# bbgo A trading bot framework written in Go. The name bbgo comes from the BB8 bot in the Star Wars movie. aka Buy BitCoin Go! ## Current Status [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/c9s/bbgo.svg?branch=main)](https://travis-ci.org/c9s/bbgo) ## Features - Exchange abstraction interface - Stream integration (user data websocket) - PnL calculation. - Slack notification - KLine-based Backtest - Built-in strategies ## Supported Exchanges - MAX Exchange (located in Taiwan) - Binance Exchange ## Requirements Get your exchange API key and secret after you register the accounts: - For MAX: - For Binance: ## Installation Setup MySQL or [run it in docker](https://hub.docker.com/_/mysql) Install the builtin commands: ```sh go get -u github.com/c9s/bbgo/cmd/bbgo ``` Add your dotenv file: ``` SLACK_TOKEN= TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN= TELEGRAM_BOT_AUTH_TOKEN= BINANCE_API_KEY= BINANCE_API_SECRET= MAX_API_KEY= MAX_API_SECRET= FTX_API_KEY= FTX_API_SECRET= # specify it if credentials are for subaccount FTX_SUBACCOUNT_NAME= MYSQL_URL=root@tcp( ``` Make sure you have [dotenv](https://github.com/bkeepers/dotenv) To sync your own trade data: ``` bbgo sync --config config/grid.yaml --session max bbgo sync --config config/grid.yaml --session binance ``` If you want to switch to other dotenv file, you can add an `--dotenv` option: ``` bbgo sync --dotenv .env.dev --config config/grid.yaml --session binance ``` To sync remote exchange klines data for backtesting: ```sh bbgo backtest --exchange binance --config config/grid.yaml -v --sync --sync-only --sync-from 2020-01-01 ``` To run backtest: ```sh bbgo backtest --exchange binance --config config/bollgrid.yaml --base-asset-baseline ``` To query transfer history: ```sh bbgo transfer-history --exchange max --asset USDT --since "2019-01-01" ``` To calculate pnl: ```sh bbgo pnl --exchange binance --asset BTC --since "2019-01-01" ``` To run strategy: ```sh bbgo run --config config/buyandhold.yaml ``` ## Built-in Strategies Check out the strategy directory [strategy](pkg/strategy) for all built-in strategies: - `pricealert` strategy demonstrates how to use the notification system [pricealert](pkg/strategy/pricealert) - `xpuremaker` strategy demonstrates how to maintain the orderbook and submit maker orders [xpuremaker](pkg/strategy/xpuremaker) - `buyandhold` strategy demonstrates how to subscribe kline events and submit market order [buyandhold](pkg/strategy/buyandhold) - `grid` strategy implements a basic grid strategy with the built-in bollinger indicator [grid](pkg/strategy/grid) - `flashcrash` strategy implements a strategy that catches the flashcrash [flashcrash](pkg/strategy/flashcrash) To run these built-in strategies, just modify the config file to make the configuration suitable for you, for example if you want to run `buyandhold` strategy: ```sh vim config/buyandhold.yaml # run bbgo with the config bbgo run --config config/buyandhold.yaml ``` ## Write your own strategy Create your go package, and initialize the repository with `go mod` and add bbgo as a dependency: ``` go mod init go get github.com/c9s/bbgo@main ``` Write your own strategy in the strategy file: ``` vim strategy.go ``` You can grab the skeleton strategy from Now add your config: ``` mkdir config (cd config && curl -o bbgo.yaml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/c9s/bbgo/main/config/minimal.yaml) ``` Add your strategy package path to the config file `config/bbgo.yaml` ```yaml --- build: dir: build imports: - github.com/your_id/your_swing targets: - name: swing-amd64-linux os: linux arch: amd64 - name: swing-amd64-darwin os: darwin arch: amd64 ``` Run `bbgo run` command, bbgo will compile a wrapper binary that imports your strategy: ```sh dotenv -f .env.local -- bbgo run --config config/bbgo.yaml ``` Or you can build your own wrapper binary via: ```shell bbgo build --config config/bbgo.yaml ``` ## Dynamic Injection In order to minimize the strategy code, bbgo supports dynamic dependency injection. Before executing your strategy, bbgo injects the components into your strategy object if it found the embedded field that is using bbgo component. for example: ```go type Strategy struct { *bbgo.Notifiability } ``` And then, in your code, you can call the methods of Notifiability. Supported components (single exchange strategy only for now): - `*bbgo.Notifiability` - `bbgo.OrderExecutor` If you have `Symbol string` field in your strategy, your strategy will be detected as a symbol-based strategy, then the following types could be injected automatically: - `*bbgo.ExchangeSession` - `types.Market` ## Exchange API Examples Please check out the example directory: [examples](examples) Initialize MAX API: ```go key := os.Getenv("MAX_API_KEY") secret := os.Getenv("MAX_API_SECRET") maxRest := maxapi.NewRestClient(maxapi.ProductionAPIURL) maxRest.Auth(key, secret) ``` Creating user data stream to get the orderbook (depth): ```go stream := max.NewStream(key, secret) stream.Subscribe(types.BookChannel, symbol, types.SubscribeOptions{}) streambook := types.NewStreamBook(symbol) streambook.BindStream(stream) ``` ## Telegram Integration - In telegram: @botFather - /newbot - input bot display name. ex. `bbgo_bot` - input bot username. This should be global unique. ex. `PeqFqJxP_bbgo_bot` - Botfather return bot token. Keep bot token safe - Set `TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN` in `.env.local` - Set `TELEGRAM_AUTH_TOKEN` in `.env.local`. Generate your own auth token. ex. 92463901, or kx2UX@eM - Run bbgo - In telegram: search your bot `PeqFqJxP_bbgo_bot` - /start - /auth 92463901 - done! your session will route to telegram ## Helm Chart Prepare your docker image locally (you can also use the docker image from docker hub): ``` make docker DOCKER_TAG=1.16.0 ``` The docker tag version number is from the file [Chart.yaml](charts/bbgo/Chart.yaml) Prepare your secret: ``` kubectl create secret generic bbgo-grid --from-env-file .env.local ``` Configure your config file, the chart defaults to read config/bbgo.yaml to create a configmap: ``` cp config/grid.yaml config/bbgo.yaml vim config/bbgo.yaml ``` Install chart with the preferred release name, the release name maps to the previous secret we just created, that is, `bbgo-grid`: ``` helm install bbgo-grid ./charts/bbgo ``` Delete chart: ``` helm delete bbgo ``` ## Development ### Adding new migration ```sh rockhopper --config rockhopper_sqlite.yaml create --type sql add_pnl_column rockhopper --config rockhopper_mysql.yaml create --type sql add_pnl_column ``` ## Support ### By contributing pull requests Any pull request is welcome, documentation, format fixing, testing, features. ### By registering account with referral ID You may register your exchange account with my referral ID to support this project. - For MAX Exchange: (default commission rate to your account) - For Binance Exchange: (5% commission back to your account) ### By small amount cryptos - BTC address `3J6XQJNWT56amqz9Hz2BEVQ7W4aNmb5kiU` - USDT ERC20 address `0x63E5805e027548A384c57E20141f6778591Bac6F` ## Community You can join our telegram channel , it's in Chinese, but English is fine as well. ## Contribution BBGO has a token BBG for the ecosystem (contract address: ). Each issue has its BBG label, by completing the issue with a pull request, you can get correspond amount of BBG. If you have feature request, you can offer your BBG for contributors. For further request, please contact us: ## License MIT License