
295 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import io
import logging
from collections import OrderedDict
from pathlib import Path
from pprint import pformat
from typing import Dict, List
import rapidjson
import tabulate
from colorama import Fore, Style
from joblib import load
from pandas import isna, json_normalize
from freqtrade.exceptions import OperationalException
from freqtrade.misc import round_dict
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class HyperoptTools():
def _read_results(results_file: Path) -> List:
Read hyperopt results from file
""""Reading epochs from '%s'", results_file)
data = load(results_file)
return data
def load_previous_results(results_file: Path) -> List:
Load data for epochs from the file if we have one
epochs: List = []
if results_file.is_file() and results_file.stat().st_size > 0:
epochs = HyperoptTools._read_results(results_file)
# Detection of some old format, without 'is_best' field saved
if epochs[0].get('is_best') is None:
raise OperationalException(
"The file with HyperoptTools results is incompatible with this version "
"of Freqtrade and cannot be loaded.")"Loaded {len(epochs)} previous evaluations from disk.")
return epochs
def print_epoch_details(results, total_epochs: int, print_json: bool,
no_header: bool = False, header_str: str = None) -> None:
Display details of the hyperopt result
params = results.get('params_details', {})
# Default header string
if header_str is None:
header_str = "Best result"
if not no_header:
explanation_str = HyperoptTools._format_explanation_string(results, total_epochs)
if print_json:
result_dict: Dict = {}
for s in ['buy', 'sell', 'roi', 'stoploss', 'trailing']:
HyperoptTools._params_update_for_json(result_dict, params, s)
print(rapidjson.dumps(result_dict, default=str, number_mode=rapidjson.NM_NATIVE))
HyperoptTools._params_pretty_print(params, 'buy', "Buy hyperspace params:")
HyperoptTools._params_pretty_print(params, 'sell', "Sell hyperspace params:")
HyperoptTools._params_pretty_print(params, 'roi', "ROI table:")
HyperoptTools._params_pretty_print(params, 'stoploss', "Stoploss:")
HyperoptTools._params_pretty_print(params, 'trailing', "Trailing stop:")
def _params_update_for_json(result_dict, params, space: str) -> None:
if space in params:
space_params = HyperoptTools._space_params(params, space)
if space in ['buy', 'sell']:
result_dict.setdefault('params', {}).update(space_params)
elif space == 'roi':
# TODO: get rid of OrderedDict when support for python 3.6 will be
# dropped (dicts keep the order as the language feature)
# Convert keys in min_roi dict to strings because
# rapidjson cannot dump dicts with integer keys...
# OrderedDict is used to keep the numeric order of the items
# in the dict.
result_dict['minimal_roi'] = OrderedDict(
(str(k), v) for k, v in space_params.items()
else: # 'stoploss', 'trailing'
def _params_pretty_print(params, space: str, header: str) -> None:
if space in params:
space_params = HyperoptTools._space_params(params, space, 5)
params_result = f"\n# {header}\n"
if space == 'stoploss':
params_result += f"stoploss = {space_params.get('stoploss')}"
elif space == 'roi':
# TODO: get rid of OrderedDict when support for python 3.6 will be
# dropped (dicts keep the order as the language feature)
minimal_roi_result = rapidjson.dumps(
(str(k), v) for k, v in space_params.items()
default=str, indent=4, number_mode=rapidjson.NM_NATIVE)
params_result += f"minimal_roi = {minimal_roi_result}"
elif space == 'trailing':
for k, v in space_params.items():
params_result += f'{k} = {v}\n'
params_result += f"{space}_params = {pformat(space_params, indent=4)}"
params_result = params_result.replace("}", "\n}").replace("{", "{\n ")
params_result = params_result.replace("\n", "\n ")
def _space_params(params, space: str, r: int = None) -> Dict:
d = params[space]
# Round floats to `r` digits after the decimal point if requested
return round_dict(d, r) if r else d
def is_best_loss(results, current_best_loss: float) -> bool:
return results['loss'] < current_best_loss
def _format_explanation_string(results, total_epochs) -> str:
return (("*" if results['is_initial_point'] else " ") +
f"{results['current_epoch']:5d}/{total_epochs}: " +
f"{results['results_explanation']} " +
f"Objective: {results['loss']:.5f}")
def get_result_table(config: dict, results: list, total_epochs: int, highlight_best: bool,
print_colorized: bool, remove_header: int) -> str:
Log result table
if not results:
return ''
trials = json_normalize(results, max_level=1)
trials['Best'] = ''
if 'results_metrics.winsdrawslosses' not in trials.columns:
# Ensure compatibility with older versions of hyperopt results
trials['results_metrics.winsdrawslosses'] = 'N/A'
trials = trials[['Best', 'current_epoch', 'results_metrics.trade_count',
'results_metrics.avg_profit', 'results_metrics.total_profit',
'results_metrics.profit', 'results_metrics.duration',
'loss', 'is_initial_point', 'is_best']]
trials.columns = ['Best', 'Epoch', 'Trades', ' Win Draw Loss', 'Avg profit',
'Total profit', 'Profit', 'Avg duration', 'Objective',
'is_initial_point', 'is_best']
trials['is_profit'] = False
trials.loc[trials['is_initial_point'], 'Best'] = '* '
trials.loc[trials['is_best'], 'Best'] = 'Best'
trials.loc[trials['is_initial_point'] & trials['is_best'], 'Best'] = '* Best'
trials.loc[trials['Total profit'] > 0, 'is_profit'] = True
trials['Trades'] = trials['Trades'].astype(str)
trials['Epoch'] = trials['Epoch'].apply(
lambda x: '{}/{}'.format(str(x).rjust(len(str(total_epochs)), ' '), total_epochs)
trials['Avg profit'] = trials['Avg profit'].apply(
lambda x: '{:,.2f}%'.format(x).rjust(7, ' ') if not isna(x) else "--".rjust(7, ' ')
trials['Avg duration'] = trials['Avg duration'].apply(
lambda x: '{:,.1f} m'.format(x).rjust(7, ' ') if not isna(x) else "--".rjust(7, ' ')
trials['Objective'] = trials['Objective'].apply(
lambda x: '{:,.5f}'.format(x).rjust(8, ' ') if x != 100000 else "N/A".rjust(8, ' ')
trials['Profit'] = trials.apply(
lambda x: '{:,.8f} {} {}'.format(
x['Total profit'], config['stake_currency'],
'({:,.2f}%)'.format(x['Profit']).rjust(10, ' ')
if x['Total profit'] != 0.0 else '--'.rjust(25+len(config['stake_currency'])),
trials = trials.drop(columns=['Total profit'])
if print_colorized:
for i in range(len(trials)):
if trials.loc[i]['is_profit']:
for j in range(len(trials.loc[i])-3):
trials.iat[i, j] = "{}{}{}".format(Fore.GREEN,
str(trials.loc[i][j]), Fore.RESET)
if trials.loc[i]['is_best'] and highlight_best:
for j in range(len(trials.loc[i])-3):
trials.iat[i, j] = "{}{}{}".format(Style.BRIGHT,
str(trials.loc[i][j]), Style.RESET_ALL)
trials = trials.drop(columns=['is_initial_point', 'is_best', 'is_profit'])
if remove_header > 0:
table = tabulate.tabulate(
trials.to_dict(orient='list'), tablefmt='orgtbl',
headers='keys', stralign="right"
table = table.split("\n", remove_header)[remove_header]
elif remove_header < 0:
table = tabulate.tabulate(
trials.to_dict(orient='list'), tablefmt='psql',
headers='keys', stralign="right"
table = "\n".join(table.split("\n")[0:remove_header])
table = tabulate.tabulate(
trials.to_dict(orient='list'), tablefmt='psql',
headers='keys', stralign="right"
return table
def export_csv_file(config: dict, results: list, total_epochs: int, highlight_best: bool,
csv_file: str) -> None:
Log result to csv-file
if not results:
# Verification for overwrite
if Path(csv_file).is_file():
logger.error(f"CSV file already exists: {csv_file}")
try:, 'w+').close()
except IOError:
logger.error(f"Failed to create CSV file: {csv_file}")
trials = json_normalize(results, max_level=1)
trials['Best'] = ''
trials['Stake currency'] = config['stake_currency']
base_metrics = ['Best', 'current_epoch', 'results_metrics.trade_count',
'results_metrics.avg_profit', 'results_metrics.median_profit',
'Stake currency', 'results_metrics.profit', 'results_metrics.duration',
'loss', 'is_initial_point', 'is_best']
param_metrics = [("params_dict."+param) for param in results[0]['params_dict'].keys()]
trials = trials[base_metrics + param_metrics]
base_columns = ['Best', 'Epoch', 'Trades', 'Avg profit', 'Median profit', 'Total profit',
'Stake currency', 'Profit', 'Avg duration', 'Objective',
'is_initial_point', 'is_best']
param_columns = list(results[0]['params_dict'].keys())
trials.columns = base_columns + param_columns
trials['is_profit'] = False
trials.loc[trials['is_initial_point'], 'Best'] = '*'
trials.loc[trials['is_best'], 'Best'] = 'Best'
trials.loc[trials['is_initial_point'] & trials['is_best'], 'Best'] = '* Best'
trials.loc[trials['Total profit'] > 0, 'is_profit'] = True
trials['Epoch'] = trials['Epoch'].astype(str)
trials['Trades'] = trials['Trades'].astype(str)
trials['Total profit'] = trials['Total profit'].apply(
lambda x: '{:,.8f}'.format(x) if x != 0.0 else ""
trials['Profit'] = trials['Profit'].apply(
lambda x: '{:,.2f}'.format(x) if not isna(x) else ""
trials['Avg profit'] = trials['Avg profit'].apply(
lambda x: '{:,.2f}%'.format(x) if not isna(x) else ""
trials['Avg duration'] = trials['Avg duration'].apply(
lambda x: '{:,.1f} m'.format(x) if not isna(x) else ""
trials['Objective'] = trials['Objective'].apply(
lambda x: '{:,.5f}'.format(x) if x != 100000 else ""
trials = trials.drop(columns=['is_initial_point', 'is_best', 'is_profit'])
trials.to_csv(csv_file, index=False, header=True, mode='w', encoding='UTF-8')"CSV file created: {csv_file}")