""" Main Freqtrade worker class. """ import logging import time import traceback from os import getpid from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional import sdnotify from freqtrade import __version__ from freqtrade.configuration import Configuration from freqtrade.constants import PROCESS_THROTTLE_SECS, RETRY_TIMEOUT, Config from freqtrade.enums import RPCMessageType, State from freqtrade.exceptions import OperationalException, TemporaryError from freqtrade.exchange import timeframe_to_next_date from freqtrade.freqtradebot import FreqtradeBot logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Worker: """ Freqtradebot worker class """ def __init__(self, args: Dict[str, Any], config: Optional[Config] = None) -> None: """ Init all variables and objects the bot needs to work """ logger.info(f"Starting worker {__version__}") self._args = args self._config = config self._init(False) self._heartbeat_msg: float = 0 # Tell systemd that we completed initialization phase self._notify("READY=1") def _init(self, reconfig: bool) -> None: """ Also called from the _reconfigure() method (with reconfig=True). """ if reconfig or self._config is None: # Load configuration self._config = Configuration(self._args, None).get_config() # Init the instance of the bot self.freqtrade = FreqtradeBot(self._config) internals_config = self._config.get("internals", {}) self._throttle_secs = internals_config.get("process_throttle_secs", PROCESS_THROTTLE_SECS) self._heartbeat_interval = internals_config.get("heartbeat_interval", 60) self._sd_notify = ( sdnotify.SystemdNotifier() if self._config.get("internals", {}).get("sd_notify", False) else None ) def _notify(self, message: str) -> None: """ Removes the need to verify in all occurrences if sd_notify is enabled :param message: Message to send to systemd if it's enabled. """ if self._sd_notify: logger.debug(f"sd_notify: {message}") self._sd_notify.notify(message) def run(self) -> None: state = None while True: state = self._worker(old_state=state) if state == State.RELOAD_CONFIG: self._reconfigure() def _worker(self, old_state: Optional[State]) -> State: """ The main routine that runs each throttling iteration and handles the states. :param old_state: the previous service state from the previous call :return: current service state """ state = self.freqtrade.state # Log state transition if state != old_state: if old_state != State.RELOAD_CONFIG: self.freqtrade.notify_status(f"{state.name.lower()}") logger.info( f"Changing state{f' from {old_state.name}' if old_state else ''} to: {state.name}" ) if state == State.RUNNING: self.freqtrade.startup() if state == State.STOPPED: self.freqtrade.check_for_open_trades() # Reset heartbeat timestamp to log the heartbeat message at # first throttling iteration when the state changes self._heartbeat_msg = 0 if state == State.STOPPED: # Ping systemd watchdog before sleeping in the stopped state self._notify("WATCHDOG=1\nSTATUS=State: STOPPED.") self._throttle(func=self._process_stopped, throttle_secs=self._throttle_secs) elif state == State.RUNNING: # Ping systemd watchdog before throttling self._notify("WATCHDOG=1\nSTATUS=State: RUNNING.") # Use an offset of 1s to ensure a new candle has been issued self._throttle( func=self._process_running, throttle_secs=self._throttle_secs, timeframe=self._config["timeframe"] if self._config else None, timeframe_offset=1, ) if self._heartbeat_interval: now = time.time() if (now - self._heartbeat_msg) > self._heartbeat_interval: version = __version__ strategy_version = self.freqtrade.strategy.version() if strategy_version is not None: version += ", strategy_version: " + strategy_version logger.info( f"Bot heartbeat. PID={getpid()}, version='{version}', state='{state.name}'" ) self._heartbeat_msg = now return state def _throttle( self, func: Callable[..., Any], throttle_secs: float, timeframe: Optional[str] = None, timeframe_offset: float = 1.0, *args, **kwargs, ) -> Any: """ Throttles the given callable that it takes at least `min_secs` to finish execution. :param func: Any callable :param throttle_secs: throttling iteration execution time limit in seconds :param timeframe: ensure iteration is executed at the beginning of the next candle. :param timeframe_offset: offset in seconds to apply to the next candle time. :return: Any (result of execution of func) """ last_throttle_start_time = time.time() logger.debug("========================================") result = func(*args, **kwargs) time_passed = time.time() - last_throttle_start_time sleep_duration = throttle_secs - time_passed if timeframe: next_tf = timeframe_to_next_date(timeframe) # Maximum throttling should be until new candle arrives # Offset is added to ensure a new candle has been issued. next_tft = next_tf.timestamp() - time.time() next_tf_with_offset = next_tft + timeframe_offset if next_tft < sleep_duration and sleep_duration < next_tf_with_offset: # Avoid hitting a new loop between the new candle and the candle with offset sleep_duration = next_tf_with_offset sleep_duration = min(sleep_duration, next_tf_with_offset) sleep_duration = max(sleep_duration, 0.0) # next_iter = datetime.now(timezone.utc) + timedelta(seconds=sleep_duration) logger.debug( f"Throttling with '{func.__name__}()': sleep for {sleep_duration:.2f} s, " f"last iteration took {time_passed:.2f} s." # f"next: {next_iter}" ) self._sleep(sleep_duration) return result @staticmethod def _sleep(sleep_duration: float) -> None: """Local sleep method - to improve testability""" time.sleep(sleep_duration) def _process_stopped(self) -> None: self.freqtrade.process_stopped() def _process_running(self) -> None: try: self.freqtrade.process() except TemporaryError as error: logger.warning(f"Error: {error}, retrying in {RETRY_TIMEOUT} seconds...") time.sleep(RETRY_TIMEOUT) except OperationalException: tb = traceback.format_exc() hint = "Issue `/start` if you think it is safe to restart." self.freqtrade.notify_status( f"*OperationalException:*\n```\n{tb}```\n {hint}", msg_type=RPCMessageType.EXCEPTION ) logger.exception("OperationalException. Stopping trader ...") self.freqtrade.state = State.STOPPED def _reconfigure(self) -> None: """ Cleans up current freqtradebot instance, reloads the configuration and replaces it with the new instance """ # Tell systemd that we initiated reconfiguration self._notify("RELOADING=1") # Clean up current freqtrade modules self.freqtrade.cleanup() # Load and validate config and create new instance of the bot self._init(True) self.freqtrade.notify_status("config reloaded") # Tell systemd that we completed reconfiguration self._notify("READY=1") def exit(self) -> None: # Tell systemd that we are exiting now self._notify("STOPPING=1") if self.freqtrade: self.freqtrade.notify_status("process died") self.freqtrade.cleanup()