""" Tests in this file do NOT mock network calls, so they are expected to be fluky at times. However, these tests aim to test ccxt compatibility, specifically regarding websockets. """ import logging from datetime import timedelta from time import sleep import pytest from freqtrade.enums import CandleType from freqtrade.exchange.exchange_utils import timeframe_to_prev_date from freqtrade.loggers.set_log_levels import set_loggers from freqtrade.util.datetime_helpers import dt_now from tests.conftest import log_has_re from tests.exchange_online.conftest import EXCHANGE_WS_FIXTURE_TYPE @pytest.mark.longrun @pytest.mark.timeout(3 * 60) class TestCCXTExchangeWs: def test_ccxt_watch_ohlcv(self, exchange_ws: EXCHANGE_WS_FIXTURE_TYPE, caplog, mocker): exch, _exchangename, pair = exchange_ws assert exch._ws_async is not None timeframe = "1m" pair_tf = (pair, timeframe, CandleType.SPOT) m_hist = mocker.spy(exch, "_async_get_historic_ohlcv") m_cand = mocker.spy(exch, "_async_get_candle_history") while True: # Don't start the test if we are too close to the end of the minute. if dt_now().second < 50 and dt_now().second > 1: break sleep(1) res = exch.refresh_latest_ohlcv([pair_tf]) assert m_cand.call_count == 1 # Currently open candle next_candle = timeframe_to_prev_date(timeframe, dt_now()) now = next_candle - timedelta(seconds=1) # Currently closed candle curr_candle = timeframe_to_prev_date(timeframe, now) assert pair_tf in exch._exchange_ws._klines_watching assert pair_tf in exch._exchange_ws._klines_scheduled assert res[pair_tf] is not None df1 = res[pair_tf] caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG) set_loggers(1) assert df1.iloc[-1]["date"] == curr_candle # Wait until the next candle (might be up to 1 minute). while True: caplog.clear() res = exch.refresh_latest_ohlcv([pair_tf]) df2 = res[pair_tf] assert df2 is not None if df2.iloc[-1]["date"] == next_candle: break assert df2.iloc[-1]["date"] == curr_candle sleep(1) assert m_hist.call_count == 0 # shouldn't have tried fetch_ohlcv a second time. assert m_cand.call_count == 1 assert log_has_re(r"watch result.*", caplog)