
246 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
from abc import abstractmethod
from freqtrade.freqai.data_kitchen import FreqaiDataKitchen
from freqtrade.freqai.freqai_interface import IFreqaiModel
from freqtrade.freqai.RL.Base3ActionRLEnv import Base3ActionRLEnv, Actions, Positions
from freqtrade.persistence import Trade
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class BaseReinforcementLearningModel(IFreqaiModel):
User created Reinforcement Learning Model prediction model.
def train(
self, unfiltered_dataframe: DataFrame, pair: str, dk: FreqaiDataKitchen
) -> Any:
Filter the training data and train a model to it. Train makes heavy use of the datakitchen
for storing, saving, loading, and analyzing the data.
:param unfiltered_dataframe: Full dataframe for the current training period
:param metadata: pair metadata from strategy.
:model: Trained model which can be used to inference (self.predict)
""""--------------------Starting training " f"{pair} --------------------")
# filter the features requested by user in the configuration file and elegantly handle NaNs
features_filtered, labels_filtered = dk.filter_features(
data_dictionary: Dict[str, Any] = dk.make_train_test_datasets(
features_filtered, labels_filtered)
dk.fit_labels() # useless for now, but just satiating append methods
# normalize all data based on train_dataset only
data_dictionary = dk.normalize_data(data_dictionary)
# optional additional data cleaning/analysis
f'Training model on {len(dk.data_dictionary["train_features"].columns)}' " features"
)'Training model on {len(data_dictionary["train_features"])} data points')
2022-08-15 16:01:15 +00:00
model = self.fit_rl(data_dictionary, pair, dk)
if pair not in self.dd.historic_predictions:
data_dictionary['train_features'], model, dk, pair)
self.dd.save_historic_predictions_to_disk()"--------------------done training {pair}--------------------")
return model
2022-08-15 16:01:15 +00:00
def fit_rl(self, data_dictionary: Dict[str, Any], pair: str, dk: FreqaiDataKitchen):
Agent customizations and abstract Reinforcement Learning customizations
go in here. Abstract method, so this function must be overridden by
user class.
def get_state_info(self, pair):
open_trades = Trade.get_trades(trade_filter=Trade.is_open.is_(True))
market_side = 0.5
current_profit = 0
for trade in open_trades:
if trade.pair == pair:
current_value = trade.open_trade_value
openrate = trade.open_rate
if 'long' in trade.enter_tag:
market_side = 1
market_side = 0
current_profit = current_value / openrate - 1
total_profit = 0
closed_trades = Trade.get_trades(
trade_filter=[Trade.is_open.is_(False), Trade.pair == pair])
for trade in closed_trades:
total_profit += trade.close_profit
return market_side, current_profit, total_profit
def predict(
self, unfiltered_dataframe: DataFrame, dk: FreqaiDataKitchen, first: bool = False
) -> Tuple[DataFrame, npt.NDArray[np.int_]]:
Filter the prediction features data and predict with it.
:param: unfiltered_dataframe: Full dataframe for the current backtest period.
:pred_df: dataframe containing the predictions
:do_predict: np.array of 1s and 0s to indicate places where freqai needed to remove
data (NaNs) or felt uncertain about data (PCA and DI index)
filtered_dataframe, _ = dk.filter_features(
unfiltered_dataframe, dk.training_features_list, training_filter=False
filtered_dataframe = dk.normalize_data_from_metadata(filtered_dataframe)
dk.data_dictionary["prediction_features"] = filtered_dataframe
# optional additional data cleaning/analysis
self.data_cleaning_predict(dk, filtered_dataframe)
pred_df = self.rl_model_predict(dk.data_dictionary["prediction_features"], dk, self.model)
pred_df.fillna(0, inplace=True)
return (pred_df, dk.do_predict)
def rl_model_predict(self, dataframe: DataFrame,
dk: FreqaiDataKitchen, model: Any) -> DataFrame:
output = pd.DataFrame(np.full((len(dataframe), 1), 2), columns=dk.label_list)
def _predict(window):
observations = dataframe.iloc[window.index]
res, _ = model.predict(observations, deterministic=True)
return res
output = output.rolling(window=self.CONV_WIDTH).apply(_predict)
return output
def set_initial_historic_predictions(
self, df: DataFrame, model: Any, dk: FreqaiDataKitchen, pair: str
) -> None:
pred_df = self.rl_model_predict(df, dk, model)
pred_df.fillna(0, inplace=True)
self.dd.historic_predictions[pair] = pred_df
hist_preds_df = self.dd.historic_predictions[pair]
for label in hist_preds_df.columns:
if hist_preds_df[label].dtype == object:
hist_preds_df[f'{label}_mean'] = 0
hist_preds_df[f'{label}_std'] = 0
hist_preds_df['do_predict'] = 0
if self.freqai_info['feature_parameters'].get('DI_threshold', 0) > 0:
hist_preds_df['DI_values'] = 0
for return_str in['extra_returns_per_train']:
hist_preds_df[return_str] = 0
2022-08-15 16:01:15 +00:00
# TODO take care of this appendage. Right now it needs to be called because FreqAI enforces it.
# But FreqaiRL needs more objects passed to fit() (like DK) and we dont want to go refactor
# all the other existing fit() functions to include dk argument. For now we instantiate and
# leave it.
def fit(self, data_dictionary: Dict[str, Any], pair: str = '') -> Any:
Most regressors use the same function names and arguments e.g. user
can drop in LGBMRegressor in place of CatBoostRegressor and all data
management will be properly handled by Freqai.
:param data_dictionary: Dict = the dictionary constructed by DataHandler to hold
all the training and test data/labels.
class MyRLEnv(Base3ActionRLEnv):
def step(self, action):
self._done = False
self._current_tick += 1
if self._current_tick == self._end_tick:
self._done = True
step_reward = self._calculate_reward(action)
self.total_reward += step_reward
trade_type = None
if self.is_tradesignal(action): # exclude 3 case not trade
# Update position
Action: Neutral, position: Long -> Close Long
Action: Neutral, position: Short -> Close Short
Action: Long, position: Neutral -> Open Long
Action: Long, position: Short -> Close Short and Open Long
Action: Short, position: Neutral -> Open Short
Action: Short, position: Long -> Close Long and Open Short
if action == Actions.Neutral.value:
self._position = Positions.Neutral
trade_type = "neutral"
elif action == Actions.Long.value:
self._position = Positions.Long
trade_type = "long"
elif action == Actions.Short.value:
self._position = Positions.Short
trade_type = "short"
print("case not defined")
# Update last trade tick
self._last_trade_tick = self._current_tick
if trade_type is not None:
{'price': self.current_price(), 'index': self._current_tick,
'type': trade_type})
if self._total_profit < 0.2:
self._done = True
observation = self._get_observation()
info = dict(
return observation, step_reward, self._done, info