import logging import threading from ipaddress import IPv4Address from typing import Dict from arrow import Arrow from flask import Flask, jsonify, request from flask.json import JSONEncoder from freqtrade.__init__ import __version__ from freqtrade.rpc.rpc import RPC, RPCException logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ArrowJSONEncoder(JSONEncoder): def default(self, obj): try: if isinstance(obj, Arrow): return obj.for_json() iterable = iter(obj) except TypeError: pass else: return list(iterable) return JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) app = Flask(__name__) app.json_encoder = ArrowJSONEncoder class ApiServer(RPC): """ This class runs api server and provides rpc.rpc functionality to it This class starts a none blocking thread the api server runs within """ def safe_rpc(func): def func_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): try: return func(self, *args, **kwargs) except RPCException as e: logger.exception("API Error calling %s: %s", func.__name__, e) return self.rest_error(f"Error querying {func.__name__}: {e}") return func_wrapper def __init__(self, freqtrade) -> None: """ Init the api server, and init the super class RPC :param freqtrade: Instance of a freqtrade bot :return: None """ super().__init__(freqtrade) self._config = freqtrade.config # Register application handling self.register_rest_other() self.register_rest_rpc_urls() thread = threading.Thread(, daemon=True) thread.start() def cleanup(self) -> None:"Stopping API Server") # TODO: Gracefully shutdown - right now it'll fail on /reload_conf # since it's not terminated correctly. def send_msg(self, msg: Dict[str, str]) -> None: """ We don't push to endpoints at the moment. Take a look at webhooks for that functionality. """ pass def rest_dump(self, return_value): """ Helper function to jsonify object for a webserver """ return jsonify(return_value) def rest_error(self, error_msg): return jsonify({"error": error_msg}), 502 def register_rest_other(self): """ Registers flask app URLs that are not calls to functionality in rpc.rpc. :return: """ app.register_error_handler(404, self.page_not_found) app.add_url_rule('/', 'hello', view_func=self.hello, methods=['GET']) def register_rest_rpc_urls(self): """ Registers flask app URLs that are calls to functonality in rpc.rpc. First two arguments passed are /URL and 'Label' Label can be used as a shortcut when refactoring :return: """ # TODO: actions should not be GET... # Actions to control the bot app.add_url_rule('/start', 'start', view_func=self._start, methods=['POST']) app.add_url_rule('/stop', 'stop', view_func=self._stop, methods=['POST']) app.add_url_rule('/stopbuy', 'stopbuy', view_func=self._stopbuy, methods=['POST']) app.add_url_rule('/reload_conf', 'reload_conf', view_func=self._reload_conf, methods=['POST']) # Info commands app.add_url_rule('/version', 'version', view_func=self._version, methods=['GET']) app.add_url_rule('/count', 'count', view_func=self._count, methods=['GET']) app.add_url_rule('/daily', 'daily', view_func=self._daily, methods=['GET']) app.add_url_rule('/profit', 'profit', view_func=self._profit, methods=['GET']) app.add_url_rule('/status', 'status', view_func=self._status, methods=['GET']) app.add_url_rule('/balance', 'balance', view_func=self._balance, methods=['GET']) app.add_url_rule('/whitelist', 'whitelist', view_func=self._whitelist, methods=['GET']) app.add_url_rule('/blacklist', 'blacklist', view_func=self._blacklist, methods=['GET', 'POST']) # TODO: Implement the following # performance # forcebuy # forcesell # blacklist params # edge # help (?) def run(self): """ Method that runs flask app in its own thread forever """ """ Section to handle configuration and running of the Rest server also to check and warn if not bound to a loopback, warn on security risk. """ rest_ip = self._config['api_server']['listen_ip_address'] rest_port = self._config['api_server']['listen_port']'Starting HTTP Server at {}:{}'.format(rest_ip, rest_port)) if not IPv4Address(rest_ip).is_loopback:"SECURITY WARNING - Local Rest Server listening to external connections")"SECURITY WARNING - This is insecure please set to your loopback," "e.g in config.json") # Run the Server'Starting Local Rest Server') try:, port=rest_port) except Exception: logger.exception("Api server failed to start, exception message is:")'Starting Local Rest Server_end') """ Define the application methods here, called by app.add_url_rule each Telegram command should have a like local substitute """ def page_not_found(self, error): """ Return "404 not found", 404. """ return self.rest_dump({ 'status': 'error', 'reason': '''There's no API call for %s''' % request.base_url, 'code': 404 }), 404 def hello(self): """ None critical but helpful default index page. That lists URLs added to the flask server. This may be deprecated at any time. :return: index.html """ rest_cmds = ('Commands implemented:
' 'Show 7 days of stats
' 'Stop the Trade thread
' 'Start the Traded thread
' 'Show profit summary
' 'Show status table - Open trades
' ' 404 page does not exist
' ) return rest_cmds def _start(self): """ Handler for /start. Starts TradeThread in bot if stopped. """ msg = self._rpc_start() return self.rest_dump(msg) def _stop(self): """ Handler for /stop. Stops TradeThread in bot if running """ msg = self._rpc_stop() return self.rest_dump(msg) def _stopbuy(self): """ Handler for /stopbuy. Sets max_open_trades to 0 and gracefully sells all open trades """ msg = self._rpc_stopbuy() return self.rest_dump(msg) def _version(self): """ Prints the bot's version """ return self.rest_dump({"version": __version__}) def _reload_conf(self): """ Handler for /reload_conf. Triggers a config file reload """ msg = self._rpc_reload_conf() return self.rest_dump(msg) @safe_rpc def _count(self): """ Handler for /count. Returns the number of trades running """ msg = self._rpc_count() return self.rest_dump(msg) @safe_rpc def _daily(self): """ Returns the last X days trading stats summary. :return: stats """ timescale = request.args.get('timescale', 7) timescale = int(timescale) stats = self._rpc_daily_profit(timescale, self._config['stake_currency'], self._config['fiat_display_currency'] ) return self.rest_dump(stats) @safe_rpc def _profit(self): """ Handler for /profit. Returns a cumulative profit statistics :return: stats """"LocalRPC - Profit Command Called") stats = self._rpc_trade_statistics(self._config['stake_currency'], self._config['fiat_display_currency'] ) return self.rest_dump(stats) @safe_rpc def _status(self): """ Handler for /status. Returns the current status of the trades in json format """ results = self._rpc_trade_status() return self.rest_dump(results) @safe_rpc def _balance(self): """ Handler for /balance. Returns the current status of the trades in json format """ results = self._rpc_balance(self._config.get('fiat_display_currency', '')) return self.rest_dump(results) @safe_rpc def _whitelist(self): """ Handler for /whitelist. """ results = self._rpc_whitelist() return self.rest_dump(results) @safe_rpc def _blacklist(self): """ Handler for /blacklist. """ add = request.json.get("blacklist", None) if request.method == 'POST' else None results = self._rpc_blacklist(add) return self.rest_dump(results)