
510 lines
14 KiB

package dca2
import (
const (
ID = "dca2"
orderTag = "dca2"
var (
log = logrus.WithField("strategy", ID)
baseLabels prometheus.Labels
func init() {
bbgo.RegisterStrategy(ID, &Strategy{})
type advancedOrderCancelApi interface {
CancelAllOrders(ctx context.Context) ([]types.Order, error)
CancelOrdersBySymbol(ctx context.Context, symbol string) ([]types.Order, error)
CancelOrdersByGroupID(ctx context.Context, groupID uint32) ([]types.Order, error)
//go:generate callbackgen -type Strateg
type Strategy struct {
Position *types.Position `json:"position,omitempty" persistence:"position"`
ProfitStats *ProfitStats `json:"profitStats,omitempty" persistence:"profit_stats"`
PersistenceTTL types.Duration `json:"persistenceTTL"`
Environment *bbgo.Environment
ExchangeSession *bbgo.ExchangeSession
OrderExecutor *bbgo.GeneralOrderExecutor
Market types.Market
Symbol string `json:"symbol"`
// setting
QuoteInvestment fixedpoint.Value `json:"quoteInvestment"`
MaxOrderCount int64 `json:"maxOrderCount"`
PriceDeviation fixedpoint.Value `json:"priceDeviation"`
TakeProfitRatio fixedpoint.Value `json:"takeProfitRatio"`
CoolDownInterval types.Duration `json:"coolDownInterval"`
// OrderGroupID is the group ID used for the strategy instance for canceling orders
OrderGroupID uint32 `json:"orderGroupID"`
DisableOrderGroupIDFilter bool `json:"disableOrderGroupIDFilter"`
// RecoverWhenStart option is used for recovering dca states
RecoverWhenStart bool `json:"recoverWhenStart"`
DisableProfitStatsRecover bool `json:"disableProfitStatsRecover"`
DisablePositionRecover bool `json:"disablePositionRecover"`
// EnableQuoteInvestmentReallocate set to true, the quote investment will be reallocated when the notional or quantity is under minimum.
EnableQuoteInvestmentReallocate bool `json:"enableQuoteInvestmentReallocate"`
// KeepOrdersWhenShutdown option is used for keeping the grid orders when shutting down bbgo
KeepOrdersWhenShutdown bool `json:"keepOrdersWhenShutdown"`
// UniversalCancelAllOrdersWhenClose close all orders even though the orders don't belong to this strategy
UniversalCancelAllOrdersWhenClose bool `json:"universalCancelAllOrdersWhenClose"`
// log
logger *logrus.Entry
LogFields logrus.Fields `json:"logFields"`
// PrometheusLabels will be used as the base prometheus labels
PrometheusLabels prometheus.Labels `json:"prometheusLabels"`
// private field
mu sync.Mutex
nextStateC chan State
state State
collector *Collector
takeProfitPrice fixedpoint.Value
startTimeOfNextRound time.Time
nextRoundPaused bool
// callbacks
profitCallbacks []func(*ProfitStats)
positionUpdateCallbacks []func(*types.Position)
func (s *Strategy) ID() string {
return ID
func (s *Strategy) Validate() error {
if s.MaxOrderCount < 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("maxOrderCount can not be < 1")
if s.TakeProfitRatio.Sign() <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("takeProfitSpread can not be <= 0")
if s.PriceDeviation.Sign() <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("margin can not be <= 0")
// TODO: validate balance is enough
return nil
func (s *Strategy) Defaults() error {
if s.LogFields == nil {
s.LogFields = logrus.Fields{}
s.LogFields["symbol"] = s.Symbol
s.LogFields["strategy"] = ID
return nil
func (s *Strategy) Initialize() error {
s.logger = log.WithFields(s.LogFields)
return nil
func (s *Strategy) InstanceID() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", ID, s.Symbol)
func (s *Strategy) Subscribe(session *bbgo.ExchangeSession) {
session.Subscribe(types.KLineChannel, s.Symbol, types.SubscribeOptions{Interval: types.Interval1m})
func (s *Strategy) newPrometheusLabels() prometheus.Labels {
labels := prometheus.Labels{
"exchange": "default",
"symbol": s.Symbol,
if s.ExchangeSession != nil {
labels["exchange"] = s.ExchangeSession.Name
if s.PrometheusLabels == nil {
return labels
return mergeLabels(s.PrometheusLabels, labels)
func (s *Strategy) Run(ctx context.Context, _ bbgo.OrderExecutor, session *bbgo.ExchangeSession) error {
instanceID := s.InstanceID()
s.ExchangeSession = session
s.logger.Infof("persistence ttl: %s", s.PersistenceTTL.Duration())
if s.ProfitStats == nil {
s.ProfitStats = newProfitStats(s.Market, s.QuoteInvestment)
if s.Position == nil {
s.Position = types.NewPositionFromMarket(s.Market)
// set ttl for persistence
if s.OrderGroupID == 0 {
s.OrderGroupID = util.FNV32(instanceID) % math.MaxInt32
// collector
s.collector = NewCollector(s.logger, s.Symbol, s.OrderGroupID, !s.DisableOrderGroupIDFilter, s.ExchangeSession.Exchange)
if s.collector == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize collector")
// prometheus
if s.PrometheusLabels != nil {
// prometheus labels
baseLabels = s.newPrometheusLabels()
s.Position.Strategy = ID
s.Position.StrategyInstanceID = instanceID
if session.MakerFeeRate.Sign() > 0 || session.TakerFeeRate.Sign() > 0 {
s.Position.SetExchangeFeeRate(session.ExchangeName, types.ExchangeFee{
MakerFeeRate: session.MakerFeeRate,
TakerFeeRate: session.TakerFeeRate,
s.OrderExecutor = bbgo.NewGeneralOrderExecutor(session, s.Symbol, ID, instanceID, s.Position)
// order executor
s.OrderExecutor.TradeCollector().OnPositionUpdate(func(position *types.Position) {
s.logger.Infof("POSITION UPDATE: %s", s.Position.String())
bbgo.Sync(ctx, s)
// update take profit price here
// emit position update
s.OrderExecutor.ActiveMakerOrders().OnFilled(func(o types.Order) {
s.logger.Infof("FILLED ORDER: %s", o.String())
openPositionSide := types.SideTypeBuy
takeProfitSide := types.SideTypeSell
switch o.Side {
case openPositionSide:
case takeProfitSide:
s.logger.Infof("unsupported side (%s) of order: %s", o.Side, o)
openOrders, err := retry.QueryOpenOrdersUntilSuccessful(ctx, s.ExchangeSession.Exchange, s.Symbol)
if err != nil {
s.logger.WithError(err).Warn("failed to query open orders when order filled")
} else {
// update open orders metrics
// update active orders metrics
numActiveMakerOrders := s.OrderExecutor.ActiveMakerOrders().NumOfOrders()
if len(openOrders) != numActiveMakerOrders {
s.logger.Warnf("num of open orders (%d) and active orders (%d) is different when order filled, please check it.", len(openOrders), numActiveMakerOrders)
if err == nil && o.Side == openPositionSide && numActiveMakerOrders == 0 && len(openOrders) == 0 {
session.MarketDataStream.OnKLine(func(kline types.KLine) {
switch s.state {
case OpenPositionOrderFilled:
if s.takeProfitPrice.IsZero() {
s.logger.Warn("take profit price should not be 0 when there is at least one open-position order filled, please check it")
compRes := kline.Close.Compare(s.takeProfitPrice)
// price doesn't hit the take profit price
if compRes < 0 {
session.UserDataStream.OnAuth(func() {
s.logger.Info("user data stream authenticated")
time.AfterFunc(3*time.Second, func() {
if isInitialize := s.initializeNextStateC(); !isInitialize {
// no need to recover when two situation
// 1. recoverWhenStart is false
// 2. dev mode is on and it's not new strategy
if !s.RecoverWhenStart {
} else {
// recover
maxTry := 3
for try := 1; try <= maxTry; try++ {
s.logger.Infof("try #%d recover", try)
err := s.recover(ctx)
if err == nil {
s.logger.Infof("recover successfully at #%d", try)
s.logger.WithError(err).Warnf("failed to recover at #%d", try)
if try == 3 {
s.logger.Errorf("failed to recover after %d trying, please check it", maxTry)
// sleep 10 second to retry the recovery
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
s.logger.Infof("state: %d", s.state)
s.logger.Infof("position %s", s.Position.String())
s.logger.Infof("profit stats %s", s.ProfitStats.String())
s.logger.Infof("startTimeOfNextRound %s", s.startTimeOfNextRound)
// emit position after recovery
// store persistence
bbgo.Sync(ctx, s)
// ready
// start to sync periodically
go s.syncPeriodically(ctx)
// try to trigger position opening immediately
if s.state == WaitToOpenPosition {
// start running state machine
bbgo.OnShutdown(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
if s.KeepOrdersWhenShutdown {
s.logger.Infof("keepOrdersWhenShutdown is set, will keep the orders on the exchange")
if err := s.Close(ctx); err != nil {
s.logger.WithError(err).Errorf("dca2 graceful order cancel error")
return nil
func (s *Strategy) updateTakeProfitPrice() {
takeProfitRatio := s.TakeProfitRatio
s.takeProfitPrice = s.Market.TruncatePrice(s.Position.AverageCost.Mul(fixedpoint.One.Add(takeProfitRatio)))
s.logger.Infof("cost: %s, ratio: %s, price: %s", s.Position.AverageCost.String(), takeProfitRatio.String(), s.takeProfitPrice.String())
func (s *Strategy) Close(ctx context.Context) error {
s.logger.Infof("closing %s dca2", s.Symbol)
defer s.EmitClosed()
var err error
if s.UniversalCancelAllOrdersWhenClose {
err = tradingutil.UniversalCancelAllOrders(ctx, s.ExchangeSession.Exchange, nil)
} else {
err = s.OrderExecutor.GracefulCancel(ctx)
if err != nil {
s.logger.WithError(err).Errorf("there are errors when cancelling orders when closing (UniversalCancelAllOrdersWhenClose = %t)", s.UniversalCancelAllOrdersWhenClose)
bbgo.Sync(ctx, s)
return err
func (s *Strategy) CleanUp(ctx context.Context) error {
_ = s.Initialize()
defer s.EmitClosed()
session := s.ExchangeSession
if session == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Session is nil, please check it")
// ignore the first cancel error, this skips one open-orders query request
if err := tradingutil.UniversalCancelAllOrders(ctx, session.Exchange, nil); err == nil {
return nil
// if cancel all orders returns error, get the open orders and retry the cancel in each round
var werr error
for {
s.logger.Infof("checking %s open orders...", s.Symbol)
openOrders, err := retry.QueryOpenOrdersUntilSuccessful(ctx, session.Exchange, s.Symbol)
if err != nil {
s.logger.WithError(err).Errorf("unable to query open orders")
// all clean up
if len(openOrders) == 0 {
if err := tradingutil.UniversalCancelAllOrders(ctx, session.Exchange, openOrders); err != nil {
s.logger.WithError(err).Errorf("unable to cancel all orders")
werr = multierr.Append(werr, err)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
return werr
// PauseNextRound will stop openning open-position orders at the next round
func (s *Strategy) PauseNextRound() {
s.nextRoundPaused = true
func (s *Strategy) ContinueNextRound() {
s.nextRoundPaused = false
func (s *Strategy) UpdateProfitStatsUntilSuccessful(ctx context.Context) error {
var op = func() error {
if updated, err := s.UpdateProfitStats(ctx); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to update profit stats, please check it")
} else if !updated {
return fmt.Errorf("there is no round to update profit stats, please check it")
return nil
// exponential increased interval retry until success
bo := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()
bo.InitialInterval = 5 * time.Second
bo.MaxInterval = 20 * time.Minute
bo.MaxElapsedTime = 0
return backoff.Retry(op, backoff.WithContext(bo, ctx))
// UpdateProfitStats will collect round from closed orders and emit update profit stats
// return true, nil -> there is at least one finished round and all the finished rounds we collect update profit stats successfully
// return false, nil -> there is no finished round!
// return true, error -> At least one round update profit stats successfully but there is error when collecting other rounds
func (s *Strategy) UpdateProfitStats(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
s.logger.Info("update profit stats")
rounds, err := s.collector.CollectFinishRounds(ctx, s.ProfitStats.FromOrderID)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to collect finish rounds from #%d", s.ProfitStats.FromOrderID)
var updated bool = false
for _, round := range rounds {
trades, err := s.collector.CollectRoundTrades(ctx, round)
if err != nil {
return updated, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to collect the trades of round")
for _, trade := range trades {
s.logger.Infof("update profit stats from trade: %s", trade.String())
// update profit stats FromOrderID to make sure we will not collect duplicated rounds
for _, order := range round.TakeProfitOrders {
if order.OrderID >= s.ProfitStats.FromOrderID {
s.ProfitStats.FromOrderID = order.OrderID + 1
// update quote investment
s.ProfitStats.QuoteInvestment = s.ProfitStats.QuoteInvestment.Add(s.ProfitStats.CurrentRoundProfit)
// sync to persistence
bbgo.Sync(ctx, s)
updated = true
s.logger.Infof("profit stats:\n%s", s.ProfitStats.String())
// emit profit
updateProfitMetrics(s.ProfitStats.Round, s.ProfitStats.CurrentRoundProfit.Float64())
// make profit stats forward to new round
return updated, nil