## Back-testing *Before you start back-testing, you need to setup [MySQL](../../README.md#configure-mysql-database) or [SQLite3 ](../../README.md#configure-sqlite3-database). Using MySQL is highly recommended.* First, you need to add the back-testing config to your `bbgo.yaml`: ```yaml backtest: # your back-test will start at the 2021-01-10, be sure to sync the data before 2021-01-10 # because some indicator like EMA needs more data to calculate the current EMA value. startTime: "2021-01-10" # your back-test will end at the 2021-01-10 endTime: "2021-01-21" # the symbol data that you want to sync and back-test symbols: - BTCUSDT account: makerCommission: 15 # Commission rate of maker trade, in ‱, i.e., 1 means 0.01% takerCommission: 15 # Commission rate of taker trade, in ‱ i.e., 1 means 0.01% # the initial account balance you want to start with balances: BTC: 0.0 USDT: 10000.0 ``` Note on date formats, the following date formats are supported: * RFC3339, which looks like `2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00` * RFC822, which looks like `02 Jan 06 15:04 MST` * You can also use `2021-11-26T15:04:56` And then, you can sync remote exchange k-lines (candle bars) data for back-testing: ```sh bbgo backtest --exchange binance -v --sync --sync-only --sync-from 2020-11-01 --config config/grid.yaml ``` Note that, you should sync from an earlier date before your startTime because some indicator like EMA needs more data to calculate the current EMA value. Here we sync one month before `2021-01-10`. - `--sync` - sync the data to the latest data point before we start the back-test. - `--sync-only` - only the back-test data syncing will be executed. do not run back-test. - `--sync-from` - sync the data from a specific endpoint. note that, once you've start the sync, you can not simply add more data before the initial date. - `-v` - verbose message output - `--config config/grid.yaml` - use a specific config file instead of the default config file `./bbgo.yaml` Run back-test: ```sh bbgo backtest --exchange binance --base-asset-baseline --config config/grid.yaml ``` If you're developing a strategy, you might want to start with a command like this: ```shell godotenv -f .env.local -- go run ./cmd/bbgo backtest --exchange binance --config config/grid.yaml --base-asset-baseline ``` ## See Also If you want to test the max draw down (MDD) you can adjust the start date to somewhere near 2020-03-12 See