package drift import ( "bufio" "bytes" "context" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "math" "os" "strings" "sync" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ID = "drift" const DDriftFilterNeg = -0.7 const DDriftFilterPos = 0.7 const DriftFilterNeg = -1.8 const DriftFilterPos = 1.8 var log = logrus.WithField("strategy", ID) var Four fixedpoint.Value = fixedpoint.NewFromInt(4) var Three fixedpoint.Value = fixedpoint.NewFromInt(3) var Two fixedpoint.Value = fixedpoint.NewFromInt(2) var Delta fixedpoint.Value = fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(0.01) var Fee = fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(0.0008) // taker fee % * 2, for upper bound func init() { bbgo.RegisterStrategy(ID, &Strategy{}) } type SourceFunc func(*types.KLine) fixedpoint.Value type Strategy struct { Symbol string `json:"symbol"` bbgo.StrategyController types.Market types.IntervalWindow *bbgo.Environment *types.Position `persistence:"position"` *types.ProfitStats `persistence:"profit_stats"` *types.TradeStats `persistence:"trade_stats"` p *types.Position trendLine types.UpdatableSeriesExtend ma types.UpdatableSeriesExtend stdevHigh *indicator.StdDev stdevLow *indicator.StdDev drift *DriftMA drift1m *indicator.Drift atr *indicator.ATR midPrice fixedpoint.Value lock sync.RWMutex minutesCounter int orderPendingCounter map[uint64]int beta float64 // This stores the maximum TP coefficient of ATR multiplier of each entry point takeProfitFactor types.UpdatableSeriesExtend Source string `json:"source,omitempty"` TakeProfitFactor float64 `json:"takeProfitFactor"` ProfitFactorWindow int `json:"profitFactorWindow"` StopLoss fixedpoint.Value `json:"stoploss"` CanvasPath string `json:"canvasPath"` PredictOffset int `json:"predictOffset"` HighLowVarianceMultiplier float64 `json:"hlVarianceMultiplier"` NoTrailingStopLoss bool `json:"noTrailingStopLoss"` TrailingStopLossType string `json:"trailingStopLossType"` // trailing stop sources. Possible options are `kline` for 1m kline and `realtime` from order updates HLRangeWindow int `json:"hlRangeWindow"` SmootherWindow int `json:"smootherWindow"` FisherTransformWindow int `json:"fisherTransformWindow"` ATRWindow int `json:"atrWindow"` PendingMinutes int `json:"pendingMinutes"` // if order not be traded for pendingMinutes of time, cancel it. NoRebalance bool `json:"noRebalance"` // disable rebalance TrendWindow int `json:"trendWindow"` // trendLine is used for rebalancing the position. When trendLine goes up, hold base, otherwise hold quote RebalanceFilter float64 `json:"rebalanceFilter"` // beta filter on the Linear Regression of trendLine TrailingCallbackRate []float64 `json:"trailingCallbackRate"` TrailingActivationRatio []float64 `josn:"trailingActivationRatio"` buyPrice float64 `persistence:"buy_price"` sellPrice float64 `persistence:"sell_price"` highestPrice float64 `persistence:"highest_price"` lowestPrice float64 `persistence:"lowest_price"` // This is not related to trade but for statistics graph generation // Will deduct fee in percentage from every trade GraphPNLDeductFee bool `json:"graphPNLDeductFee"` GraphPNLPath string `json:"graphPNLPath"` GraphCumPNLPath string `json:"graphCumPNLPath"` // Whether to generate graph when shutdown GenerateGraph bool `json:"generateGraph"` ExitMethods bbgo.ExitMethodSet `json:"exits"` Session *bbgo.ExchangeSession *bbgo.GeneralOrderExecutor getLastPrice func() fixedpoint.Value getSource SourceFunc } func (s *Strategy) Print(o *os.File) { f := bufio.NewWriter(o) defer f.Flush() b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(s.ExitMethods, " ", " ") hiyellow := color.New(color.FgHiYellow).FprintfFunc() hiyellow(f, "------ %s Settings ------\n", s.InstanceID()) hiyellow(f, "generateGraph: %v\n", s.GenerateGraph) hiyellow(f, "canvasPath: %s\n", s.CanvasPath) hiyellow(f, "graphPNLPath: %s\n", s.GraphPNLPath) hiyellow(f, "graphCumPNLPath: %s\n", s.GraphCumPNLPath) hiyellow(f, "source: %s\n", s.Source) hiyellow(f, "stoploss: %v\n", s.StopLoss) hiyellow(f, "takeProfitFactor(last): %f, (init): %f\n", s.takeProfitFactor.Last(), s.TakeProfitFactor) hiyellow(f, "profitFactorWindow: %d\n", s.ProfitFactorWindow) hiyellow(f, "predictOffset: %d\n", s.PredictOffset) hiyellow(f, "exits:\n %s\n", string(b)) hiyellow(f, "symbol: %s\n", s.Symbol) hiyellow(f, "interval: %s\n", s.Interval) hiyellow(f, "window: %d\n", s.Window) hiyellow(f, "noTrailingStopLoss: %v\n", s.NoTrailingStopLoss) hiyellow(f, "trailingStopLossType: %s\n", s.TrailingStopLossType) hiyellow(f, "hlVarianceMutiplier: %f\n", s.HighLowVarianceMultiplier) hiyellow(f, "hlRangeWindow: %d\n", s.HLRangeWindow) hiyellow(f, "smootherWindow: %d\n", s.SmootherWindow) hiyellow(f, "fisherTransformWindow: %d\n", s.FisherTransformWindow) hiyellow(f, "atrWindow: %d\n", s.ATRWindow) hiyellow(f, "pendingMinutes: %d\n", s.PendingMinutes) hiyellow(f, "noRebalance: %v\n", s.NoRebalance) hiyellow(f, "\ttrendWindow: %d\n", s.TrendWindow) hiyellow(f, "\trebalanceFilter: %f\n", s.RebalanceFilter) hiyellow(f, "trailingActivationRatio: %v\n", s.TrailingActivationRatio) hiyellow(f, "trailingCallbackRate: %v\n", s.TrailingCallbackRate) hiyellow(f, "\n") } func (s *Strategy) ID() string { return ID } func (s *Strategy) InstanceID() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%v", ID, s.Symbol, bbgo.IsBackTesting) } func (s *Strategy) Subscribe(session *bbgo.ExchangeSession) { session.Subscribe(types.KLineChannel, s.Symbol, types.SubscribeOptions{ Interval: s.Interval, }) session.Subscribe(types.KLineChannel, s.Symbol, types.SubscribeOptions{ Interval: types.Interval1m, }) if !bbgo.IsBackTesting { session.Subscribe(types.BookTickerChannel, s.Symbol, types.SubscribeOptions{}) } s.ExitMethods.SetAndSubscribe(session, s) } func (s *Strategy) CurrentPosition() *types.Position { return s.Position } func (s *Strategy) ClosePosition(ctx context.Context, percentage fixedpoint.Value) error { order := s.p.NewMarketCloseOrder(percentage) if order == nil { return nil } order.Tag = "close" order.TimeInForce = "" balances := s.GeneralOrderExecutor.Session().GetAccount().Balances() baseBalance := balances[s.Market.BaseCurrency].Available price := s.getLastPrice() if order.Side == types.SideTypeBuy { quoteAmount := balances[s.Market.QuoteCurrency].Available.Div(price) if order.Quantity.Compare(quoteAmount) > 0 { order.Quantity = quoteAmount } } else if order.Side == types.SideTypeSell && order.Quantity.Compare(baseBalance) > 0 { order.Quantity = baseBalance } for { if s.Market.IsDustQuantity(order.Quantity, price) { return nil } _, err := s.GeneralOrderExecutor.SubmitOrders(ctx, *order) if err != nil { order.Quantity = order.Quantity.Mul(fixedpoint.One.Sub(Delta)) continue } return nil } } func (s *Strategy) SourceFuncGenerator() SourceFunc { switch strings.ToLower(s.Source) { case "close": return func(kline *types.KLine) fixedpoint.Value { return kline.Close } case "high": return func(kline *types.KLine) fixedpoint.Value { return kline.High } case "low": return func(kline *types.KLine) fixedpoint.Value { return kline.Low } case "hl2": return func(kline *types.KLine) fixedpoint.Value { return kline.High.Add(kline.Low).Div(Two) } case "hlc3": return func(kline *types.KLine) fixedpoint.Value { return kline.High.Add(kline.Low).Add(kline.Close).Div(Three) } case "ohlc4": return func(kline *types.KLine) fixedpoint.Value { return kline.Open.Add(kline.High).Add(kline.Low).Add(kline.Close).Div(Four) } case "open": return func(kline *types.KLine) fixedpoint.Value { return kline.Open } case "": log.Infof("source not set, use hl2 by default") return func(kline *types.KLine) fixedpoint.Value { return kline.High.Add(kline.Low).Div(Two) } default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to parse: %s", s.Source)) } } type DriftMA struct { types.SeriesBase ma1 types.UpdatableSeriesExtend drift *indicator.Drift ma2 types.UpdatableSeriesExtend } func (s *DriftMA) Update(value float64) { s.ma1.Update(value) s.drift.Update(s.ma1.Last()) s.ma2.Update(s.drift.Last()) } func (s *DriftMA) Last() float64 { return s.ma2.Last() } func (s *DriftMA) Index(i int) float64 { return s.ma2.Index(i) } func (s *DriftMA) Length() int { return s.ma2.Length() } func (s *DriftMA) ZeroPoint() float64 { return s.drift.ZeroPoint() } func (s *DriftMA) Clone() *DriftMA { out := DriftMA{ ma1: types.Clone(s.ma1), drift: s.drift.Clone(), ma2: types.Clone(s.ma2), } out.SeriesBase.Series = &out return &out } func (s *DriftMA) TestUpdate(v float64) *DriftMA { out := s.Clone() out.Update(v) return out } func (s *Strategy) initIndicators(kline *types.KLine, priceLines *types.Queue) error { = &indicator.SMA{IntervalWindow: types.IntervalWindow{Interval: s.Interval, Window: s.HLRangeWindow}} s.stdevHigh = &indicator.StdDev{IntervalWindow: types.IntervalWindow{Interval: s.Interval, Window: s.HLRangeWindow}} s.stdevLow = &indicator.StdDev{IntervalWindow: types.IntervalWindow{Interval: s.Interval, Window: s.HLRangeWindow}} s.drift = &DriftMA{ drift: &indicator.Drift{ MA: &indicator.SMA{IntervalWindow: s.IntervalWindow}, IntervalWindow: s.IntervalWindow, }, ma1: &indicator.EWMA{ IntervalWindow: types.IntervalWindow{Interval: s.Interval, Window: s.SmootherWindow}, }, ma2: &indicator.FisherTransform{ IntervalWindow: types.IntervalWindow{Interval: s.Interval, Window: s.FisherTransformWindow}, }, } s.drift.SeriesBase.Series = s.drift s.drift1m = &indicator.Drift{ MA: &indicator.SMA{IntervalWindow: types.IntervalWindow{Interval: types.Interval1m, Window: 2}}, IntervalWindow: types.IntervalWindow{Interval: types.Interval1m, Window: 2}, } s.atr = &indicator.ATR{IntervalWindow: types.IntervalWindow{Interval: s.Interval, Window: s.ATRWindow}} s.takeProfitFactor = &indicator.SMA{IntervalWindow: types.IntervalWindow{Interval: s.Interval, Window: s.ProfitFactorWindow}} s.trendLine = &indicator.EWMA{IntervalWindow: types.IntervalWindow{Interval: s.Interval, Window: s.TrendWindow}} for i := 0; i < s.ProfitFactorWindow; i++ { s.takeProfitFactor.Update(s.TakeProfitFactor) } store, _ := s.Session.MarketDataStore(s.Symbol) klines, ok := store.KLinesOfInterval(s.Interval) if !ok { return errors.New("klines not exists") } for _, kline := range *klines { source := s.getSource(&kline).Float64() high := kline.High.Float64() low := kline.Low.Float64() s.stdevHigh.Update(high - s.stdevLow.Update( - low) s.drift.Update(source) s.trendLine.Update(source) s.atr.PushK(kline) priceLines.Update(source) } if kline != nil && klines != nil { kline.Set(&(*klines)[len(*klines)-1]) } klines, ok = store.KLinesOfInterval(types.Interval1m) if !ok { return errors.New("klines not exists") } for _, kline := range *klines { source := s.getSource(&kline).Float64() s.drift1m.Update(source) } return nil } func (s *Strategy) smartCancel(ctx context.Context, pricef, atr, takeProfitFactor float64) (int, error) { nonTraded := s.GeneralOrderExecutor.ActiveMakerOrders().Orders() if len(nonTraded) > 0 { if len(nonTraded) > 1 { log.Errorf("should only have one order to cancel, got %d", len(nonTraded)) } toCancel := false for _, order := range nonTraded { if s.minutesCounter-s.orderPendingCounter[order.OrderID] > s.PendingMinutes { toCancel = true } else if order.Side == types.SideTypeBuy { if order.Price.Float64()+atr*takeProfitFactor <= pricef { toCancel = true } } else if order.Side == types.SideTypeSell { if order.Price.Float64()-atr*takeProfitFactor >= pricef { toCancel = true } } else { panic("not supported side for the order") } } if toCancel { err := s.GeneralOrderExecutor.GracefulCancel(ctx) // TODO: clean orderPendingCounter on cancel/trade if err == nil { for _, order := range nonTraded { delete(s.orderPendingCounter, order.OrderID) } } return 0, err } } return len(nonTraded), nil } func (s *Strategy) trailingCheck(price float64, direction string) bool { avg := s.buyPrice + s.sellPrice if s.highestPrice > 0 && s.highestPrice < price { s.highestPrice = price } if s.lowestPrice > 0 && s.lowestPrice > price { s.lowestPrice = price } isShort := direction == "short" for i := len(s.TrailingCallbackRate) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { trailingCallbackRate := s.TrailingCallbackRate[i] trailingActivationRatio := s.TrailingActivationRatio[i] if isShort { if (avg-s.lowestPrice)/s.lowestPrice > trailingActivationRatio { return (price-s.lowestPrice)/s.lowestPrice > trailingCallbackRate } } else { if (s.highestPrice-avg)/avg > trailingActivationRatio { return (s.highestPrice-price)/price > trailingCallbackRate } } } return false } func (s *Strategy) initTickerFunctions(ctx context.Context) { if s.IsBackTesting() { s.getLastPrice = func() fixedpoint.Value { lastPrice, ok := s.Session.LastPrice(s.Symbol) if !ok { log.Error("cannot get lastprice") } return lastPrice } } else { s.Session.MarketDataStream.OnBookTickerUpdate(func(ticker types.BookTicker) { bestBid := ticker.Buy bestAsk := ticker.Sell var pricef, atr, avg float64 var price fixedpoint.Value if util.TryLock(&s.lock) { if !bestAsk.IsZero() && !bestBid.IsZero() { s.midPrice = bestAsk.Add(bestBid).Div(Two) } else if !bestAsk.IsZero() { s.midPrice = bestAsk } else { s.midPrice = bestBid } price = s.midPrice pricef = s.midPrice.Float64() } else { return } defer s.lock.Unlock() // for trailing stoploss during the realtime if s.NoTrailingStopLoss || s.TrailingStopLossType == "kline" { return } atr = s.atr.Last() takeProfitFactor := s.takeProfitFactor.Predict(2) numPending := 0 var err error if numPending, err = s.smartCancel(ctx, pricef, atr, takeProfitFactor); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot cancel orders") return } if numPending > 0 { return } if s.highestPrice > 0 && s.highestPrice < pricef { s.highestPrice = pricef } if s.lowestPrice > 0 && s.lowestPrice > pricef { s.lowestPrice = pricef } avg = s.buyPrice + s.sellPrice exitShortCondition := ( /*avg+atr/2 <= pricef || avg*(1.+stoploss) <= pricef || (ddrift > 0 && drift > DDriftFilterPos) ||*/ avg-atr*takeProfitFactor >= pricef || s.trailingCheck(pricef, "short")) && (s.p.IsShort() && !s.p.IsDust(price)) exitLongCondition := ( /*avg-atr/2 >= pricef || avg*(1.-stoploss) >= pricef || (ddrift < 0 && drift < DDriftFilterNeg) ||*/ avg+atr*takeProfitFactor <= pricef || s.trailingCheck(pricef, "long")) && (!s.p.IsLong() && !s.p.IsDust(price)) if exitShortCondition || exitLongCondition { if exitLongCondition && s.highestPrice > avg { s.takeProfitFactor.Update((s.highestPrice - avg) / atr * 4) } else if exitShortCondition && avg > s.lowestPrice { s.takeProfitFactor.Update((avg - s.lowestPrice) / atr * 4) } _ = s.ClosePosition(ctx, fixedpoint.One) } }) s.getLastPrice = func() (lastPrice fixedpoint.Value) { var ok bool s.lock.RLock() if s.midPrice.IsZero() { lastPrice, ok = s.Session.LastPrice(s.Symbol) if !ok { log.Error("cannot get lastprice") return lastPrice } } else { lastPrice = s.midPrice } s.lock.RUnlock() return lastPrice } } } func (s *Strategy) DrawIndicators(time types.Time, priceLine types.SeriesExtend, zeroPoints types.Series) *types.Canvas { canvas := types.NewCanvas(s.InstanceID(), s.Interval) Length := priceLine.Length() if Length > 300 { Length = 300 } log.Infof("draw indicators with %d data", Length) mean := priceLine.Mean(Length) highestPrice := priceLine.Minus(mean).Abs().Highest(Length) highestDrift := s.drift.Abs().Highest(Length) hi := s.drift.drift.Abs().Highest(Length) ratio := highestPrice / highestDrift canvas.Plot("upband",, time, Length) canvas.Plot("ma",, time, Length) canvas.Plot("downband",, time, Length) canvas.Plot("drift", s.drift.Mul(ratio).Add(mean), time, Length) canvas.Plot("driftOrig", s.drift.drift.Mul(highestPrice/hi).Add(mean), time, Length) canvas.Plot("zero", types.NumberSeries(mean), time, Length) canvas.Plot("price", priceLine, time, Length) canvas.Plot("zeroPoint", zeroPoints, time, Length) return canvas } func (s *Strategy) DrawPNL(profit types.Series) *types.Canvas { canvas := types.NewCanvas(s.InstanceID()) if s.GraphPNLDeductFee { canvas.PlotRaw("pnl % (with Fee Deducted)", profit, profit.Length()) } else { canvas.PlotRaw("pnl %", profit, profit.Length()) } return canvas } func (s *Strategy) DrawCumPNL(cumProfit types.Series) *types.Canvas { canvas := types.NewCanvas(s.InstanceID()) if s.GraphPNLDeductFee { canvas.PlotRaw("cummulative pnl % (with Fee Deducted)", cumProfit, cumProfit.Length()) } else { canvas.PlotRaw("cummulative pnl %", cumProfit, cumProfit.Length()) } return canvas } func (s *Strategy) Draw(time types.Time, priceLine types.SeriesExtend, profit types.Series, cumProfit types.Series, zeroPoints types.Series) { canvas := s.DrawIndicators(time, priceLine, zeroPoints) f, err := os.Create(s.CanvasPath) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot create on %s", s.CanvasPath) return } defer f.Close() if err := canvas.Render(chart.PNG, f); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot render in drift") } canvas = s.DrawPNL(profit) f, err = os.Create(s.GraphPNLPath) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("open pnl") return } defer f.Close() if err := canvas.Render(chart.PNG, f); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("render pnl") } canvas = s.DrawCumPNL(cumProfit) f, err = os.Create(s.GraphCumPNLPath) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("open cumpnl") return } defer f.Close() if err := canvas.Render(chart.PNG, f); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("render cumpnl") } } // Sending new rebalance orders cost too much. // Modify the position instead to expect the strategy itself rebalance on Close func (s *Strategy) Rebalance(ctx context.Context, orderTagHistory map[uint64]string) { price := s.getLastPrice() _, beta := types.LinearRegression(s.trendLine, 3) if math.Abs(beta) > s.RebalanceFilter && math.Abs(s.beta) > s.RebalanceFilter || math.Abs(s.beta) < s.RebalanceFilter && math.Abs(beta) < s.RebalanceFilter { return } balances := s.GeneralOrderExecutor.Session().GetAccount().Balances() baseBalance := balances[s.Market.BaseCurrency].Total() quoteBalance := balances[s.Market.QuoteCurrency].Total() total := baseBalance.Add(quoteBalance.Div(price)) percentage := fixedpoint.One.Sub(Delta) log.Infof("rebalance beta %f %v", beta, s.p) if beta > s.RebalanceFilter { if total.Mul(percentage).Compare(baseBalance) > 0 { q := total.Mul(percentage).Sub(baseBalance) s.p.Lock() defer s.p.Unlock() s.p.Base = q.Neg() s.p.Quote = q.Mul(price) s.p.AverageCost = price } /*if total.Mul(percentage).Compare(baseBalance) > 0 { q := total.Mul(percentage).Sub(baseBalance) if s.Market.IsDustQuantity(q, price) { return } err := s.GeneralOrderExecutor.GracefulCancel(ctx) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s", err)) } orders, err := s.GeneralOrderExecutor.SubmitOrders(ctx, types.SubmitOrder{ Symbol: s.Symbol, Side: types.SideTypeBuy, Type: types.OrderTypeMarket, Price: price, Quantity: q, Tag: "rebalance", }) if err == nil { orderTagHistory[orders[0].OrderID] = "rebalance" } else { log.WithError(err).Errorf("rebalance %v %v %v %v", total, q, balances[s.Market.QuoteCurrency].Available, quoteBalance) } }*/ } else if beta <= -s.RebalanceFilter { if total.Mul(percentage).Compare(quoteBalance.Div(price)) > 0 { q := total.Mul(percentage).Sub(quoteBalance.Div(price)) s.p.Lock() defer s.p.Unlock() s.p.Base = q s.p.Quote = q.Mul(price).Neg() s.p.AverageCost = price } /*if total.Mul(percentage).Compare(quoteBalance.Div(price)) > 0 { q := total.Mul(percentage).Sub(quoteBalance.Div(price)) if s.Market.IsDustQuantity(q, price) { return } err := s.GeneralOrderExecutor.GracefulCancel(ctx) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s", err)) } orders, err := s.GeneralOrderExecutor.SubmitOrders(ctx, types.SubmitOrder{ Symbol: s.Symbol, Side: types.SideTypeSell, Type: types.OrderTypeMarket, Price: price, Quantity: q, Tag: "rebalance", }) if err == nil { orderTagHistory[orders[0].OrderID] = "rebalance" } else { log.WithError(err).Errorf("rebalance %v %v %v %v", total, q, balances[s.Market.BaseCurrency].Available, baseBalance) } }*/ } else { if total.Div(Two).Compare(quoteBalance.Div(price)) > 0 { q := total.Div(Two).Sub(quoteBalance.Div(price)) s.p.Lock() defer s.p.Unlock() s.p.Base = q s.p.Quote = q.Mul(price).Neg() s.p.AverageCost = price } else if total.Div(Two).Compare(baseBalance) > 0 { q := total.Div(Two).Sub(baseBalance) s.p.Lock() defer s.p.Unlock() s.p.Base = q.Neg() s.p.Quote = q.Mul(price) s.p.AverageCost = price } else { s.p.Lock() defer s.p.Unlock() s.p.Reset() } } log.Infof("rebalanceafter %v %v %v", baseBalance, quoteBalance, s.p) s.beta = beta } func (s *Strategy) Run(ctx context.Context, orderExecutor bbgo.OrderExecutor, session *bbgo.ExchangeSession) error { instanceID := s.InstanceID() // Will be set by persistence if there's any from DB if s.Position == nil { s.Position = types.NewPositionFromMarket(s.Market) s.p = types.NewPositionFromMarket(s.Market) } else { s.p = types.NewPositionFromMarket(s.Market) s.p.Base = s.Position.Base s.p.Quote = s.Position.Quote s.p.AverageCost = s.Position.AverageCost } if s.ProfitStats == nil { s.ProfitStats = types.NewProfitStats(s.Market) } if s.TradeStats == nil { s.TradeStats = types.NewTradeStats(s.Symbol) } startTime := s.Environment.StartTime() s.TradeStats.SetIntervalProfitCollector(types.NewIntervalProfitCollector(types.Interval1d, startTime)) s.TradeStats.SetIntervalProfitCollector(types.NewIntervalProfitCollector(types.Interval1w, startTime)) // StrategyController s.Status = types.StrategyStatusRunning // Get source function from config input s.getSource = s.SourceFuncGenerator() s.OnSuspend(func() { _ = s.GeneralOrderExecutor.GracefulCancel(ctx) }) s.OnEmergencyStop(func() { _ = s.GeneralOrderExecutor.GracefulCancel(ctx) _ = s.ClosePosition(ctx, fixedpoint.One) }) s.GeneralOrderExecutor = bbgo.NewGeneralOrderExecutor(session, s.Symbol, ID, instanceID, s.Position) s.GeneralOrderExecutor.BindEnvironment(s.Environment) s.GeneralOrderExecutor.BindProfitStats(s.ProfitStats) s.GeneralOrderExecutor.BindTradeStats(s.TradeStats) s.GeneralOrderExecutor.TradeCollector().OnPositionUpdate(func(position *types.Position) { bbgo.Sync(s) }) s.GeneralOrderExecutor.Bind() s.orderPendingCounter = make(map[uint64]int) s.minutesCounter = 0 // Exit methods from config for _, method := range s.ExitMethods { method.Bind(session, s.GeneralOrderExecutor) } buyPrice := fixedpoint.Zero sellPrice := fixedpoint.Zero Volume := fixedpoint.Zero profit := types.Float64Slice{} cumProfit := types.Float64Slice{1.} orderTagHistory := make(map[uint64]string) s.Session.UserDataStream.OnOrderUpdate(func(order types.Order) { orderTagHistory[order.OrderID] = order.Tag }) modify := func(p fixedpoint.Value) fixedpoint.Value { return p } if s.GraphPNLDeductFee { modify = func(p fixedpoint.Value) fixedpoint.Value { return p.Mul(fixedpoint.One.Sub(Fee)) } } s.Session.UserDataStream.OnTradeUpdate(func(trade types.Trade) { s.p.AddTrade(trade) tag, ok := orderTagHistory[trade.OrderID] if !ok { panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot find order: %v", trade)) } if tag == "close" { if !buyPrice.IsZero() { profit.Update(modify(trade.Price.Div(buyPrice)). Sub(fixedpoint.One). Mul(trade.Quantity). Div(Volume). Add(fixedpoint.One). Float64()) cumProfit.Update(cumProfit.Last() * profit.Last()) Volume = Volume.Sub(trade.Quantity) if Volume.IsZero() { buyPrice = fixedpoint.Zero } if !sellPrice.IsZero() { panic("sellprice shouldn't be zero") } } else if !sellPrice.IsZero() { profit.Update(modify(sellPrice.Div(trade.Price)). Sub(fixedpoint.One). Mul(trade.Quantity). Div(Volume). Neg(). Add(fixedpoint.One). Float64()) cumProfit.Update(cumProfit.Last() * profit.Last()) Volume = Volume.Add(trade.Quantity) if Volume.IsZero() { sellPrice = fixedpoint.Zero } if !buyPrice.IsZero() { panic("buyprice shouldn't be zero") } } else { // position changed by strategy if trade.Side == types.SideTypeBuy { buyPrice = trade.Price Volume = Volume.Add(trade.Quantity) } else if trade.Side == types.SideTypeSell { sellPrice = trade.Price Volume = Volume.Sub(trade.Quantity) } } } else if tag == "short" { if buyPrice.IsZero() { if !sellPrice.IsZero() { sellPrice = sellPrice.Mul(Volume).Sub(trade.Price.Mul(trade.Quantity)).Div(Volume.Sub(trade.Quantity)) } else { sellPrice = trade.Price } } else { profit.Update(modify(trade.Price.Div(buyPrice)).Float64()) cumProfit.Update(cumProfit.Last() * profit.Last()) buyPrice = fixedpoint.Zero Volume = fixedpoint.Zero sellPrice = trade.Price } Volume = Volume.Sub(trade.Quantity) } else if tag == "long" { if sellPrice.IsZero() { if !buyPrice.IsZero() { buyPrice = buyPrice.Mul(Volume).Add(trade.Price.Mul(trade.Quantity)).Div(Volume.Add(trade.Quantity)) } else { buyPrice = trade.Price } } else { profit.Update(modify(sellPrice.Div(trade.Price)).Float64()) cumProfit.Update(cumProfit.Last() * profit.Last()) sellPrice = fixedpoint.Zero buyPrice = trade.Price Volume = fixedpoint.Zero } Volume = Volume.Add(trade.Quantity) } else if tag == "rebalance" { if sellPrice.IsZero() { profit.Update(modify(sellPrice.Div(trade.Price)).Float64()) } else { profit.Update(modify(trade.Price.Div(buyPrice)).Float64()) } cumProfit.Update(cumProfit.Last() * profit.Last()) sellPrice = fixedpoint.Zero buyPrice = fixedpoint.Zero Volume = fixedpoint.Zero s.p.Lock() defer s.p.Unlock() s.p.Reset() } s.buyPrice = buyPrice.Float64() s.highestPrice = s.buyPrice s.sellPrice = sellPrice.Float64() s.lowestPrice = s.sellPrice }) dynamicKLine := &types.KLine{} priceLine := types.NewQueue(300) if err := s.initIndicators(dynamicKLine, priceLine); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("initIndicator failed") return nil } s.initTickerFunctions(ctx) zeroPoints := types.NewQueue(300) stoploss := s.StopLoss.Float64() // default value: use 1m kline if !s.NoTrailingStopLoss && s.IsBackTesting() || s.TrailingStopLossType == "" { s.TrailingStopLossType = "kline" } bbgo.RegisterCommand("telegram", "/draw", func(msg string) { canvas := s.DrawIndicators(dynamicKLine.StartTime, priceLine, zeroPoints) var buffer bytes.Buffer if err := canvas.Render(chart.PNG, &buffer); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot render indicators in drift") return } bbgo.SendPhoto(&buffer) }) bbgo.RegisterCommand("telegram", "/pnl", func(msg string) { canvas := s.DrawPNL(&profit) var buffer bytes.Buffer if err := canvas.Render(chart.PNG, &buffer); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot render pnl in drift") return } bbgo.SendPhoto(&buffer) }) bbgo.RegisterCommand("telegram", "/cumpnl", func(msg string) { canvas := s.DrawCumPNL(&cumProfit) var buffer bytes.Buffer if err := canvas.Render(chart.PNG, &buffer); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot render cumpnl in drift") return } bbgo.SendPhoto(&buffer) }) session.MarketDataStream.OnKLineClosed(func(kline types.KLine) { if s.Status != types.StrategyStatusRunning { return } if kline.Symbol != s.Symbol { return } var driftPred, atr float64 var drift []float64 if !kline.Closed { return } if kline.Interval == types.Interval1m { s.drift1m.Update(s.getSource(&kline).Float64()) s.minutesCounter += 1 if s.NoTrailingStopLoss || s.TrailingStopLossType == "realtime" { return } // for doing the trailing stoploss during backtesting atr = s.atr.Last() price := s.getLastPrice() pricef := price.Float64() takeProfitFactor := s.takeProfitFactor.Predict(2) var err error numPending := 0 if numPending, err = s.smartCancel(ctx, pricef, atr, takeProfitFactor); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot cancel orders") return } if numPending > 0 { return } lowf := math.Min(kline.Low.Float64(), pricef) highf := math.Max(kline.High.Float64(), pricef) if s.lowestPrice > 0 && lowf < s.lowestPrice { s.lowestPrice = lowf } if s.highestPrice > 0 && highf > s.highestPrice { s.highestPrice = highf } avg := s.buyPrice + s.sellPrice stoploss = s.StopLoss.Float64() exitShortCondition := ( /*avg+atr/2 <= highf || avg*(1.+stoploss) <= pricef || (drift > 0 || ddrift > DDriftFilterPos) ||*/ avg-atr*takeProfitFactor >= pricef || s.trailingCheck(highf, "short")) && (s.Position.IsShort() && !s.Position.IsDust(price)) exitLongCondition := ( /*avg-atr/2 >= lowf || avg*(1.-stoploss) >= pricef || (drift < 0 || ddrift < DDriftFilterNeg) ||*/ avg+atr*takeProfitFactor <= pricef || s.trailingCheck(lowf, "long")) && (s.Position.IsLong() && !s.Position.IsDust(price)) if exitShortCondition || exitLongCondition { if exitLongCondition && s.highestPrice > avg { s.takeProfitFactor.Update((s.highestPrice - avg) / atr * 4) } else if exitShortCondition && avg > s.lowestPrice { s.takeProfitFactor.Update((avg - s.lowestPrice) / atr * 4) } _ = s.ClosePosition(ctx, fixedpoint.One) } return } dynamicKLine.Set(&kline) source := s.getSource(dynamicKLine) sourcef := source.Float64() priceLine.Update(sourcef) s.trendLine.Update(sourcef) s.drift.Update(sourcef) zeroPoint := s.drift.ZeroPoint() zeroPoints.Update(zeroPoint) s.atr.PushK(kline) drift = s.drift.Array(2) ddrift := s.drift.drift.Array(2) driftPred = s.drift.Predict(s.PredictOffset) ddriftPred := s.drift.drift.Predict(s.PredictOffset) atr = s.atr.Last() price := s.getLastPrice() pricef := price.Float64() lowf := math.Min(kline.Low.Float64(), pricef) highf := math.Max(kline.High.Float64(), pricef) lowdiff := - lowf s.stdevLow.Update(lowdiff) highdiff := highf - s.stdevHigh.Update(highdiff) if s.lowestPrice > 0 && lowf < s.lowestPrice { s.lowestPrice = lowf } if s.highestPrice > 0 && highf > s.highestPrice { s.highestPrice = highf } avg := s.buyPrice + s.sellPrice takeProfitFactor := s.takeProfitFactor.Predict(2) if !s.NoRebalance { s.Rebalance(ctx, orderTagHistory) } if !s.IsBackTesting() { balances := s.GeneralOrderExecutor.Session().GetAccount().Balances() bbgo.Notify("zeroPoint: %.4f, source: %.4f, price: %.4f, driftPred: %.4f, drift: %.4f, drift[1]: %.4f, atr: %.4f, avg: %.4f", zeroPoint, sourcef, pricef, driftPred, drift[0], drift[1], atr, avg) // Notify will parse args to strings and process separately bbgo.Notify("balances: [Base] %s [Quote] %s", balances[s.Market.BaseCurrency].String(), balances[s.Market.QuoteCurrency].String()) } drift1m := s.drift1m.Predict(3) shortCondition := (drift[1] >= DriftFilterNeg || ddrift[1] >= 0) && (driftPred <= DDriftFilterNeg || ddriftPred <= 0) longCondition := (drift[1] <= DriftFilterPos || ddrift[1] <= 0) && (driftPred >= DDriftFilterPos || ddriftPred >= 0) exitShortCondition := ((drift[0] >= DDriftFilterPos || ddrift[0] >= 0) && drift1m > 0 || avg*(1.+stoploss) <= pricef || avg-atr*takeProfitFactor >= pricef) && s.Position.IsShort() exitLongCondition := ((drift[0] <= DDriftFilterNeg || ddrift[0] <= 0) && drift1m < 0 || avg*(1.-stoploss) >= pricef || avg+atr*takeProfitFactor <= pricef) && s.Position.IsLong() if (exitShortCondition || exitLongCondition) && s.Position.IsOpened(price) && !shortCondition && !longCondition { if err := s.GeneralOrderExecutor.GracefulCancel(ctx); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot cancel orders") return } if exitShortCondition && avg > s.lowestPrice { s.takeProfitFactor.Update((avg - s.lowestPrice) / atr * 4) } else if exitLongCondition && avg < s.highestPrice { s.takeProfitFactor.Update((s.highestPrice - avg) / atr * 4) } if s.takeProfitFactor.Last() == 0 { log.Errorf("exit %f %f %f %v", s.highestPrice, s.lowestPrice, avg, s.takeProfitFactor.Array(10)) } _ = s.ClosePosition(ctx, fixedpoint.One) return } if shortCondition { if err := s.GeneralOrderExecutor.GracefulCancel(ctx); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot cancel orders") return } baseBalance, ok := s.Session.GetAccount().Balance(s.Market.BaseCurrency) if !ok { log.Errorf("unable to get baseBalance") return } source = source.Add(fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(s.stdevHigh.Last() * s.HighLowVarianceMultiplier)) if source.Compare(price) < 0 { source = price } sourcef = source.Float64() if s.Market.IsDustQuantity(baseBalance.Available, source) { return } if avg < s.highestPrice && avg > 0 && s.Position.IsLong() { s.takeProfitFactor.Update((s.highestPrice - avg) / atr * 4) if s.takeProfitFactor.Last() == 0 { log.Errorf("short %f %f", s.highestPrice, avg) } } // Cleanup pending StopOrders quantity := baseBalance.Available createdOrders, err := s.GeneralOrderExecutor.SubmitOrders(ctx, types.SubmitOrder{ Symbol: s.Symbol, Side: types.SideTypeSell, Type: types.OrderTypeLimit, Price: source, Quantity: quantity, Tag: "short", }) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot place sell order") return } orderTagHistory[createdOrders[0].OrderID] = "short" s.orderPendingCounter[createdOrders[0].OrderID] = s.minutesCounter } if longCondition { if err := s.GeneralOrderExecutor.GracefulCancel(ctx); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot cancel orders") return } source = source.Sub(fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(s.stdevLow.Last() * s.HighLowVarianceMultiplier)) if source.Compare(price) > 0 { source = price } sourcef = source.Float64() quoteBalance, ok := s.Session.GetAccount().Balance(s.Market.QuoteCurrency) if !ok { log.Errorf("unable to get quoteCurrency") return } if s.Market.IsDustQuantity( quoteBalance.Available.Div(source), source) { return } if avg > s.lowestPrice && s.Position.IsShort() { s.takeProfitFactor.Update((avg - s.lowestPrice) / atr * 4) if s.takeProfitFactor.Last() == 0 { log.Errorf("long %f %f", s.lowestPrice, avg) } } quantity := quoteBalance.Available.Div(source) createdOrders, err := s.GeneralOrderExecutor.SubmitOrders(ctx, types.SubmitOrder{ Symbol: s.Symbol, Side: types.SideTypeBuy, Type: types.OrderTypeLimit, Price: source, Quantity: quantity, Tag: "long", }) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot place buy order") return } orderTagHistory[createdOrders[0].OrderID] = "long" s.orderPendingCounter[createdOrders[0].OrderID] = s.minutesCounter } }) bbgo.OnShutdown(func(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup) { defer s.Print(os.Stdout) defer fmt.Fprintln(os.Stdout, s.TradeStats.BriefString()) if s.GenerateGraph { s.Draw(dynamicKLine.StartTime, priceLine, &profit, &cumProfit, zeroPoints) } wg.Done() }) return nil }