
318 lines
8.6 KiB

package bbgo
import (
log ""
_ ""
flag ""
var SupportedExchanges = []types.ExchangeName{"binance", "max"}
// PersistentFlags defines the flags for environments
func PersistentFlags(flags *flag.FlagSet) {
flags.String("binance-api-key", "", "binance api key")
flags.String("binance-api-secret", "", "binance api secret")
flags.String("max-api-key", "", "max api key")
flags.String("max-api-secret", "", "max api secret")
// SingleExchangeStrategy represents the single Exchange strategy
type SingleExchangeStrategy interface {
Run(ctx context.Context, orderExecutor OrderExecutor, session *ExchangeSession) error
type ExchangeSessionSubscriber interface {
Subscribe(session *ExchangeSession)
type CrossExchangeStrategy interface {
Run(ctx context.Context, orderExecutionRouter OrderExecutionRouter, sessions map[string]*ExchangeSession) error
type Trader struct {
environment *Environment
riskControls *RiskControls
crossExchangeStrategies []CrossExchangeStrategy
exchangeStrategies map[string][]SingleExchangeStrategy
tradeReporter *TradeReporter
// reportTimer *time.Timer
// ProfitAndLossCalculator *accounting.ProfitAndLossCalculator
func NewTrader(environ *Environment) *Trader {
return &Trader{
environment: environ,
exchangeStrategies: make(map[string][]SingleExchangeStrategy),
func (trader *Trader) ReportTrade() *TradeReporter {
trader.tradeReporter = NewTradeReporter(&trader.Notifiability)
return trader.tradeReporter
// AttachStrategyOn attaches the single exchange strategy on an exchange session.
// Single exchange strategy is the default behavior.
func (trader *Trader) AttachStrategyOn(session string, strategies ...SingleExchangeStrategy) *Trader {
if _, ok := trader.environment.sessions[session]; !ok {
log.Panicf("session %s is not defined", session)
for _, s := range strategies {
trader.exchangeStrategies[session] = append(trader.exchangeStrategies[session], s)
return trader
// AttachCrossExchangeStrategy attaches the cross exchange strategy
func (trader *Trader) AttachCrossExchangeStrategy(strategy CrossExchangeStrategy) *Trader {
trader.crossExchangeStrategies = append(trader.crossExchangeStrategies, strategy)
return trader
// TODO: provide a more DSL way to configure risk controls
func (trader *Trader) SetRiskControls(riskControls *RiskControls) {
trader.riskControls = riskControls
func (trader *Trader) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
// pre-subscribe the data
for sessionName, strategies := range trader.exchangeStrategies {
session := trader.environment.sessions[sessionName]
for _, strategy := range strategies {
if subscriber, ok := strategy.(ExchangeSessionSubscriber); ok {
if err := trader.environment.Init(ctx); err != nil {
return err
// session based trade reporter
for sessionName := range trader.environment.sessions {
var session = trader.environment.sessions[sessionName]
if trader.tradeReporter != nil {
session.Stream.OnTrade(func(trade types.Trade) {
// load and run session strategies
for sessionName, strategies := range trader.exchangeStrategies {
var session = trader.environment.sessions[sessionName]
var baseOrderExecutor = &ExchangeOrderExecutor{
// copy the parent notifiers and session
Notifiability: trader.Notifiability,
session: session,
// default to base order executor
var orderExecutor OrderExecutor = baseOrderExecutor
// Since the risk controls are loaded from the config file
if riskControls := trader.riskControls; riskControls != nil {
if trader.riskControls.SessionBasedRiskControl != nil {
control, ok := trader.riskControls.SessionBasedRiskControl[sessionName]
if ok {
// pick the order executor
if control.OrderExecutor != nil {
orderExecutor = control.OrderExecutor
for _, strategy := range strategies {
rs := reflect.ValueOf(strategy)
if rs.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct {
// get the struct element
rs = rs.Elem()
if err := injectField(rs, "Notifiability", &trader.Notifiability); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("strategy Notifiability injection failed")
if err := injectField(rs, "OrderExecutor", orderExecutor); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("strategy OrderExecutor injection failed")
if symbol, ok := isSymbolBasedStrategy(rs); ok {
log.Infof("found symbol based strategy from %T", rs.Type())
if hasField(rs, "Market") {
if market, ok := session.Market(symbol); ok {
// let's make the market object passed by pointer
if err := injectField(rs, "Market", &market); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("strategy Market injection failed")
if hasField(rs, "MarketDataStore") {
if store, ok := session.MarketDataStore(symbol); ok {
if err := injectField(rs, "MarketDataStore", store); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("strategy MarketDataStore injection failed")
err := strategy.Run(ctx, orderExecutor, session)
if err != nil {
return err
router := &ExchangeOrderExecutionRouter{
// copy the parent notifiers
Notifiability: trader.Notifiability,
sessions: trader.environment.sessions,
for _, strategy := range trader.crossExchangeStrategies {
if err := strategy.Run(ctx, router, trader.environment.sessions); err != nil {
return err
return trader.environment.Connect(ctx)
func (trader *OrderExecutor) RunStrategyWithHotReload(ctx context.Context, strategy SingleExchangeStrategy, configFile string) (chan struct{}, error) {
var done = make(chan struct{})
var configWatcherDone = make(chan struct{})
log.Infof("watching config file: %v", configFile)
watcher, err := fsnotify.NewWatcher()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer watcher.Close()
if err := watcher.Add(configFile); err != nil {
return nil, err
go func() {
strategyContext, strategyCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer strategyCancel()
defer close(done)
traderDone, err := trader.RunStrategy(strategyContext, strategy)
if err != nil {
var configReloadTimer *time.Timer = nil
defer close(configWatcherDone)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-traderDone:
log.Infof("reloading config file %s", configFile)
if err := config.LoadConfigFile(configFile, strategy); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("error load config file")
trader.NotifyTo("config reloaded, restarting trader")
traderDone, err = trader.RunStrategy(strategyContext, strategy)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("[trader] error:", err)
case event := <-watcher.Events:
log.Infof("[fsnotify] event: %+v", event)
if event.Op&fsnotify.Write == fsnotify.Write {
log.Info("[fsnotify] modified file:", event.Name)
if configReloadTimer != nil {
configReloadTimer = time.AfterFunc(3*time.Second, func() {
case err := <-watcher.Errors:
log.WithError(err).Error("[fsnotify] error:", err)
return done, nil
func (trader *OrderExecutor) RunStrategy(ctx context.Context, strategy SingleExchangeStrategy) (chan struct{}, error) {
trader.reportTimer = time.AfterFunc(1*time.Second, func() {
stream.OnTrade(func(trade *types.Trade) {
_, err := trader.Context.StockManager.AddTrades([]types.Trade{*trade})
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("stock manager load trades error")
if trader.reportTimer != nil {
trader.reportTimer = time.AfterFunc(1*time.Minute, func() {
// ReportPnL configure and set the PnLReporter with the given notifier
func (trader *Trader) ReportPnL() *PnLReporterManager {
return NewPnLReporter(&trader.Notifiability)
type OrderExecutor interface {
SubmitOrders(ctx context.Context, orders ...types.SubmitOrder) (createdOrders []types.Order, err error)
type OrderExecutionRouter interface {
// SubmitOrderTo submit order to a specific exchange session
SubmitOrdersTo(ctx context.Context, session string, orders ...types.SubmitOrder) (createdOrders []types.Order, err error)