import json import re from datetime import datetime, timedelta from io import BytesIO from pathlib import Path from unittest.mock import MagicMock, PropertyMock from zipfile import ZipFile import pytest from freqtrade.commands import (start_backtesting_show, start_convert_data, start_convert_trades, start_create_userdir, start_download_data, start_hyperopt_list, start_hyperopt_show, start_install_ui, start_list_data, start_list_exchanges, start_list_markets, start_list_strategies, start_list_timeframes, start_new_strategy, start_show_trades, start_strategy_update, start_test_pairlist, start_trading, start_webserver) from freqtrade.commands.db_commands import start_convert_db from freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands import (clean_ui_subdir, download_and_install_ui, get_ui_download_url, read_ui_version) from freqtrade.commands.list_commands import start_list_freqAI_models from freqtrade.configuration import setup_utils_configuration from freqtrade.enums import RunMode from freqtrade.exceptions import OperationalException from freqtrade.persistence.models import init_db from freqtrade.persistence.pairlock_middleware import PairLocks from freqtrade.util import dt_floor_day, dt_now, dt_utc from tests.conftest import (CURRENT_TEST_STRATEGY, EXMS, create_mock_trades, get_args, log_has, log_has_re, patch_exchange, patched_configuration_load_config_file) from tests.conftest_trades import MOCK_TRADE_COUNT def test_setup_utils_configuration(): args = [ 'list-exchanges', '--config', 'tests/testdata/testconfigs/main_test_config.json', ] config = setup_utils_configuration(get_args(args), RunMode.OTHER) assert "exchange" in config assert config['dry_run'] is True args = [ 'list-exchanges', '--config', 'tests/testdata/testconfigs/testconfig.json', ] config = setup_utils_configuration(get_args(args), RunMode.OTHER, set_dry=False) assert "exchange" in config assert config['dry_run'] is False def test_start_trading_fail(mocker, caplog): mocker.patch("", MagicMock(side_effect=OperationalException)) mocker.patch("freqtrade.worker.Worker.__init__", MagicMock(return_value=None)) exitmock = mocker.patch("freqtrade.worker.Worker.exit", MagicMock()) args = [ 'trade', '-c', 'tests/testdata/testconfigs/main_test_config.json' ] start_trading(get_args(args)) assert exitmock.call_count == 1 exitmock.reset_mock() caplog.clear() mocker.patch("freqtrade.worker.Worker.__init__", MagicMock(side_effect=OperationalException)) start_trading(get_args(args)) assert exitmock.call_count == 0 assert log_has('Fatal exception!', caplog) def test_start_webserver(mocker, caplog): api_server_mock = mocker.patch("freqtrade.rpc.api_server.ApiServer", ) args = [ 'webserver', '-c', 'tests/testdata/testconfigs/main_test_config.json' ] start_webserver(get_args(args)) assert api_server_mock.call_count == 1 def test_list_exchanges(capsys): args = [ "list-exchanges", ] start_list_exchanges(get_args(args)) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert re.match(r"Exchanges available for Freqtrade.*", captured.out) assert".*binance.*", captured.out) assert".*bybit.*", captured.out) # Test with --one-column args = [ "list-exchanges", "--one-column", ] start_list_exchanges(get_args(args)) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert"^binance$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) assert"^bybit$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) # Test with --all args = [ "list-exchanges", "--all", ] start_list_exchanges(get_args(args)) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert re.match(r"All exchanges supported by the ccxt library.*", captured.out) assert".*binance.*", captured.out) assert".*bingx.*", captured.out) assert".*bitmex.*", captured.out) # Test with --one-column --all args = [ "list-exchanges", "--one-column", "--all", ] start_list_exchanges(get_args(args)) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert"^binance$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) assert"^bingx$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) assert"^bitmex$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) def test_list_timeframes(mocker, capsys): api_mock = MagicMock() api_mock.timeframes = {'1m': 'oneMin', '5m': 'fiveMin', '30m': 'thirtyMin', '1h': 'hour', '1d': 'day', } patch_exchange(mocker, api_mock=api_mock, id='bybit') args = [ "list-timeframes", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None with pytest.raises(OperationalException, match=r"This command requires a configured exchange.*"): start_list_timeframes(pargs) # Test with --config tests/testdata/testconfigs/main_test_config.json args = [ "list-timeframes", '--config', 'tests/testdata/testconfigs/main_test_config.json', ] start_list_timeframes(get_args(args)) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert re.match("Timeframes available for the exchange `Bybit`: " "1m, 5m, 30m, 1h, 1d", captured.out) # Test with --exchange bybit args = [ "list-timeframes", "--exchange", "bybit", ] start_list_timeframes(get_args(args)) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert re.match("Timeframes available for the exchange `Bybit`: " "1m, 5m, 30m, 1h, 1d", captured.out) api_mock.timeframes = {'1m': '1m', '5m': '5m', '15m': '15m', '30m': '30m', '1h': '1h', '6h': '6h', '12h': '12h', '1d': '1d', '3d': '3d', } patch_exchange(mocker, api_mock=api_mock, id='binance') # Test with --exchange binance args = [ "list-timeframes", "--exchange", "binance", ] start_list_timeframes(get_args(args)) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert re.match("Timeframes available for the exchange `Binance`: " "1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 6h, 12h, 1d, 3d", captured.out) # Test with --one-column args = [ "list-timeframes", '--config', 'tests/testdata/testconfigs/main_test_config.json', "--one-column", ] start_list_timeframes(get_args(args)) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert"^1m$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) assert"^5m$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) assert"^1h$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) assert"^1d$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) # Test with --exchange binance --one-column args = [ "list-timeframes", "--exchange", "binance", "--one-column", ] start_list_timeframes(get_args(args)) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert"^1m$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) assert"^5m$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) assert"^1h$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) assert"^1d$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) def test_list_markets(mocker, markets_static, capsys): api_mock = MagicMock() patch_exchange(mocker, api_mock=api_mock, id='binance', mock_markets=markets_static) # Test with no --config args = [ "list-markets", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None with pytest.raises(OperationalException, match=r"This command requires a configured exchange.*"): start_list_markets(pargs, False) # Test with --config tests/testdata/testconfigs/main_test_config.json args = [ "list-markets", '--config', 'tests/testdata/testconfigs/main_test_config.json', "--print-list", ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Exchange Binance has 12 active markets: " "ADA/USDT:USDT, BLK/BTC, ETH/BTC, ETH/USDT, ETH/USDT:USDT, LTC/BTC, " "LTC/ETH, LTC/USD, NEO/BTC, TKN/BTC, XLTCUSDT, XRP/BTC.\n" in captured.out) patch_exchange(mocker, api_mock=api_mock, id="binance", mock_markets=markets_static) # Test with --exchange args = [ "list-markets", "--exchange", "binance" ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_list_markets(pargs, False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert re.match("\nExchange Binance has 12 active markets:\n", captured.out) patch_exchange(mocker, api_mock=api_mock, id="binance", mock_markets=markets_static) # Test with --all: all markets args = [ "list-markets", "--all", '--config', 'tests/testdata/testconfigs/main_test_config.json', "--print-list", ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Exchange Binance has 14 markets: " "ADA/USDT:USDT, BLK/BTC, BTT/BTC, ETH/BTC, ETH/USDT, ETH/USDT:USDT, " "LTC/BTC, LTC/ETH, LTC/USD, LTC/USDT, NEO/BTC, TKN/BTC, XLTCUSDT, XRP/BTC.\n" in captured.out) # Test list-pairs subcommand: active pairs args = [ "list-pairs", '--config', 'tests/testdata/testconfigs/main_test_config.json', "--print-list", ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), True) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Exchange Binance has 9 active pairs: " "BLK/BTC, ETH/BTC, ETH/USDT, LTC/BTC, LTC/ETH, LTC/USD, NEO/BTC, TKN/BTC, XRP/BTC.\n" in captured.out) # Test list-pairs subcommand with --all: all pairs args = [ "list-pairs", "--all", '--config', 'tests/testdata/testconfigs/main_test_config.json', "--print-list", ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), True) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Exchange Binance has 11 pairs: " "BLK/BTC, BTT/BTC, ETH/BTC, ETH/USDT, LTC/BTC, LTC/ETH, LTC/USD, LTC/USDT, NEO/BTC, " "TKN/BTC, XRP/BTC.\n" in captured.out) # active markets, base=ETH, LTC args = [ "list-markets", '--config', 'tests/testdata/testconfigs/main_test_config.json', "--base", "ETH", "LTC", "--print-list", ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Exchange Binance has 7 active markets with ETH, LTC as base currencies: " "ETH/BTC, ETH/USDT, ETH/USDT:USDT, LTC/BTC, LTC/ETH, LTC/USD, XLTCUSDT.\n" in captured.out) # active markets, base=LTC args = [ "list-markets", '--config', 'tests/testdata/testconfigs/main_test_config.json', "--base", "LTC", "--print-list", ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Exchange Binance has 4 active markets with LTC as base currency: " "LTC/BTC, LTC/ETH, LTC/USD, XLTCUSDT.\n" in captured.out) # active markets, quote=USDT, USD args = [ "list-markets", '--config', 'tests/testdata/testconfigs/main_test_config.json', "--quote", "USDT", "USD", "--print-list", ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Exchange Binance has 5 active markets with USDT, USD as quote currencies: " "ADA/USDT:USDT, ETH/USDT, ETH/USDT:USDT, LTC/USD, XLTCUSDT.\n" in captured.out) # active markets, quote=USDT args = [ "list-markets", '--config', 'tests/testdata/testconfigs/main_test_config.json', "--quote", "USDT", "--print-list", ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Exchange Binance has 4 active markets with USDT as quote currency: " "ADA/USDT:USDT, ETH/USDT, ETH/USDT:USDT, XLTCUSDT.\n" in captured.out) # active markets, base=LTC, quote=USDT args = [ "list-markets", '--config', 'tests/testdata/testconfigs/main_test_config.json', "--base", "LTC", "--quote", "USDT", "--print-list", ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Exchange Binance has 1 active market with LTC as base currency and " "with USDT as quote currency: XLTCUSDT.\n" in captured.out) # active pairs, base=LTC, quote=USDT args = [ "list-pairs", '--config', 'tests/testdata/testconfigs/main_test_config.json', "--base", "LTC", "--quote", "USD", "--print-list", ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), True) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Exchange Binance has 1 active pair with LTC as base currency and " "with USD as quote currency: LTC/USD.\n" in captured.out) # active markets, base=LTC, quote=USDT, NONEXISTENT args = [ "list-markets", '--config', 'tests/testdata/testconfigs/main_test_config.json', "--base", "LTC", "--quote", "USDT", "NONEXISTENT", "--print-list", ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Exchange Binance has 1 active market with LTC as base currency and " "with USDT, NONEXISTENT as quote currencies: XLTCUSDT.\n" in captured.out) # active markets, base=LTC, quote=NONEXISTENT args = [ "list-markets", '--config', 'tests/testdata/testconfigs/main_test_config.json', "--base", "LTC", "--quote", "NONEXISTENT", "--print-list", ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Exchange Binance has 0 active markets with LTC as base currency and " "with NONEXISTENT as quote currency.\n" in captured.out) # Test tabular output args = [ "list-markets", '--config', 'tests/testdata/testconfigs/main_test_config.json', ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Exchange Binance has 12 active markets:\n" in captured.out) # Test tabular output, no markets found args = [ "list-markets", '--config', 'tests/testdata/testconfigs/main_test_config.json', "--base", "LTC", "--quote", "NONEXISTENT", ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Exchange Binance has 0 active markets with LTC as base currency and " "with NONEXISTENT as quote currency.\n" in captured.out) # Test --print-json args = [ "list-markets", '--config', 'tests/testdata/testconfigs/main_test_config.json', "--print-json" ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ('["ADA/USDT:USDT","BLK/BTC","ETH/BTC","ETH/USDT","ETH/USDT:USDT",' '"LTC/BTC","LTC/ETH","LTC/USD","NEO/BTC","TKN/BTC","XLTCUSDT","XRP/BTC"]' in captured.out) # Test --print-csv args = [ "list-markets", '--config', 'tests/testdata/testconfigs/main_test_config.json', "--print-csv" ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert ("Id,Symbol,Base,Quote,Active,Spot,Margin,Future,Leverage" in captured.out) assert ("blkbtc,BLK/BTC,BLK,BTC,True,Spot" in captured.out) assert ("USD-LTC,LTC/USD,LTC,USD,True,Spot" in captured.out) # Test --one-column args = [ "list-markets", '--config', 'tests/testdata/testconfigs/main_test_config.json', "--one-column" ] start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert"^BLK/BTC$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) assert"^LTC/USD$", captured.out, re.MULTILINE) mocker.patch(f'{EXMS}.markets', PropertyMock(side_effect=ValueError)) # Test --one-column args = [ "list-markets", '--config', 'tests/testdata/testconfigs/main_test_config.json', "--one-column" ] with pytest.raises(OperationalException, match=r"Cannot get markets.*"): start_list_markets(get_args(args), False) def test_create_datadir_failed(caplog): args = [ "create-userdir", ] with pytest.raises(SystemExit): start_create_userdir(get_args(args)) assert log_has("`create-userdir` requires --userdir to be set.", caplog) def test_create_datadir(caplog, mocker): cud = mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.create_userdata_dir", MagicMock()) csf = mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.copy_sample_files", MagicMock()) args = [ "create-userdir", "--userdir", "/temp/freqtrade/test" ] start_create_userdir(get_args(args)) assert cud.call_count == 1 assert csf.call_count == 1 def test_start_new_strategy(mocker, caplog): wt_mock = mocker.patch.object(Path, "write_text", MagicMock()) mocker.patch.object(Path, "exists", MagicMock(return_value=False)) args = [ "new-strategy", "--strategy", "CoolNewStrategy" ] start_new_strategy(get_args(args)) assert wt_mock.call_count == 1 assert "CoolNewStrategy" in wt_mock.call_args_list[0][0][0] assert log_has_re("Writing strategy to .*", caplog) mocker.patch('freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.setup_utils_configuration') mocker.patch.object(Path, "exists", MagicMock(return_value=True)) with pytest.raises(OperationalException, match=r".* already exists. Please choose another Strategy Name\."): start_new_strategy(get_args(args)) def test_start_new_strategy_no_arg(mocker, caplog): args = [ "new-strategy", ] with pytest.raises(OperationalException, match="`new-strategy` requires --strategy to be set."): start_new_strategy(get_args(args)) def test_start_install_ui(mocker): clean_mock = mocker.patch('freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.clean_ui_subdir') get_url_mock = mocker.patch('freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.get_ui_download_url', return_value=('', '0.0.1')) download_mock = mocker.patch('freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.download_and_install_ui') mocker.patch('freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.read_ui_version', return_value=None) args = [ "install-ui", ] start_install_ui(get_args(args)) assert clean_mock.call_count == 1 assert get_url_mock.call_count == 1 assert download_mock.call_count == 1 clean_mock.reset_mock() get_url_mock.reset_mock() download_mock.reset_mock() args = [ "install-ui", "--erase", ] start_install_ui(get_args(args)) assert clean_mock.call_count == 1 assert get_url_mock.call_count == 1 assert download_mock.call_count == 0 def test_clean_ui_subdir(mocker, tmp_path, caplog): mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.Path.is_dir", side_effect=[True, True]) mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.Path.is_file", side_effect=[False, True]) rd_mock = mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.Path.rmdir") ul_mock = mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.Path.unlink") mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.Path.glob", return_value=[Path('test1'), Path('test2'), Path('.gitkeep')]) folder = tmp_path / "uitests" clean_ui_subdir(folder) assert log_has("Removing UI directory content.", caplog) assert rd_mock.call_count == 1 assert ul_mock.call_count == 1 def test_download_and_install_ui(mocker, tmp_path): # Create zipfile requests_mock = MagicMock() file_like_object = BytesIO() with ZipFile(file_like_object, mode='w') as zipfile: for file in ('test1.txt', 'hello/', 'test2.txt'): zipfile.writestr(file, file) requests_mock.content = mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.requests.get", return_value=requests_mock) mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.Path.is_dir", side_effect=[True, False]) wb_mock = mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.Path.write_bytes") folder = tmp_path / "uitests_dl" folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True) assert read_ui_version(folder) is None download_and_install_ui(folder, '', '22') assert wb_mock.call_count == 2 assert read_ui_version(folder) == '22' def test_get_ui_download_url(mocker): response = MagicMock() response.json = MagicMock( side_effect=[[{'assets_url': 'http://whatever.json', 'name': '0.0.1'}], [{'browser_download_url': ''}]]) get_mock = mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.requests.get", return_value=response) x, last_version = get_ui_download_url() assert get_mock.call_count == 2 assert last_version == '0.0.1' assert x == '' def test_get_ui_download_url_direct(mocker): response = MagicMock() response.json = MagicMock( return_value=[ { 'assets_url': 'http://whatever.json', 'name': '0.0.2', 'assets': [{'browser_download_url': ''}] }, { 'assets_url': 'http://whatever.json', 'name': '0.0.1', 'assets': [{'browser_download_url': ''}] }, ]) get_mock = mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.deploy_commands.requests.get", return_value=response) x, last_version = get_ui_download_url() assert get_mock.call_count == 1 assert last_version == '0.0.2' assert x == '' get_mock.reset_mock() response.json.reset_mock() x, last_version = get_ui_download_url('0.0.1') assert last_version == '0.0.1' assert x == '' with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="UI-Version not found."): x, last_version = get_ui_download_url('0.0.3') def test_download_data_keyboardInterrupt(mocker, markets): dl_mock = mocker.patch('freqtrade.commands.data_commands.download_data_main', MagicMock(side_effect=KeyboardInterrupt)) patch_exchange(mocker) mocker.patch(f'{EXMS}.markets', PropertyMock(return_value=markets)) args = [ "download-data", "--exchange", "binance", "--pairs", "ETH/BTC", "XRP/BTC", ] with pytest.raises(SystemExit): pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_download_data(pargs) assert dl_mock.call_count == 1 def test_download_data_timerange(mocker, markets): dl_mock = mocker.patch('', MagicMock(return_value=["ETH/BTC", "XRP/BTC"])) patch_exchange(mocker) mocker.patch(f'{EXMS}.markets', PropertyMock(return_value=markets)) args = [ "download-data", "--exchange", "binance", "--pairs", "ETH/BTC", "XRP/BTC", "--days", "20", "--timerange", "20200101-" ] with pytest.raises(OperationalException, match=r"--days and --timerange are mutually.*"): pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_download_data(pargs) assert dl_mock.call_count == 0 args = [ "download-data", "--exchange", "binance", "--pairs", "ETH/BTC", "XRP/BTC", "--days", "20", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_download_data(pargs) assert dl_mock.call_count == 1 # 20days ago days_ago = dt_floor_day(dt_now() - timedelta(days=20)).timestamp() assert dl_mock.call_args_list[0][1]['timerange'].startts == days_ago dl_mock.reset_mock() args = [ "download-data", "--exchange", "binance", "--pairs", "ETH/BTC", "XRP/BTC", "--timerange", "20200101-" ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_download_data(pargs) assert dl_mock.call_count == 1 assert dl_mock.call_args_list[0][1]['timerange'].startts == int(dt_utc(2020, 1, 1).timestamp()) def test_download_data_no_markets(mocker, caplog): dl_mock = mocker.patch('', MagicMock(return_value=["ETH/BTC", "XRP/BTC"])) patch_exchange(mocker, id='binance') mocker.patch(f'{EXMS}.get_markets', return_value={}) args = [ "download-data", "--exchange", "binance", "--pairs", "ETH/BTC", "XRP/BTC", "--days", "20" ] start_download_data(get_args(args)) assert dl_mock.call_args[1]['timerange'].starttype == "date" assert log_has("Pairs [ETH/BTC,XRP/BTC] not available on exchange Binance.", caplog) def test_download_data_no_exchange(mocker): mocker.patch('', MagicMock(return_value=["ETH/BTC", "XRP/BTC"])) patch_exchange(mocker) mocker.patch(f'{EXMS}.get_markets', return_value={}) args = [ "download-data", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None with pytest.raises(OperationalException, match=r"This command requires a configured exchange.*"): start_download_data(pargs) def test_download_data_no_pairs(mocker): mocker.patch('', MagicMock(return_value=["ETH/BTC", "XRP/BTC"])) patch_exchange(mocker) mocker.patch(f'{EXMS}.markets', PropertyMock(return_value={})) args = [ "download-data", "--exchange", "binance", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None with pytest.raises(OperationalException, match=r"Downloading data requires a list of pairs\..*"): start_download_data(pargs) def test_download_data_all_pairs(mocker, markets): dl_mock = mocker.patch('', MagicMock(return_value=["ETH/BTC", "XRP/BTC"])) patch_exchange(mocker) mocker.patch(f'{EXMS}.markets', PropertyMock(return_value=markets)) args = [ "download-data", "--exchange", "binance", "--pairs", ".*/USDT" ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_download_data(pargs) expected = set(['BTC/USDT', 'ETH/USDT', 'XRP/USDT', 'NEO/USDT', 'TKN/USDT']) assert set(dl_mock.call_args_list[0][1]['pairs']) == expected assert dl_mock.call_count == 1 dl_mock.reset_mock() args = [ "download-data", "--exchange", "binance", "--pairs", ".*/USDT", "--include-inactive-pairs", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_download_data(pargs) expected = set(['BTC/USDT', 'ETH/USDT', 'LTC/USDT', 'XRP/USDT', 'NEO/USDT', 'TKN/USDT']) assert set(dl_mock.call_args_list[0][1]['pairs']) == expected def test_download_data_trades(mocker): dl_mock = mocker.patch('', MagicMock(return_value=[])) convert_mock = mocker.patch('', MagicMock(return_value=[])) patch_exchange(mocker) mocker.patch(f'{EXMS}.get_markets', return_value={}) args = [ "download-data", "--exchange", "kraken", "--pairs", "ETH/BTC", "XRP/BTC", "--days", "20", "--dl-trades" ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_download_data(pargs) assert dl_mock.call_args[1]['timerange'].starttype == "date" assert dl_mock.call_count == 1 assert convert_mock.call_count == 1 args = [ "download-data", "--exchange", "kraken", "--pairs", "ETH/BTC", "XRP/BTC", "--days", "20", "--trading-mode", "futures", "--dl-trades" ] def test_download_data_data_invalid(mocker): patch_exchange(mocker, id="kraken") mocker.patch(f'{EXMS}.get_markets', return_value={}) args = [ "download-data", "--exchange", "kraken", "--pairs", "ETH/BTC", "XRP/BTC", "--days", "20", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None with pytest.raises(OperationalException, match=r"Historic klines not available for .*"): start_download_data(pargs) def test_start_convert_trades(mocker): convert_mock = mocker.patch('freqtrade.commands.data_commands.convert_trades_to_ohlcv', MagicMock(return_value=[])) patch_exchange(mocker) mocker.patch(f'{EXMS}.get_markets') mocker.patch(f'{EXMS}.markets', PropertyMock(return_value={})) args = [ "trades-to-ohlcv", "--exchange", "kraken", "--pairs", "ETH/BTC", "XRP/BTC", ] start_convert_trades(get_args(args)) assert convert_mock.call_count == 1 def test_start_list_strategies(capsys): args = [ "list-strategies", "--strategy-path", str(Path(__file__).parent.parent / "strategy" / "strats"), "-1" ] pargs = get_args(args) # pargs['config'] = None start_list_strategies(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "StrategyTestV2" in captured.out assert "" not in captured.out assert CURRENT_TEST_STRATEGY in captured.out # Test regular output args = [ "list-strategies", "--strategy-path", str(Path(__file__).parent.parent / "strategy" / "strats"), '--no-color', ] pargs = get_args(args) # pargs['config'] = None start_list_strategies(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "StrategyTestV2" in captured.out assert "" in captured.out assert CURRENT_TEST_STRATEGY in captured.out # Test color output args = [ "list-strategies", "--strategy-path", str(Path(__file__).parent.parent / "strategy" / "strats"), ] pargs = get_args(args) # pargs['config'] = None start_list_strategies(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "StrategyTestV2" in captured.out assert "" in captured.out assert CURRENT_TEST_STRATEGY in captured.out assert "LOAD FAILED" in captured.out # Recursive assert "TestStrategyNoImplements" not in captured.out # Test recursive args = [ "list-strategies", "--strategy-path", str(Path(__file__).parent.parent / "strategy" / "strats"), '--no-color', '--recursive-strategy-search' ] pargs = get_args(args) # pargs['config'] = None start_list_strategies(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "StrategyTestV2" in captured.out assert "" in captured.out assert "StrategyTestV2" in captured.out assert "TestStrategyNoImplements" in captured.out assert str(Path("broken_strats/")) in captured.out def test_start_list_freqAI_models(capsys): args = [ "list-freqaimodels", "-1" ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_list_freqAI_models(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "LightGBMClassifier" in captured.out assert "LightGBMRegressor" in captured.out assert "XGBoostRegressor" in captured.out assert "/" not in captured.out args = [ "list-freqaimodels", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_list_freqAI_models(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "LightGBMClassifier" in captured.out assert "LightGBMRegressor" in captured.out assert "XGBoostRegressor" in captured.out assert "/" in captured.out def test_start_test_pairlist(mocker, caplog, tickers, default_conf, capsys): patch_exchange(mocker, mock_markets=True) mocker.patch.multiple(EXMS, exchange_has=MagicMock(return_value=True), get_tickers=tickers, ) default_conf['pairlists'] = [ { "method": "VolumePairList", "number_assets": 5, "sort_key": "quoteVolume", }, {"method": "PrecisionFilter"}, {"method": "PriceFilter", "low_price_ratio": 0.02}, ] patched_configuration_load_config_file(mocker, default_conf) args = [ 'test-pairlist', '-c', 'tests/testdata/testconfigs/main_test_config.json' ] start_test_pairlist(get_args(args)) assert log_has_re(r"^Using resolved pairlist VolumePairList.*", caplog) assert log_has_re(r"^Using resolved pairlist PrecisionFilter.*", caplog) assert log_has_re(r"^Using resolved pairlist PriceFilter.*", caplog) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert re.match(r"Pairs for .*", captured.out) assert re.match("['ETH/BTC', 'TKN/BTC', 'BLK/BTC', 'LTC/BTC', 'XRP/BTC']", captured.out) args = [ 'test-pairlist', '-c', 'tests/testdata/testconfigs/main_test_config.json', '--one-column', ] start_test_pairlist(get_args(args)) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert re.match(r"ETH/BTC\nTKN/BTC\nBLK/BTC\nLTC/BTC\nXRP/BTC\n", captured.out) args = [ 'test-pairlist', '-c', 'tests/testdata/testconfigs/main_test_config.json', '--print-json', ] start_test_pairlist(get_args(args)) captured = capsys.readouterr() try: json_pairs = json.loads(captured.out) assert 'ETH/BTC' in json_pairs assert 'TKN/BTC' in json_pairs assert 'BLK/BTC' in json_pairs assert 'LTC/BTC' in json_pairs assert 'XRP/BTC' in json_pairs except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:'Expected well formed JSON, but failed to parse: {captured.out}') def test_hyperopt_list(mocker, capsys, caplog, saved_hyperopt_results, tmp_path): csv_file = tmp_path / "test.csv" mocker.patch( 'freqtrade.optimize.hyperopt_tools.HyperoptTools._test_hyperopt_results_exist', return_value=True ) def fake_iterator(*args, **kwargs): yield from [saved_hyperopt_results] mocker.patch( 'freqtrade.optimize.hyperopt_tools.HyperoptTools._read_results', side_effect=fake_iterator ) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--no-details", "--no-color", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert all(x in captured.out for x in [" 1/12", " 2/12", " 3/12", " 4/12", " 5/12", " 6/12", " 7/12", " 8/12", " 9/12", " 10/12", " 11/12", " 12/12"]) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--best", "--no-details", "--no-color", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert all(x in captured.out for x in [" 1/12", " 5/12", " 10/12"]) assert all(x not in captured.out for x in [" 2/12", " 3/12", " 4/12", " 6/12", " 7/12", " 8/12", " 9/12", " 11/12", " 12/12"]) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--profitable", "--no-details", "--no-color", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert all(x in captured.out for x in [" 2/12", " 10/12"]) assert all(x not in captured.out for x in [" 1/12", " 3/12", " 4/12", " 5/12", " 6/12", " 7/12", " 8/12", " 9/12", " 11/12", " 12/12"]) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--profitable", "--no-color", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert all(x in captured.out for x in [" 2/12", " 10/12", "Best result:", "Buy hyperspace params", "Sell hyperspace params", "ROI table", "Stoploss"]) assert all(x not in captured.out for x in [" 1/12", " 3/12", " 4/12", " 5/12", " 6/12", " 7/12", " 8/12", " 9/12", " 11/12", " 12/12"]) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--no-details", "--no-color", "--min-trades", "20", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert all(x in captured.out for x in [" 3/12", " 6/12", " 7/12", " 9/12", " 11/12"]) assert all(x not in captured.out for x in [" 1/12", " 2/12", " 4/12", " 5/12", " 8/12", " 10/12", " 12/12"]) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--profitable", "--no-details", "--no-color", "--max-trades", "20", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert all(x in captured.out for x in [" 2/12", " 10/12"]) assert all(x not in captured.out for x in [" 1/12", " 3/12", " 4/12", " 5/12", " 6/12", " 7/12", " 8/12", " 9/12", " 11/12", " 12/12"]) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--profitable", "--no-details", "--no-color", "--min-avg-profit", "0.11", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert all(x in captured.out for x in [" 2/12"]) assert all(x not in captured.out for x in [" 1/12", " 3/12", " 4/12", " 5/12", " 6/12", " 7/12", " 8/12", " 9/12", " 10/12", " 11/12", " 12/12"]) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--no-details", "--no-color", "--max-avg-profit", "0.10", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert all(x in captured.out for x in [" 1/12", " 3/12", " 5/12", " 6/12", " 7/12", " 8/12", " 9/12", " 11/12"]) assert all(x not in captured.out for x in [" 2/12", " 4/12", " 10/12", " 12/12"]) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--no-details", "--no-color", "--min-total-profit", "0.4", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert all(x in captured.out for x in [" 10/12"]) assert all(x not in captured.out for x in [" 1/12", " 2/12", " 3/12", " 4/12", " 5/12", " 6/12", " 7/12", " 8/12", " 9/12", " 11/12", " 12/12"]) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--no-details", "--no-color", "--max-total-profit", "0.4", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert all(x in captured.out for x in [" 1/12", " 2/12", " 3/12", " 5/12", " 6/12", " 7/12", " 8/12", " 9/12", " 11/12"]) assert all(x not in captured.out for x in [" 4/12", " 10/12", " 12/12"]) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--no-details", "--no-color", "--min-objective", "0.1", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert all(x in captured.out for x in [" 10/12"]) assert all(x not in captured.out for x in [" 1/12", " 2/12", " 3/12", " 4/12", " 5/12", " 6/12", " 7/12", " 8/12", " 9/12", " 11/12", " 12/12"]) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--no-details", "--max-objective", "0.1", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert all(x in captured.out for x in [" 1/12", " 2/12", " 3/12", " 5/12", " 6/12", " 7/12", " 8/12", " 9/12", " 11/12"]) assert all(x not in captured.out for x in [" 4/12", " 10/12", " 12/12"]) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--profitable", "--no-details", "--no-color", "--min-avg-time", "2000", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert all(x in captured.out for x in [" 10/12"]) assert all(x not in captured.out for x in [" 1/12", " 2/12", " 3/12", " 4/12", " 5/12", " 6/12", " 7/12", " 8/12", " 9/12", " 11/12", " 12/12"]) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--no-details", "--no-color", "--max-avg-time", "1500", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert all(x in captured.out for x in [" 2/12", " 6/12"]) assert all(x not in captured.out for x in [" 1/12", " 3/12", " 4/12", " 5/12", " 7/12", " 8/12" " 9/12", " 10/12", " 11/12", " 12/12"]) args = [ "hyperopt-list", "--no-details", "--no-color", "--export-csv", str(csv_file), ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_list(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() log_has("CSV file created: test_file.csv", caplog) assert csv_file.is_file() line = csv_file.read_text() assert ('Best,1,2,-1.25%,-1.2222,-0.00125625,,-2.51,"3,930.0 m",0.43662' in line or "Best,1,2,-1.25%,-1.2222,-0.00125625,,-2.51,2 days 17:30:00,2,0,0.43662" in line) csv_file.unlink() def test_hyperopt_show(mocker, capsys, saved_hyperopt_results): mocker.patch( 'freqtrade.optimize.hyperopt_tools.HyperoptTools._test_hyperopt_results_exist', return_value=True ) def fake_iterator(*args, **kwargs): yield from [saved_hyperopt_results] mocker.patch( 'freqtrade.optimize.hyperopt_tools.HyperoptTools._read_results', side_effect=fake_iterator ) mocker.patch('freqtrade.commands.hyperopt_commands.show_backtest_result') args = [ "hyperopt-show", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_show(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert " 12/12" in captured.out args = [ "hyperopt-show", "--best" ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_show(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert " 10/12" in captured.out args = [ "hyperopt-show", "-n", "1" ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_show(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert " 1/12" in captured.out args = [ "hyperopt-show", "--best", "-n", "2" ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_show(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert " 5/12" in captured.out args = [ "hyperopt-show", "--best", "-n", "-1" ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_hyperopt_show(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert " 10/12" in captured.out args = [ "hyperopt-show", "--best", "-n", "-4" ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None with pytest.raises(OperationalException, match="The index of the epoch to show should be greater than -4."): start_hyperopt_show(pargs) args = [ "hyperopt-show", "--best", "-n", "4" ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None with pytest.raises(OperationalException, match="The index of the epoch to show should be less than 4."): start_hyperopt_show(pargs) def test_convert_data(mocker, testdatadir): ohlcv_mock = mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.data_commands.convert_ohlcv_format") trades_mock = mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.data_commands.convert_trades_format") args = [ "convert-data", "--format-from", "json", "--format-to", "jsongz", "--datadir", str(testdatadir), ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_convert_data(pargs, True) assert trades_mock.call_count == 0 assert ohlcv_mock.call_count == 1 assert ohlcv_mock.call_args[1]['convert_from'] == 'json' assert ohlcv_mock.call_args[1]['convert_to'] == 'jsongz' assert ohlcv_mock.call_args[1]['erase'] is False def test_convert_data_trades(mocker, testdatadir): ohlcv_mock = mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.data_commands.convert_ohlcv_format") trades_mock = mocker.patch("freqtrade.commands.data_commands.convert_trades_format") args = [ "convert-trade-data", "--format-from", "jsongz", "--format-to", "json", "--datadir", str(testdatadir), ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_convert_data(pargs, False) assert ohlcv_mock.call_count == 0 assert trades_mock.call_count == 1 assert trades_mock.call_args[1]['convert_from'] == 'jsongz' assert trades_mock.call_args[1]['convert_to'] == 'json' assert trades_mock.call_args[1]['erase'] is False def test_start_list_data(testdatadir, capsys): args = [ "list-data", "--datadir", str(testdatadir), ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_list_data(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "Found 16 pair / timeframe combinations." in captured.out assert "\n| Pair | Timeframe | Type |\n" in captured.out assert "\n| UNITTEST/BTC | 1m, 5m, 8m, 30m | spot |\n" in captured.out args = [ "list-data", "--data-format-ohlcv", "feather", "--pairs", "XRP/ETH", "--datadir", str(testdatadir), ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_list_data(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "Found 2 pair / timeframe combinations." in captured.out assert "\n| Pair | Timeframe | Type |\n" in captured.out assert "UNITTEST/BTC" not in captured.out assert "\n| XRP/ETH | 1m, 5m | spot |\n" in captured.out args = [ "list-data", "--trading-mode", "futures", "--datadir", str(testdatadir), ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_list_data(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "Found 6 pair / timeframe combinations." in captured.out assert "\n| Pair | Timeframe | Type |\n" in captured.out assert "\n| XRP/USDT:USDT | 5m, 1h | futures |\n" in captured.out assert "\n| XRP/USDT:USDT | 1h, 8h | mark |\n" in captured.out args = [ "list-data", "--pairs", "XRP/ETH", "--datadir", str(testdatadir), "--show-timerange", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_list_data(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "Found 2 pair / timeframe combinations." in captured.out assert ( "\n| Pair | Timeframe | Type " "| From | To | Candles |\n") in captured.out assert "UNITTEST/BTC" not in captured.out assert ( "\n| XRP/ETH | 1m | spot | " "2019-10-11 00:00:00 | 2019-10-13 11:19:00 | 2469 |\n") in captured.out @pytest.mark.usefixtures("init_persistence") def test_show_trades(mocker, fee, capsys, caplog): mocker.patch("freqtrade.persistence.init_db") create_mock_trades(fee, False) args = [ "show-trades", "--db-url", "sqlite:///" ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_show_trades(pargs) assert log_has(f"Printing {MOCK_TRADE_COUNT} Trades: ", caplog) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "Trade(id=1" in captured.out assert "Trade(id=2" in captured.out assert "Trade(id=3" in captured.out args = [ "show-trades", "--db-url", "sqlite:///", "--print-json", "--trade-ids", "1", "2" ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_show_trades(pargs) captured = capsys.readouterr() assert log_has("Printing 2 Trades: ", caplog) assert '"trade_id": 1' in captured.out assert '"trade_id": 2' in captured.out assert '"trade_id": 3' not in captured.out args = [ "show-trades", ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None with pytest.raises(OperationalException, match=r"--db-url is required for this command."): start_show_trades(pargs) def test_backtesting_show(mocker, testdatadir, capsys): sbr = mocker.patch('freqtrade.optimize.optimize_reports.show_backtest_results') args = [ "backtesting-show", "--export-filename", f"{testdatadir / 'backtest_results/backtest-result.json'}", "--show-pair-list" ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_backtesting_show(pargs) assert sbr.call_count == 1 out, _err = capsys.readouterr() assert "Pairs for Strategy" in out def test_start_convert_db(fee, tmp_path): db_src_file = tmp_path / "db.sqlite" db_from = f"sqlite:///{db_src_file}" db_target_file = tmp_path / "db_target.sqlite" db_to = f"sqlite:///{db_target_file}" args = [ "convert-db", "--db-url-from", db_from, "--db-url", db_to, ] assert not db_src_file.is_file() init_db(db_from) create_mock_trades(fee) PairLocks.timeframe = '5m' PairLocks.lock_pair('XRP/USDT',, 'Random reason 125', side='long') assert db_src_file.is_file() assert not db_target_file.is_file() pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_convert_db(pargs) assert db_target_file.is_file() def test_start_strategy_updater(mocker, tmp_path): sc_mock = mocker.patch('freqtrade.commands.strategy_utils_commands.start_conversion') teststrats = Path(__file__).parent.parent / 'strategy/strats' args = [ "strategy-updater", "--userdir", str(tmp_path), "--strategy-path", str(teststrats), ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_strategy_update(pargs) # Number of strategies in the test directory assert sc_mock.call_count == 12 sc_mock.reset_mock() args = [ "strategy-updater", "--userdir", str(tmp_path), "--strategy-path", str(teststrats), "--strategy-list", "StrategyTestV3", "StrategyTestV2" ] pargs = get_args(args) pargs['config'] = None start_strategy_update(pargs) # Number of strategies in the test directory assert sc_mock.call_count == 2