Add tests for new behaviour

This commit is contained in:
Matthias 2020-01-05 19:50:38 +01:00
parent d0ccfa1925
commit 888ea58df2

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@ -387,16 +387,37 @@ def test_plot_profit(default_conf, mocker, testdatadir, caplog):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("ind1,ind2,plot_conf,exp", [
# No indicators, use plot_conf
([], [], {},
{'main_plot': {'sma': {}, 'ema3': {}, 'ema5': {}},
'subplots': {'Other': {'macd': {}, 'macdsignal': {}}}}),
# use indicators
(['sma', 'ema3'], ['macd'], {},
{'main_plot': {'sma': {}, 'ema3': {}}, 'subplots': {'Other': {'macd': {}}}}
{'main_plot': {'sma': {}, 'ema3': {}}, 'subplots': {'Other': {'macd': {}}}}),
# only main_plot - adds empty subplots
([], [], {'main_plot': {'sma': {}}},
{'main_plot': {'sma': {}}, 'subplots': {}}),
# Main and subplots
([], [], {'main_plot': {'sma': {}}, 'subplots': {'RSI': {'rsi': {'color': 'red'}}}},
{'main_plot': {'sma': {}}, 'subplots': {'RSI': {'rsi': {'color': 'red'}}}}),
# no main_plot, adds empty main_plot
([], [], {'subplots': {'RSI': {'rsi': {'color': 'red'}}}},
{'main_plot': {}, 'subplots': {'RSI': {'rsi': {'color': 'red'}}}}),
# indicator 1 / 2 should have prevelance
(['sma', 'ema3'], ['macd'],
{'main_plot': {'sma': {}}, 'subplots': {'RSI': {'rsi': {'color': 'red'}}}},
{'main_plot': {'sma': {}, 'ema3': {}}, 'subplots': {'Other': {'macd': {}}}}
# indicator 1 - overrides plot_config main_plot
(['sma', 'ema3'], [],
{'main_plot': {'sma': {}}, 'subplots': {'RSI': {'rsi': {'color': 'red'}}}},
{'main_plot': {'sma': {}, 'ema3': {}}, 'subplots': {'RSI': {'rsi': {'color': 'red'}}}}
# indicator 2 - overrides plot_config subplots
([], ['macd', 'macd_signal'],
{'main_plot': {'sma': {}}, 'subplots': {'RSI': {'rsi': {'color': 'red'}}}},
{'main_plot': {'sma': {}}, 'subplots': {'Other': {'macd': {}, 'macd_signal': {}}}}
def test_create_plotconfig(ind1, ind2, plot_conf, exp):