c9s e081a362f7
Merge pull request #1650 from c9s/c9s/fix-okex-book-subscription
FIX: [okex] fix order book subscription channels
2024-06-03 17:55:26 +08:00

438 lines
13 KiB

package okex
import (
type Channel string
const (
// books: 400 depth levels will be pushed in the initial full snapshot.
// Incremental data will be pushed every 100 ms for the changes in the order book during that period of time.
ChannelBooks Channel = "books"
// ChannelBooks5 is books5
// 5 depth levels snapshot will be pushed every time.
// Snapshot data will be pushed every 100 ms when there are changes in the 5 depth levels snapshot.
ChannelBooks5 Channel = "books5"
// ChannelBooks50 is books50-l2-tbt:
// 50 depth levels will be pushed in the initial full snapshot.
// Incremental data will be pushed every 10 ms for the changes in the order book during that period of time.
ChannelBooks50 Channel = "books50-l2-tbt"
// ChannelBooks1 is bbo-tbt
// 1 depth level snapshot will be pushed every time.
// Snapshot data will be pushed every 10 ms when there are changes in the 1 depth level snapshot.
ChannelBooks1 Channel = "bbo-tbt"
ChannelCandlePrefix Channel = "candle"
ChannelAccount Channel = "account"
ChannelMarketTrades Channel = "trades"
ChannelOrderTrades Channel = "orders"
type ActionType string
const (
ActionTypeSnapshot ActionType = "snapshot"
ActionTypeUpdate ActionType = "update"
func parseWebSocketEvent(in []byte) (interface{}, error) {
var event WebSocketEvent
err := json.Unmarshal(in, &event)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if event.Event != "" {
return &event, nil
switch event.Arg.Channel {
case ChannelAccount:
return parseAccount(event.Data)
case ChannelBooks, ChannelBooks5:
var bookEvent BookEvent
err = json.Unmarshal(event.Data, &bookEvent.Data)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal data into BookEvent, Arg: %+v Data: %s, err: %w", event.Arg, string(event.Data), err)
instId := event.Arg.InstId
bookEvent.InstrumentID = instId
bookEvent.Symbol = toGlobalSymbol(instId) = event.Arg.Channel
bookEvent.Action = event.ActionType
return &bookEvent, nil
case ChannelMarketTrades:
var trade []MarketTradeEvent
err = json.Unmarshal(event.Data, &trade)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal data into MarketTradeEvent: %+v, err: %w", string(event.Data), err)
return trade, nil
case ChannelOrderTrades:
var orderTrade []OrderTradeEvent
err := json.Unmarshal(event.Data, &orderTrade)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return orderTrade, nil
if strings.HasPrefix(string(event.Arg.Channel), string(ChannelCandlePrefix)) {
// TODO: Support kline subscription. The kline requires another URL to subscribe, which is why we cannot
// support it at this time.
var kLineEvt KLineEvent
err = json.Unmarshal(event.Data, &kLineEvt.Events)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal data into KLineEvent, Arg: %+v Data: %s, err: %w", event.Arg, string(event.Data), err)
kLineEvt.Channel = event.Arg.Channel
kLineEvt.InstrumentID = event.Arg.InstId
kLineEvt.Symbol = toGlobalSymbol(event.Arg.InstId)
kLineEvt.Interval = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimPrefix(string(event.Arg.Channel), string(ChannelCandlePrefix)))
return &kLineEvt, nil
return nil, nil
type WsEventType string
const (
WsEventTypeLogin WsEventType = "login"
WsEventTypeError WsEventType = "error"
WsEventTypeSubscribe WsEventType = "subscribe"
WsEventTypeUnsubscribe WsEventType = "unsubscribe"
WsEventTypeConnectionInfo WsEventType = "channel-conn-count"
WsEventTypeConnectionError WsEventType = "channel-conn-count-error"
type WebSocketEvent struct {
Event WsEventType `json:"event"`
Code string `json:"code,omitempty"`
Message string `json:"msg,omitempty"`
Arg struct {
Channel Channel `json:"channel"`
InstId string `json:"instId"`
} `json:"arg,omitempty"`
Data json.RawMessage `json:"data"`
ActionType ActionType `json:"action"`
Channel Channel `json:"channel"`
ConnCount string `json:"connCount"`
func (w *WebSocketEvent) IsValid() error {
switch w.Event {
case WsEventTypeError:
return fmt.Errorf("websocket request error, code: %s, msg: %s", w.Code, w.Message)
case WsEventTypeSubscribe, WsEventTypeUnsubscribe:
return nil
case WsEventTypeLogin:
// Actually, this code is unnecessary because the events are either `Subscribe` or `Unsubscribe`, But to avoid bugs
// in the exchange, we still check.
if w.Code != "0" || len(w.Message) != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("websocket request error, code: %s, msg: %s", w.Code, w.Message)
return nil
case WsEventTypeConnectionInfo:
return nil
case WsEventTypeConnectionError:
return fmt.Errorf("connection rate limit exceeded, channel: %s, connCount: %s", w.Channel, w.ConnCount)
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected event type: %+v", w)
func (w *WebSocketEvent) IsAuthenticated() bool {
return w.Event == WsEventTypeLogin && w.Code == "0"
type BookEvent struct {
InstrumentID string
Symbol string
Action ActionType
channel Channel
Data []struct {
Bids PriceVolumeOrderSlice `json:"bids"`
Asks PriceVolumeOrderSlice `json:"asks"`
MillisecondTimestamp types.MillisecondTimestamp `json:"ts"`
Checksum int `json:"checksum"`
func (event *BookEvent) BookTicker() types.BookTicker {
ticker := types.BookTicker{
Symbol: event.Symbol,
if len(event.Data) > 0 {
if len(event.Data[0].Bids) > 0 {
ticker.Buy = event.Data[0].Bids[0].Price
ticker.BuySize = event.Data[0].Bids[0].Volume
if len(event.Data[0].Asks) > 0 {
ticker.Sell = event.Data[0].Asks[0].Price
ticker.SellSize = event.Data[0].Asks[0].Volume
return ticker
func (event *BookEvent) Book() types.SliceOrderBook {
book := types.SliceOrderBook{
Symbol: event.Symbol,
if len(event.Data) > 0 {
book.Time = event.Data[0].MillisecondTimestamp.Time()
for _, data := range event.Data {
for _, bid := range data.Bids {
book.Bids = append(book.Bids, types.PriceVolume{Price: bid.Price, Volume: bid.Volume})
for _, ask := range data.Asks {
book.Asks = append(book.Asks, types.PriceVolume{Price: ask.Price, Volume: ask.Volume})
return book
type PriceVolumeOrder struct {
// NumLiquidated is part of a deprecated feature and it is always "0"
NumLiquidated int
// NumOrders is the number of orders at the price.
NumOrders int
type PriceVolumeOrderSlice []PriceVolumeOrder
func (slice *PriceVolumeOrderSlice) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
s, err := ParsePriceVolumeOrderSliceJSON(b)
if err != nil {
return err
*slice = s
return nil
// ParsePriceVolumeOrderSliceJSON tries to parse a 2 dimensional string array into a PriceVolumeOrderSlice
// [["8476.98", "415", "0", "13"], ["8477", "7", "0", "2"], ... ]
func ParsePriceVolumeOrderSliceJSON(b []byte) (slice PriceVolumeOrderSlice, err error) {
var as [][]fixedpoint.Value
err = json.Unmarshal(b, &as)
if err != nil {
return slice, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal price volume order slice: %w", err)
for _, a := range as {
var pv PriceVolumeOrder
pv.Price = a[0]
pv.Volume = a[1]
pv.NumLiquidated = a[2].Int()
pv.NumOrders = a[3].Int()
slice = append(slice, pv)
return slice, nil
func kLineToGlobal(k okexapi.KLine, interval types.Interval, symbol string) types.KLine {
startTime := k.StartTime.Time()
return types.KLine{
Exchange: types.ExchangeOKEx,
Symbol: symbol,
StartTime: types.Time(startTime),
EndTime: types.Time(startTime.Add(interval.Duration() - time.Millisecond)),
Interval: interval,
Open: k.OpenPrice,
Close: k.ClosePrice,
High: k.HighestPrice,
Low: k.LowestPrice,
Volume: k.Volume,
QuoteVolume: k.VolumeInCurrency, // not supported
TakerBuyBaseAssetVolume: fixedpoint.Zero, // not supported
TakerBuyQuoteAssetVolume: fixedpoint.Zero, // not supported
LastTradeID: 0, // not supported
NumberOfTrades: 0, // not supported
Closed: !k.Confirm.IsZero(),
type KLineEvent struct {
Events okexapi.KLineSlice
InstrumentID string
Symbol string
Interval string
Channel Channel
func parseAccount(v []byte) (*okexapi.Account, error) {
var accounts []okexapi.Account
err := json.Unmarshal(v, &accounts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(accounts) == 0 {
return &okexapi.Account{}, nil
return &accounts[0], nil
type OrderTradeEvent struct {
Code types.StrInt64 `json:"code"`
Msg string `json:"msg"`
AmendResult string `json:"amendResult"`
ExecutionType okexapi.LiquidityType `json:"execType"`
// FillFee last filled fee amount or rebate amount:
// Negative number represents the user transaction fee charged by the platform;
// Positive number represents rebate
FillFee fixedpoint.Value `json:"fillFee"`
// FillFeeCurrency last filled fee currency or rebate currency.
// It is fee currency when fillFee is less than 0; It is rebate currency when fillFee>=0.
FillFeeCurrency string `json:"fillFeeCcy"`
// FillNotionalUsd Filled notional value in USD of order
FillNotionalUsd fixedpoint.Value `json:"fillNotionalUsd"`
FillPnl fixedpoint.Value `json:"fillPnl"`
// NotionalUsd Estimated national value in USD of order
NotionalUsd fixedpoint.Value `json:"notionalUsd"`
// ReqId Client Request ID as assigned by the client for order amendment. "" will be returned if there is no order amendment.
ReqId string `json:"reqId"`
LastPrice fixedpoint.Value `json:"lastPx"`
// QuickMgnType Quick Margin type, Only applicable to Quick Margin Mode of isolated margin
// manual, auto_borrow, auto_repay
QuickMgnType string `json:"quickMgnType"`
// AmendSource Source of the order amendation.
AmendSource string `json:"amendSource"`
// CancelSource Source of the order cancellation.
CancelSource string `json:"cancelSource"`
// Only applicable to options; return "" for other instrument types
FillPriceVolume string `json:"fillPxVol"`
FillPriceUsd string `json:"fillPxUsd"`
FillMarkVolume string `json:"fillMarkVol"`
FillFwdPrice string `json:"fillFwdPx"`
FillMarkPrice string `json:"fillMarkPx"`
func (o *OrderTradeEvent) toGlobalTrade() (types.Trade, error) {
side := toGlobalSide(o.Side)
tradeId, err := strconv.ParseUint(o.TradeId, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return types.Trade{}, fmt.Errorf("unexpected trade id [%s] format: %w", o.TradeId, err)
return types.Trade{
ID: tradeId,
OrderID: uint64(o.OrderId),
Exchange: types.ExchangeOKEx,
Price: o.FillPrice,
Quantity: o.FillSize,
QuoteQuantity: o.FillPrice.Mul(o.FillSize),
Symbol: toGlobalSymbol(o.InstrumentID),
Side: side,
IsBuyer: side == types.SideTypeBuy,
IsMaker: o.ExecutionType == okexapi.LiquidityTypeMaker,
Time: types.Time(o.FillTime.Time()),
// charged by the platform is positive in our design, so added the `Neg()`.
Fee: o.FillFee.Neg(),
FeeCurrency: o.FeeCurrency,
FeeDiscounted: false,
}, nil
func toGlobalSideType(side okexapi.SideType) (types.SideType, error) {
switch side {
case okexapi.SideTypeBuy:
return types.SideTypeBuy, nil
case okexapi.SideTypeSell:
return types.SideTypeSell, nil
return types.SideType(side), fmt.Errorf("unexpected side: %s", side)
type MarketTradeEvent struct {
InstId string `json:"instId"`
TradeId types.StrInt64 `json:"tradeId"`
Px fixedpoint.Value `json:"px"`
Sz fixedpoint.Value `json:"sz"`
Side okexapi.SideType `json:"side"`
Timestamp types.MillisecondTimestamp `json:"ts"`
Count types.StrInt64 `json:"count"`
func (m *MarketTradeEvent) toGlobalTrade() (types.Trade, error) {
symbol := toGlobalSymbol(m.InstId)
if symbol == "" {
return types.Trade{}, fmt.Errorf("unexpected inst id: %s", m.InstId)
side, err := toGlobalSideType(m.Side)
if err != nil {
return types.Trade{}, err
return types.Trade{
ID: uint64(m.TradeId),
OrderID: 0, // not supported
Exchange: types.ExchangeOKEx,
Price: m.Px,
Quantity: m.Sz,
QuoteQuantity: m.Px.Mul(m.Sz),
Symbol: symbol,
Side: side,
IsBuyer: side == types.SideTypeBuy,
IsMaker: false, // not supported
Time: types.Time(m.Timestamp.Time()),
Fee: fixedpoint.Zero, // not supported
FeeCurrency: "", // not supported
}, nil
type ConnectionInfoEvent struct {
Event string `json:"event"`
Channel Channel `json:"channel"`
ConnCount string `json:"connCount"`
ConnId string `json:"connId"`