import logging import os from typing import Any, Dict from freqtrade.constants import ENV_VAR_PREFIX from freqtrade.misc import deep_merge_dicts logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_var_typed(val): try: return int(val) except ValueError: try: return float(val) except ValueError: if val.lower() in ('t', 'true'): return True elif val.lower() in ('f', 'false'): return False # keep as string return val def flat_vars_to_nested_dict(env_dict: Dict[str, Any], prefix: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Environment variables must be prefixed with FREQTRADE. FREQTRADE__{section}__{key} :param env_dict: Dictionary to validate - usually os.environ :param prefix: Prefix to consider (usually FREQTRADE__) :return: Nested dict based on available and relevant variables. """ no_convert = ['CHAT_ID', 'PASSWORD'] relevant_vars: Dict[str, Any] = {} for env_var, val in sorted(env_dict.items()): if env_var.startswith(prefix):"Loading variable '{env_var}'") key = env_var.replace(prefix, '') for k in reversed(key.split('__')): val = {k.lower(): get_var_typed(val) if not isinstance(val, dict) and k not in no_convert else val} relevant_vars = deep_merge_dicts(val, relevant_vars) return relevant_vars def enironment_vars_to_dict() -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Read environment variables and return a nested dict for relevant variables Relevant variables must follow the FREQTRADE__{section}__{key} pattern :return: Nested dict based on available and relevant variables. """ return flat_vars_to_nested_dict(os.environ.copy(), ENV_VAR_PREFIX)