--- persistence: redis: host: port: 6379 db: 0 sessions: binance: exchange: binance futures: false envVarPrefix: binance heikinAshi: false # Drift strategy intends to place buy/sell orders as much value mas it could be. To exchanges that requires to # calculate fees before placing limit orders (e.g. FTX Pro), make sure the fee rate is configured correctly and # enable modifyOrderAmountForFee to prevent order rejection. makerFeeRate: 0.0002 takerFeeRate: 0.0007 modifyOrderAmountForFee: false exchangeStrategies: - on: binance drift: canvasPath: "./output.png" symbol: ETHBUSD limitOrder: false quantity: 0.01 # kline interval for indicators interval: 1m window: 1 useAtr: true useStopLoss: true stoploss: 0.23% source: ohlc4 predictOffset: 2 noTrailingStopLoss: false trailingStopLossType: kline # stddev on high/low-source hlVarianceMultiplier: 0.13 hlRangeWindow: 4 smootherWindow: 19 fisherTransformWindow: 73 atrWindow: 14 # orders not been traded will be canceled after `pendingMinutes` minutes pendingMinutes: 5 noRebalance: true trendWindow: 12 rebalanceFilter: 2 trailingActivationRatio: [0.0015, 0.002, 0.004, 0.01] trailingCallbackRate: [0.0001, 0.00012, 0.001, 0.002] generateGraph: true graphPNLDeductFee: true graphPNLPath: "./pnl.png" graphCumPNLPath: "./cumpnl.png" #exits: #- roiStopLoss: # percentage: 0.8% #- roiTakeProfit: # percentage: 35% #- protectiveStopLoss: # activationRatio: 0.6% # stopLossRatio: 0.1% # placeStopOrder: false #- protectiveStopLoss: # activationRatio: 5% # stopLossRatio: 1% # placeStopOrder: false #- cumulatedVolumeTakeProfit: # interval: 5m # window: 2 # minQuoteVolume: 200_000_000 #- protectiveStopLoss: # activationRatio: 2% # stopLossRatio: 1% # placeStopOrder: false sync: userDataStream: trades: true filledOrders: true sessions: - binance symbols: - ETHBUSD backtest: startTime: "2022-09-25" endTime: "2022-09-30" symbols: - ETHBUSD sessions: [binance] accounts: binance: makerFeeRate: 0.0000 takerFeeRate: 0.0000 balances: ETH: 0.03 BUSD: 0