2023-06-01 14:27:03 +08:00

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package indicator
import (
// Refer: Arnaud Legoux Moving Average
// Refer:
// Also check
// The Arnaud Legoux Moving Average (ALMA) is a technical analysis indicator that is used to smooth price data and reduce the lag associated
// with traditional moving averages. It was developed by Arnaud Legoux and is based on the weighted moving average, with the weighting factors
// determined using a Gaussian function. The ALMA is calculated by taking the weighted moving average of the input data using weighting factors
// that are based on the standard deviation of the data and the specified length of the moving average. This resulting average is then plotted
// on the price chart as a line, which can be used to make predictions about future price movements. The ALMA is typically more responsive to
// changes in the underlying data than a simple moving average, but may be less reliable in trending markets.
// @param offset: Gaussian applied to the combo line. 1->ema, 0->sma
// @param sigma: the standard deviation applied to the combo line. This makes the combo line sharper
//go:generate callbackgen -type ALMA
type ALMA struct {
types.IntervalWindow // required
Offset float64 // required: recommend to be 0.5
Sigma int // required: recommend to be 5
weight []float64
sum float64
input []float64
Values floats.Slice
UpdateCallbacks []func(value float64)
const MaxNumOfALMA = 5_000
const MaxNumOfALMATruncateSize = 100
func (inc *ALMA) Update(value float64) {
if inc.weight == nil {
inc.SeriesBase.Series = inc
inc.weight = make([]float64, inc.Window)
m := inc.Offset * (float64(inc.Window) - 1.)
s := float64(inc.Window) / float64(inc.Sigma)
inc.sum = 0.
for i := 0; i < inc.Window; i++ {
diff := float64(i) - m
wt := math.Exp(-diff * diff / 2. / s / s)
inc.sum += wt
inc.weight[i] = wt
inc.input = append(inc.input, value)
if len(inc.input) >= inc.Window {
weightedSum := 0.0
inc.input = inc.input[len(inc.input)-inc.Window:]
for i := 0; i < inc.Window; i++ {
weightedSum += inc.weight[inc.Window-i-1] * inc.input[i]
inc.Values.Push(weightedSum / inc.sum)
if len(inc.Values) > MaxNumOfALMA {
inc.Values = inc.Values[MaxNumOfALMATruncateSize-1:]
func (inc *ALMA) Last(i int) float64 {
return inc.Values.Last(i)
func (inc *ALMA) Index(i int) float64 {
return inc.Last(i)
func (inc *ALMA) Length() int {
return len(inc.Values)
var _ types.SeriesExtend = &ALMA{}
func (inc *ALMA) CalculateAndUpdate(allKLines []types.KLine) {
if inc.input == nil {
for _, k := range allKLines {