package dca2 import ( "context" "time" "" ) type State int64 const ( None State = iota WaitToOpenPosition PositionOpening OpenPositionReady OpenPositionOrderFilled OpenPositionOrdersCancelling OpenPositionOrdersCancelled TakeProfitReady ) var stateTransition map[State]State = map[State]State{ WaitToOpenPosition: PositionOpening, PositionOpening: OpenPositionReady, OpenPositionReady: OpenPositionOrderFilled, OpenPositionOrderFilled: OpenPositionOrdersCancelling, OpenPositionOrdersCancelling: OpenPositionOrdersCancelled, OpenPositionOrdersCancelled: TakeProfitReady, TakeProfitReady: WaitToOpenPosition, } func (s *Strategy) initializeNextStateC() bool { defer isInitialize := false if s.nextStateC == nil { s.logger.Info("[DCA] initializing next state channel") s.nextStateC = make(chan State, 1) } else { s.logger.Info("[DCA] nextStateC is already initialized") isInitialize = true } return isInitialize } func (s *Strategy) emitNextState(nextState State) { select { case s.nextStateC <- nextState: default: s.logger.Info("[DCA] nextStateC is full or not initialized") } } // runState // WaitToOpenPosition -> after startTimeOfNextRound, place dca orders -> // PositionOpening // OpenPositionReady -> any dca maker order filled -> // OpenPositionOrderFilled -> price hit the take profit ration, start cancelling -> // OpenPositionOrdersCancelled -> place the takeProfit order -> // TakeProfitReady -> the takeProfit order filled -> func (s *Strategy) runState(ctx context.Context) { s.logger.Info("[DCA] runState") ticker := time.NewTicker(5 * time.Second) defer ticker.Stop() for { select { case <-ctx.Done(): s.logger.Info("[DCA] runState DONE") return case <-ticker.C: s.triggerNextState() case nextState := <-s.nextStateC: s.logger.Infof("[DCA] currenct state: %d, next state: %d", s.state, nextState) // check the next state is valid validNextState, exist := stateTransition[s.state] if !exist { s.logger.Warnf("[DCA] %d not in stateTransition", s.state) continue } if nextState != validNextState { s.logger.Warnf("[DCA] %d is not valid next state of curreny state %d", nextState, s.state) } // move to next state switch s.state { case WaitToOpenPosition: s.runWaitToOpenPositionState(ctx, nextState) case PositionOpening: s.runPositionOpening(ctx, nextState) case OpenPositionReady: s.runOpenPositionReady(ctx, nextState) case OpenPositionOrderFilled: s.runOpenPositionOrderFilled(ctx, nextState) case OpenPositionOrdersCancelling: s.runOpenPositionOrdersCancelling(ctx, nextState) case OpenPositionOrdersCancelled: s.runOpenPositionOrdersCancelled(ctx, nextState) case TakeProfitReady: s.runTakeProfitReady(ctx, nextState) } } } } func (s *Strategy) triggerNextState() { switch s.state { case OpenPositionReady: // only trigger from order filled event case OpenPositionOrderFilled: // only trigger from kline event case TakeProfitReady: // only trigger from order filled event default: if nextState, ok := stateTransition[s.state]; ok { s.nextStateC <- nextState } } } func (s *Strategy) runWaitToOpenPositionState(ctx context.Context, next State) { s.logger.Info("[State] WaitToOpenPosition - check startTimeOfNextRound") if time.Now().Before(s.startTimeOfNextRound) { return } // reset position and open new round for profit stats before position opening s.Position.Reset() s.ProfitStats.NewRound() // store into redis bbgo.Sync(ctx, s) s.state = PositionOpening s.logger.Info("[State] WaitToOpenPosition -> PositionOpening") } func (s *Strategy) runPositionOpening(ctx context.Context, next State) { s.logger.Info("[State] PositionOpening - start placing open-position orders") if err := s.placeOpenPositionOrders(ctx); err != nil { s.logger.WithError(err).Error("failed to place dca orders, please check it.") return } s.state = OpenPositionReady s.logger.Info("[State] PositionOpening -> OpenPositionReady") } func (s *Strategy) runOpenPositionReady(_ context.Context, next State) { s.state = OpenPositionOrderFilled s.logger.Info("[State] OpenPositionReady -> OpenPositionOrderFilled") } func (s *Strategy) runOpenPositionOrderFilled(_ context.Context, next State) { s.state = OpenPositionOrdersCancelling s.logger.Info("[State] OpenPositionOrderFilled -> OpenPositionOrdersCancelling") // after open position cancelling, immediately trigger open position cancelled to cancel the other orders s.nextStateC <- OpenPositionOrdersCancelled } func (s *Strategy) runOpenPositionOrdersCancelling(ctx context.Context, next State) { s.logger.Info("[State] OpenPositionOrdersCancelling - start cancelling open-position orders") if err := s.OrderExecutor.GracefulCancel(ctx); err != nil { s.logger.WithError(err).Error("failed to cancel maker orders") return } s.state = OpenPositionOrdersCancelled s.logger.Info("[State] OpenPositionOrdersCancelling -> OpenPositionOrdersCancelled") // after open position cancelled, immediately trigger take profit ready to open take-profit order s.nextStateC <- TakeProfitReady } func (s *Strategy) runOpenPositionOrdersCancelled(ctx context.Context, next State) { s.logger.Info("[State] OpenPositionOrdersCancelled - start placing take-profit orders") if err := s.placeTakeProfitOrders(ctx); err != nil { s.logger.WithError(err).Error("failed to open take profit orders") return } s.state = TakeProfitReady s.logger.Info("[State] OpenPositionOrdersCancelled -> TakeProfitReady") } func (s *Strategy) runTakeProfitReady(ctx context.Context, next State) { // wait 3 seconds to avoid position not update time.Sleep(3 * time.Second) s.logger.Info("[State] TakeProfitReady - start reseting position and calculate quote investment for next round") // calculate profit stats s.CalculateProfitOfCurrentRound(ctx) bbgo.Sync(ctx, s) s.EmitProfit(s.ProfitStats) // set the start time of the next round s.startTimeOfNextRound = time.Now().Add(s.CoolDownInterval.Duration()) s.state = WaitToOpenPosition s.logger.Info("[State] TakeProfitReady -> WaitToOpenPosition") }