package drift import ( "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" "math" "os" "strings" "sync" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ID = "drift" var log = logrus.WithField("strategy", ID) var Four fixedpoint.Value = fixedpoint.NewFromInt(4) var Three fixedpoint.Value = fixedpoint.NewFromInt(3) var Two fixedpoint.Value = fixedpoint.NewFromInt(2) var Delta fixedpoint.Value = fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(0.01) func init() { bbgo.RegisterStrategy(ID, &Strategy{}) } type SourceFunc func(*types.KLine) fixedpoint.Value type Strategy struct { Symbol string `json:"symbol"` bbgo.StrategyController types.Market types.IntervalWindow *bbgo.Environment *types.Position `persistence:"position"` *types.ProfitStats `persistence:"profit_stats"` *types.TradeStats `persistence:"trade_stats"` drift *indicator.Drift atr *indicator.ATR midPrice fixedpoint.Value lock sync.RWMutex Source string `json:"source"` Stoploss fixedpoint.Value `json:"stoploss"` CanvasPath string `json:"canvasPath"` PredictOffset int `json:"predictOffset"` ExitMethods bbgo.ExitMethodSet `json:"exits"` Session *bbgo.ExchangeSession *bbgo.GeneralOrderExecutor getLastPrice func() fixedpoint.Value } func (s *Strategy) Print() { b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(s.ExitMethods, " ", " ") hiyellow := color.New(color.FgHiYellow).FprintfFunc() hiyellow(os.Stderr, "------ %s Settings ------\n", s.InstanceID()) hiyellow(os.Stderr, "canvasPath: %s\n", s.CanvasPath) hiyellow(os.Stderr, "source: %s\n", s.Source) hiyellow(os.Stderr, "stoploss: %v\n", s.Stoploss) hiyellow(os.Stderr, "predictOffset: %d\n", s.PredictOffset) hiyellow(os.Stderr, "exits:\n %s\n", string(b)) hiyellow(os.Stderr, "symbol: %s\n", s.Symbol) hiyellow(os.Stderr, "interval: %s\n", s.Interval) hiyellow(os.Stderr, "window: %d\n", s.Window) } func (s *Strategy) ID() string { return ID } func (s *Strategy) InstanceID() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", ID, s.Symbol) } func (s *Strategy) Subscribe(session *bbgo.ExchangeSession) { session.Subscribe(types.KLineChannel, s.Symbol, types.SubscribeOptions{ Interval: s.Interval, }) session.Subscribe(types.KLineChannel, s.Symbol, types.SubscribeOptions{ Interval: types.Interval1m, }) if !bbgo.IsBackTesting { session.Subscribe(types.BookTickerChannel, s.Symbol, types.SubscribeOptions{}) } s.ExitMethods.SetAndSubscribe(session, s) } func (s *Strategy) ClosePosition(ctx context.Context) (*types.Order, bool) { order := s.Position.NewMarketCloseOrder(fixedpoint.One) if order == nil { return nil, false } order.TimeInForce = "" balances := s.Session.GetAccount().Balances() baseBalance := balances[s.Market.BaseCurrency].Available price := s.getLastPrice() if order.Side == types.SideTypeBuy { quoteAmount := balances[s.Market.QuoteCurrency].Available.Div(price) if order.Quantity.Compare(quoteAmount) > 0 { order.Quantity = quoteAmount } } else if order.Side == types.SideTypeSell && order.Quantity.Compare(baseBalance) > 0 { order.Quantity = baseBalance } for { if s.Market.IsDustQuantity(order.Quantity, price) { return nil, true } createdOrders, err := s.GeneralOrderExecutor.SubmitOrders(ctx, *order) if err != nil { order.Quantity = order.Quantity.Mul(fixedpoint.One.Sub(Delta)) continue } return &createdOrders[0], true } } func (s *Strategy) SourceFuncGenerator() SourceFunc { switch strings.ToLower(s.Source) { case "close": return func(kline *types.KLine) fixedpoint.Value { return kline.Close } case "high": return func(kline *types.KLine) fixedpoint.Value { return kline.High } case "low": return func(kline *types.KLine) fixedpoint.Value { return kline.Low } case "hl2": return func(kline *types.KLine) fixedpoint.Value { return kline.High.Add(kline.Low).Div(Two) } case "hlc3": return func(kline *types.KLine) fixedpoint.Value { return kline.High.Add(kline.Low).Add(kline.Close).Div(Three) } case "ohlc4": return func(kline *types.KLine) fixedpoint.Value { return kline.Open.Add(kline.High).Add(kline.Low).Add(kline.Close).Div(Four) } case "open": return func(kline *types.KLine) fixedpoint.Value { return kline.Open } case "": return func(kline *types.KLine) fixedpoint.Value { log.Infof("source not set, use hl2 by default") return kline.High.Add(kline.Low).Div(Two) } default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to parse: %s", s.Source)) } } func (s *Strategy) Run(ctx context.Context, orderExecutor bbgo.OrderExecutor, session *bbgo.ExchangeSession) error { instanceID := s.InstanceID() if s.Position == nil { s.Position = types.NewPositionFromMarket(s.Market) } if s.ProfitStats == nil { s.ProfitStats = types.NewProfitStats(s.Market) } if s.TradeStats == nil { s.TradeStats = types.NewTradeStats(s.Symbol) } // StrategyController s.Status = types.StrategyStatusRunning s.OnSuspend(func() { _ = s.GeneralOrderExecutor.GracefulCancel(ctx) }) s.OnEmergencyStop(func() { _ = s.GeneralOrderExecutor.GracefulCancel(ctx) _, _ = s.ClosePosition(ctx) }) s.Session = session s.GeneralOrderExecutor = bbgo.NewGeneralOrderExecutor(session, s.Symbol, ID, instanceID, s.Position) s.GeneralOrderExecutor.BindEnvironment(s.Environment) s.GeneralOrderExecutor.BindProfitStats(s.ProfitStats) s.GeneralOrderExecutor.BindTradeStats(s.TradeStats) s.GeneralOrderExecutor.TradeCollector().OnPositionUpdate(func(position *types.Position) { bbgo.Sync(s) }) s.GeneralOrderExecutor.Bind() for _, method := range s.ExitMethods { method.Bind(session, s.GeneralOrderExecutor) } store, _ := session.MarketDataStore(s.Symbol) getSource := s.SourceFuncGenerator() s.drift = &indicator.Drift{ MA: &indicator.SMA{IntervalWindow: s.IntervalWindow}, IntervalWindow: s.IntervalWindow, } s.atr = &indicator.ATR{IntervalWindow: types.IntervalWindow{Interval: s.Interval, Window: 14}} klines, ok := store.KLinesOfInterval(s.Interval) if !ok { log.Errorf("klines not exists") return nil } dynamicKLine := &types.KLine{} for _, kline := range *klines { source := getSource(&kline).Float64() s.drift.Update(source) s.atr.Update(kline.High.Float64(), kline.Low.Float64(), kline.Close.Float64()) } if s.Environment.IsBackTesting() { s.getLastPrice = func() fixedpoint.Value { lastPrice, ok := s.Session.LastPrice(s.Symbol) if !ok { log.Error("cannot get lastprice") } return lastPrice } } else { session.MarketDataStream.OnBookTickerUpdate(func(ticker types.BookTicker) { bestBid := ticker.Buy bestAsk := ticker.Sell if util.TryLock(&s.lock) { if !bestAsk.IsZero() && !bestBid.IsZero() { s.midPrice = bestAsk.Add(bestBid).Div(Two) } else if !bestAsk.IsZero() { s.midPrice = bestAsk } else { s.midPrice = bestBid } s.lock.Unlock() } }) s.getLastPrice = func() (lastPrice fixedpoint.Value) { var ok bool s.lock.RLock() if s.midPrice.IsZero() { lastPrice, ok = s.Session.LastPrice(s.Symbol) if !ok { log.Error("cannot get lastprice") return lastPrice } } else { lastPrice = s.midPrice } s.lock.RUnlock() return lastPrice } } priceLine := types.NewQueue(100) stoploss := s.Stoploss.Float64() session.MarketDataStream.OnKLineClosed(func(kline types.KLine) { if s.Status != types.StrategyStatusRunning { return } if kline.Symbol != s.Symbol { return } var driftPred, atr float64 var drift []float64 if !kline.Closed { return } if kline.Interval == types.Interval1m { return } dynamicKLine.Copy(&kline) source := getSource(dynamicKLine) sourcef := source.Float64() priceLine.Update(sourcef) s.drift.Update(sourcef) drift = s.drift.Array(2) driftPred = s.drift.Predict(s.PredictOffset) atr = s.atr.Last() price := s.getLastPrice() pricef := price.Float64() avg := s.Position.AverageCost.Float64() shortCondition := (driftPred <= 0 && drift[0] <= 0) longCondition := (driftPred >= 0 && drift[0] >= 0) exitShortCondition := ((drift[1] < 0 && drift[0] >= 0) || avg+atr/2 <= pricef || avg*(1.+stoploss) <= pricef) && (!s.Position.IsClosed() && !s.Position.IsDust(fixedpoint.Max(price, source))) && !longCondition exitLongCondition := ((drift[1] > 0 && drift[0] < 0) || avg-atr/2 >= pricef || avg*(1.-stoploss) >= pricef) && (!s.Position.IsClosed() && !s.Position.IsDust(fixedpoint.Min(price, source))) && !shortCondition if exitShortCondition || exitLongCondition { if err := s.GeneralOrderExecutor.GracefulCancel(ctx); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot cancel orders") return } _, _ = s.ClosePosition(ctx) } if shortCondition { if err := s.GeneralOrderExecutor.GracefulCancel(ctx); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot cancel orders") return } baseBalance, ok := s.Session.GetAccount().Balance(s.Market.BaseCurrency) if !ok { log.Errorf("unable to get baseBalance") return } if source.Compare(price) < 0 { source = price } if s.Market.IsDustQuantity(baseBalance.Available, source) { return } _, err := s.GeneralOrderExecutor.SubmitOrders(ctx, types.SubmitOrder{ Symbol: s.Symbol, Side: types.SideTypeSell, Type: types.OrderTypeLimitMaker, Price: source, StopPrice: fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(math.Min(sourcef+atr/2, sourcef*(1.+stoploss))), Quantity: baseBalance.Available, }) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot place sell order") return } } if longCondition { if err := s.GeneralOrderExecutor.GracefulCancel(ctx); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot cancel orders") return } if source.Compare(price) > 0 { source = price } quoteBalance, ok := s.Session.GetAccount().Balance(s.Market.QuoteCurrency) if !ok { log.Errorf("unable to get quoteCurrency") return } if s.Market.IsDustQuantity( quoteBalance.Available.Div(source), source) { return } _, err := s.GeneralOrderExecutor.SubmitOrders(ctx, types.SubmitOrder{ Symbol: s.Symbol, Side: types.SideTypeBuy, Type: types.OrderTypeLimitMaker, Price: source, StopPrice: fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(math.Max(sourcef-atr/2, sourcef*(1.-stoploss))), Quantity: quoteBalance.Available.Div(source), }) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot place buy order") return } } }) bbgo.OnShutdown(func(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup) { _, _ = fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, s.TradeStats.String()) s.Print() canvas := types.NewCanvas(s.InstanceID(), s.Interval) mean := priceLine.Mean(100) highestPrice := priceLine.Minus(mean).Highest(100) highestDrift := s.drift.Highest(100) ratio := highestDrift / highestPrice canvas.Plot("drift", s.drift, dynamicKLine.StartTime, 100) canvas.Plot("zero", types.NumberSeries(0), dynamicKLine.StartTime, 100) canvas.Plot("price", priceLine.Minus(mean).Mul(ratio), dynamicKLine.StartTime, 100) f, err := os.Create(s.CanvasPath) if err != nil { log.Errorf("%v cannot create on %s", err, s.CanvasPath) } defer f.Close() canvas.Render(chart.PNG, f) wg.Done() }) return nil }