package bollgrid import ( "context" "fmt" "sync" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ID = "bollgrid" var log = logrus.WithField("strategy", ID) func init() { // Register the pointer of the strategy struct, // so that bbgo knows what struct to be used to unmarshal the configs (YAML or JSON) // Note: built-in strategies need to imported manually in the bbgo cmd package. bbgo.RegisterStrategy(ID, &Strategy{}) } type Strategy struct { // OrderExecutor is an interface for submitting order. // This field will be injected automatically since it's a single exchange strategy. bbgo.OrderExecutor // if Symbol string field is defined, bbgo will know it's a symbol-based strategy // The following embedded fields will be injected with the corresponding instances. // MarketDataStore is a pointer only injection field. public trades, k-lines (candlestick) // and order book updates are maintained in the market data store. // This field will be injected automatically since we defined the Symbol field. *bbgo.MarketDataStore // StandardIndicatorSet contains the standard indicators of a market (symbol) // This field will be injected automatically since we defined the Symbol field. *bbgo.StandardIndicatorSet // Market stores the configuration of the market, for example, VolumePrecision, PricePrecision, MinLotSize... etc // This field will be injected automatically since we defined the Symbol field. types.Market // These fields will be filled from the config file (it translates YAML to JSON) Symbol string `json:"symbol"` // Interval is the interval used by the BOLLINGER indicator (which uses K-Line as its source price) Interval types.Interval `json:"interval"` // RepostInterval is the interval for re-posting maker orders RepostInterval types.Interval `json:"repostInterval"` // GridPips is the pips of grid // e.g., 0.001, so that your orders will be submitted at price like 0.127, 0.128, 0.129, 0.130 GridPips fixedpoint.Value `json:"gridPips"` ProfitSpread fixedpoint.Value `json:"profitSpread"` // GridNum is the grid number, how many orders you want to post on the orderbook. GridNum int `json:"gridNumber"` // Quantity is the quantity you want to submit for each order. Quantity fixedpoint.Value `json:"quantity"` // activeOrders is the locally maintained active order book of the maker orders. activeOrders *bbgo.ActiveOrderBook profitOrders *bbgo.ActiveOrderBook orders *bbgo.OrderStore // boll is the BOLLINGER indicator we used for predicting the price. boll *indicator.BOLL CancelProfitOrdersOnShutdown bool `json: "shutdownCancelProfitOrders"` } func (s *Strategy) ID() string { return ID } func (s *Strategy) Validate() error { if s.ProfitSpread.Sign() <= 0 { // If profitSpread is empty or its value is negative return fmt.Errorf("profit spread should bigger than 0") } if s.Quantity.Sign() <= 0 { // If quantity is empty or its value is negative return fmt.Errorf("quantity should bigger than 0") } return nil } func (s *Strategy) Subscribe(session *bbgo.ExchangeSession) { if s.Interval == "" { panic("bollgrid interval can not be empty") } // currently we need the 1m kline to update the last close price and indicators session.Subscribe(types.KLineChannel, s.Symbol, types.SubscribeOptions{Interval: s.Interval}) if len(s.RepostInterval) > 0 && s.Interval != s.RepostInterval { session.Subscribe(types.KLineChannel, s.Symbol, types.SubscribeOptions{Interval: s.RepostInterval}) } } func (s *Strategy) generateGridBuyOrders(session *bbgo.ExchangeSession) ([]types.SubmitOrder, error) { balances := session.GetAccount().Balances() quoteBalance := balances[s.Market.QuoteCurrency].Available if quoteBalance.Sign() <= 0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("quote balance %s is zero: %v", s.Market.QuoteCurrency, quoteBalance) } upBand, downBand := s.boll.LastUpBand(), s.boll.LastDownBand() if upBand <= 0.0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("up band == 0") } if downBand <= 0.0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("down band == 0") } currentPrice, ok := session.LastPrice(s.Symbol) if !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("last price not found") } if currentPrice.Float64() > upBand || currentPrice.Float64() < downBand { return nil, fmt.Errorf("current price %v exceed the bollinger band %f <> %f", currentPrice, upBand, downBand) } ema99 := s.StandardIndicatorSet.EWMA(types.IntervalWindow{Interval: s.Interval, Window: 99}) ema25 := s.StandardIndicatorSet.EWMA(types.IntervalWindow{Interval: s.Interval, Window: 25}) ema7 := s.StandardIndicatorSet.EWMA(types.IntervalWindow{Interval: s.Interval, Window: 7}) if ema7.Last() > ema25.Last()*1.001 && ema25.Last() > ema99.Last()*1.0005 { log.Infof("all ema lines trend up, skip buy") return nil, nil } priceRange := upBand - downBand gridSize := priceRange / float64(s.GridNum) var orders []types.SubmitOrder for pricef := upBand; pricef >= downBand; pricef -= gridSize { if pricef >= currentPrice.Float64() { continue } price := fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(pricef) // adjust buy quantity using current quote balance quantity := bbgo.AdjustFloatQuantityByMaxAmount(s.Quantity, price, quoteBalance) order := types.SubmitOrder{ Symbol: s.Symbol, Side: types.SideTypeBuy, Type: types.OrderTypeLimit, Market: s.Market, Quantity: quantity, Price: price, TimeInForce: types.TimeInForceGTC, } quoteQuantity := order.Quantity.Mul(price) if quantity.Compare(s.MinQuantity) < 0 { // don't submit this order if buy quantity is too small log.Infof("quote balance %v is not enough, stop generating buy orders", quoteBalance) break } quoteBalance = quoteBalance.Sub(quoteQuantity) log.Infof("submitting order: %s", order.String()) orders = append(orders, order) } return orders, nil } func (s *Strategy) generateGridSellOrders(session *bbgo.ExchangeSession) ([]types.SubmitOrder, error) { balances := session.GetAccount().Balances() baseBalance := balances[s.Market.BaseCurrency].Available if baseBalance.Sign() <= 0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("base balance %s is zero: %+v", s.Market.BaseCurrency, baseBalance) } upBand, downBand := s.boll.LastUpBand(), s.boll.LastDownBand() if upBand <= 0.0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("up band == 0") } if downBand <= 0.0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("down band == 0") } currentPrice, ok := session.LastPrice(s.Symbol) if !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("last price not found") } currentPricef := currentPrice.Float64() if currentPricef > upBand || currentPricef < downBand { return nil, fmt.Errorf("current price exceed the bollinger band") } ema99 := s.StandardIndicatorSet.EWMA(types.IntervalWindow{Interval: s.Interval, Window: 99}) ema25 := s.StandardIndicatorSet.EWMA(types.IntervalWindow{Interval: s.Interval, Window: 25}) ema7 := s.StandardIndicatorSet.EWMA(types.IntervalWindow{Interval: s.Interval, Window: 7}) if ema7.Last() < ema25.Last()*(1-0.004) && ema25.Last() < ema99.Last()*(1-0.0005) { log.Infof("all ema lines trend down, skip sell") return nil, nil } priceRange := upBand - downBand gridSize := priceRange / float64(s.GridNum) var orders []types.SubmitOrder for pricef := downBand; pricef <= upBand; pricef += gridSize { if pricef <= currentPricef { continue } price := fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(pricef) // adjust sell quantity using current base balance quantity := fixedpoint.Min(s.Quantity, baseBalance) order := types.SubmitOrder{ Symbol: s.Symbol, Side: types.SideTypeSell, Type: types.OrderTypeLimit, Market: s.Market, Quantity: quantity, Price: price, TimeInForce: types.TimeInForceGTC, } baseQuantity := order.Quantity if quantity.Compare(s.MinQuantity) < 0 { // don't submit this order if sell quantity is too small log.Infof("base balance %s is not enough, stop generating sell orders", baseBalance) break } baseBalance = baseBalance.Sub(baseQuantity) log.Infof("submitting order: %s", order.String()) orders = append(orders, order) } return orders, nil } func (s *Strategy) placeGridOrders(orderExecutor bbgo.OrderExecutor, session *bbgo.ExchangeSession) { sellOrders, err := s.generateGridSellOrders(session) if err != nil { log.Warn(err.Error()) } createdSellOrders, err := orderExecutor.SubmitOrders(context.Background(), sellOrders...) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("can not place sell orders") } buyOrders, err := s.generateGridBuyOrders(session) if err != nil { log.Warn(err.Error()) } createdBuyOrders, err := orderExecutor.SubmitOrders(context.Background(), buyOrders...) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("can not place buy orders") } createdOrders := append(createdSellOrders, createdBuyOrders...) s.activeOrders.Add(createdOrders...) s.orders.Add(createdOrders...) } func (s *Strategy) updateOrders(orderExecutor bbgo.OrderExecutor, session *bbgo.ExchangeSession) { if err := orderExecutor.CancelOrders(context.Background(), s.activeOrders.Orders()...); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("cancel order error") } // skip order updates if up-band - down-band < min profit spread if (s.boll.LastUpBand() - s.boll.LastDownBand()) <= s.ProfitSpread.Float64() { log.Infof("boll: down band price == up band price, skipping...") return } s.placeGridOrders(orderExecutor, session) s.activeOrders.Print() } func (s *Strategy) submitReverseOrder(order types.Order, session *bbgo.ExchangeSession) { balances := session.GetAccount().Balances() var side = order.Side.Reverse() var price = order.Price var quantity = order.Quantity switch side { case types.SideTypeSell: price = price.Add(s.ProfitSpread) maxQuantity := balances[s.Market.BaseCurrency].Available quantity = fixedpoint.Min(quantity, maxQuantity) case types.SideTypeBuy: price = price.Sub(s.ProfitSpread) maxQuantity := balances[s.Market.QuoteCurrency].Available.Div(price) quantity = fixedpoint.Min(quantity, maxQuantity) } submitOrder := types.SubmitOrder{ Symbol: s.Symbol, Side: side, Type: types.OrderTypeLimit, Quantity: quantity, Price: price, TimeInForce: types.TimeInForceGTC, } log.Infof("submitting reverse order: %s against %s", submitOrder.String(), order.String()) createdOrders, err := s.OrderExecutor.SubmitOrders(context.Background(), submitOrder) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("can not place orders") return } s.profitOrders.Add(createdOrders...) s.orders.Add(createdOrders...) } func (s *Strategy) Run(ctx context.Context, orderExecutor bbgo.OrderExecutor, session *bbgo.ExchangeSession) error { if s.GridNum == 0 { s.GridNum = 2 } s.boll = s.StandardIndicatorSet.BOLL(types.IntervalWindow{ Interval: s.Interval, Window: 21, }, 2.0) s.orders = bbgo.NewOrderStore(s.Symbol) s.orders.BindStream(session.UserDataStream) // we don't persist orders so that we can not clear the previous orders for now. just need time to support this. s.activeOrders = bbgo.NewActiveOrderBook(s.Symbol) s.activeOrders.OnFilled(func(o types.Order) { s.submitReverseOrder(o, session) }) s.activeOrders.BindStream(session.UserDataStream) s.profitOrders = bbgo.NewActiveOrderBook(s.Symbol) s.profitOrders.OnFilled(func(o types.Order) { // we made profit here! }) s.profitOrders.BindStream(session.UserDataStream) // setup graceful shutting down handler bbgo.OnShutdown(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup) { // call Done to notify the main process. defer wg.Done() log.Infof("canceling active orders...") if err := orderExecutor.CancelOrders(ctx, s.activeOrders.Orders()...); err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("cancel order error") } if s.CancelProfitOrdersOnShutdown { log.Infof("canceling profit orders...") err := orderExecutor.CancelOrders(ctx, s.profitOrders.Orders()...) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorf("cancel profit order error") } } }) session.UserDataStream.OnStart(func() { log.Infof("connected, submitting the first round of the orders") s.updateOrders(orderExecutor, session) }) // avoid using time ticker since we will need back testing here session.MarketDataStream.OnKLineClosed(func(kline types.KLine) { // skip kline events that does not belong to this symbol if kline.Symbol != s.Symbol { log.Infof("%s != %s", kline.Symbol, s.Symbol) return } if s.RepostInterval != "" { // see if we have enough balances and then we create limit orders on the up band and the down band. if s.RepostInterval == kline.Interval { s.updateOrders(orderExecutor, session) } } else if s.Interval == kline.Interval { s.updateOrders(orderExecutor, session) } }) return nil }