c9s 10d5a8a4f2
backtest: fix stop limit order matching
Signed-off-by: c9s <>
2022-06-27 19:48:14 +08:00

314 lines
10 KiB

package backtest
import (
func newLimitOrder(symbol string, side types.SideType, price, quantity float64) types.SubmitOrder {
return types.SubmitOrder{
Symbol: symbol,
Side: side,
Type: types.OrderTypeLimit,
Quantity: fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(quantity),
Price: fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(price),
TimeInForce: types.TimeInForceGTC,
func TestSimplePriceMatching_orderUpdate(t *testing.T) {
account := &types.Account{
MakerFeeRate: fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(0.075 * 0.01),
TakerFeeRate: fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(0.075 * 0.01),
"USDT": {Currency: "USDT", Available: fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(10000.0)},
market := types.Market{
Symbol: "BTCUSDT",
PricePrecision: 8,
VolumePrecision: 8,
QuoteCurrency: "USDT",
BaseCurrency: "BTC",
MinNotional: fixedpoint.MustNewFromString("0.001"),
MinAmount: fixedpoint.MustNewFromString("10.0"),
MinQuantity: fixedpoint.MustNewFromString("0.001"),
t1 := time.Date(2021, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
engine := &SimplePriceMatching{
Account: account,
Market: market,
CurrentTime: t1,
closedOrders: make(map[uint64]types.Order),
orderUpdateCnt := 0
orderUpdateNewStatusCnt := 0
orderUpdateFilledStatusCnt := 0
var lastOrder types.Order
engine.OnOrderUpdate(func(order types.Order) {
lastOrder = order
switch order.Status {
case types.OrderStatusNew:
case types.OrderStatusFilled:
_, _, err := engine.PlaceOrder(newLimitOrder("BTCUSDT", types.SideTypeBuy, 24000.0, 0.1))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 1, orderUpdateCnt) // should got new status
assert.Equal(t, 1, orderUpdateNewStatusCnt) // should got new status
assert.Equal(t, 0, orderUpdateFilledStatusCnt) // should got new status
assert.Equal(t, types.OrderStatusNew, lastOrder.Status)
assert.Equal(t, fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(0.0), lastOrder.ExecutedQuantity)
t2 := t1.Add(time.Minute)
// should match 25000, 24000
k := newKLine("BTCUSDT", types.Interval1m, t2, 26000, 27000, 23000, 25000)
assert.Equal(t, 2, orderUpdateCnt) // should got new and filled
assert.Equal(t, 1, orderUpdateNewStatusCnt) // should got new status
assert.Equal(t, 1, orderUpdateFilledStatusCnt) // should got new status
assert.Equal(t, types.OrderStatusFilled, lastOrder.Status)
assert.Equal(t, "0.1", lastOrder.ExecutedQuantity.String())
assert.Equal(t, lastOrder.Quantity.String(), lastOrder.ExecutedQuantity.String())
func TestSimplePriceMatching_processKLine(t *testing.T) {
account := &types.Account{
MakerFeeRate: fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(0.075 * 0.01),
TakerFeeRate: fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(0.075 * 0.01),
"USDT": {Currency: "USDT", Available: fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(10000.0)},
market := types.Market{
Symbol: "BTCUSDT",
PricePrecision: 8,
VolumePrecision: 8,
QuoteCurrency: "USDT",
BaseCurrency: "BTC",
MinNotional: fixedpoint.MustNewFromString("0.001"),
MinAmount: fixedpoint.MustNewFromString("10.0"),
MinQuantity: fixedpoint.MustNewFromString("0.001"),
t1 := time.Date(2021, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
engine := &SimplePriceMatching{
Account: account,
Market: market,
CurrentTime: t1,
closedOrders: make(map[uint64]types.Order),
for i := 0; i <= 5; i++ {
var p = 20000.0 + float64(i)*1000.0
_, _, err := engine.PlaceOrder(newLimitOrder("BTCUSDT", types.SideTypeBuy, p, 0.001))
assert.NoError(t, err)
t2 := t1.Add(time.Minute)
// should match 25000, 24000
k := newKLine("BTCUSDT", types.Interval1m, t2, 26000, 27000, 23000, 25000)
assert.Equal(t, t2.Add(time.Minute-time.Millisecond), k.EndTime.Time())
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(engine.bidOrders))
assert.Len(t, engine.bidOrders, 3)
assert.Equal(t, 3, len(engine.closedOrders))
for _, o := range engine.closedOrders {
assert.Equal(t, k.EndTime.Time(), o.UpdateTime.Time())
func newKLine(symbol string, interval types.Interval, startTime time.Time, o, h, l, c float64) types.KLine {
return types.KLine{
Symbol: symbol,
StartTime: types.Time(startTime),
EndTime: types.Time(startTime.Add(interval.Duration() - time.Millisecond)),
Interval: interval,
Open: fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(o),
High: fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(h),
Low: fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(l),
Close: fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(c),
Closed: true,
func getTestMarket() types.Market {
market := types.Market{
Symbol: "BTCUSDT",
PricePrecision: 8,
VolumePrecision: 8,
QuoteCurrency: "USDT",
BaseCurrency: "BTC",
MinNotional: fixedpoint.MustNewFromString("0.001"),
MinAmount: fixedpoint.MustNewFromString("10.0"),
MinQuantity: fixedpoint.MustNewFromString("0.001"),
return market
func getTestAccount() *types.Account {
account := &types.Account{
MakerFeeRate: fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(0.075 * 0.01),
TakerFeeRate: fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(0.075 * 0.01),
"USDT": {Currency: "USDT", Available: fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(1000000.0)},
"BTC": {Currency: "BTC", Available: fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(100.0)},
return account
func TestSimplePriceMatching_StopLimitOrderBuy(t *testing.T) {
account := getTestAccount()
market := getTestMarket()
engine := &SimplePriceMatching{
Account: account,
Market: market,
closedOrders: make(map[uint64]types.Order),
LastPrice: fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(19000.0),
stopOrder := types.SubmitOrder{
Symbol: market.Symbol,
Side: types.SideTypeBuy,
Type: types.OrderTypeStopLimit,
Quantity: fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(0.1),
Price: fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(22000.0),
StopPrice: fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(21000.0),
TimeInForce: types.TimeInForceGTC,
createdOrder, trade, err := engine.PlaceOrder(stopOrder)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Nil(t, trade, "place stop order should not trigger the stop buy")
assert.NotNil(t, createdOrder, "place stop order should not trigger the stop buy")
closedOrders, trades := engine.BuyToPrice(fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(20000.0))
assert.Len(t, closedOrders, 0, "price change far from the price should not trigger the stop buy")
assert.Len(t, trades, 0, "price change far from the price should not trigger the stop buy")
closedOrders, trades = engine.BuyToPrice(fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(21001.0))
assert.Len(t, closedOrders, 1, "should trigger the stop buy order")
assert.Len(t, trades, 1, "should have stop order trade executed")
assert.Equal(t, types.OrderStatusFilled, closedOrders[0].Status)
assert.Equal(t, types.OrderTypeLimit, closedOrders[0].Type)
assert.Equal(t, stopOrder.Price, trades[0].Price)
func TestSimplePriceMatching_StopLimitOrderSell(t *testing.T) {
account := getTestAccount()
market := getTestMarket()
engine := &SimplePriceMatching{
Account: account,
Market: market,
closedOrders: make(map[uint64]types.Order),
LastPrice: fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(22000.0),
stopOrder := types.SubmitOrder{
Symbol: market.Symbol,
Side: types.SideTypeSell,
Type: types.OrderTypeStopLimit,
Quantity: fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(0.1),
Price: fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(20000.0),
StopPrice: fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(21000.0),
TimeInForce: types.TimeInForceGTC,
createdOrder, trade, err := engine.PlaceOrder(stopOrder)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Nil(t, trade, "place stop order should not trigger the stop sell")
assert.NotNil(t, createdOrder, "place stop order should not trigger the stop sell")
closedOrders, trades := engine.SellToPrice(fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(21500.0))
assert.Len(t, closedOrders, 0, "price change far from the price should not trigger the stop buy")
assert.Len(t, trades, 0, "price change far from the price should not trigger the stop buy")
closedOrders, trades = engine.SellToPrice(fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(20990.0))
assert.Len(t, closedOrders, 1, "should trigger the stop sell order")
assert.Len(t, trades, 1, "should have stop order trade executed")
assert.Equal(t, types.OrderStatusFilled, closedOrders[0].Status)
assert.Equal(t, types.OrderTypeLimit, closedOrders[0].Type)
assert.Equal(t, stopOrder.Price, trades[0].Price)
func TestSimplePriceMatching_PlaceLimitOrder(t *testing.T) {
account := getTestAccount()
market := getTestMarket()
engine := &SimplePriceMatching{
Account: account,
Market: market,
closedOrders: make(map[uint64]types.Order),
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
_, _, err := engine.PlaceOrder(newLimitOrder("BTCUSDT", types.SideTypeBuy, 8000.0-float64(i), 1.0))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, engine.bidOrders, 5)
assert.Len(t, engine.askOrders, 0)
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
_, _, err := engine.PlaceOrder(newLimitOrder("BTCUSDT", types.SideTypeSell, 9000.0+float64(i), 1.0))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, engine.bidOrders, 5)
assert.Len(t, engine.askOrders, 5)
closedOrders, trades := engine.SellToPrice(fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(8100.0))
assert.Len(t, closedOrders, 0)
assert.Len(t, trades, 0)
closedOrders, trades = engine.SellToPrice(fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(8000.0))
assert.Len(t, closedOrders, 1)
assert.Len(t, trades, 1)
for _, trade := range trades {
assert.True(t, trade.IsBuyer)
for _, o := range closedOrders {
assert.Equal(t, types.SideTypeBuy, o.Side)
closedOrders, trades = engine.SellToPrice(fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(7000.0))
assert.Len(t, closedOrders, 4)
assert.Len(t, trades, 4)
closedOrders, trades = engine.BuyToPrice(fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(8900.0))
assert.Len(t, closedOrders, 0)
assert.Len(t, trades, 0)
closedOrders, trades = engine.BuyToPrice(fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(9000.0))
assert.Len(t, closedOrders, 1)
assert.Len(t, trades, 1)
for _, o := range closedOrders {
assert.Equal(t, types.SideTypeSell, o.Side)
for _, trade := range trades {
assert.Equal(t, types.SideTypeSell, trade.Side)
closedOrders, trades = engine.BuyToPrice(fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(9500.0))
assert.Len(t, closedOrders, 4)
assert.Len(t, trades, 4)