2020-08-04 09:47:54 +08:00

178 lines
4.5 KiB

package bbgo
import (
log ""
type ProfitAndLossCalculator struct {
Symbol string
StartTime time.Time
CurrentPrice float64
Trades []types.Trade
TradingFeeCurrency string
CurrencyPrice map[string]float64
func (c *ProfitAndLossCalculator) AddTrade(trade types.Trade) {
c.Trades = append(c.Trades, trade)
func (c *ProfitAndLossCalculator) SetCurrencyPrice(symbol string, price float64) {
if c.CurrencyPrice == nil {
c.CurrencyPrice = map[string]float64{}
c.CurrencyPrice[symbol] = price
func (c *ProfitAndLossCalculator) SetCurrentPrice(price float64) {
c.CurrentPrice = price
func (c *ProfitAndLossCalculator) Calculate() *ProfitAndLossReport {
// copy trades, so that we can truncate it.
var trades = c.Trades
var bidVolume = 0.0
var bidAmount = 0.0
var bidFee = 0.0
var askVolume = 0.0
var askFee = 0.0
var feeRate = 0.0015
for _, trade := range trades {
if trade.Symbol == c.Symbol {
if trade.IsBuyer {
bidVolume += trade.Quantity
bidAmount += trade.Price * trade.Quantity
// since we use USDT as the quote currency, we simply check if it matches the currency symbol
if strings.HasPrefix(trade.Symbol, trade.FeeCurrency) {
bidVolume -= trade.Fee
bidFee += trade.Price * trade.Fee
} else if trade.FeeCurrency == "USDT" {
bidFee += trade.Fee
} else if trade.FeeCurrency == c.TradingFeeCurrency {
bidVolume -= trade.Fee
log.Infof("average bid price = (total amount %f + total fee %f) / volume %f", bidAmount, bidFee, bidVolume)
profit := 0.0
averageBidPrice := (bidAmount + bidFee) / bidVolume
for _, t := range trades {
if t.Symbol != c.Symbol {
if t.IsBuyer {
profit += (t.Price - averageBidPrice) * t.Quantity
askVolume += t.Quantity
// since we use USDT as the quote currency, we simply check if it matches the currency symbol
if strings.HasPrefix(t.Symbol, t.FeeCurrency) {
askFee += t.Price * t.Fee
} else if t.FeeCurrency == "USDT" {
askFee += t.Fee
profit -= askFee
stock := bidVolume - askVolume
futureFee := 0.0
if stock > 0 {
_ = feeRate
// stockFee := c.CurrentPrice * feeRate * stock
// profit += (c.CurrentPrice-averageBidPrice)*stock - stockFee
// futureFee += stockFee
fee := bidFee + askFee + futureFee
return &ProfitAndLossReport{
Symbol: c.Symbol,
StartTime: c.StartTime,
CurrentPrice: c.CurrentPrice,
NumTrades: len(trades),
BidVolume: bidVolume,
AskVolume: askVolume,
Stock: stock,
Profit: profit,
AverageBidPrice: averageBidPrice,
Fee: fee,
type ProfitAndLossReport struct {
CurrentPrice float64
StartTime time.Time
Symbol string
NumTrades int
Profit float64
AverageBidPrice float64
BidVolume float64
AskVolume float64
Fee float64
Stock float64
func (report ProfitAndLossReport) Print() {
log.Infof("trades since: %v", report.StartTime)
log.Infof("average bid price: %s", USD.FormatMoneyFloat64(report.AverageBidPrice))
log.Infof("total bid volume: %f", report.BidVolume)
log.Infof("total ask volume: %f", report.AskVolume)
log.Infof("stock: %f", report.Stock)
log.Infof("current price: %s", USD.FormatMoneyFloat64(report.CurrentPrice))
log.Infof("profit: %s", USD.FormatMoneyFloat64(report.Profit))
func (report ProfitAndLossReport) SlackAttachment() slack.Attachment {
var color = ""
if report.Profit > 0 {
color = slackstyle.Green
} else {
color = slackstyle.Red
market, ok := types.FindMarket(report.Symbol)
if !ok {
return slack.Attachment{}
_ = market
return slack.Attachment{
Title: "Profit and Loss report of " + report.Symbol,
Color: color,
// Pretext: "",
// Text: "",
Fields: []slack.AttachmentField{
{Title: "Symbol", Value: report.Symbol, Short: true},
{Title: "Profit", Value: USD.FormatMoney(report.Profit), Short: true},
{Title: "Current Price", Value: USD.FormatMoney(report.CurrentPrice), Short: true},
{Title: "Average Bid Price", Value: USD.FormatMoney(report.AverageBidPrice), Short: true},
{Title: "Number of Trades", Value: strconv.Itoa(report.NumTrades), Short: true},
{Title: "Stock", Value: strconv.FormatFloat(report.Stock, 'f', 8, 64), Short: true},
Footer: report.StartTime.Format(time.RFC822),
FooterIcon: "",