#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Main Freqtrade bot script. Read the documentation to know what cli arguments you need. """ import logging import sys from typing import Any, List, Optional # check min. python version if sys.version_info < (3, 9): # pragma: no cover sys.exit("Freqtrade requires Python version >= 3.9") from freqtrade import __version__ from freqtrade.commands import Arguments from freqtrade.configuration import asyncio_setup from freqtrade.constants import DOCS_LINK from freqtrade.exceptions import ConfigurationError, FreqtradeException, OperationalException from freqtrade.loggers import setup_logging_pre from freqtrade.util.gc_setup import gc_set_threshold logger = logging.getLogger("freqtrade") def main(sysargv: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None: """ This function will initiate the bot and start the trading loop. :return: None """ return_code: Any = 1 try: setup_logging_pre() asyncio_setup() arguments = Arguments(sysargv) args = arguments.get_parsed_arg() # Call subcommand. if "func" in args: logger.info(f"freqtrade {__version__}") gc_set_threshold() return_code = args["func"](args) else: # No subcommand was issued. raise OperationalException( "Usage of Freqtrade requires a subcommand to be specified.\n" "To have the bot executing trades in live/dry-run modes, " "depending on the value of the `dry_run` setting in the config, run Freqtrade " "as `freqtrade trade [options...]`.\n" "To see the full list of options available, please use " "`freqtrade --help` or `freqtrade --help`." ) except SystemExit as e: # pragma: no cover return_code = e except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.info("SIGINT received, aborting ...") return_code = 0 except ConfigurationError as e: logger.error( f"Configuration error: {e}\n" f"Please make sure to review the documentation at {DOCS_LINK}." ) except FreqtradeException as e: logger.error(str(e)) return_code = 2 except Exception: logger.exception("Fatal exception!") finally: sys.exit(return_code) if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover main()