austin362667 f1ae7b5f30 strategy: add harmonic shark pattern recognition
strategy: add harmonic shark pattern recognition
2022-10-04 15:20:17 +08:00

370 lines
11 KiB

package harmonic
import (
const ID = "harmonic"
var log = logrus.WithField("strategy", ID)
func init() {
bbgo.RegisterStrategy(ID, &Strategy{})
type Strategy struct {
Environment *bbgo.Environment
Symbol string `json:"symbol"`
Market types.Market
// persistence fields
Position *types.Position `persistence:"position"`
ProfitStats *types.ProfitStats `persistence:"profit_stats"`
TradeStats *types.TradeStats `persistence:"trade_stats"`
ExitMethods bbgo.ExitMethodSet `json:"exits"`
session *bbgo.ExchangeSession
orderExecutor *bbgo.GeneralOrderExecutor
// StrategyController
shark *SHARK
// plotting
priceLines *types.Queue
midPrice fixedpoint.Value
lock sync.RWMutex `ignore:"true"`
positionLock sync.RWMutex `ignore:"true"`
startTime time.Time
minutesCounter int
frameKLine *types.KLine
kline1m *types.KLine
CanvasPath string `json:"canvasPath"`
HLRangeWindow int `json:"hlRangeWindow"`
Window1m int `json:"window1m"`
// This is not related to trade but for statistics graph generation
// Will deduct fee in percentage from every trade
GraphPNLDeductFee bool `json:"graphPNLDeductFee"`
GraphPNLPath string `json:"graphPNLPath"`
GraphCumPNLPath string `json:"graphCumPNLPath"`
// Whether to generate graph when shutdown
GenerateGraph bool `json:"generateGraph"`
func (s *Strategy) Subscribe(session *bbgo.ExchangeSession) {
session.Subscribe(types.KLineChannel, s.Symbol, types.SubscribeOptions{Interval: s.Interval})
if !bbgo.IsBackTesting {
session.Subscribe(types.MarketTradeChannel, s.Symbol, types.SubscribeOptions{})
s.ExitMethods.SetAndSubscribe(session, s)
func (s *Strategy) ID() string {
return ID
func (s *Strategy) InstanceID() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", ID, s.Symbol)
func (s *Strategy) Run(ctx context.Context, orderExecutor bbgo.OrderExecutor, session *bbgo.ExchangeSession) error {
var instanceID = s.InstanceID()
if s.Position == nil {
s.Position = types.NewPositionFromMarket(s.Market)
if s.ProfitStats == nil {
s.ProfitStats = types.NewProfitStats(s.Market)
if s.TradeStats == nil {
s.TradeStats = types.NewTradeStats(s.Symbol)
// StrategyController
s.Status = types.StrategyStatusRunning
s.OnSuspend(func() {
// Cancel active orders
_ = s.orderExecutor.GracefulCancel(ctx)
s.OnEmergencyStop(func() {
// Cancel active orders
_ = s.orderExecutor.GracefulCancel(ctx)
// Close 100% position
//_ = s.ClosePosition(ctx, fixedpoint.One)
s.session = session
s.orderExecutor = bbgo.NewGeneralOrderExecutor(session, s.Symbol, ID, instanceID, s.Position)
profit := floats.Slice{1., 1.}
price, _ := s.session.LastPrice(s.Symbol)
initAsset := s.CalcAssetValue(price).Float64()
cumProfit := floats.Slice{initAsset, initAsset}
s.orderExecutor.TradeCollector().OnTrade(func(trade types.Trade, _profit, netProfit fixedpoint.Value) {
s.orderExecutor.TradeCollector().OnPositionUpdate(func(position *types.Position) {
for _, method := range s.ExitMethods {
method.Bind(session, s.orderExecutor)
kLineStore, _ := s.session.MarketDataStore(s.Symbol)
s.shark = &SHARK{IntervalWindow: types.IntervalWindow{Window: s.Window, Interval: s.Interval}}
s.shark.BindK(s.session.MarketDataStream, s.Symbol, s.shark.Interval)
if klines, ok := kLineStore.KLinesOfInterval(s.shark.Interval); ok {
s.session.MarketDataStream.OnKLineClosed(types.KLineWith(s.Symbol, s.Interval, func(kline types.KLine) {
log.Infof("Shark Score: %f, Current Price: %f", s.shark.Last(), kline.Close.Float64())
//previousRegime := s.shark.Values.Tail(10).Mean()
//zeroThreshold := 5.
if s.shark.Rank(s.Window).Last()/float64(s.Window) > 0.99 { // && ((previousRegime < zeroThreshold && previousRegime > -zeroThreshold) || s.shark.Index(1) < 0)
if s.Position.IsShort() {
_ = s.orderExecutor.GracefulCancel(ctx)
s.orderExecutor.ClosePosition(ctx, fixedpoint.One, "close short position")
_, err := s.orderExecutor.SubmitOrders(ctx, types.SubmitOrder{
Symbol: s.Symbol,
Side: types.SideTypeBuy,
Quantity: s.Quantity,
Type: types.OrderTypeMarket,
Tag: "shark long: buy in",
if err == nil {
_, err = s.orderExecutor.SubmitOrders(ctx, types.SubmitOrder{
Symbol: s.Symbol,
Side: types.SideTypeSell,
Quantity: s.Quantity,
Price: fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(s.shark.Highs.Tail(100).Max()),
Type: types.OrderTypeLimit,
Tag: "shark long: sell back",
if err != nil {
} else if s.shark.Rank(s.Window).Last()/float64(s.Window) < 0.01 { // && ((previousRegime < zeroThreshold && previousRegime > -zeroThreshold) || s.shark.Index(1) > 0)
if s.Position.IsLong() {
_ = s.orderExecutor.GracefulCancel(ctx)
s.orderExecutor.ClosePosition(ctx, fixedpoint.One, "close long position")
_, err := s.orderExecutor.SubmitOrders(ctx, types.SubmitOrder{
Symbol: s.Symbol,
Side: types.SideTypeSell,
Quantity: s.Quantity,
Type: types.OrderTypeMarket,
Tag: "shark short: sell in",
if err == nil {
_, err = s.orderExecutor.SubmitOrders(ctx, types.SubmitOrder{
Symbol: s.Symbol,
Side: types.SideTypeBuy,
Quantity: s.Quantity,
Price: fixedpoint.NewFromFloat(s.shark.Lows.Tail(100).Min()),
Type: types.OrderTypeLimit,
Tag: "shark short: buy back",
if err != nil {
bbgo.RegisterCommand("/draw", "Draw Indicators", func(reply interact.Reply) {
canvas := s.DrawIndicators(s.frameKLine.StartTime)
var buffer bytes.Buffer
if err := canvas.Render(chart.PNG, &buffer); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot render indicators in oneliner")
reply.Message(fmt.Sprintf("[error] cannot render indicators in harmonic: %v", err))
bbgo.RegisterCommand("/pnl", "Draw PNL(%) per trade", func(reply interact.Reply) {
canvas := s.DrawPNL(&profit)
var buffer bytes.Buffer
if err := canvas.Render(chart.PNG, &buffer); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot render pnl in oneliner")
reply.Message(fmt.Sprintf("[error] cannot render pnl in harmonic: %v", err))
bbgo.RegisterCommand("/cumpnl", "Draw Cumulative PNL(Quote)", func(reply interact.Reply) {
canvas := s.DrawCumPNL(&cumProfit)
var buffer bytes.Buffer
if err := canvas.Render(chart.PNG, &buffer); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot render cumpnl in oneliner")
reply.Message(fmt.Sprintf("[error] canot render cumpnl in harmonic: %v", err))
bbgo.OnShutdown(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, s.TradeStats.String())
_ = s.orderExecutor.GracefulCancel(ctx)
return nil
func (s *Strategy) CalcAssetValue(price fixedpoint.Value) fixedpoint.Value {
balances := s.session.GetAccount().Balances()
return balances[s.Market.BaseCurrency].Total().Mul(price).Add(balances[s.Market.QuoteCurrency].Total())
func (s *Strategy) DrawPNL(profit types.Series) *types.Canvas {
canvas := types.NewCanvas(s.InstanceID())
//log.Errorf("pnl Highest: %f, Lowest: %f", types.Highest(profit, profit.Length()), types.Lowest(profit, profit.Length()))
length := profit.Length()
if s.GraphPNLDeductFee {
canvas.PlotRaw("pnl (with Fee Deducted)", profit, length)
} else {
canvas.PlotRaw("pnl", profit, length)
canvas.YAxis = chart.YAxis{
ValueFormatter: func(v interface{}) string {
if vf, isFloat := v.(float64); isFloat {
return fmt.Sprintf("%.4f", vf)
return ""
canvas.PlotRaw("1", types.NumberSeries(1), length)
return canvas
func (s *Strategy) DrawCumPNL(cumProfit types.Series) *types.Canvas {
canvas := types.NewCanvas(s.InstanceID())
canvas.PlotRaw("cumulative pnl", cumProfit, cumProfit.Length())
canvas.YAxis = chart.YAxis{
ValueFormatter: func(v interface{}) string {
if vf, isFloat := v.(float64); isFloat {
return fmt.Sprintf("%.4f", vf)
return ""
return canvas
func (s *Strategy) initIndicators(store *bbgo.SerialMarketDataStore) error {
klines, ok := store.KLinesOfInterval(s.Interval)
klinesLength := len(*klines)
if !ok || klinesLength == 0 {
return errors.New("klines not exists")
if s.frameKLine != nil && klines != nil {
klines, ok = store.KLinesOfInterval(types.Interval1m)
klinesLength = len(*klines)
if !ok || klinesLength == 0 {
return errors.New("klines not exists")
if s.kline1m != nil && klines != nil {
s.startTime = s.kline1m.StartTime.Time().Add(s.kline1m.Interval.Duration())
return nil
func (s *Strategy) DrawIndicators(time types.Time) *types.Canvas {
canvas := types.NewCanvas(s.InstanceID(), s.Interval)
Length := s.priceLines.Length()
if Length > 300 {
Length = 300
log.Infof("draw indicators with %d data", Length)
mean := s.priceLines.Mean(Length)
canvas.Plot("zero", types.NumberSeries(mean), time, Length)
canvas.Plot("price", s.priceLines, time, Length)
return canvas
func (s *Strategy) Draw(time types.Time, profit types.Series, cumProfit types.Series) {
canvas := s.DrawIndicators(time)
f, err := os.Create(s.CanvasPath)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot create on %s", s.CanvasPath)
defer f.Close()
if err := canvas.Render(chart.PNG, f); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("cannot render in harmonic")
canvas = s.DrawPNL(profit)
f, err = os.Create(s.GraphPNLPath)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("open pnl")
defer f.Close()
if err := canvas.Render(chart.PNG, f); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("render pnl")
canvas = s.DrawCumPNL(cumProfit)
f, err = os.Create(s.GraphCumPNLPath)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("open cumpnl")
defer f.Close()
if err := canvas.Render(chart.PNG, f); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Errorf("render cumpnl")