2024-01-24 15:33:17 +08:00

1043 lines
28 KiB

package bbgo
import (
stdlog "log"
log ""
googleservice ""
func init() {
// randomize pulling
// IsBackTesting is a global variable that indicates the current environment is back-test or not.
var IsBackTesting = false
var BackTestService *service.BacktestService
func SetBackTesting(s *service.BacktestService) {
BackTestService = s
IsBackTesting = s != nil
var LoadedExchangeStrategies = make(map[string]SingleExchangeStrategy)
var LoadedCrossExchangeStrategies = make(map[string]CrossExchangeStrategy)
func RegisterStrategy(key string, s interface{}) {
loaded := 0
if d, ok := s.(SingleExchangeStrategy); ok {
LoadedExchangeStrategies[key] = d
if d, ok := s.(CrossExchangeStrategy); ok {
LoadedCrossExchangeStrategies[key] = d
if loaded == 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%T does not implement SingleExchangeStrategy or CrossExchangeStrategy", s))
var emptyTime time.Time
type SyncStatus int
const (
SyncNotStarted SyncStatus = iota
// Environment presents the real exchange data layer
type Environment struct {
// built-in service
DatabaseService *service.DatabaseService
OrderService *service.OrderService
TradeService *service.TradeService
ProfitService *service.ProfitService
PositionService *service.PositionService
BacktestService *service.BacktestService
RewardService *service.RewardService
MarginService *service.MarginService
SyncService *service.SyncService
AccountService *service.AccountService
WithdrawService *service.WithdrawService
DepositService *service.DepositService
PersistentService *service.PersistenceServiceFacade
// external services
GoogleSpreadSheetService *googleservice.SpreadSheetService
// startTime is the time of start point (which is used in the backtest)
startTime time.Time
// syncStartTime is the time point we want to start the sync (for trades and orders)
syncStartTime time.Time
syncMutex sync.Mutex
syncStatusMutex sync.Mutex
syncStatus SyncStatus
syncConfig *SyncConfig
loggingConfig *LoggingConfig
environmentConfig *EnvironmentConfig
sessions map[string]*ExchangeSession
func NewEnvironment() *Environment {
now := time.Now()
return &Environment{
// default trade scan time
syncStartTime: now.AddDate(-1, 0, 0), // defaults to sync from 1 year ago
sessions: make(map[string]*ExchangeSession),
startTime: now,
syncStatus: SyncNotStarted,
func (environ *Environment) Logger() log.FieldLogger {
if environ.loggingConfig != nil && len(environ.loggingConfig.Fields) > 0 {
return log.WithFields(environ.loggingConfig.Fields)
return log.StandardLogger()
func (environ *Environment) Session(name string) (*ExchangeSession, bool) {
s, ok := environ.sessions[name]
return s, ok
func (environ *Environment) Sessions() map[string]*ExchangeSession {
return environ.sessions
func (environ *Environment) SetLogging(config *LoggingConfig) {
environ.loggingConfig = config
func (environ *Environment) SelectSessions(names ...string) map[string]*ExchangeSession {
if len(names) == 0 {
return environ.sessions
sessions := make(map[string]*ExchangeSession)
for _, name := range names {
if s, ok := environ.Session(name); ok {
sessions[name] = s
return sessions
func (environ *Environment) ConfigureDatabase(ctx context.Context, config *Config) error {
// configureDB configures the database service based on the environment variable
var dbDriver string
var dbDSN string
var extraPkgNames []string
if config != nil && config.DatabaseConfig != nil {
dbDriver = config.DatabaseConfig.Driver
dbDSN = config.DatabaseConfig.DSN
extraPkgNames = config.DatabaseConfig.ExtraMigrationPackages
if val, ok := os.LookupEnv("DB_DRIVER"); ok {
dbDriver = val
if val, ok := os.LookupEnv("DB_DSN"); ok {
dbDSN = val
} else if val, ok := os.LookupEnv("SQLITE3_DSN"); ok && (dbDriver == "" || dbDriver == "sqlite3") {
dbDSN = val
dbDriver = "sqlite3"
} else if val, ok := os.LookupEnv("MYSQL_URL"); ok && (dbDriver == "" || dbDriver == "mysql") {
dbDSN = val
dbDriver = "mysql"
if dbDriver == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("either env DB_DRIVER or config.Driver is not set")
return environ.ConfigureDatabaseDriver(ctx, dbDriver, dbDSN, extraPkgNames...)
func (environ *Environment) ConfigureDatabaseDriver(ctx context.Context, driver string, dsn string, extraPkgNames ...string) error {
environ.DatabaseService = service.NewDatabaseService(driver, dsn)
err := environ.DatabaseService.Connect()
if err != nil {
return err
if err := environ.DatabaseService.Upgrade(ctx); err != nil {
return err
// get the db connection pool object to create other services
db := environ.DatabaseService.DB
environ.OrderService = &service.OrderService{DB: db}
environ.TradeService = &service.TradeService{DB: db}
environ.RewardService = &service.RewardService{DB: db}
environ.AccountService = &service.AccountService{DB: db}
environ.ProfitService = &service.ProfitService{DB: db}
environ.PositionService = &service.PositionService{DB: db}
environ.MarginService = &service.MarginService{DB: db}
environ.WithdrawService = &service.WithdrawService{DB: db}
environ.DepositService = &service.DepositService{DB: db}
environ.SyncService = &service.SyncService{
TradeService: environ.TradeService,
OrderService: environ.OrderService,
RewardService: environ.RewardService,
MarginService: environ.MarginService,
WithdrawService: &service.WithdrawService{DB: db},
DepositService: &service.DepositService{DB: db},
return nil
// AddExchangeSession adds the existing exchange session or pre-created exchange session
func (environ *Environment) AddExchangeSession(name string, session *ExchangeSession) *ExchangeSession {
environ.sessions[name] = session
return session
// AddExchange adds the given exchange with the session name, this is the default
func (environ *Environment) AddExchange(name string, exchange types.Exchange) (session *ExchangeSession) {
session = NewExchangeSession(name, exchange)
return environ.AddExchangeSession(name, session)
func (environ *Environment) ConfigureService(ctx context.Context, srvConfig *ServiceConfig) error {
if srvConfig.GoogleSpreadSheetService != nil {
environ.GoogleSpreadSheetService = googleservice.NewSpreadSheetService(ctx, srvConfig.GoogleSpreadSheetService.JsonTokenFile, srvConfig.GoogleSpreadSheetService.SpreadSheetID)
return nil
func (environ *Environment) ConfigureExchangeSessions(userConfig *Config) error {
// if sessions are not defined, we detect the sessions automatically
if len(userConfig.Sessions) == 0 {
return environ.AddExchangesByViperKeys()
return environ.AddExchangesFromSessionConfig(userConfig.Sessions)
func (environ *Environment) AddExchangesByViperKeys() error {
for _, n := range types.SupportedExchanges {
if viper.IsSet(string(n) + "-api-key") {
exMinimal, err := exchange.NewWithEnvVarPrefix(n, "")
if err != nil {
return err
if ex, ok := exMinimal.(types.Exchange); ok {
environ.AddExchange(n.String(), ex)
} else {
log.Errorf("exchange %T does not implement types.Exchange", exMinimal)
return nil
func (environ *Environment) AddExchangesFromSessionConfig(sessions map[string]*ExchangeSession) error {
for sessionName, session := range sessions {
if err := session.InitExchange(sessionName, nil); err != nil {
return err
environ.AddExchangeSession(sessionName, session)
return nil
func (environ *Environment) IsBackTesting() bool {
return environ.BacktestService != nil
// Init prepares the data that will be used by the strategies
func (environ *Environment) Init(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
for n := range environ.sessions {
var session = environ.sessions[n]
if err = session.Init(ctx, environ); err != nil {
// we can skip initialized sessions
if err != ErrSessionAlreadyInitialized {
return err
// Start initializes the symbols data streams
func (environ *Environment) Start(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
for n := range environ.sessions {
var session = environ.sessions[n]
if err = session.InitSymbols(ctx, environ); err != nil {
return err
func (environ *Environment) SetStartTime(t time.Time) *Environment {
environ.startTime = t
return environ
func (environ *Environment) StartTime() time.Time {
return environ.startTime
// SetSyncStartTime overrides the default trade scan time (-7 days)
func (environ *Environment) SetSyncStartTime(t time.Time) *Environment {
environ.syncStartTime = t
return environ
func (environ *Environment) BindSync(config *SyncConfig) {
// skip this if we are running back-test
if environ.BacktestService != nil {
// If trade service is configured, we have the db configured
if environ.TradeService == nil {
if config == nil || config.UserDataStream == nil {
environ.syncConfig = config
tradeWriterCreator := func(session *ExchangeSession) func(trade types.Trade) {
return func(trade types.Trade) {
trade.IsMargin = session.Margin
trade.IsFutures = session.Futures
if session.Margin {
trade.IsIsolated = session.IsolatedMargin
} else if session.Futures {
trade.IsIsolated = session.IsolatedFutures
// The StrategyID field and the PnL field needs to be updated by the strategy.
// trade.StrategyID, trade.PnL
if err := environ.TradeService.Insert(trade); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("trade insert error: %+v", trade)
orderWriterCreator := func(session *ExchangeSession) func(order types.Order) {
return func(order types.Order) {
order.IsMargin = session.Margin
order.IsFutures = session.Futures
if session.Margin {
order.IsIsolated = session.IsolatedMargin
} else if session.Futures {
order.IsIsolated = session.IsolatedFutures
switch order.Status {
case types.OrderStatusFilled, types.OrderStatusCanceled:
if order.ExecutedQuantity.Sign() > 0 {
if err := environ.OrderService.Insert(order); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("order insert error: %+v", order)
for _, session := range environ.sessions {
// avoid using the iterator variable.
s2 := session
// if trade sync is on, we will write all received trades
if config.UserDataStream.Trades {
tradeWriter := tradeWriterCreator(s2)
if config.UserDataStream.FilledOrders {
orderWriter := orderWriterCreator(s2)
func (environ *Environment) Connect(ctx context.Context) error {
log.Debugf("starting interaction...")
if err := interact.Start(ctx); err != nil {
return err
for n := range environ.sessions {
// avoid using the placeholder variable for the session because we use that in the callbacks
var session = environ.sessions[n]
var logger = log.WithField("session", n)
if len(session.Subscriptions) == 0 {
logger.Warnf("exchange session %s has no subscriptions", session.Name)
} else {
// add the subscribe requests to the stream
for _, s := range session.Subscriptions {
logger.Infof("subscribing %s %s %v", s.Symbol, s.Channel, s.Options)
session.MarketDataStream.Subscribe(s.Channel, s.Symbol, s.Options)
logger.Infof("connecting %s market data stream...", session.Name)
if err := session.MarketDataStream.Connect(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if !session.PublicOnly {
logger.Infof("connecting %s user data stream...", session.Name)
if err := session.UserDataStream.Connect(ctx); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (environ *Environment) IsSyncing() (status SyncStatus) {
status = environ.syncStatus
return status
func (environ *Environment) setSyncing(status SyncStatus) {
environ.syncStatus = status
func (environ *Environment) syncWithUserConfig(ctx context.Context, userConfig *Config) error {
sessions := environ.sessions
selectedSessions := userConfig.Sync.Sessions
if len(selectedSessions) > 0 {
sessions = environ.SelectSessions(selectedSessions...)
since := defaultSyncSinceTime()
if userConfig.Sync.Since != nil {
since = userConfig.Sync.Since.Time()
syncSymbolMap, restSymbols := categorizeSyncSymbol(userConfig.Sync.Symbols)
for _, session := range sessions {
syncSymbols := restSymbols
if ss, ok := syncSymbolMap[session.Name]; ok {
syncSymbols = append(syncSymbols, ss...)
if err := environ.syncSession(ctx, session, since, syncSymbols...); err != nil {
return err
if userConfig.Sync.DepositHistory {
if err := environ.SyncService.SyncDepositHistory(ctx, session.Exchange, since); err != nil {
return err
if userConfig.Sync.WithdrawHistory {
if err := environ.SyncService.SyncWithdrawHistory(ctx, session.Exchange, since); err != nil {
return err
if userConfig.Sync.RewardHistory {
if err := environ.SyncService.SyncRewardHistory(ctx, session.Exchange, since); err != nil {
return err
if userConfig.Sync.MarginHistory {
if err := environ.SyncService.SyncMarginHistory(ctx, session.Exchange,
userConfig.Sync.MarginAssets...); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Sync syncs all registered exchange sessions
func (environ *Environment) Sync(ctx context.Context, userConfig ...*Config) error {
if environ.SyncService == nil {
return nil
// for paper trade mode, skip sync
if util.IsPaperTrade() {
return nil
defer environ.syncMutex.Unlock()
defer environ.setSyncing(SyncDone)
// sync by the defined user config
if len(userConfig) > 0 && userConfig[0] != nil && userConfig[0].Sync != nil {
return environ.syncWithUserConfig(ctx, userConfig[0])
// the default sync logics
since := defaultSyncSinceTime()
for _, session := range environ.sessions {
if err := environ.syncSession(ctx, session, since); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (environ *Environment) RecordAsset(t time.Time, session *ExchangeSession, assets types.AssetMap) {
// skip for back-test
if environ.BacktestService != nil {
if environ.DatabaseService == nil || environ.AccountService == nil {
if err := environ.AccountService.InsertAsset(
assets); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("can not insert asset record")
func (environ *Environment) RecordPosition(position *types.Position, trade types.Trade, profit *types.Profit) {
// skip for back-test
if environ.BacktestService != nil {
if environ.DatabaseService == nil || environ.ProfitService == nil || environ.PositionService == nil {
// guard: set profit info to position if the strategy info is empty
if profit != nil {
if position.Strategy == "" && profit.Strategy != "" {
position.Strategy = profit.Strategy
if position.StrategyInstanceID == "" && profit.StrategyInstanceID != "" {
position.StrategyInstanceID = profit.StrategyInstanceID
log.Infof("recordPosition: position = %s, trade = %+v, profit = %+v", position.Base.String(), trade, profit)
if profit != nil {
if err := environ.PositionService.Insert(position, trade, profit.Profit); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("can not insert position record")
if err := environ.ProfitService.Insert(*profit); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("can not insert profit record: %+v", profit)
} else {
if err := environ.PositionService.Insert(position, trade, fixedpoint.Zero); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("can not insert position record")
func (environ *Environment) RecordProfit(profit types.Profit) {
// skip for back-test
if environ.BacktestService != nil {
if environ.DatabaseService == nil {
if environ.ProfitService == nil {
if err := environ.ProfitService.Insert(profit); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("can not insert profit record: %+v", profit)
func (environ *Environment) SyncSession(ctx context.Context, session *ExchangeSession, defaultSymbols ...string) error {
if environ.SyncService == nil {
return nil
defer environ.syncMutex.Unlock()
defer environ.setSyncing(SyncDone)
since := defaultSyncSinceTime()
return environ.syncSession(ctx, session, since, defaultSymbols...)
func (environ *Environment) syncSession(
ctx context.Context, session *ExchangeSession, syncStartTime time.Time, defaultSymbols ...string,
) error {
symbols, err := session.getSessionSymbols(defaultSymbols...)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Infof("syncing symbols %v from session %s", symbols, session.Name)
return environ.SyncService.SyncSessionSymbols(ctx, session.Exchange, syncStartTime, symbols...)
func (environ *Environment) ConfigureNotificationSystem(ctx context.Context, userConfig *Config) error {
// setup default notification config
if userConfig.Notifications == nil {
userConfig.Notifications = &NotificationConfig{}
var isolation = GetIsolationFromContext(ctx)
var persistence = isolation.persistenceServiceFacade.Get()
err := environ.setupInteraction(persistence)
if err != nil {
return err
// setup slack
slackToken := viper.GetString("slack-token")
if len(slackToken) > 0 && userConfig.Notifications != nil {
environ.setupSlack(userConfig, slackToken, persistence)
// check if telegram bot token is defined
telegramBotToken := viper.GetString("telegram-bot-token")
if len(telegramBotToken) > 0 {
if err := environ.setupTelegram(userConfig, telegramBotToken, persistence); err != nil {
return err
if userConfig.Notifications != nil {
if err := environ.ConfigureNotification(userConfig.Notifications); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (environ *Environment) ConfigureNotification(config *NotificationConfig) error {
if config.Switches != nil {
if config.Switches.Trade {
tradeHandler := func(trade types.Trade) {
for _, session := range environ.sessions {
if config.Switches.OrderUpdate {
orderUpdateHandler := func(order types.Order) {
for _, session := range environ.sessions {
return nil
// getAuthStoreID returns the authentication store id
// if telegram bot token is defined, the bot id will be used.
// if not, env var $USER will be used.
// if both are not defined, a default "default" will be used.
func getAuthStoreID() string {
telegramBotToken := viper.GetString("telegram-bot-token")
if len(telegramBotToken) > 0 {
tt := strings.Split(telegramBotToken, ":")
return tt[0]
userEnv := os.Getenv("USER")
if userEnv != "" {
return userEnv
return "default"
func (environ *Environment) setupInteraction(persistence service.PersistenceService) error {
var otpQRCodeImagePath = "otp.png"
var key *otp.Key
var keyURL string
var authStore = environ.getAuthStore(persistence)
if v, ok := util.GetEnvVarBool("FLUSH_OTP_KEY"); v && ok {
log.Warnf("flushing otp key...")
if err := authStore.Reset(); err != nil {
return err
if err := authStore.Load(&keyURL); err != nil {
log.Warnf("telegram session not found, generating new one-time password key for new telegram session...")
newKey, err := setupNewOTPKey(otpQRCodeImagePath)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to setup totp (time-based one time password) key")
key = newKey
keyURL = key.URL()
if err := authStore.Save(keyURL); err != nil {
return err
} else if keyURL != "" {
key, err = otp.NewKeyFromURL(keyURL)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("can not load otp key from url: %s, generating new otp key", keyURL)
newKey, err := setupNewOTPKey(otpQRCodeImagePath)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to setup totp (time-based one time password) key")
key = newKey
keyURL = key.URL()
if err := authStore.Save(keyURL); err != nil {
return err
} else {
log.Infof("otp key loaded: %s", util.MaskKey(key.Secret()))
authStrict := false
authMode := interact.AuthModeToken
authToken := viper.GetString("telegram-bot-auth-token")
if authToken != "" && key != nil {
authStrict = true
} else if authToken != "" {
authMode = interact.AuthModeToken
} else if key != nil {
authMode = interact.AuthModeOTP
if authMode == interact.AuthModeToken {
log.Debugf("found interaction auth token, using token mode for authorization...")
Strict: authStrict,
Mode: authMode,
Token: authToken, // can be empty string here
// pragma: allowlist nextline secret
OneTimePasswordKey: key, // can be nil here
return nil
func (environ *Environment) getAuthStore(persistence service.PersistenceService) service.Store {
id := getAuthStoreID()
return persistence.NewStore("bbgo", "auth", id)
func (environ *Environment) setupSlack(userConfig *Config, slackToken string, persistence service.PersistenceService) {
conf := userConfig.Notifications.Slack
if conf == nil {
if !strings.HasPrefix(slackToken, "xoxb-") {
log.Error("SLACK_BOT_TOKEN must have the prefix \"xoxb-\".")
// app-level token (for specific api)
slackAppToken := viper.GetString("slack-app-token")
if len(slackAppToken) > 0 && !strings.HasPrefix(slackAppToken, "xapp-") {
log.Errorf("SLACK_APP_TOKEN must have the prefix \"xapp-\".")
if conf.ErrorChannel != "" {
log.Debugf("found slack configured, setting up log hook...")
log.AddHook(slacklog.NewLogHook(slackToken, conf.ErrorChannel))
log.Debugf("adding slack notifier with default channel: %s", conf.DefaultChannel)
var slackOpts = []slack.Option{
slack.OptionLog(stdlog.New(os.Stdout, "api: ", stdlog.Lshortfile|stdlog.LstdFlags)),
if len(slackAppToken) > 0 {
slackOpts = append(slackOpts, slack.OptionAppLevelToken(slackAppToken))
if b, ok := util.GetEnvVarBool("DEBUG_SLACK"); ok {
slackOpts = append(slackOpts, slack.OptionDebug(b))
var client = slack.New(slackToken, slackOpts...)
var notifier = slacknotifier.New(client, conf.DefaultChannel)
// allocate a store, so that we can save the chatID for the owner
var messenger = interact.NewSlack(client)
var sessions = interact.SlackSessionMap{}
var sessionStore = persistence.NewStore("bbgo", "slack")
if err := sessionStore.Load(&sessions); err != nil {
} else {
// TODO: this is not necessary for slack, but we should find a way to restore the sessions
for _, session := range sessions {
if session.IsAuthorized() {
// notifier.AddChat(session.Chat)
messenger.OnAuthorized(func(userSession *interact.SlackSession) {
if userSession.IsAuthorized() {
// notifier.AddChat(userSession.Chat)
func (environ *Environment) setupTelegram(
userConfig *Config, telegramBotToken string, persistence service.PersistenceService,
) error {
tt := strings.Split(telegramBotToken, ":")
telegramID := tt[0]
bot, err := telebot.NewBot(telebot.Settings{
// You can also set custom API URL.
// If field is empty it equals to "".
// URL: "",
Token: telegramBotToken,
Poller: &telebot.LongPoller{Timeout: 10 * time.Second},
if err != nil {
return err
var opts []telegramnotifier.Option
if userConfig.Notifications != nil && userConfig.Notifications.Telegram != nil {
log.Infof("telegram broadcast is enabled")
opts = append(opts, telegramnotifier.UseBroadcast())
var notifier = telegramnotifier.New(bot, opts...)
// allocate a store, so that we can save the chatID for the owner
var messenger = interact.NewTelegram(bot)
var sessions = interact.TelegramSessionMap{}
var sessionStore = persistence.NewStore("bbgo", "telegram", telegramID)
if err := sessionStore.Load(&sessions); err != nil {
if err != service.ErrPersistenceNotExists {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("unexpected persistence error")
} else {
for _, session := range sessions {
if session.IsAuthorized() {
// you must restore the session after the notifier updates
messenger.OnAuthorized(func(userSession *interact.TelegramSession) {
if userSession.IsAuthorized() {
log.Infof("user session %d got authorized, saving telegram sessions...", userSession.User.ID)
if err := sessionStore.Save(messenger.Sessions()); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("telegram session save error")
return nil
func writeOTPKeyAsQRCodePNG(key *otp.Key, imagePath string) error {
// Convert TOTP key into a PNG
var buf bytes.Buffer
img, err := key.Image(512, 512)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := png.Encode(&buf, img); err != nil {
return err
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(imagePath, buf.Bytes(), 0644); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// setupNewOTPKey generates a new otp key and save the secret as a qrcode image
func setupNewOTPKey(qrcodeImagePath string) (*otp.Key, error) {
key, err := service.NewDefaultTotpKey()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to setup totp (time-based one time password) key")
if err := writeOTPKeyAsQRCodePNG(key, qrcodeImagePath); err != nil {
return nil, err
return key, nil
func printOtpKey(key *otp.Key) {
fmt.Printf(" Issuer: %s\n", key.Issuer())
fmt.Printf(" AccountName: %s\n", key.AccountName())
fmt.Printf(" Secret: %s\n", key.Secret())
fmt.Printf(" Key URL: %s\n", key.URL())
func printOtpAuthGuide(qrcodeImagePath string) {
To scan your OTP QR code, please run the following command:
open %s
For telegram, send the auth command with the generated one-time password to the bbgo bot you created to enable the notification:
`, qrcodeImagePath)
func printAuthTokenGuide(token string) {
For telegram, send the following command to the bbgo bot you created to enable the notification:
And then enter your token
`, token)
func (session *ExchangeSession) getSessionSymbols(defaultSymbols ...string) ([]string, error) {
if session.IsolatedMargin {
return []string{session.IsolatedMarginSymbol}, nil
if len(defaultSymbols) > 0 {
return defaultSymbols, nil
return session.FindPossibleAssetSymbols()
func defaultSyncSinceTime() time.Time {
return time.Now().AddDate(0, -6, 0)