2022-07-07 02:26:39 +08:00

306 lines
8.3 KiB

package pivotshort
import (
const ID = "pivotshort"
var one = fixedpoint.One
var zero = fixedpoint.Zero
var log = logrus.WithField("strategy", ID)
func init() {
bbgo.RegisterStrategy(ID, &Strategy{})
type IntervalWindowSetting struct {
type SupportTakeProfit struct {
Symbol string
Ratio fixedpoint.Value `json:"ratio"`
pivot *indicator.Pivot
orderExecutor *bbgo.GeneralOrderExecutor
session *bbgo.ExchangeSession
activeOrders *bbgo.ActiveOrderBook
currentSupportPrice fixedpoint.Value
triggeredPrices []fixedpoint.Value
func (s *SupportTakeProfit) Subscribe(session *bbgo.ExchangeSession) {
session.Subscribe(types.KLineChannel, s.Symbol, types.SubscribeOptions{Interval: s.Interval})
func (s *SupportTakeProfit) Bind(session *bbgo.ExchangeSession, orderExecutor *bbgo.GeneralOrderExecutor) {
s.session = session
s.orderExecutor = orderExecutor
s.activeOrders = bbgo.NewActiveOrderBook(s.Symbol)
session.UserDataStream.OnOrderUpdate(func(order types.Order) {
if s.activeOrders.Exists(order) {
if !s.currentSupportPrice.IsZero() {
s.triggeredPrices = append(s.triggeredPrices, s.currentSupportPrice)
position := orderExecutor.Position()
symbol := position.Symbol
store, _ := session.MarketDataStore(symbol)
s.pivot = &indicator.Pivot{IntervalWindow: s.IntervalWindow}
preloadPivot(s.pivot, store)
session.MarketDataStream.OnKLineClosed(types.KLineWith(s.Symbol, s.Interval, func(kline types.KLine) {
if !s.updateSupportPrice(kline.Close) {
if !position.IsOpened(kline.Close) {
log.Infof("position is not opened, skip updating support take profit order")
buyPrice := s.currentSupportPrice.Mul(one.Add(s.Ratio))
quantity := position.GetQuantity()
ctx := context.Background()
if err := orderExecutor.GracefulCancelActiveOrderBook(ctx, s.activeOrders); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("cancel order failed")
bbgo.Notify("placing %s take profit order at price %f", s.Symbol, buyPrice.Float64())
createdOrders, err := orderExecutor.SubmitOrders(ctx, types.SubmitOrder{
Symbol: symbol,
Type: types.OrderTypeLimitMaker,
Side: types.SideTypeBuy,
Price: buyPrice,
Quantity: quantity,
Tag: "supportTakeProfit",
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("can not submit orders: %+v", createdOrders)
func (s *SupportTakeProfit) updateSupportPrice(closePrice fixedpoint.Value) bool {
log.Infof("[supportTakeProfit] lows: %v", s.pivot.Lows)
groupDistance := 0.01
minDistance := 0.05
supportPrices := findPossibleSupportPrices(closePrice.Float64()*(1.0-minDistance), groupDistance, s.pivot.Lows)
if len(supportPrices) == 0 {
return false
log.Infof("[supportTakeProfit] found possible support prices: %v", supportPrices)
// nextSupportPrice are sorted in increasing order
nextSupportPrice := fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(supportPrices[len(supportPrices)-1])
// it's price that we have been used to take profit
for _, p := range s.triggeredPrices {
var l = p.Mul(one.Sub(fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(0.01)))
var h = p.Mul(one.Add(fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(0.01)))
if p.Compare(l) > 0 && p.Compare(h) < 0 {
return false
currentBuyPrice := s.currentSupportPrice.Mul(one.Add(s.Ratio))
if s.currentSupportPrice.IsZero() {
log.Infof("setup next support take profit price at %f", nextSupportPrice.Float64())
s.currentSupportPrice = nextSupportPrice
return true
// the close price is already lower than the support price, than we should update
if closePrice.Compare(currentBuyPrice) < 0 || nextSupportPrice.Compare(s.currentSupportPrice) > 0 {
log.Infof("setup next support take profit price at %f", nextSupportPrice.Float64())
s.currentSupportPrice = nextSupportPrice
return true
return false
type Strategy struct {
Environment *bbgo.Environment
Symbol string `json:"symbol"`
Market types.Market
// pivot interval and window
// persistence fields
Position *types.Position `persistence:"position"`
ProfitStats *types.ProfitStats `persistence:"profit_stats"`
TradeStats *types.TradeStats `persistence:"trade_stats"`
// BreakLow is one of the entry method
BreakLow *BreakLow `json:"breakLow"`
// ResistanceShort is one of the entry method
ResistanceShort *ResistanceShort `json:"resistanceShort"`
SupportTakeProfit []*SupportTakeProfit `json:"supportTakeProfit"`
ExitMethods bbgo.ExitMethodSet `json:"exits"`
session *bbgo.ExchangeSession
orderExecutor *bbgo.GeneralOrderExecutor
// StrategyController
func (s *Strategy) ID() string {
return ID
func (s *Strategy) Subscribe(session *bbgo.ExchangeSession) {
session.Subscribe(types.KLineChannel, s.Symbol, types.SubscribeOptions{Interval: s.Interval})
session.Subscribe(types.KLineChannel, s.Symbol, types.SubscribeOptions{Interval: types.Interval1m})
if s.ResistanceShort != nil && s.ResistanceShort.Enabled {
dynamic.InheritStructValues(s.ResistanceShort, s)
session.Subscribe(types.KLineChannel, s.Symbol, types.SubscribeOptions{Interval: s.ResistanceShort.Interval})
if s.BreakLow != nil {
dynamic.InheritStructValues(s.BreakLow, s)
for i := range s.SupportTakeProfit {
m := s.SupportTakeProfit[i]
dynamic.InheritStructValues(m, s)
if !bbgo.IsBackTesting {
session.Subscribe(types.MarketTradeChannel, s.Symbol, types.SubscribeOptions{})
s.ExitMethods.SetAndSubscribe(session, s)
func (s *Strategy) InstanceID() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", ID, s.Symbol)
func (s *Strategy) CurrentPosition() *types.Position {
return s.Position
func (s *Strategy) ClosePosition(ctx context.Context, percentage fixedpoint.Value) error {
return s.orderExecutor.ClosePosition(ctx, percentage)
func (s *Strategy) Run(ctx context.Context, orderExecutor bbgo.OrderExecutor, session *bbgo.ExchangeSession) error {
var instanceID = s.InstanceID()
if s.Position == nil {
s.Position = types.NewPositionFromMarket(s.Market)
if s.ProfitStats == nil {
s.ProfitStats = types.NewProfitStats(s.Market)
if s.TradeStats == nil {
s.TradeStats = types.NewTradeStats(s.Symbol)
// StrategyController
s.Status = types.StrategyStatusRunning
s.OnSuspend(func() {
// Cancel active orders
_ = s.orderExecutor.GracefulCancel(ctx)
s.OnEmergencyStop(func() {
// Cancel active orders
_ = s.orderExecutor.GracefulCancel(ctx)
// Close 100% position
_ = s.ClosePosition(ctx, fixedpoint.One)
// initial required information
s.session = session
s.orderExecutor = bbgo.NewGeneralOrderExecutor(session, s.Symbol, ID, instanceID, s.Position)
s.orderExecutor.TradeCollector().OnPositionUpdate(func(position *types.Position) {
s.ExitMethods.Bind(session, s.orderExecutor)
if s.ResistanceShort != nil && s.ResistanceShort.Enabled {
s.ResistanceShort.Bind(session, s.orderExecutor)
if s.BreakLow != nil {
s.BreakLow.Bind(session, s.orderExecutor)
for i := range s.SupportTakeProfit {
s.SupportTakeProfit[i].Bind(session, s.orderExecutor)
bbgo.OnShutdown(func(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, s.TradeStats.String())
_ = s.orderExecutor.GracefulCancel(ctx)
return nil
func preloadPivot(pivot *indicator.Pivot, store *bbgo.MarketDataStore) *types.KLine {
klines, ok := store.KLinesOfInterval(pivot.Interval)
if !ok {
return nil
last := (*klines)[len(*klines)-1]
log.Debugf("updating pivot indicator: %d klines", len(*klines))
for i := pivot.Window; i < len(*klines); i++ {
pivot.Update((*klines)[0 : i+1])
log.Debugf("found %v previous lows: %v", pivot.IntervalWindow, pivot.Lows)
log.Debugf("found %v previous highs: %v", pivot.IntervalWindow, pivot.Highs)
return &last