2022-01-27 01:40:54 +08:00

593 lines
19 KiB

package bollmaker
import (
const ID = "bollmaker"
const stateKey = "state-v1"
var one = fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(1.0)
var defaultFeeRate = fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(0.001)
var log = logrus.WithField("strategy", ID)
func init() {
bbgo.RegisterStrategy(ID, &Strategy{})
type State struct {
Position *types.Position `json:"position,omitempty"`
ProfitStats bbgo.ProfitStats `json:"profitStats,omitempty"`
type BollingerSetting struct {
BandWidth float64 `json:"bandWidth"`
// QuantityOrAmount is a setting structure used for quantity/amount settings
type QuantityOrAmount struct {
// Quantity is the base order quantity for your buy/sell order.
// when quantity is set, the amount option will be not used.
Quantity fixedpoint.Value `json:"quantity"`
// Amount is the order quote amount for your buy/sell order.
Amount fixedpoint.Value `json:"amount"`
// CalculateQuantity calculates the equivalent quantity of the given price when amount is set
// it returns the quantity if the quantity is set
func (qa *QuantityOrAmount) CalculateQuantity(currentPrice fixedpoint.Value) fixedpoint.Value {
if qa.Amount > 0 {
quantity := qa.Amount.Div(currentPrice)
return quantity
return qa.Quantity
type Strategy struct {
StandardIndicatorSet *bbgo.StandardIndicatorSet
// Symbol is the market symbol you want to trade
Symbol string `json:"symbol"`
// Interval is how long do you want to update your order price and quantity
Interval types.Interval `json:"interval"`
// Spread is the price spread from the middle price.
// For ask orders, the ask price is ((bestAsk + bestBid) / 2 * (1.0 + spread))
// For bid orders, the bid price is ((bestAsk + bestBid) / 2 * (1.0 - spread))
// Spread can be set by percentage or floating number. e.g., 0.1% or 0.001
Spread fixedpoint.Value `json:"spread"`
// MinProfitSpread is the minimal order price spread from the current average cost.
// For long position, you will only place sell order above the price (= average cost * (1 + minProfitSpread))
// For short position, you will only place buy order below the price (= average cost * (1 - minProfitSpread))
MinProfitSpread fixedpoint.Value `json:"minProfitSpread"`
// UseTickerPrice use the ticker api to get the mid price instead of the closed kline price.
// The back-test engine is kline-based, so the ticker price api is not supported.
// Turn this on if you want to do real trading.
UseTickerPrice bool `json:"useTickerPrice"`
// MaxExposurePosition is the maximum position you can hold
// +10 means you can hold 10 ETH long position by maximum
// -10 means you can hold -10 ETH short position by maximum
MaxExposurePosition fixedpoint.Value `json:"maxExposurePosition"`
// UseDynamicExposurePosition is used for enabling the dynamic position
// when UseDynamicExposurePosition is set,
// your MaxExposurePosition will be calculated dynamically according to the bollinger band you set.
UseDynamicExposurePosition bool `json:"useDynamicExposurePosition"`
DynamicExposurePositionScale bbgo.Scale `json:"dynamicExposurePositionScale"`
// Long means your position will be long position
// Currently not used yet
Long *bool `json:"long,omitempty"`
// Short means your position will be long position
// Currently not used yet
Short *bool `json:"short,omitempty"`
// DisableShort means you can don't want short position during the market making
// Set to true if you want to hold more spot during market making.
DisableShort bool `json:"disableShort"`
// NeutralBollinger is the smaller range of the bollinger band
// If price is in this band, it usually means the price is oscillating.
// If price goes out of this band, we tend to not place sell orders or buy orders
NeutralBollinger *BollingerSetting `json:"neutralBollinger"`
// DefaultBollinger is the wide range of the bollinger band
// for controlling your exposure position
DefaultBollinger *BollingerSetting `json:"defaultBollinger"`
// StrongDowntrendSkew is the order quantity skew for strong downtrend band.
// when the bollinger band detect a strong downtrend, what's the order quantity skew we want to use.
// greater than 1.0 means when placing buy order, place sell order with less quantity
// less than 1.0 means when placing sell order, place buy order with less quantity
StrongDowntrendSkew fixedpoint.Value `json:"strongDowntrendSkew"`
// StrongUptrendSkew is the order quantity skew for strong uptrend band.
// when the bollinger band detect a strong uptrend, what's the order quantity skew we want to use.
// greater than 1.0 means when placing buy order, place sell order with less quantity
// less than 1.0 means when placing sell order, place buy order with less quantity
StrongUptrendSkew fixedpoint.Value `json:"strongUptrendSkew"`
// DowntrendSkew is the order quantity skew for normal downtrend band.
// The price is still in the default bollinger band.
// greater than 1.0 means when placing buy order, place sell order with less quantity
// less than 1.0 means when placing sell order, place buy order with less quantity
DowntrendSkew fixedpoint.Value `json:"downtrendSkew"`
// UptrendSkew is the order quantity skew for normal uptrend band.
// The price is still in the default bollinger band.
// greater than 1.0 means when placing buy order, place sell order with less quantity
// less than 1.0 means when placing sell order, place buy order with less quantity
UptrendSkew fixedpoint.Value `json:"uptrendSkew"`
// ShadowProtection is used to avoid placing bid order when price goes down strongly (without shadow)
ShadowProtection bool `json:"shadowProtection"`
ShadowProtectionRatio fixedpoint.Value `json:"shadowProtectionRatio"`
session *bbgo.ExchangeSession
book *types.StreamOrderBook
market types.Market
state *State
activeMakerOrders *bbgo.LocalActiveOrderBook
orderStore *bbgo.OrderStore
tradeCollector *bbgo.TradeCollector
groupID uint32
stopC chan struct{}
// defaultBoll is the BOLLINGER indicator we used for predicting the price.
defaultBoll *indicator.BOLL
// neutralBoll is the neutral price section
neutralBoll *indicator.BOLL
func (s *Strategy) ID() string {
return ID
func (s *Strategy) Subscribe(session *bbgo.ExchangeSession) {
// session.Subscribe(types.BookChannel, s.Symbol, types.SubscribeOptions{})
session.Subscribe(types.KLineChannel, s.Symbol, types.SubscribeOptions{
Interval: string(s.Interval),
if s.DefaultBollinger != nil && s.DefaultBollinger.Interval != "" {
session.Subscribe(types.KLineChannel, s.Symbol, types.SubscribeOptions{
Interval: string(s.DefaultBollinger.Interval),
if s.NeutralBollinger != nil && s.NeutralBollinger.Interval != "" {
session.Subscribe(types.KLineChannel, s.Symbol, types.SubscribeOptions{
Interval: string(s.NeutralBollinger.Interval),
func (s *Strategy) Validate() error {
if len(s.Symbol) == 0 {
return errors.New("symbol is required")
return nil
func (s *Strategy) CurrentPosition() *types.Position {
return s.state.Position
func (s *Strategy) ClosePosition(ctx context.Context, percentage float64) error {
base := s.state.Position.GetBase()
if base == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("no opened %s position", s.state.Position.Symbol)
// make it negative
quantity := base.MulFloat64(percentage).Abs()
side := types.SideTypeBuy
if base > 0 {
side = types.SideTypeSell
if quantity.Float64() < {
return fmt.Errorf("order quantity %f is too small, less than %f", quantity.Float64(),
submitOrder := types.SubmitOrder{
Symbol: s.Symbol,
Side: side,
Type: types.OrderTypeMarket,
Quantity: quantity.Float64(),
s.Notify("Submitting %s %s order to close position by %f", s.Symbol, side.String(), percentage, submitOrder)
createdOrders, err := s.session.Exchange.SubmitOrders(ctx, submitOrder)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("can not place position close order")
return err
func (s *Strategy) SaveState() error {
if err := s.Persistence.Save(s.state, ID, s.Symbol, stateKey); err != nil {
return err
} else {
log.Infof("state is saved => %+v", s.state)
return nil
func (s *Strategy) LoadState() error {
var state State
// load position
if err := s.Persistence.Load(&state, ID, s.Symbol, stateKey); err != nil {
if err != service.ErrPersistenceNotExists {
return err
s.state = &State{}
} else {
s.state = &state
log.Infof("state is restored: %+v", s.state)
// if position is nil, we need to allocate a new position for calculation
if s.state.Position == nil {
s.state.Position = types.NewPositionFromMarket(
// init profit states
s.state.ProfitStats.Symbol =
s.state.ProfitStats.BaseCurrency =
s.state.ProfitStats.QuoteCurrency =
if s.state.ProfitStats.AccumulatedSince == 0 {
s.state.ProfitStats.AccumulatedSince = time.Now().Unix()
return nil
func (s *Strategy) placeOrders(ctx context.Context, orderExecutor bbgo.OrderExecutor, midPrice fixedpoint.Value, kline *types.KLine) {
askPrice := midPrice.Mul(one + s.Spread)
bidPrice := midPrice.Mul(one - s.Spread)
base := s.state.Position.GetBase()
balances := s.session.Account.Balances()
log.Infof("mid price:%f spread: %s ask:%f bid: %f position: %s",
quantity := s.CalculateQuantity(midPrice)
sellQuantity := s.CalculateQuantity(askPrice)
buyQuantity := s.CalculateQuantity(bidPrice)
sellOrder := types.SubmitOrder{
Symbol: s.Symbol,
Side: types.SideTypeSell,
Type: types.OrderTypeLimitMaker,
Quantity: sellQuantity.Float64(),
Price: askPrice.Float64(),
GroupID: s.groupID,
buyOrder := types.SubmitOrder{
Symbol: s.Symbol,
Side: types.SideTypeBuy,
Type: types.OrderTypeLimitMaker,
Quantity: buyQuantity.Float64(),
Price: bidPrice.Float64(),
GroupID: s.groupID,
var submitOrders []types.SubmitOrder
minQuantity := fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(
baseBalance, hasBaseBalance := balances[]
quoteBalance, hasQuoteBalance := balances[]
canBuy := hasQuoteBalance && quoteBalance.Available > s.Quantity.Mul(midPrice) && (s.MaxExposurePosition > 0 && base < s.MaxExposurePosition)
canSell := hasBaseBalance && baseBalance.Available > s.Quantity && (s.MaxExposurePosition > 0 && base > -s.MaxExposurePosition)
if s.ShadowProtection && kline != nil {
switch kline.Direction() {
case types.DirectionDown:
shadowHeight := kline.GetLowerShadowHeight()
shadowRatio := kline.GetLowerShadowRatio()
if shadowHeight == 0.0 && shadowRatio < s.ShadowProtectionRatio.Float64() {
log.Infof("%s shadow protection enabled, lower shadow ratio %f < %f", s.Symbol, shadowRatio, s.ShadowProtectionRatio.Float64())
canBuy = false
case types.DirectionUp:
shadowHeight := kline.GetUpperShadowHeight()
shadowRatio := kline.GetUpperShadowRatio()
if shadowHeight == 0.0 || shadowRatio < s.ShadowProtectionRatio.Float64() {
log.Infof("%s shadow protection enabled, upper shadow ratio %f < %f", s.Symbol, shadowRatio, s.ShadowProtectionRatio.Float64())
canSell = false
// adjust quantity for closing position if we over sold or over bought
if s.MaxExposurePosition > 0 && base.Abs() > s.MaxExposurePosition {
scale := &bbgo.ExponentialScale{
Domain: [2]float64{0, s.MaxExposurePosition.Float64()},
Range: [2]float64{quantity.Float64(), base.Abs().Float64()},
if err := scale.Solve(); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("scale solving error")
qf := scale.Call(base.Abs().Float64())
_ = qf
if base > minQuantity {
// sellOrder.Quantity = qf
} else if base < -minQuantity {
// buyOrder.Quantity = qf
if midPrice.Float64() > s.neutralBoll.LastDownBand() && midPrice.Float64() < s.neutralBoll.LastUpBand() {
// we don't have position yet
// place orders on both side if it's in oscillating band
// if base == 0 || base.Abs() < minQuantity { }
} else if midPrice.Float64() > s.defaultBoll.LastDownBand() && midPrice.Float64() < s.neutralBoll.LastDownBand() { // downtrend, might bounce back
skew := s.DowntrendSkew.Float64()
ratio := 1.0 / skew
sellOrder.Quantity = math.Max(, buyOrder.Quantity*ratio)
} else if midPrice.Float64() < s.defaultBoll.LastUpBand() && midPrice.Float64() > s.neutralBoll.LastUpBand() { // uptrend, might bounce back
skew := s.UptrendSkew.Float64()
buyOrder.Quantity = math.Max(, sellOrder.Quantity*skew)
} else if midPrice.Float64() < s.defaultBoll.LastDownBand() { // strong downtrend
skew := s.StrongDowntrendSkew.Float64()
ratio := 1.0 / skew
sellOrder.Quantity = math.Max(, buyOrder.Quantity*ratio)
} else if midPrice.Float64() > s.defaultBoll.LastUpBand() { // strong uptrend
skew := s.StrongUptrendSkew.Float64()
buyOrder.Quantity = math.Max(, sellOrder.Quantity*skew)
if canSell && midPrice > s.state.Position.AverageCost.MulFloat64(1.0+s.MinProfitSpread.Float64()) {
if !(s.DisableShort && (base.Float64()-sellOrder.Quantity < 0)) {
submitOrders = append(submitOrders, sellOrder)
if canBuy {
submitOrders = append(submitOrders, buyOrder)
// condition for lower the average cost
if midPrice < s.state.Position.AverageCost.MulFloat64(1.0-s.MinProfitSpread.Float64()) && canBuy {
submitOrders = append(submitOrders, buyOrder)
if len(submitOrders) == 0 {
for i := range submitOrders {
submitOrders[i] = s.adjustOrderQuantity(submitOrders[i])
createdOrders, err := orderExecutor.SubmitOrders(ctx, submitOrders...)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("can not place ping pong orders")
func (s *Strategy) adjustOrderQuantity(submitOrder types.SubmitOrder) types.SubmitOrder {
if submitOrder.Quantity*submitOrder.Price < {
submitOrder.Quantity = bbgo.AdjustFloatQuantityByMinAmount(submitOrder.Quantity, submitOrder.Price,
if submitOrder.Quantity < {
submitOrder.Quantity = math.Max(submitOrder.Quantity,
return submitOrder
func (s *Strategy) Run(ctx context.Context, orderExecutor bbgo.OrderExecutor, session *bbgo.ExchangeSession) error {
if s.MinProfitSpread == 0 {
s.MinProfitSpread = fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(0.001)
if s.StrongUptrendSkew == 0 {
s.StrongUptrendSkew = fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(1.0 / 2.0)
if s.StrongDowntrendSkew == 0 {
s.StrongDowntrendSkew = fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(2.0)
if s.UptrendSkew == 0 {
s.UptrendSkew = fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(1.0 / 1.2)
if s.DowntrendSkew == 0 {
s.DowntrendSkew = fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(1.2)
if s.ShadowProtectionRatio == 0 {
s.ShadowProtectionRatio = fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(0.01)
// initial required information
s.session = session
market, ok := session.Market(s.Symbol)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("market %s not found", s.Symbol)
} = market
s.neutralBoll = s.StandardIndicatorSet.BOLL(s.NeutralBollinger.IntervalWindow, s.NeutralBollinger.BandWidth)
s.defaultBoll = s.StandardIndicatorSet.BOLL(s.DefaultBollinger.IntervalWindow, s.DefaultBollinger.BandWidth)
// calculate group id for orders
instanceID := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", ID, s.Symbol)
s.groupID = max.GenerateGroupID(instanceID)
log.Infof("using group id %d from fnv(%s)", s.groupID, instanceID)
// restore state
if err := s.LoadState(); err != nil {
return err
s.stopC = make(chan struct{})
s.activeMakerOrders = bbgo.NewLocalActiveOrderBook(s.Symbol)
s.orderStore = bbgo.NewOrderStore(s.Symbol)
s.tradeCollector = bbgo.NewTradeCollector(s.Symbol, s.state.Position, s.orderStore)
s.tradeCollector.OnProfit(func(trade types.Trade, profit fixedpoint.Value, netProfit fixedpoint.Value) {
p := bbgo.Profit{
Symbol: s.Symbol,
Profit: profit,
NetProfit: netProfit,
TradeAmount: fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(trade.QuoteQuantity),
ProfitMargin: profit.DivFloat64(trade.QuoteQuantity),
NetProfitMargin: netProfit.DivFloat64(trade.QuoteQuantity),
QuoteCurrency: s.state.Position.QuoteCurrency,
BaseCurrency: s.state.Position.BaseCurrency,
Time: trade.Time.Time(),
s.tradeCollector.OnTrade(func(trade types.Trade) {
log.Infof("trade: %s", trade)
s.tradeCollector.OnPositionUpdate(func(position *types.Position) {
log.Infof("position changed: %s", s.state.Position)
session.UserDataStream.OnStart(func() {
if s.UseTickerPrice {
ticker, err := s.session.Exchange.QueryTicker(ctx, s.Symbol)
if err != nil {
midPrice := fixedpoint.NewFromFloat((ticker.Buy + ticker.Sell) / 2)
s.placeOrders(ctx, orderExecutor, midPrice, nil)
} else {
if price, ok := session.LastPrice(s.Symbol); ok {
s.placeOrders(ctx, orderExecutor, fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(price), nil)
session.MarketDataStream.OnKLineClosed(func(kline types.KLine) {
if kline.Symbol != s.Symbol {
if kline.Interval != s.Interval {
if err := s.activeMakerOrders.GracefulCancel(ctx, s.session.Exchange); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("graceful cancel order error")
if s.UseTickerPrice {
ticker, err := s.session.Exchange.QueryTicker(ctx, s.Symbol)
if err != nil {
mid := (ticker.Buy + ticker.Sell) / 2
log.Infof("using ticker price: bid %f / ask %f, mid price %f", ticker.Buy, ticker.Sell, mid)
midPrice := fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(mid)
s.placeOrders(ctx, orderExecutor, midPrice, &kline)
} else {
s.placeOrders(ctx, orderExecutor, fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(kline.Close), &kline)
// = types.NewStreamBook(s.Symbol)
s.Graceful.OnShutdown(func(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
if err := s.activeMakerOrders.GracefulCancel(ctx, s.session.Exchange); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("graceful cancel order error")
if err := s.SaveState(); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("can not save state: %+v", s.state)
return nil