package ftx import ( "fmt" "strings" "time" log "" "" "" ) func toGlobalCurrency(original string) string { return TrimUpperString(original) } func toGlobalSymbol(original string) string { return strings.ReplaceAll(TrimUpperString(original), "/", "") } func toLocalSymbol(original string) string { if symbolMap[original] == "" { return original } return symbolMap[original] } func TrimUpperString(original string) string { return strings.ToUpper(strings.TrimSpace(original)) } func TrimLowerString(original string) string { return strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(original)) } var errUnsupportedOrderStatus = fmt.Errorf("unsupported order status") func toGlobalOrderNew(r ftxapi.Order) (types.Order, error) { // In exchange/max/convert.go, it only parses these fields. timeInForce := types.TimeInForceGTC if r.Ioc { timeInForce = types.TimeInForceIOC } // order type definition: orderType := types.OrderType(TrimUpperString(string(r.Type))) if orderType == types.OrderTypeLimit && r.PostOnly { orderType = types.OrderTypeLimitMaker } o := types.Order{ SubmitOrder: types.SubmitOrder{ ClientOrderID: r.ClientId, Symbol: toGlobalSymbol(r.Market), Side: types.SideType(TrimUpperString(string(r.Side))), Type: orderType, Quantity: r.Size, Price: r.Price, TimeInForce: timeInForce, }, Exchange: types.ExchangeFTX, IsWorking: r.Status == ftxapi.OrderStatusOpen || r.Status == ftxapi.OrderStatusNew, OrderID: uint64(r.Id), Status: "", ExecutedQuantity: r.FilledSize, CreationTime: types.Time(r.CreatedAt), UpdateTime: types.Time(r.CreatedAt), } s, err := toGlobalOrderStatus(r, r.Status) o.Status = s return o, err } func toGlobalOrderStatus(o ftxapi.Order, s ftxapi.OrderStatus) (types.OrderStatus, error) { switch s { case ftxapi.OrderStatusNew: return types.OrderStatusNew, nil case ftxapi.OrderStatusOpen: if !o.FilledSize.IsZero() { return types.OrderStatusPartiallyFilled, nil } else { return types.OrderStatusNew, nil } case ftxapi.OrderStatusClosed: // filled or canceled if o.FilledSize == o.Size { return types.OrderStatusFilled, nil } else { // can't distinguish it's canceled or rejected from order response, so always set to canceled return types.OrderStatusCanceled, nil } } return "", fmt.Errorf("unsupported ftx order status %s: %w", s, errUnsupportedOrderStatus) } func toGlobalOrder(r order) (types.Order, error) { // In exchange/max/convert.go, it only parses these fields. timeInForce := types.TimeInForceGTC if r.Ioc { timeInForce = types.TimeInForceIOC } // order type definition: orderType := types.OrderType(TrimUpperString(r.Type)) if orderType == types.OrderTypeLimit && r.PostOnly { orderType = types.OrderTypeLimitMaker } o := types.Order{ SubmitOrder: types.SubmitOrder{ ClientOrderID: r.ClientId, Symbol: toGlobalSymbol(r.Market), Side: types.SideType(TrimUpperString(r.Side)), Type: orderType, Quantity: r.Size, Price: r.Price, TimeInForce: timeInForce, }, Exchange: types.ExchangeFTX, IsWorking: r.Status == "open", OrderID: uint64(r.ID), Status: "", ExecutedQuantity: r.FilledSize, CreationTime: types.Time(r.CreatedAt.Time), UpdateTime: types.Time(r.CreatedAt.Time), } // `new` (accepted but not processed yet), `open`, or `closed` (filled or cancelled) switch r.Status { case "new": o.Status = types.OrderStatusNew case "open": if !o.ExecutedQuantity.IsZero() { o.Status = types.OrderStatusPartiallyFilled } else { o.Status = types.OrderStatusNew } case "closed": // filled or canceled if o.Quantity == o.ExecutedQuantity { o.Status = types.OrderStatusFilled } else { // can't distinguish it's canceled or rejected from order response, so always set to canceled o.Status = types.OrderStatusCanceled } default: return types.Order{}, fmt.Errorf("unsupported status %s: %w", r.Status, errUnsupportedOrderStatus) } return o, nil } func toGlobalDeposit(input depositHistory) (types.Deposit, error) { s, err := toGlobalDepositStatus(input.Status) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Warnf("assign empty string to the deposit status") } t := input.Time if input.ConfirmedTime.Time != (time.Time{}) { t = input.ConfirmedTime } d := types.Deposit{ GID: 0, Exchange: types.ExchangeFTX, Time: types.Time(t.Time), Amount: input.Size, Asset: toGlobalCurrency(input.Coin), TransactionID: input.TxID, Status: s, Address: input.Address.Address, AddressTag: input.Address.Tag, } return d, nil } func toGlobalDepositStatus(input string) (types.DepositStatus, error) { // The document only list `confirmed` status switch input { case "confirmed", "complete": return types.DepositSuccess, nil } return "", fmt.Errorf("unsupported status %s", input) } func toGlobalTrade(f ftxapi.Fill) (types.Trade, error) { return types.Trade{ ID: f.TradeId, OrderID: f.OrderId, Exchange: types.ExchangeFTX, Price: f.Price, Quantity: f.Size, QuoteQuantity: f.Price.Mul(f.Size), Symbol: toGlobalSymbol(f.Market), Side: types.SideType(strings.ToUpper(string(f.Side))), IsBuyer: f.Side == ftxapi.SideBuy, IsMaker: f.Liquidity == ftxapi.LiquidityMaker, Time: types.Time(f.Time), Fee: f.Fee, FeeCurrency: f.FeeCurrency, IsMargin: false, IsIsolated: false, IsFutures: f.Future != "", }, nil } func toGlobalKLine(symbol string, interval types.Interval, h Candle) (types.KLine, error) { return types.KLine{ Exchange: types.ExchangeFTX, Symbol: toGlobalSymbol(symbol), StartTime: types.Time(h.StartTime.Time), EndTime: types.Time(h.StartTime.Add(interval.Duration())), Interval: interval, Open: h.Open, Close: h.Close, High: h.High, Low: h.Low, Volume: h.Volume, Closed: true, }, nil } type OrderType string const ( OrderTypeLimit OrderType = "limit" OrderTypeMarket OrderType = "market" ) func toLocalOrderType(orderType types.OrderType) (ftxapi.OrderType, error) { switch orderType { case types.OrderTypeLimitMaker: return ftxapi.OrderTypeLimit, nil case types.OrderTypeLimit: return ftxapi.OrderTypeLimit, nil case types.OrderTypeMarket: return ftxapi.OrderTypeMarket, nil } return "", fmt.Errorf("order type %s not supported", orderType) }