import logging from typing import Any, Dict # Optional from enum import Enum import numpy as np import torch as th from stable_baselines3.common.callbacks import EvalCallback from stable_baselines3.common.monitor import Monitor # from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env import SubprocVecEnv from freqtrade.freqai.RL.BaseRLEnv import BaseRLEnv from freqtrade.freqai.RL.BaseReinforcementLearningModel import BaseReinforcementLearningModel from freqtrade.freqai.RL.TDQNagent import TDQN from stable_baselines3.common.buffers import ReplayBuffer from gym import spaces from gym.utils import seeding logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ReinforcementLearningTDQN(BaseReinforcementLearningModel): """ User created Reinforcement Learning Model prediction model. """ def fit(self, data_dictionary: Dict[str, Any], pair: str = ''): agent_params = self.freqai_info['model_training_parameters'] reward_params = self.freqai_info['model_reward_parameters'] train_df = data_dictionary["train_features"] test_df = data_dictionary["test_features"] eval_freq = agent_params["eval_cycles"] * len(test_df) total_timesteps = agent_params["train_cycles"] * len(train_df) # price data for model training and evaluation price = self.dd.historic_data[pair][f"{self.config['timeframe']}"].tail(len(train_df.index)) price_test = self.dd.historic_data[pair][f"{self.config['timeframe']}"].tail( len(test_df.index)) # environments train_env = MyRLEnv(df=train_df, prices=price, window_size=self.CONV_WIDTH, reward_kwargs=reward_params) eval = MyRLEnv(df=test_df, prices=price_test, window_size=self.CONV_WIDTH, reward_kwargs=reward_params) eval_env = Monitor(eval, ".") eval_env.reset() path = eval_callback = EvalCallback(eval_env, best_model_save_path=f"{path}/", log_path=f"{path}/tdqn/logs/", eval_freq=int(eval_freq), deterministic=True, render=False) # model arch policy_kwargs = dict(activation_fn=th.nn.ReLU, net_arch=[256, 256, 128]) model = TDQN('TMultiInputPolicy', train_env, policy_kwargs=policy_kwargs, tensorboard_log=f"{path}/tdqn/tensorboard/", learning_rate=0.00025, gamma=0.9, target_update_interval=5000, buffer_size=50000, exploration_initial_eps=1, exploration_final_eps=0.1, replay_buffer_class=ReplayBuffer ) model.learn( total_timesteps=int(total_timesteps), callback=eval_callback ) print('Training finished!') return model class Actions(Enum): Neutral = 0 Long_buy = 1 Long_sell = 2 Short_buy = 3 Short_sell = 4 class Positions(Enum): Short = 0 Long = 1 Neutral = 0.5 def opposite(self): return Positions.Short if self == Positions.Long else Positions.Long class MyRLEnv(BaseRLEnv): """ User can override any function in BaseRLEnv and gym.Env. Here the user Adds 5 actions. """ metadata = {'render.modes': ['human']} def __init__(self, df, prices, reward_kwargs, window_size=10, starting_point=True, ): assert df.ndim == 2 self.seed() self.df = df self.signal_features = self.df self.prices = prices self.window_size = window_size self.starting_point = starting_point self.rr = reward_kwargs["rr"] self.profit_aim = reward_kwargs["profit_aim"] self.fee = 0.0015 # # spaces self.shape = (window_size, self.signal_features.shape[1]) self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(len(Actions)) self.observation_space = spaces.Box( low=-np.inf, high=np.inf, shape=self.shape, dtype=np.float32) # episode self._start_tick = self.window_size self._end_tick = len(self.prices) - 1 self._done = None self._current_tick = None self._last_trade_tick = None self._position = Positions.Neutral self._position_history = None self.total_reward = None self._total_profit = None self._first_rendering = None self.history = None self.trade_history = [] # self.A_t, self.B_t = 0.000639, 0.00001954 self.r_t_change = 0. self.returns_report = [] def seed(self, seed=None): self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed) return [seed] def reset(self): self._done = False if self.starting_point is True: self._position_history = (self._start_tick * [None]) + [self._position] else: self._position_history = (self.window_size * [None]) + [self._position] self._current_tick = self._start_tick self._last_trade_tick = None self._position = Positions.Neutral self.total_reward = 0. self._total_profit = 1. # unit self._first_rendering = True self.history = {} self.trade_history = [] self.portfolio_log_returns = np.zeros(len(self.prices)) self._profits = [(self._start_tick, 1)] self.close_trade_profit = [] self.r_t_change = 0. self.returns_report = [] return self._get_observation() def step(self, action): self._done = False self._current_tick += 1 if self._current_tick == self._end_tick: self._done = True self.update_portfolio_log_returns(action) self._update_profit(action) step_reward = self.calculate_reward(action) self.total_reward += step_reward trade_type = None if self.is_tradesignal(action): # exclude 3 case not trade # Update position """ Action: Neutral, position: Long -> Close Long Action: Neutral, position: Short -> Close Short Action: Long, position: Neutral -> Open Long Action: Long, position: Short -> Close Short and Open Long Action: Short, position: Neutral -> Open Short Action: Short, position: Long -> Close Long and Open Short """ if action == Actions.Neutral.value: self._position = Positions.Neutral trade_type = "neutral" elif action == Actions.Long_buy.value: self._position = Positions.Long trade_type = "long" elif action == Actions.Short_buy.value: self._position = Positions.Short trade_type = "short" elif action == Actions.Long_sell.value: self._position = Positions.Neutral trade_type = "neutral" elif action == Actions.Short_sell.value: self._position = Positions.Neutral trade_type = "neutral" else: print("case not defined") # Update last trade tick self._last_trade_tick = self._current_tick if trade_type is not None: self.trade_history.append( {'price': self.current_price(), 'index': self._current_tick, 'type': trade_type}) if self._total_profit < 0.2: self._done = True self._position_history.append(self._position) observation = self._get_observation() info = dict( tick=self._current_tick, total_reward=self.total_reward, total_profit=self._total_profit, position=self._position.value ) self._update_history(info) return observation, step_reward, self._done, info def _get_observation(self): return self.signal_features[(self._current_tick - self.window_size):self._current_tick] def get_unrealized_profit(self): if self._last_trade_tick is None: return 0. if self._position == Positions.Neutral: return 0. elif self._position == Positions.Short: current_price = self.add_buy_fee(self.prices.iloc[self._current_tick].open) last_trade_price = self.add_sell_fee(self.prices.iloc[self._last_trade_tick].open) return (last_trade_price - current_price) / last_trade_price elif self._position == Positions.Long: current_price = self.add_sell_fee(self.prices.iloc[self._current_tick].open) last_trade_price = self.add_buy_fee(self.prices.iloc[self._last_trade_tick].open) return (current_price - last_trade_price) / last_trade_price else: return 0. def is_tradesignal(self, action): # trade signal """ not trade signal is : Action: Neutral, position: Neutral -> Nothing Action: Long, position: Long -> Hold Long Action: Short, position: Short -> Hold Short """ return not ((action == Actions.Neutral.value and self._position == Positions.Neutral) or (action == Actions.Short_buy.value and self._position == Positions.Short) or (action == Actions.Short_sell.value and self._position == Positions.Short) or (action == Actions.Short_buy.value and self._position == Positions.Long) or (action == Actions.Short_sell.value and self._position == Positions.Long) or (action == Actions.Long_buy.value and self._position == Positions.Long) or (action == Actions.Long_sell.value and self._position == Positions.Long) or (action == Actions.Long_buy.value and self._position == Positions.Short) or (action == Actions.Long_sell.value and self._position == Positions.Short)) def _is_trade(self, action): return ((action == Actions.Long_buy.value and self._position == Positions.Short) or (action == Actions.Short_buy.value and self._position == Positions.Long) or (action == Actions.Neutral.value and self._position == Positions.Long) or (action == Actions.Neutral.value and self._position == Positions.Short) or (action == Actions.Neutral.Short_sell and self._position == Positions.Long) or (action == Actions.Neutral.Long_sell and self._position == Positions.Short) ) def is_hold(self, action): return ((action == Actions.Short.value and self._position == Positions.Short) or (action == Actions.Long.value and self._position == Positions.Long)) def add_buy_fee(self, price): return price * (1 + self.fee) def add_sell_fee(self, price): return price / (1 + self.fee) def _update_history(self, info): if not self.history: self.history = {key: [] for key in info.keys()} for key, value in info.items(): self.history[key].append(value)