# bbgo A trading bot framework written in Go. The name bbgo comes from the BB8 bot in the Star Wars movie. aka Buy BitCoin Go! ## Current Status _Working hard in progress_ [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/c9s/bbgo.svg?branch=main)](https://travis-ci.org/c9s/bbgo) Aim to release v1.0 before 11/14 ## Features - Exchange abstraction interface - Stream integration (user data websocket) - PnL calculation. - Slack notification ## Supported Exchanges - MAX Exchange (located in Taiwan) - Binance Exchange ## Installation Install the builtin commands: ```sh go get -u github.com/c9s/bbgo/cmd/bbgo ``` Add your dotenv file: ``` SLACK_TOKEN= BINANCE_API_KEY= BINANCE_API_SECRET= MAX_API_KEY= MAX_API_SECRET= MYSQL_HOST= MYSQL_PORT=3306 MYSQL_USERNAME=root MYSQL_PASSWORD= MYSQL_DATABASE=bbgo MYSQL_URL=root@tcp( ``` You can get your API key and secret after you register the accounts: - For MAX: - For Binance: Then run the `migrate` command to initialize your database: ```sh dotenv -f .env.local -- bbgo migrate up ``` There are some other commands you can run: ```sh dotenv -f .env.local -- bbgo migrate status dotenv -f .env.local -- bbgo migrate redo ``` (It internally uses `goose` to run these migration files, see [migrations](migrations)) To query transfer history: ```sh dotenv -f .env.local -- bbgo transfer-history --exchange max --asset USDT --since "2019-01-01" ``` To calculate pnl: ```sh dotenv -f .env.local -- bbgo pnl --exchange binance --asset BTC --since "2019-01-01" ``` ## Exchange API Examples Please check out the example directory: [examples](examples) Initialize MAX API: ```go key := os.Getenv("MAX_API_KEY") secret := os.Getenv("MAX_API_SECRET") maxRest := maxapi.NewRestClient(maxapi.ProductionAPIURL) maxRest.Auth(key, secret) ``` Creating user data stream to get the orderbook (depth): ```go stream := max.NewStream(key, secret) stream.Subscribe(types.BookChannel, symbol, types.SubscribeOptions{}) streambook := types.NewStreamBook(symbol) streambook.BindStream(stream) ``` ## Strategies Please check out the directory: [strategies](strategies) ## New API Design _**still under construction**_ ```go package main import ( "github.com/c9s/bbgo" ) func main() { mysqlURL := viper.GetString("mysql-url") mysqlURL = fmt.Sprintf("%s?parseTime=true", mysqlURL) db, err := sqlx.Connect("mysql", mysqlURL) if err != nil { return err } environment := bbgo.NewEnvironment(db) environment.AddExchange("binance", binance.New(viper.Getenv("binance-api-key"), viper.Getenv("binance-api-secret")))) environment.AddExchange("max", max.New(viper.Getenv("max-key"), viper.Getenv("max-secret")))) trader := bbgo.NewTrader(bbgo.Config{ Environment: environment, DB: db, }) trader.AddNotifier(slacknotifier.New(slackToken)) trader.AddLogHook(slacklog.NewLogHook(slackToken)) // when any trade execution happened trader.OnTrade(func(session string, exchange types.Exchange, trade types.Trade) { notify(trade) notifyPnL() }) // mount strategy on an exchange trader.AddExchangeStrategy("binance", bondtrade.New("btcusdt", "5m"), bondtrade.New("ethusdt", "5m")) // mount cross exchange strategy trader.AddCrossExchangeStrategy(hedgemaker.New("max", "binance")) t.Run(ctx) } ``` ## Support ### Contribute pull requests Any pull request is welcome, documentation, format fixing, testing, features. ### Register account with referral ID You may register your exchange account with my referral ID to support this project. - For MAX Exchange: (default commission rate to your account) - For Binance Exchange: (5% commission back to your account) ### Some cryptos To support this project by some small amount cryptos: - BTC address `3J6XQJNWT56amqz9Hz2BEVQ7W4aNmb5kiU` - USDT ERC20 address `0x63E5805e027548A384c57E20141f6778591Bac6F` ## License MIT License