klines to back-testing func (s *BacktestService) QueryKLinesForward(exchange types.ExchangeName, symbol string, interval types.Interval, startTime time.Time, limit int) ([]types.KLine, error) { tableName := targetKlineTable(exchange) sql := "SELECT * FROM `binance_klines` WHERE `end_time` >= :start_time AND `symbol` = :symbol AND `interval` = :interval and exchange = :exchange ORDER BY end_time ASC LIMIT :limit" sql = strings.ReplaceAll(sql, "binance_klines", tableName) rows, err := s.DB.NamedQuery(sql, map[string]interface{}{ "start_time": startTime, "limit": limit, "symbol": symbol, "interval": interval, "exchange": exchange.String(), }) if err != nil { return nil, err } return s.scanRows(rows) } func (s *BacktestService) QueryKLinesBackward(exchange types.ExchangeName, symbol string, interval types.Interval, endTime time.Time, limit int) ([]types.KLine, error) { tableName := targetKlineTable(exchange) sql := "SELECT * FROM `binance_klines` WHERE `end_time` <= :end_time and exchange = :exchange AND `symbol` = :symbol AND `interval` = :interval ORDER BY end_time DESC LIMIT :limit" sql = strings.ReplaceAll(sql, "binance_klines", tableName) sql = "SELECT t.* FROM (" + sql + ") AS t ORDER BY t.end_time ASC" rows, err := s.DB.NamedQuery(sql, map[string]interface{}{ "limit": limit, "end_time": endTime, "symbol": symbol, "interval": interval, "exchange": exchange.String(), }) if err != nil { return nil, err } return s.scanRows(rows) } func (s *BacktestService) QueryKLinesCh(since, until time.Time, exchange types.Exchange, symbols []string, intervals []types.Interval) (chan types.KLine, chan error) { if len(symbols) == 0 { return returnError(errors.Errorf("symbols is empty when querying kline, plesae check your strategy setting. ")) } tableName := targetKlineTable(exchange.Name()) sql := "SELECT * FROM `binance_klines` WHERE `end_time` BETWEEN :since AND :until AND `symbol` IN (:symbols) AND `interval` IN (:intervals) and exchange = :exchange ORDER BY end_time ASC" sql = strings.ReplaceAll(sql, "binance_klines", tableName) sql, args, err := sqlx.Named(sql, map[string]interface{}{ "since": since, "until": until, "symbols": symbols, "intervals": types.IntervalSlice(intervals), "exchange": exchange.Name().String(), }) sql, args, err = sqlx.In(sql, args...) if err != nil { return returnError(err) } sql = s.DB.Rebind(sql) rows, err := s.DB.Queryx(sql, args...) if err != nil { return returnError(err) } return s.scanRowsCh(rows) } func returnError(err error) (chan types.KLine, chan error) { ch := make(chan types.KLine, 0) close(ch) log.WithError(err).Error("backtest query error") errC := make(chan error, 1) // avoid blocking go func() { errC <- err close(errC) }() return ch, errC } // scanRowsCh scan rows into channel func (s *BacktestService) scanRowsCh(rows *sqlx.Rows) (chan types.KLine, chan error) { ch := make(chan types.KLine, 500) errC := make(chan error, 1) go func() { defer close(errC) defer close(ch) defer rows.Close() for rows.Next() { var kline types.KLine if err := rows.StructScan(&kline); err != nil { errC <- err return } ch <- kline } if err := rows.Err(); err != nil { errC <- err return } }() return ch, errC } func (s *BacktestService) scanRows(rows *sqlx.Rows) (klines []types.KLine, err error) { for rows.Next() { var kline types.KLine if err := rows.StructScan(&kline); err != nil { return nil, err } klines = append(klines, kline) } return klines, rows.Err() } func targetKlineTable(exchangeName types.ExchangeName) string { return strings.ToLower(exchangeName.String()) + "_klines" } var errExchangeFieldIsUnset = errors.New("kline.Exchange field should not be empty") func (s *BacktestService) Insert(kline types.KLine) error { if len(kline.Exchange) == 0 { return errExchangeFieldIsUnset } tableName := targetKlineTable(kline.Exchange) sql := fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO `%s` (`exchange`, `start_time`, `end_time`, `symbol`, `interval`, `open`, `high`, `low`, `close`, `closed`, `volume`, `quote_volume`, `taker_buy_base_volume`, `taker_buy_quote_volume`)"+ "VALUES (:exchange, :start_time, :end_time, :symbol, :interval, :open, :high, :low, :close, :closed, :volume, :quote_volume, :taker_buy_base_volume, :taker_buy_quote_volume)", tableName) _, err := s.DB.NamedExec(sql, kline) return err } type TimeRange struct { Start time.Time End time.Time } func (t *TimeRange) String() string { return t.Start.String() + " ~ " + t.End.String() } // SyncPartial // find the existing data time range (t1, t2) // scan if there is a missing part // create a time range slice []TimeRange // iterate the []TimeRange slice to sync data. func (s *BacktestService) SyncPartial(ctx context.Context, ex types.Exchange, symbol string, interval types.Interval, since, until time.Time) error { // truncate time point to minute since = since.Truncate(time.Minute) until = until.Truncate(time.Minute) t1, t2, err := s.QueryExistingDataRange(ctx, ex, symbol, interval, since, until) if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows { return err } if err == sql.ErrNoRows || t1 == nil || t2 == nil { // fallback to fresh sync return s.Sync(ctx, ex, symbol, interval, since, until) } log.Debugf("found existing kline data, now using partial sync...") timeRanges, err := s.FindMissingTimeRanges(ctx, ex, symbol, interval, t1.Time(), t2.Time()) if err != nil { return err } if len(timeRanges) > 0 { log.Infof("found missing time ranges: %v", timeRanges) } // there are few cases: // t1 == since && t2 == until // [since] ------- [t1] data [t2] ------ [until] if since.Before(t1.Time()) { // shift slice timeRanges = append([]TimeRange{ {Start: since.Add(-2 * time.Second), End: t1.Time()}, // include since }, timeRanges...) } if t2.Time().Before(until) { timeRanges = append(timeRanges, TimeRange{ Start: t2.Time(), End: until.Add(2 * time.Second), // include until }) } for _, timeRange := range timeRanges { err = s.SyncKLineByInterval(ctx, ex, symbol, interval, timeRange.Start.Add(time.Second), timeRange.End.Add(-time.Second)) if err != nil { return err } } return nil } // FindMissingTimeRanges returns the missing time ranges, the start/end time represents the existing data time points. // So when sending kline query to the exchange API, we need to add one second to the start time and minus one second to the end time. func (s *BacktestService) FindMissingTimeRanges(ctx context.Context, ex types.Exchange, symbol string, interval types.Interval, since, until time.Time) ([]TimeRange, error) { query := SelectKLineTimePoints(ex.Name(), symbol, interval, since, until) sql, args, err := query.ToSql() if err != nil { return nil, err } rows, err := s.DB.QueryContext(ctx, sql, args...) if err != nil { return nil, err } var timeRanges []TimeRange var lastTime = since var intervalDuration = interval.Duration() for rows.Next() { var tt types.Time if err := rows.Scan(&tt); err != nil { return nil, err } var t = time.Time(tt) if t.Sub(lastTime) > intervalDuration { timeRanges = append(timeRanges, TimeRange{ Start: lastTime, End: t, }) } lastTime = t } if lastTime.Before(until) { timeRanges = append(timeRanges, TimeRange{ Start: lastTime, End: until, }) } return timeRanges, nil } func (s *BacktestService) QueryExistingDataRange(ctx context.Context, ex types.Exchange, symbol string, interval types.Interval, tArgs ...time.Time) (start, end *types.Time, err error) { sel := SelectKLineTimeRange(ex.Name(), symbol, interval, tArgs...) sql, args, err := sel.ToSql() if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } var t1, t2 types.Time row := s.DB.QueryRowContext(ctx, sql, args...) if err := row.Scan(&t1, &t2); err != nil { return nil, nil, err } if err := row.Err(); err != nil { return nil, nil, err } if t1 == (types.Time{}) || t2 == (types.Time{}) { return nil, nil, nil } return &t1, &t2, nil } func SelectKLineTimePoints(ex types.ExchangeName, symbol string, interval types.Interval, args ...time.Time) sq.SelectBuilder { conditions := sq.And{ sq.Eq{"symbol": symbol}, sq.Eq{"`interval`": interval.String()}, } if len(args) == 2 { since := args[0] until := args[1] conditions = append(conditions, sq.Expr("`start_time` BETWEEN ? AND ?", since, until)) } tableName := targetKlineTable(ex) return sq.Select("start_time"). From(tableName). Where(conditions). OrderBy("start_time ASC") } // SelectKLineTimeRange returns the existing klines time range (since < kline.start_time < until) func SelectKLineTimeRange(ex types.ExchangeName, symbol string, interval types.Interval, args ...time.Time) sq.SelectBuilder { conditions := sq.And{ sq.Eq{"symbol": symbol}, sq.Eq{"`interval`": interval.String()}, } if len(args) == 2 { since := args[0] until := args[1] conditions = append(conditions, sq.Expr("`start_time` BETWEEN ? AND ?", since, until)) } tableName := targetKlineTable(ex) return sq.Select("MIN(start_time) AS t1, MAX(start_time) AS t2"). From(tableName). Where(conditions) } // TODO: add is_futures column since the klines data is different func SelectLastKLines(ex types.ExchangeName, symbol string, interval types.Interval, startTime, endTime time.Time, limit uint64) sq.SelectBuilder { tableName := targetKlineTable(ex) return sq.Select("*"). From(tableName). Where(sq.And{ sq.Eq{"symbol": symbol}, sq.Eq{"`interval`": interval.String()}, sq.Expr("start_time BETWEEN ? AND ?", startTime, endTime), }). OrderBy("start_time DESC"). Limit(limit) }