2019-04-04 05:08:24 +00:00
import json
import threading
import logging
# import json
from typing import Dict
from flask import Flask, request
# from flask_restful import Resource, Api
from freqtrade.rpc.rpc import RPC, RPCException
from ipaddress import IPv4Address
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
app = Flask(__name__)
class ApiServer(RPC):
This class runs api server and provides rpc.rpc functionality to it
This class starts a none blocking thread the api server runs within
def __init__(self, freqtrade) -> None:
Init the api server, and init the super class RPC
:param freqtrade: Instance of a freqtrade bot
:return: None
self._config = freqtrade.config
# Register application handling
thread = threading.Thread(target=self.run, daemon=True)
2019-04-04 17:34:19 +00:00
def cleanup(self) -> None:
def send_msg(self, msg: Dict[str, str]) -> None:
2019-04-04 05:08:24 +00:00
def register_rest_other(self):
Registers flask app URLs that are not calls to functionality in rpc.rpc.
app.register_error_handler(404, self.page_not_found)
app.add_url_rule('/', 'hello', view_func=self.hello, methods=['GET'])
def register_rest_rpc_urls(self):
Registers flask app URLs that are calls to functonality in rpc.rpc.
First two arguments passed are /URL and 'Label'
Label can be used as a shortcut when refactoring
app.add_url_rule('/stop', 'stop', view_func=self.stop, methods=['GET'])
app.add_url_rule('/start', 'start', view_func=self.start, methods=['GET'])
app.add_url_rule('/daily', 'daily', view_func=self.daily, methods=['GET'])
app.add_url_rule('/profit', 'profit', view_func=self.profit, methods=['GET'])
app.add_url_rule('/status_table', 'status_table',
view_func=self.status_table, methods=['GET'])
def run(self):
""" Method that runs flask app in its own thread forever """
Section to handle configuration and running of the Rest server
also to check and warn if not bound to a loopback, warn on security risk.
rest_ip = self._config['api_server']['listen_ip_address']
rest_port = self._config['api_server']['listen_port']
logger.info('Starting HTTP Server at {}:{}'.format(rest_ip, rest_port))
if not IPv4Address(rest_ip).is_loopback:
logger.info("SECURITY WARNING - Local Rest Server listening to external connections")
logger.info("SECURITY WARNING - This is insecure please set to your loopback,"
"e.g in config.json")
# Run the Server
logger.info('Starting Local Rest Server')
app.run(host=rest_ip, port=rest_port)
except Exception:
logger.exception("Api server failed to start, exception message is:")
Define the application methods here, called by app.add_url_rule
each Telegram command should have a like local substitute
def page_not_found(self, error):
Return "404 not found", 404.
return json.dumps({
'status': 'error',
'reason': '''There's no API call for %s''' % request.base_url,
'code': 404
}), 404
def hello(self):
None critical but helpful default index page.
That lists URLs added to the flask server.
This may be deprecated at any time.
:return: index.html
rest_cmds = 'Commands implemented: <br>' \
'<a href=/daily?timescale=7>Show 7 days of stats</a>' \
'<br>' \
'<a href=/stop>Stop the Trade thread</a>' \
'<br>' \
'<a href=/start>Start the Traded thread</a>' \
'<br>' \
'<a href=/profit>Show profit summary</a>' \
'<br>' \
'<a href=/status_table>Show status table - Open trades</a>' \
'<br>' \
'<a href=/paypal> 404 page does not exist</a>' \
return rest_cmds
def daily(self):
Returns the last X days trading stats summary.
:return: stats
timescale = request.args.get('timescale')
logger.info("LocalRPC - Daily Command Called")
timescale = int(timescale)
stats = self._rpc_daily_profit(timescale,
return json.dumps(stats, indent=4, sort_keys=True, default=str)
except RPCException as e:
logger.exception("API Error querying daily:", e)
return "Error querying daily"
def profit(self):
Handler for /profit.
Returns a cumulative profit statistics
:return: stats
logger.info("LocalRPC - Profit Command Called")
stats = self._rpc_trade_statistics(self._config['stake_currency'],
return json.dumps(stats, indent=4, sort_keys=True, default=str)
except RPCException as e:
logger.exception("API Error calling profit", e)
return "Error querying closed trades - maybe there are none"
def status_table(self):
Handler for /status table.
Returns the current TradeThread status in table format
:return: results
results = self._rpc_trade_status()
return json.dumps(results, indent=4, sort_keys=True, default=str)
except RPCException as e:
logger.exception("API Error calling status table", e)
return "Error querying open trades - maybe there are none."
def start(self):
Handler for /start.
Starts TradeThread in bot if stopped.
msg = self._rpc_start()
return json.dumps(msg)
def stop(self):
Handler for /stop.
Stops TradeThread in bot if running
msg = self._rpc_stop()
return json.dumps(msg)