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This module contains the class to persist trades into SQLite
import logging
2022-10-16 11:34:58 +00:00
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from math import isclose
2023-03-16 05:44:53 +00:00
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, cast
2023-03-15 20:09:25 +00:00
from sqlalchemy import (Enum, Float, ForeignKey, Integer, ScalarResult, Select, String,
UniqueConstraint, desc, func, select)
2023-03-16 17:07:22 +00:00
from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapped, lazyload, mapped_column, relationship
BuySell, LongShort)
from freqtrade.enums import ExitType, TradingMode
from freqtrade.exceptions import DependencyException, OperationalException
from import (ROUND_DOWN, ROUND_UP, amount_to_contract_precision,
from freqtrade.leverage import interest
2023-02-28 06:03:22 +00:00
from freqtrade.persistence.base import ModelBase, SessionType
from freqtrade.util import FtPrecise
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
2023-02-16 07:04:45 +00:00
class Order(ModelBase):
Order database model
Keeps a record of all orders placed on the exchange
One to many relationship with Trades:
- One trade can have many orders
- One Order can only be associated with one Trade
Mirrors CCXT Order structure
__tablename__ = 'orders'
2023-03-15 20:12:06 +00:00
session: ClassVar[SessionType]
2023-02-20 19:00:01 +00:00
# Uniqueness should be ensured over pair, order_id
# its likely that order_id is unique per Pair on some exchanges.
__table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('ft_pair', 'order_id', name="_order_pair_order_id"),)
2023-02-16 07:17:56 +00:00
id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(Integer, primary_key=True)
ft_trade_id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), index=True)
2023-02-16 07:17:56 +00:00
trade: Mapped[List["Trade"]] = relationship("Trade", back_populates="orders")
# order_side can only be 'buy', 'sell' or 'stoploss'
2023-02-16 07:17:56 +00:00
ft_order_side: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(String(25), nullable=False)
ft_pair: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(String(25), nullable=False)
ft_is_open: Mapped[bool] = mapped_column(nullable=False, default=True, index=True)
ft_amount: Mapped[float] = mapped_column(Float(), nullable=False)
ft_price: Mapped[float] = mapped_column(Float(), nullable=False)
2023-02-16 07:07:08 +00:00
2023-02-16 07:17:56 +00:00
order_id: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(String(255), nullable=False, index=True)
status: Mapped[Optional[str]] = mapped_column(String(255), nullable=True)
symbol: Mapped[Optional[str]] = mapped_column(String(25), nullable=True)
# TODO: type: order_type type is Optional[str]
2023-02-16 07:17:56 +00:00
order_type: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(String(50), nullable=True)
side: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(String(25), nullable=True)
price: Mapped[Optional[float]] = mapped_column(Float(), nullable=True)
average: Mapped[Optional[float]] = mapped_column(Float(), nullable=True)
amount: Mapped[Optional[float]] = mapped_column(Float(), nullable=True)
filled: Mapped[Optional[float]] = mapped_column(Float(), nullable=True)
remaining: Mapped[Optional[float]] = mapped_column(Float(), nullable=True)
cost: Mapped[Optional[float]] = mapped_column(Float(), nullable=True)
stop_price: Mapped[Optional[float]] = mapped_column(Float(), nullable=True)
order_date: Mapped[datetime] = mapped_column(nullable=True, default=datetime.utcnow)
order_filled_date: Mapped[Optional[datetime]] = mapped_column(nullable=True)
order_update_date: Mapped[Optional[datetime]] = mapped_column(nullable=True)
funding_fee: Mapped[Optional[float]] = mapped_column(Float(), nullable=True)
2023-02-16 07:07:08 +00:00
2023-02-16 07:17:56 +00:00
ft_fee_base: Mapped[Optional[float]] = mapped_column(Float(), nullable=True)
def order_date_utc(self) -> datetime:
""" Order-date with UTC timezoneinfo"""
return self.order_date.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
def order_filled_utc(self) -> Optional[datetime]:
""" last order-date with UTC timezoneinfo"""
return (
self.order_filled_date.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) if self.order_filled_date else None
def safe_amount(self) -> float:
return self.amount or self.ft_amount
def safe_price(self) -> float:
return self.average or self.price or self.stop_price or self.ft_price
def safe_filled(self) -> float:
2022-06-13 13:24:27 +00:00
return self.filled if self.filled is not None else self.amount or 0.0
2023-03-02 05:23:01 +00:00
def safe_cost(self) -> float:
return self.cost or 0.0
2022-11-17 18:58:46 +00:00
def safe_remaining(self) -> float:
return (
self.remaining if self.remaining is not None else
self.safe_amount - (self.filled or 0.0)
2022-11-17 18:58:46 +00:00
def safe_fee_base(self) -> float:
return self.ft_fee_base or 0.0
def safe_amount_after_fee(self) -> float:
return self.safe_filled - self.safe_fee_base
def __repr__(self):
2023-03-03 17:12:41 +00:00
return (f"Order(id={}, order_id={self.order_id}, trade_id={self.ft_trade_id}, "
f"side={self.side}, filled={self.safe_filled}, price={self.safe_price}, "
f"order_type={self.order_type}, status={self.status})")
def update_from_ccxt_object(self, order):
Update Order from ccxt response
Only updates if fields are available from ccxt -
if self.order_id != str(order['id']):
raise DependencyException("Order-id's don't match")
self.status = order.get('status', self.status)
self.symbol = order.get('symbol', self.symbol)
self.order_type = order.get('type', self.order_type)
self.side = order.get('side', self.side)
self.price = order.get('price', self.price)
self.amount = order.get('amount', self.amount)
self.filled = order.get('filled', self.filled)
self.average = order.get('average', self.average)
self.remaining = order.get('remaining', self.remaining)
self.cost = order.get('cost', self.cost)
self.stop_price = order.get('stopPrice', self.stop_price)
if 'timestamp' in order and order['timestamp'] is not None:
self.order_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(order['timestamp'] / 1000, tz=timezone.utc)
self.ft_is_open = True
if self.status in NON_OPEN_EXCHANGE_STATES:
self.ft_is_open = False
# Assign funding fee up to this point
# (represents the funding fee since the last order)
self.funding_fee =
2023-01-27 19:21:29 +00:00
if (order.get('filled', 0.0) or 0.0) > 0 and not self.order_filled_date:
self.order_filled_date =
self.order_update_date =
def to_ccxt_object(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
2023-02-28 06:27:01 +00:00
order: Dict[str, Any] = {
'id': self.order_id,
'symbol': self.ft_pair,
'price': self.price,
'average': self.average,
'amount': self.amount,
'cost': self.cost,
'type': self.order_type,
'side': self.ft_order_side,
'filled': self.filled,
'remaining': self.remaining,
'stopPrice': self.stop_price,
2022-05-19 17:29:39 +00:00
'datetime': self.order_date_utc.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f'),
'timestamp': int(self.order_date_utc.timestamp() * 1000),
'status': self.status,
'fee': None,
'info': {},
if self.ft_order_side == 'stoploss':
order['ft_order_type'] = 'stoploss'
return order
2022-05-26 05:11:43 +00:00
def to_json(self, entry_side: str, minified: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]:
resp = {
'amount': self.safe_amount,
'safe_price': self.safe_price,
'ft_order_side': self.ft_order_side,
'order_filled_timestamp': int(self.order_filled_date.replace(
tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp() * 1000) if self.order_filled_date else None,
'ft_is_entry': self.ft_order_side == entry_side,
2022-05-26 05:11:43 +00:00
if not minified:
'pair': self.ft_pair,
'order_id': self.order_id,
'status': self.status,
'average': round(self.average, 8) if self.average else 0,
'cost': self.cost if self.cost else 0,
'filled': self.filled,
'is_open': self.ft_is_open,
'order_date': self.order_date.strftime(DATETIME_PRINT_FORMAT)
if self.order_date else None,
'order_timestamp': int(self.order_date.replace(
tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp() * 1000) if self.order_date else None,
'order_filled_date': self.order_filled_date.strftime(DATETIME_PRINT_FORMAT)
if self.order_filled_date else None,
'order_type': self.order_type,
'price': self.price,
'remaining': self.remaining,
return resp
def close_bt_order(self, close_date: datetime, trade: 'LocalTrade'):
self.order_filled_date = close_date
self.filled = self.amount
self.remaining = 0
self.status = 'closed'
self.ft_is_open = False
# Assign funding fees to Order.
# Assumes backtesting will use date_last_filled_utc to calculate future funding fees.
self.funding_fee = trade.funding_fees
2023-02-16 07:27:57 +00:00
if (self.ft_order_side == trade.entry_side and self.price):
trade.open_rate = self.price
trade.adjust_stop_loss(trade.open_rate, trade.stop_loss_pct, refresh=True)
def update_orders(orders: List['Order'], order: Dict[str, Any]):
Get all non-closed orders - useful when trying to batch-update orders
if not isinstance(order, dict):
logger.warning(f"{order} is not a valid response object.")
filtered_orders = [o for o in orders if o.order_id == order.get('id')]
if filtered_orders:
oobj = filtered_orders[0]
logger.warning(f"Did not find order for {order}.")
def parse_from_ccxt_object(
order: Dict[str, Any], pair: str, side: str,
amount: Optional[float] = None, price: Optional[float] = None) -> 'Order':
Parse an order from a ccxt object and return a new order Object.
Optional support for overriding amount and price is only used for test simplification.
o = Order(
ft_amount=amount if amount else order['amount'],
ft_price=price if price else order['price'],
return o
2023-03-16 05:44:53 +00:00
def get_open_orders() -> Sequence['Order']:
Retrieve open orders from the database
:return: List of open orders
2023-03-16 05:44:53 +00:00
return Order.session.scalars(select(Order).filter(Order.ft_is_open.is_(True))).all()
def order_by_id(order_id: str) -> Optional['Order']:
Retrieve order based on order_id
:return: Order or None
2023-03-16 05:44:53 +00:00
return Order.session.scalars(select(Order).filter(Order.order_id == order_id)).first()
class LocalTrade():
Trade database model.
Used in backtesting - must be aligned to Trade model!
use_db: bool = False
# Trades container for backtesting
trades: List['LocalTrade'] = []
trades_open: List['LocalTrade'] = []
2022-10-16 11:34:58 +00:00
# Copy of trades_open - but indexed by pair
bt_trades_open_pp: Dict[str, List['LocalTrade']] = defaultdict(list)
bt_open_open_trade_count: int = 0
total_profit: float = 0
realized_profit: float = 0
id: int = 0
orders: List[Order] = []
exchange: str = ''
pair: str = ''
base_currency: Optional[str] = ''
stake_currency: Optional[str] = ''
is_open: bool = True
fee_open: float = 0.0
fee_open_cost: Optional[float] = None
fee_open_currency: Optional[str] = ''
fee_close: Optional[float] = 0.0
fee_close_cost: Optional[float] = None
fee_close_currency: Optional[str] = ''
open_rate: float = 0.0
open_rate_requested: Optional[float] = None
# open_trade_value - calculated via _calc_open_trade_value
open_trade_value: float = 0.0
close_rate: Optional[float] = None
close_rate_requested: Optional[float] = None
close_profit: Optional[float] = None
close_profit_abs: Optional[float] = None
stake_amount: float = 0.0
max_stake_amount: Optional[float] = 0.0
amount: float = 0.0
amount_requested: Optional[float] = None
open_date: datetime
close_date: Optional[datetime] = None
open_order_id: Optional[str] = None
# absolute value of the stop loss
stop_loss: float = 0.0
# percentage value of the stop loss
stop_loss_pct: Optional[float] = 0.0
# absolute value of the initial stop loss
initial_stop_loss: Optional[float] = 0.0
# percentage value of the initial stop loss
initial_stop_loss_pct: Optional[float] = None
# stoploss order id which is on exchange
stoploss_order_id: Optional[str] = None
# last update time of the stoploss order on exchange
stoploss_last_update: Optional[datetime] = None
# absolute value of the highest reached price
max_rate: Optional[float] = None
# Lowest price reached
min_rate: Optional[float] = None
exit_reason: Optional[str] = ''
exit_order_status: Optional[str] = ''
strategy: Optional[str] = ''
enter_tag: Optional[str] = None
timeframe: Optional[int] = None
trading_mode: TradingMode = TradingMode.SPOT
amount_precision: Optional[float] = None
price_precision: Optional[float] = None
precision_mode: Optional[int] = None
contract_size: Optional[float] = None
# Leverage trading properties
liquidation_price: Optional[float] = None
is_short: bool = False
leverage: float = 1.0
# Margin trading properties
interest_rate: float = 0.0
# Futures properties
funding_fees: Optional[float] = None
2022-07-30 06:12:48 +00:00
def stoploss_or_liquidation(self) -> float:
if self.liquidation_price:
if self.is_short:
return min(self.stop_loss, self.liquidation_price)
return max(self.stop_loss, self.liquidation_price)
return self.stop_loss
def buy_tag(self) -> Optional[str]:
Compatibility between buy_tag (old) and enter_tag (new)
Consider buy_tag deprecated
return self.enter_tag
def has_no_leverage(self) -> bool:
"""Returns true if this is a non-leverage, non-short trade"""
return ((self.leverage == 1.0 or self.leverage is None) and not self.is_short)
def borrowed(self) -> float:
The amount of currency borrowed from the exchange for leverage trades
If a long trade, the amount is in base currency
If a short trade, the amount is in the other currency being traded
if self.has_no_leverage:
return 0.0
elif not self.is_short:
return (self.amount * self.open_rate) * ((self.leverage - 1) / self.leverage)
return self.amount
def date_last_filled_utc(self) -> datetime:
""" Date of the last filled order"""
orders = self.select_filled_orders()
if not orders:
return self.open_date_utc
2022-09-03 17:34:38 +00:00
return max([self.open_date_utc,
max(o.order_filled_utc for o in orders if o.order_filled_utc)])
def open_date_utc(self):
return self.open_date.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
def stoploss_last_update_utc(self):
if self.stoploss_last_update:
return self.stoploss_last_update.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
return None
def close_date_utc(self):
return self.close_date.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
def entry_side(self) -> str:
if self.is_short:
return "sell"
return "buy"
def exit_side(self) -> BuySell:
if self.is_short:
return "buy"
return "sell"
def trade_direction(self) -> LongShort:
if self.is_short:
return "short"
return "long"
def safe_base_currency(self) -> str:
Compatibility layer for asset - which can be empty for old trades.
return self.base_currency or self.pair.split('/')[0]
except IndexError:
return ''
def safe_quote_currency(self) -> str:
Compatibility layer for asset - which can be empty for old trades.
return self.stake_currency or self.pair.split('/')[1].split(':')[0]
except IndexError:
return ''
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
for key in kwargs:
setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])
if self.trading_mode == TradingMode.MARGIN and self.interest_rate is None:
raise OperationalException(
f"{self.trading_mode.value} trading requires param interest_rate on trades")
def __repr__(self):
open_since = self.open_date.strftime(DATETIME_PRINT_FORMAT) if self.is_open else 'closed'
return (
f'Trade(id={}, pair={self.pair}, amount={self.amount:.8f}, '
f'is_short={self.is_short or False}, leverage={self.leverage or 1.0}, '
f'open_rate={self.open_rate:.8f}, open_since={open_since})'
2022-05-26 05:11:43 +00:00
def to_json(self, minified: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]:
2022-05-24 18:31:45 +00:00
filled_orders = self.select_filled_or_open_orders()
2022-05-26 05:11:43 +00:00
orders = [order.to_json(self.entry_side, minified) for order in filled_orders]
return {
'pair': self.pair,
'base_currency': self.safe_base_currency,
'quote_currency': self.safe_quote_currency,
'is_open': self.is_open,
'amount': round(self.amount, 8),
'amount_requested': round(self.amount_requested, 8) if self.amount_requested else None,
'stake_amount': round(self.stake_amount, 8),
2022-12-27 12:46:27 +00:00
'max_stake_amount': round(self.max_stake_amount, 8) if self.max_stake_amount else None,
'strategy': self.strategy,
'enter_tag': self.enter_tag,
'timeframe': self.timeframe,
'fee_open': self.fee_open,
'fee_open_cost': self.fee_open_cost,
'fee_open_currency': self.fee_open_currency,
'fee_close': self.fee_close,
'fee_close_cost': self.fee_close_cost,
'fee_close_currency': self.fee_close_currency,
'open_date': self.open_date.strftime(DATETIME_PRINT_FORMAT),
'open_timestamp': int(self.open_date.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp() * 1000),
'open_rate': self.open_rate,
'open_rate_requested': self.open_rate_requested,
'open_trade_value': round(self.open_trade_value, 8),
'close_date': (self.close_date.strftime(DATETIME_PRINT_FORMAT)
if self.close_date else None),
'close_timestamp': int(self.close_date.replace(
tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp() * 1000) if self.close_date else None,
'realized_profit': self.realized_profit or 0.0,
2023-03-04 17:20:31 +00:00
# Close-profit corresponds to relative realized_profit ratio
'realized_profit_ratio': self.close_profit or None,
'close_rate': self.close_rate,
'close_rate_requested': self.close_rate_requested,
'close_profit': self.close_profit, # Deprecated
'close_profit_pct': round(self.close_profit * 100, 2) if self.close_profit else None,
'close_profit_abs': self.close_profit_abs, # Deprecated
'trade_duration_s': (int((self.close_date_utc - self.open_date_utc).total_seconds())
if self.close_date else None),
'trade_duration': (int((self.close_date_utc - self.open_date_utc).total_seconds() // 60)
if self.close_date else None),
'profit_ratio': self.close_profit,
'profit_pct': round(self.close_profit * 100, 2) if self.close_profit else None,
'profit_abs': self.close_profit_abs,
'exit_reason': self.exit_reason,
'exit_order_status': self.exit_order_status,
'stop_loss_abs': self.stop_loss,
'stop_loss_ratio': self.stop_loss_pct if self.stop_loss_pct else None,
'stop_loss_pct': (self.stop_loss_pct * 100) if self.stop_loss_pct else None,
'stoploss_order_id': self.stoploss_order_id,
'stoploss_last_update': (self.stoploss_last_update.strftime(DATETIME_PRINT_FORMAT)
if self.stoploss_last_update else None),
'stoploss_last_update_timestamp': int(self.stoploss_last_update.replace(
tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp() * 1000) if self.stoploss_last_update else None,
'initial_stop_loss_abs': self.initial_stop_loss,
'initial_stop_loss_ratio': (self.initial_stop_loss_pct
if self.initial_stop_loss_pct else None),
'initial_stop_loss_pct': (self.initial_stop_loss_pct * 100
if self.initial_stop_loss_pct else None),
'min_rate': self.min_rate,
'max_rate': self.max_rate,
'leverage': self.leverage,
'interest_rate': self.interest_rate,
'liquidation_price': self.liquidation_price,
'is_short': self.is_short,
'trading_mode': self.trading_mode,
'funding_fees': self.funding_fees,
'open_order_id': self.open_order_id,
'amount_precision': self.amount_precision,
'price_precision': self.price_precision,
'precision_mode': self.precision_mode,
'orders': orders,
def reset_trades() -> None:
Resets all trades. Only active for backtesting mode.
LocalTrade.trades = []
LocalTrade.trades_open = []
2022-10-16 11:34:58 +00:00
LocalTrade.bt_trades_open_pp = defaultdict(list)
LocalTrade.bt_open_open_trade_count = 0
LocalTrade.total_profit = 0
def adjust_min_max_rates(self, current_price: float, current_price_low: float) -> None:
Adjust the max_rate and min_rate.
self.max_rate = max(current_price, self.max_rate or self.open_rate)
self.min_rate = min(current_price_low, self.min_rate or self.open_rate)
def set_liquidation_price(self, liquidation_price: Optional[float]):
Method you should use to set self.liquidation price.
Assures stop_loss is not passed the liquidation price
if not liquidation_price:
self.liquidation_price = liquidation_price
def __set_stop_loss(self, stop_loss: float, percent: float):
Method used internally to set self.stop_loss.
stop_loss_norm = price_to_precision(stop_loss, self.price_precision, self.precision_mode,
rounding_mode=ROUND_DOWN if self.is_short else ROUND_UP)
if not self.stop_loss:
self.initial_stop_loss = stop_loss_norm
self.stop_loss = stop_loss_norm
self.stop_loss_pct = -1 * abs(percent)
2023-03-01 06:26:35 +00:00
def adjust_stop_loss(self, current_price: float, stoploss: Optional[float],
initial: bool = False, refresh: bool = False) -> None:
This adjusts the stop loss to it's most recently observed setting
:param current_price: Current rate the asset is traded
:param stoploss: Stoploss as factor (sample -0.05 -> -5% below current price).
:param initial: Called to initiate stop_loss.
Skips everything if self.stop_loss is already set.
2023-03-01 06:26:35 +00:00
if stoploss is None or (initial and not (self.stop_loss is None or self.stop_loss == 0)):
# Don't modify if called with initial and nothing to do
refresh = True if refresh and self.nr_of_successful_entries == 1 else False
leverage = self.leverage or 1.0
if self.is_short:
new_loss = float(current_price * (1 + abs(stoploss / leverage)))
new_loss = float(current_price * (1 - abs(stoploss / leverage)))
# no stop loss assigned yet
if self.initial_stop_loss_pct is None or refresh:
self.__set_stop_loss(new_loss, stoploss)
self.initial_stop_loss = price_to_precision(
new_loss, self.price_precision, self.precision_mode,
rounding_mode=ROUND_DOWN if self.is_short else ROUND_UP)
self.initial_stop_loss_pct = -1 * abs(stoploss)
# evaluate if the stop loss needs to be updated
higher_stop = new_loss > self.stop_loss
lower_stop = new_loss < self.stop_loss
# stop losses only walk up, never down!,
# ? But adding more to a leveraged trade would create a lower liquidation price,
# ? decreasing the minimum stoploss
if (higher_stop and not self.is_short) or (lower_stop and self.is_short):
logger.debug(f"{self.pair} - Adjusting stoploss...")
self.__set_stop_loss(new_loss, stoploss)
logger.debug(f"{self.pair} - Keeping current stoploss...")
f"{self.pair} - Stoploss adjusted. current_price={current_price:.8f}, "
f"open_rate={self.open_rate:.8f}, max_rate={self.max_rate or self.open_rate:.8f}, "
f"initial_stop_loss={self.initial_stop_loss:.8f}, "
f"stop_loss={self.stop_loss:.8f}. "
f"Trailing stoploss saved us: "
2023-03-01 17:17:37 +00:00
f"{float(self.stop_loss) - float(self.initial_stop_loss or 0.0):.8f}.")
def update_trade(self, order: Order) -> None:
Updates this entity with amount and actual open/close rates.
:param order: order retrieved by exchange.fetch_order()
:return: None
# Ignore open and cancelled orders
if order.status == 'open' or order.safe_price is None:
return'Updating trade (id={}) ...')
if order.ft_order_side == self.entry_side:
# Update open rate and actual amount
self.open_rate = order.safe_price
self.amount = order.safe_amount_after_fee
if self.is_open:
payment = "SELL" if self.is_short else "BUY"'{order.order_type.upper()}_{payment} has been fulfilled for {self}.')
# condition to avoid reset value when updating fees
if self.open_order_id == order.order_id:
self.open_order_id = None
f'Got different open_order_id {self.open_order_id} != {order.order_id}')
elif order.ft_order_side == self.exit_side:
if self.is_open:
payment = "BUY" if self.is_short else "SELL"
# * On margin shorts, you buy a little bit more than the amount (amount + interest)'{order.order_type.upper()}_{payment} has been fulfilled for {self}.')
# condition to avoid reset value when updating fees
if self.open_order_id == order.order_id:
self.open_order_id = None
f'Got different open_order_id {self.open_order_id} != {order.order_id}')
elif order.ft_order_side == 'stoploss' and order.status not in ('open', ):
self.stoploss_order_id = None
self.close_rate_requested = self.stop_loss
self.exit_reason = ExitType.STOPLOSS_ON_EXCHANGE.value
if self.is_open:'{order.order_type.upper()} is hit for {self}.')
raise ValueError(f'Unknown order type: {order.order_type}')
if order.ft_order_side != self.entry_side:
amount_tr = amount_to_contract_precision(self.amount, self.amount_precision,
self.precision_mode, self.contract_size)
if isclose(order.safe_amount_after_fee, amount_tr, abs_tol=MATH_CLOSE_PREC):
def close(self, rate: float, *, show_msg: bool = True) -> None:
Sets close_rate to the given rate, calculates total profit
and marks trade as closed
self.close_rate = rate
self.close_date = self.close_date or datetime.utcnow()
self.is_open = False
self.exit_order_status = 'closed'
self.open_order_id = None
if show_msg:
'Marking %s as closed as the trade is fulfilled and found no open orders for it.',
def update_fee(self, fee_cost: float, fee_currency: Optional[str], fee_rate: Optional[float],
side: str) -> None:
Update Fee parameters. Only acts once per side
if self.entry_side == side and self.fee_open_currency is None:
self.fee_open_cost = fee_cost
self.fee_open_currency = fee_currency
if fee_rate is not None:
self.fee_open = fee_rate
# Assume close-fee will fall into the same fee category and take an educated guess
self.fee_close = fee_rate
elif self.exit_side == side and self.fee_close_currency is None:
self.fee_close_cost = fee_cost
self.fee_close_currency = fee_currency
if fee_rate is not None:
self.fee_close = fee_rate
def fee_updated(self, side: str) -> bool:
Verify if this side (buy / sell) has already been updated
if self.entry_side == side:
return self.fee_open_currency is not None
elif self.exit_side == side:
return self.fee_close_currency is not None
return False
def update_order(self, order: Dict) -> None:
Order.update_orders(self.orders, order)
def get_exit_order_count(self) -> int:
Get amount of failed exiting orders
assumes full exits.
return len([o for o in self.orders if o.ft_order_side == self.exit_side])
def _calc_open_trade_value(self, amount: float, open_rate: float) -> float:
Calculate the open_rate including open_fee.
:return: Price in of the open trade incl. Fees
open_trade = FtPrecise(amount) * FtPrecise(open_rate)
fees = open_trade * FtPrecise(self.fee_open)
if self.is_short:
return float(open_trade - fees)
return float(open_trade + fees)
def recalc_open_trade_value(self) -> None:
Recalculate open_trade_value.
Must be called whenever open_rate, fee_open is changed.
self.open_trade_value = self._calc_open_trade_value(self.amount, self.open_rate)
def calculate_interest(self) -> FtPrecise:
2022-06-17 09:53:29 +00:00
Calculate interest for this trade. Only applicable for Margin trading.
zero = FtPrecise(0.0)
# If nothing was borrowed
if self.trading_mode != TradingMode.MARGIN or self.has_no_leverage:
return zero
open_date = self.open_date.replace(tzinfo=None)
now = (self.close_date or
sec_per_hour = FtPrecise(3600)
total_seconds = FtPrecise((now - open_date).total_seconds())
hours = total_seconds / sec_per_hour or zero
rate = FtPrecise(self.interest_rate)
borrowed = FtPrecise(self.borrowed)
return interest(, borrowed=borrowed, rate=rate, hours=hours)
2023-03-01 06:25:33 +00:00
def _calc_base_close(self, amount: FtPrecise, rate: float, fee: Optional[float]) -> FtPrecise:
close_trade = amount * FtPrecise(rate)
2023-03-01 06:25:33 +00:00
fees = close_trade * FtPrecise(fee or 0.0)
if self.is_short:
return close_trade + fees
return close_trade - fees
2023-01-21 14:01:56 +00:00
def calc_close_trade_value(self, rate: float, amount: Optional[float] = None) -> float:
2022-06-17 09:53:29 +00:00
Calculate the Trade's close value including fees
:param rate: rate to compare with.
2022-06-17 09:53:29 +00:00
:return: value in stake currency of the open trade
if rate is None and not self.close_rate:
return 0.0
amount1 = FtPrecise(amount or self.amount)
trading_mode = self.trading_mode or TradingMode.SPOT
if trading_mode == TradingMode.SPOT:
return float(self._calc_base_close(amount1, rate, self.fee_close))
elif (trading_mode == TradingMode.MARGIN):
2022-06-17 09:53:29 +00:00
total_interest = self.calculate_interest()
if self.is_short:
amount1 = amount1 + total_interest
return float(self._calc_base_close(amount1, rate, self.fee_close))
# Currency already owned for longs, no need to purchase
return float(self._calc_base_close(amount1, rate, self.fee_close) - total_interest)
elif (trading_mode == TradingMode.FUTURES):
funding_fees = self.funding_fees or 0.0
# Positive funding_fees -> Trade has gained from fees.
# Negative funding_fees -> Trade had to pay the fees.
if self.is_short:
return float(self._calc_base_close(amount1, rate, self.fee_close)) - funding_fees
return float(self._calc_base_close(amount1, rate, self.fee_close)) + funding_fees
raise OperationalException(
f"{self.trading_mode.value} trading is not yet available using freqtrade")
2023-01-21 14:01:56 +00:00
def calc_profit(self, rate: float, amount: Optional[float] = None,
open_rate: Optional[float] = None) -> float:
Calculate the absolute profit in stake currency between Close and Open trade
:param rate: close rate to compare with.
:param amount: Amount to use for the calculation. Falls back to trade.amount if not set.
:param open_rate: open_rate to use. Defaults to self.open_rate if not provided.
2022-06-17 09:53:29 +00:00
:return: profit in stake currency as float
close_trade_value = self.calc_close_trade_value(rate, amount)
if amount is None or open_rate is None:
open_trade_value = self.open_trade_value
open_trade_value = self._calc_open_trade_value(amount, open_rate)
if self.is_short:
profit = open_trade_value - close_trade_value
profit = close_trade_value - open_trade_value
return float(f"{profit:.8f}")
def calc_profit_ratio(
2023-01-21 14:01:56 +00:00
self, rate: float, amount: Optional[float] = None,
open_rate: Optional[float] = None) -> float:
Calculates the profit as ratio (including fee).
:param rate: rate to compare with.
:param amount: Amount to use for the calculation. Falls back to trade.amount if not set.
:param open_rate: open_rate to use. Defaults to self.open_rate if not provided.
:return: profit ratio as float
close_trade_value = self.calc_close_trade_value(rate, amount)
if amount is None or open_rate is None:
open_trade_value = self.open_trade_value
open_trade_value = self._calc_open_trade_value(amount, open_rate)
short_close_zero = (self.is_short and close_trade_value == 0.0)
long_close_zero = (not self.is_short and open_trade_value == 0.0)
leverage = self.leverage or 1.0
if (short_close_zero or long_close_zero):
return 0.0
if self.is_short:
profit_ratio = (1 - (close_trade_value / open_trade_value)) * leverage
profit_ratio = ((close_trade_value / open_trade_value) - 1) * leverage
return float(f"{profit_ratio:.8f}")
def recalc_trade_from_orders(self, *, is_closing: bool = False):
ZERO = FtPrecise(0.0)
current_amount = FtPrecise(0.0)
current_stake = FtPrecise(0.0)
max_stake_amount = FtPrecise(0.0)
total_stake = 0.0 # Total stake after all buy orders (does not subtract!)
avg_price = FtPrecise(0.0)
close_profit = 0.0
close_profit_abs = 0.0
profit = None
# Reset funding fees
self.funding_fees = 0.0
funding_fees = 0.0
ordercount = len(self.orders) - 1
for i, o in enumerate(self.orders):
if o.ft_is_open or not o.filled:
funding_fees += (o.funding_fee or 0.0)
tmp_amount = FtPrecise(o.safe_amount_after_fee)
tmp_price = FtPrecise(o.safe_price)
is_exit = o.ft_order_side != self.entry_side
side = FtPrecise(-1 if is_exit else 1)
if tmp_amount > ZERO and tmp_price is not None:
current_amount += tmp_amount * side
price = avg_price if is_exit else tmp_price
current_stake += price * tmp_amount * side
if current_amount > ZERO:
avg_price = current_stake / current_amount
if is_exit:
# Process exits
if i == ordercount and is_closing:
2022-09-03 13:18:09 +00:00
# Apply funding fees only to the last closing order
self.funding_fees = funding_fees
exit_rate = o.safe_price
exit_amount = o.safe_amount_after_fee
profit = self.calc_profit(rate=exit_rate, amount=exit_amount,
close_profit_abs += profit
close_profit = self.calc_profit_ratio(
exit_rate, amount=exit_amount, open_rate=avg_price)
total_stake = total_stake + self._calc_open_trade_value(tmp_amount, price)
max_stake_amount += (tmp_amount * price)
self.funding_fees = funding_fees
self.max_stake_amount = float(max_stake_amount)
if close_profit:
self.close_profit = close_profit
self.realized_profit = close_profit_abs
self.close_profit_abs = profit
current_amount_tr = amount_to_contract_precision(
float(current_amount), self.amount_precision, self.precision_mode, self.contract_size)
if current_amount_tr > 0.0:
# Trade is still open
# Leverage not updated, as we don't allow changing leverage through DCA at the moment.
self.open_rate = float(current_stake / current_amount)
self.amount = current_amount_tr
self.stake_amount = float(current_stake) / (self.leverage or 1.0)
self.fee_open_cost = self.fee_open * float(current_stake)
if self.stop_loss_pct is not None and self.open_rate is not None:
self.adjust_stop_loss(self.open_rate, self.stop_loss_pct)
elif is_closing and total_stake > 0:
# Close profit abs / maximum owned
# Fees are considered as they are part of close_profit_abs
self.close_profit = (close_profit_abs / total_stake) * self.leverage
self.close_profit_abs = close_profit_abs
def select_order_by_order_id(self, order_id: str) -> Optional[Order]:
Finds order object by Order id.
:param order_id: Exchange order id
for o in self.orders:
if o.order_id == order_id:
return o
return None
2022-05-25 10:13:37 +00:00
def select_order(self, order_side: Optional[str] = None,
is_open: Optional[bool] = None, only_filled: bool = False) -> Optional[Order]:
Finds latest order for this orderside and status
:param order_side: ft_order_side of the order (either 'buy', 'sell' or 'stoploss')
:param is_open: Only search for open orders?
:param only_filled: Only search for Filled orders (only valid with is_open=False).
:return: latest Order object if it exists, else None
orders = self.orders
if order_side:
orders = [o for o in orders if o.ft_order_side == order_side]
if is_open is not None:
orders = [o for o in orders if o.ft_is_open == is_open]
if is_open is False and only_filled:
orders = [o for o in orders if o.filled and o.status in NON_OPEN_EXCHANGE_STATES]
if len(orders) > 0:
return orders[-1]
return None
def select_filled_orders(self, order_side: Optional[str] = None) -> List['Order']:
Finds filled orders for this orderside.
:param order_side: Side of the order (either 'buy', 'sell', or None)
:return: array of Order objects
return [o for o in self.orders if ((o.ft_order_side == order_side) or (order_side is None))
and o.ft_is_open is False
and o.filled
2022-05-24 18:31:45 +00:00
def select_filled_or_open_orders(self) -> List['Order']:
Finds filled or open orders
:param order_side: Side of the order (either 'buy', 'sell', or None)
:return: array of Order objects
return [o for o in self.orders if
o.ft_is_open is False
and (o.filled or 0) > 0
or (o.ft_is_open is True and o.status is not None)
def nr_of_successful_entries(self) -> int:
Helper function to count the number of entry orders that have been filled.
:return: int count of entry orders that have been filled for this trade.
return len(self.select_filled_orders(self.entry_side))
def nr_of_successful_exits(self) -> int:
Helper function to count the number of exit orders that have been filled.
:return: int count of exit orders that have been filled for this trade.
return len(self.select_filled_orders(self.exit_side))
def nr_of_successful_buys(self) -> int:
Helper function to count the number of buy orders that have been filled.
WARNING: Please use nr_of_successful_entries for short support.
:return: int count of buy orders that have been filled for this trade.
return len(self.select_filled_orders('buy'))
def nr_of_successful_sells(self) -> int:
Helper function to count the number of sell orders that have been filled.
WARNING: Please use nr_of_successful_exits for short support.
:return: int count of sell orders that have been filled for this trade.
return len(self.select_filled_orders('sell'))
2023-02-28 06:27:01 +00:00
def sell_reason(self) -> Optional[str]:
""" DEPRECATED! Please use exit_reason instead."""
return self.exit_reason
2023-02-16 09:02:57 +00:00
def safe_close_rate(self) -> float:
return self.close_rate or self.close_rate_requested or 0.0
2023-01-21 14:01:56 +00:00
def get_trades_proxy(*, pair: Optional[str] = None, is_open: Optional[bool] = None,
open_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
close_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
) -> List['LocalTrade']:
Helper function to query Trades.
Returns a List of trades, filtered on the parameters given.
In live mode, converts the filter to a database query and returns all rows
In Backtest mode, uses filters on Trade.trades to get the result.
:param pair: Filter by pair
:param is_open: Filter by open/closed status
:param open_date: Filter by open_date (filters via trade.open_date > input)
:param close_date: Filter by close_date (filters via trade.close_date > input)
Will implicitly only return closed trades.
:return: unsorted List[Trade]
# Offline mode - without database
if is_open is not None:
if is_open:
sel_trades = LocalTrade.trades_open
sel_trades = LocalTrade.trades
# Not used during backtesting, but might be used by a strategy
sel_trades = list(LocalTrade.trades + LocalTrade.trades_open)
if pair:
sel_trades = [trade for trade in sel_trades if trade.pair == pair]
if open_date:
sel_trades = [trade for trade in sel_trades if trade.open_date > open_date]
if close_date:
sel_trades = [trade for trade in sel_trades if trade.close_date
and trade.close_date > close_date]
return sel_trades
def close_bt_trade(trade):
2022-10-16 11:34:58 +00:00
LocalTrade.bt_open_open_trade_count -= 1
LocalTrade.total_profit += trade.close_profit_abs
def add_bt_trade(trade):
if trade.is_open:
2022-10-16 11:34:58 +00:00
LocalTrade.bt_open_open_trade_count += 1
def remove_bt_trade(trade):
2022-10-16 11:34:58 +00:00
LocalTrade.bt_open_open_trade_count -= 1
def get_open_trades() -> List[Any]:
2023-03-01 06:23:26 +00:00
Retrieve open trades
return Trade.get_trades_proxy(is_open=True)
def get_open_trade_count() -> int:
get open trade count
if Trade.use_db:
2023-03-15 20:12:06 +00:00
return Trade.session.execute(
2023-03-15 20:09:25 +00:00
2022-10-16 11:34:58 +00:00
return LocalTrade.bt_open_open_trade_count
def stoploss_reinitialization(desired_stoploss):
Adjust initial Stoploss to desired stoploss for all open trades.
for trade in Trade.get_open_trades():"Found open trade: %s", trade)
# skip case if trailing-stop changed the stoploss already.
if (trade.stop_loss == trade.initial_stop_loss
and trade.initial_stop_loss_pct != desired_stoploss):
# Stoploss value got changed"Stoploss for {trade} needs adjustment...")
# Force reset of stoploss
trade.stop_loss = None
trade.initial_stop_loss_pct = None
trade.adjust_stop_loss(trade.open_rate, desired_stoploss)"New stoploss: {trade.stop_loss}.")
2023-02-16 07:04:45 +00:00
class Trade(ModelBase, LocalTrade):
Trade database model.
Also handles updating and querying trades
Note: Fields must be aligned with LocalTrade class
__tablename__ = 'trades'
2023-03-15 20:12:06 +00:00
session: ClassVar[SessionType]
use_db: bool = True
id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(Integer, primary_key=True) # type: ignore
2023-02-16 07:27:57 +00:00
orders: Mapped[List[Order]] = relationship(
"Order", order_by="", cascade="all, delete-orphan", lazy="selectin",
innerjoin=True) # type: ignore
exchange: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(String(25), nullable=False) # type: ignore
pair: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(String(25), nullable=False, index=True) # type: ignore
base_currency: Mapped[Optional[str]] = mapped_column(String(25), nullable=True) # type: ignore
stake_currency: Mapped[Optional[str]] = mapped_column(String(25), nullable=True) # type: ignore
is_open: Mapped[bool] = mapped_column(nullable=False, default=True, index=True) # type: ignore
fee_open: Mapped[float] = mapped_column(Float(), nullable=False, default=0.0) # type: ignore
fee_open_cost: Mapped[Optional[float]] = mapped_column(Float(), nullable=True) # type: ignore
fee_open_currency: Mapped[Optional[str]] = mapped_column(
String(25), nullable=True) # type: ignore
fee_close: Mapped[Optional[float]] = mapped_column(
Float(), nullable=False, default=0.0) # type: ignore
fee_close_cost: Mapped[Optional[float]] = mapped_column(Float(), nullable=True) # type: ignore
fee_close_currency: Mapped[Optional[str]] = mapped_column(
String(25), nullable=True) # type: ignore
open_rate: Mapped[float] = mapped_column(Float()) # type: ignore
open_rate_requested: Mapped[Optional[float]] = mapped_column(
Float(), nullable=True) # type: ignore
# open_trade_value - calculated via _calc_open_trade_value
open_trade_value: Mapped[float] = mapped_column(Float(), nullable=True) # type: ignore
close_rate: Mapped[Optional[float]] = mapped_column(Float()) # type: ignore
close_rate_requested: Mapped[Optional[float]] = mapped_column(Float()) # type: ignore
realized_profit: Mapped[float] = mapped_column(
Float(), default=0.0, nullable=True) # type: ignore
close_profit: Mapped[Optional[float]] = mapped_column(Float()) # type: ignore
close_profit_abs: Mapped[Optional[float]] = mapped_column(Float()) # type: ignore
stake_amount: Mapped[float] = mapped_column(Float(), nullable=False) # type: ignore
max_stake_amount: Mapped[Optional[float]] = mapped_column(Float()) # type: ignore
amount: Mapped[float] = mapped_column(Float()) # type: ignore
amount_requested: Mapped[Optional[float]] = mapped_column(Float()) # type: ignore
open_date: Mapped[datetime] = mapped_column(
nullable=False, default=datetime.utcnow) # type: ignore
close_date: Mapped[Optional[datetime]] = mapped_column() # type: ignore
open_order_id: Mapped[Optional[str]] = mapped_column(String(255), nullable=True) # type: ignore
# absolute value of the stop loss
stop_loss: Mapped[float] = mapped_column(Float(), nullable=True, default=0.0) # type: ignore
# percentage value of the stop loss
stop_loss_pct: Mapped[Optional[float]] = mapped_column(Float(), nullable=True) # type: ignore
# absolute value of the initial stop loss
initial_stop_loss: Mapped[Optional[float]] = mapped_column(
Float(), nullable=True, default=0.0) # type: ignore
# percentage value of the initial stop loss
initial_stop_loss_pct: Mapped[Optional[float]] = mapped_column(
Float(), nullable=True) # type: ignore
# stoploss order id which is on exchange
stoploss_order_id: Mapped[Optional[str]] = mapped_column(
String(255), nullable=True, index=True) # type: ignore
# last update time of the stoploss order on exchange
stoploss_last_update: Mapped[Optional[datetime]] = mapped_column(nullable=True) # type: ignore
# absolute value of the highest reached price
max_rate: Mapped[Optional[float]] = mapped_column(
Float(), nullable=True, default=0.0) # type: ignore
# Lowest price reached
min_rate: Mapped[Optional[float]] = mapped_column(Float(), nullable=True) # type: ignore
exit_reason: Mapped[Optional[str]] = mapped_column(String(100), nullable=True) # type: ignore
exit_order_status: Mapped[Optional[str]] = mapped_column(
String(100), nullable=True) # type: ignore
strategy: Mapped[Optional[str]] = mapped_column(String(100), nullable=True) # type: ignore
enter_tag: Mapped[Optional[str]] = mapped_column(String(100), nullable=True) # type: ignore
timeframe: Mapped[Optional[int]] = mapped_column(Integer, nullable=True) # type: ignore
trading_mode: Mapped[TradingMode] = mapped_column(
Enum(TradingMode), nullable=True) # type: ignore
amount_precision: Mapped[Optional[float]] = mapped_column(
Float(), nullable=True) # type: ignore
price_precision: Mapped[Optional[float]] = mapped_column(Float(), nullable=True) # type: ignore
precision_mode: Mapped[Optional[int]] = mapped_column(Integer, nullable=True) # type: ignore
contract_size: Mapped[Optional[float]] = mapped_column(Float(), nullable=True) # type: ignore
# Leverage trading properties
leverage: Mapped[float] = mapped_column(Float(), nullable=True, default=1.0) # type: ignore
is_short: Mapped[bool] = mapped_column(nullable=False, default=False) # type: ignore
liquidation_price: Mapped[Optional[float]] = mapped_column(
Float(), nullable=True) # type: ignore
# Margin Trading Properties
interest_rate: Mapped[float] = mapped_column(
Float(), nullable=False, default=0.0) # type: ignore
# Futures properties
funding_fees: Mapped[Optional[float]] = mapped_column(
Float(), nullable=True, default=None) # type: ignore
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.realized_profit = 0
def delete(self) -> None:
for order in self.orders:
2023-03-15 20:12:06 +00:00
2023-03-15 20:12:06 +00:00
def commit():
2023-03-15 20:12:06 +00:00
def rollback():
2023-03-15 20:12:06 +00:00
2023-01-21 14:01:56 +00:00
def get_trades_proxy(*, pair: Optional[str] = None, is_open: Optional[bool] = None,
open_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
close_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
2023-03-01 06:23:26 +00:00
) -> List['LocalTrade']:
Helper function to query Trades.j
Returns a List of trades, filtered on the parameters given.
In live mode, converts the filter to a database query and returns all rows
In Backtest mode, uses filters on Trade.trades to get the result.
:return: unsorted List[Trade]
if Trade.use_db:
trade_filter = []
if pair:
trade_filter.append(Trade.pair == pair)
if open_date:
trade_filter.append(Trade.open_date > open_date)
if close_date:
trade_filter.append(Trade.close_date > close_date)
if is_open is not None:
2023-03-01 06:23:26 +00:00
return cast(List[LocalTrade], Trade.get_trades(trade_filter).all())
return LocalTrade.get_trades_proxy(
pair=pair, is_open=is_open,
2023-03-15 20:09:25 +00:00
def get_trades_query(trade_filter=None, include_orders: bool = True) -> Select:
Helper function to query Trades using filters.
NOTE: Not supported in Backtesting.
:param trade_filter: Optional filter to apply to trades
Can be either a Filter object, or a List of filters
e.g. `(trade_filter=[ == trade_id, Trade.is_open.is_(True),])`
e.g. `( == trade_id)`
:return: unsorted query object
if not Trade.use_db:
raise NotImplementedError('`Trade.get_trades()` not supported in backtesting mode.')
if trade_filter is not None:
if not isinstance(trade_filter, list):
trade_filter = [trade_filter]
this_query = select(Trade).filter(*trade_filter)
this_query = select(Trade)
if not include_orders:
# Don't load order relations
# Consider using noload or raiseload instead of lazyload
this_query = this_query.options(lazyload(Trade.orders))
return this_query
2023-03-15 20:09:25 +00:00
def get_trades(trade_filter=None, include_orders: bool = True) -> ScalarResult['Trade']:
Helper function to query Trades using filters.
NOTE: Not supported in Backtesting.
:param trade_filter: Optional filter to apply to trades
Can be either a Filter object, or a List of filters
e.g. `(trade_filter=[ == trade_id, Trade.is_open.is_(True),])`
e.g. `( == trade_id)`
:return: unsorted query object
2023-03-15 20:12:06 +00:00
return Trade.session.scalars(Trade.get_trades_query(trade_filter, include_orders))
def get_open_order_trades() -> List['Trade']:
Returns all open trades
NOTE: Not supported in Backtesting.
2023-03-15 20:09:25 +00:00
return cast(List[Trade], Trade.get_trades(Trade.open_order_id.isnot(None)).all())
def get_open_trades_without_assigned_fees():
Returns all open trades which don't have open fees set correctly
NOTE: Not supported in Backtesting.
return Trade.get_trades([Trade.fee_open_currency.is_(None),
def get_closed_trades_without_assigned_fees():
Returns all closed trades which don't have fees set correctly
NOTE: Not supported in Backtesting.
return Trade.get_trades([Trade.fee_close_currency.is_(None),
def get_total_closed_profit() -> float:
Retrieves total realized profit
if Trade.use_db:
2023-03-15 20:12:06 +00:00
total_profit: float = Trade.session.execute(
2023-03-15 20:09:25 +00:00
2023-03-15 20:09:25 +00:00
total_profit = sum(t.close_profit_abs # type: ignore
for t in LocalTrade.get_trades_proxy(is_open=False))
return total_profit or 0
def total_open_trades_stakes() -> float:
Calculates total invested amount in open trades
in stake currency
if Trade.use_db:
2023-03-15 20:12:06 +00:00
total_open_stake_amount = Trade.session.scalar(
total_open_stake_amount = sum(
t.stake_amount for t in LocalTrade.get_trades_proxy(is_open=True))
return total_open_stake_amount or 0
def get_overall_performance(minutes=None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
Returns List of dicts containing all Trades, including profit and trade count
NOTE: Not supported in Backtesting.
2023-02-14 10:04:36 +00:00
filters: List = [Trade.is_open.is_(False)]
if minutes:
start_date = - timedelta(minutes=minutes)
filters.append(Trade.close_date >= start_date)
2023-03-15 20:12:06 +00:00
pair_rates = Trade.session.execute(
return [
'pair': pair,
'profit_ratio': profit,
'profit': round(profit * 100, 2), # Compatibility mode
'profit_pct': round(profit * 100, 2),
'profit_abs': profit_abs,
'count': count
for pair, profit, profit_abs, count in pair_rates
def get_enter_tag_performance(pair: Optional[str]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
Returns List of dicts containing all Trades, based on buy tag performance
Can either be average for all pairs or a specific pair provided
NOTE: Not supported in Backtesting.
2023-02-14 10:04:36 +00:00
filters: List = [Trade.is_open.is_(False)]
2022-08-01 04:43:59 +00:00
if (pair is not None):
filters.append(Trade.pair == pair)
2023-03-15 20:12:06 +00:00
enter_tag_perf = Trade.session.execute(
return [
'enter_tag': enter_tag if enter_tag is not None else "Other",
'profit_ratio': profit,
'profit_pct': round(profit * 100, 2),
'profit_abs': profit_abs,
'count': count
for enter_tag, profit, profit_abs, count in enter_tag_perf
def get_exit_reason_performance(pair: Optional[str]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
Returns List of dicts containing all Trades, based on exit reason performance
Can either be average for all pairs or a specific pair provided
NOTE: Not supported in Backtesting.
2023-02-14 10:04:36 +00:00
filters: List = [Trade.is_open.is_(False)]
2022-08-01 04:43:59 +00:00
if (pair is not None):
filters.append(Trade.pair == pair)
2023-03-15 20:12:06 +00:00
sell_tag_perf = Trade.session.execute(
return [
'exit_reason': exit_reason if exit_reason is not None else "Other",
'profit_ratio': profit,
'profit_pct': round(profit * 100, 2),
'profit_abs': profit_abs,
'count': count
for exit_reason, profit, profit_abs, count in sell_tag_perf
def get_mix_tag_performance(pair: Optional[str]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
Returns List of dicts containing all Trades, based on entry_tag + exit_reason performance
Can either be average for all pairs or a specific pair provided
NOTE: Not supported in Backtesting.
2023-02-14 10:04:36 +00:00
filters: List = [Trade.is_open.is_(False)]
2022-08-01 04:43:59 +00:00
if (pair is not None):
filters.append(Trade.pair == pair)
2023-03-15 20:12:06 +00:00
mix_tag_perf = Trade.session.execute(
return_list: List[Dict] = []
for id, enter_tag, exit_reason, profit, profit_abs, count in mix_tag_perf:
enter_tag = enter_tag if enter_tag is not None else "Other"
exit_reason = exit_reason if exit_reason is not None else "Other"
2022-08-01 04:43:59 +00:00
if (exit_reason is not None and enter_tag is not None):
mix_tag = enter_tag + " " + exit_reason
i = 0
if not any(item["mix_tag"] == mix_tag for item in return_list):
return_list.append({'mix_tag': mix_tag,
'profit': profit,
'profit_pct': round(profit * 100, 2),
'profit_abs': profit_abs,
'count': count})
while i < len(return_list):
if return_list[i]["mix_tag"] == mix_tag:
return_list[i] = {
'mix_tag': mix_tag,
'profit': profit + return_list[i]["profit"],
'profit_pct': round(profit + return_list[i]["profit"] * 100, 2),
'profit_abs': profit_abs + return_list[i]["profit_abs"],
'count': 1 + return_list[i]["count"]}
i += 1
return return_list
def get_best_pair(start_date: datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(0)):
Get best pair with closed trade.
NOTE: Not supported in Backtesting.
:returns: Tuple containing (pair, profit_sum)
2023-03-15 20:12:06 +00:00
best_pair = Trade.session.execute(
).filter(Trade.is_open.is_(False) & (Trade.close_date >= start_date))
return best_pair
2022-06-18 09:40:32 +00:00
def get_trading_volume(start_date: datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(0)) -> float:
Get Trade volume based on Orders
NOTE: Not supported in Backtesting.
:returns: Tuple containing (pair, profit_sum)
2023-03-16 05:48:12 +00:00
trading_volume = Trade.session.execute(
Order.order_filled_date >= start_date,
Order.status == 'closed'
2022-06-18 09:40:32 +00:00
return trading_volume
2022-10-20 18:33:08 +00:00
def from_json(json_str: str) -> 'Trade':
Create a Trade instance from a json string.
Used for debugging purposes - please keep.
:param json_str: json string to parse
:return: Trade instance
import rapidjson
data = rapidjson.loads(json_str)
trade = Trade(
open_date=datetime.fromtimestamp(data["open_timestamp"] // 1000, tz=timezone.utc),
close_date=(datetime.fromtimestamp(data["close_timestamp"] // 1000, tz=timezone.utc)
if data["close_timestamp"] else None),
datetime.fromtimestamp(data["stoploss_last_update_timestamp"] // 1000,
if data["stoploss_last_update_timestamp"] else None),
2022-10-20 18:33:08 +00:00
for order in data["orders"]:
order_obj = Order(
order_date=datetime.strptime(order["order_date"], DATETIME_PRINT_FORMAT),
2022-10-20 18:33:08 +00:00
order["order_filled_timestamp"] // 1000, tz=timezone.utc)
if order["order_filled_timestamp"] else None),
return trade