import logging from datetime import timedelta from typing import Callable, Any import arrow from sqlalchemy import and_, func, text from telegram import ParseMode, Bot, Update from telegram.error import NetworkError from telegram.ext import CommandHandler, Updater from freqtrade import exchange from freqtrade.misc import get_state, State, update_state from freqtrade.persistence import Trade # Remove noisy log messages logging.getLogger('requests.packages.urllib3').setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger('telegram').setLevel(logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _updater: Updater = None _CONF = {} def init(config: dict) -> None: """ Initializes this module with the given config, registers all known command handlers and starts polling for message updates :param config: config to use :return: None """ global _updater _CONF.update(config) if not is_enabled(): return _updater = Updater(token=config['telegram']['token'], workers=0) # Register command handler and start telegram message polling handles = [ CommandHandler('status', _status), CommandHandler('profit', _profit), CommandHandler('balance', _balance), CommandHandler('start', _start), CommandHandler('stop', _stop), CommandHandler('forcesell', _forcesell), CommandHandler('performance', _performance), CommandHandler('help', _help), ] for handle in handles: _updater.dispatcher.add_handler(handle) _updater.start_polling( clean=True, bootstrap_retries=3, timeout=30, read_latency=60, ) 'rpc.telegram is listening for following commands: %s', [h.command for h in handles] ) def cleanup() -> None: """ Stops all running telegram threads. :return: None """ if not is_enabled(): return _updater.stop() def is_enabled() -> bool: """ Returns True if the telegram module is activated, False otherwise """ return bool(_CONF['telegram'].get('enabled', False)) def authorized_only(command_handler: Callable[[Bot, Update], None]) -> Callable[..., Any]: """ Decorator to check if the message comes from the correct chat_id :param command_handler: Telegram CommandHandler :return: decorated function """ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): bot, update = kwargs.get('bot') or args[0], kwargs.get('update') or args[1] if not isinstance(bot, Bot) or not isinstance(update, Update): raise ValueError('Received invalid Arguments: {}'.format(*args)) chat_id = int(_CONF['telegram']['chat_id']) if int(update.message.chat_id) == chat_id:'Executing handler: %s for chat_id: %s', command_handler.__name__, chat_id) return command_handler(*args, **kwargs) else:'Rejected unauthorized message from: %s', update.message.chat_id) return wrapper @authorized_only def _status(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> None: """ Handler for /status. Returns the current TradeThread status :param bot: telegram bot :param update: message update :return: None """ # Fetch open trade trades = Trade.query.filter(Trade.is_open.is_(True)).all() if get_state() != State.RUNNING: send_msg('*Status:* `trader is not running`', bot=bot) elif not trades: send_msg('*Status:* `no active order`', bot=bot) else: for trade in trades: # calculate profit and send message to user current_rate = exchange.get_ticker(trade.pair)['bid'] current_profit = 100 * ((current_rate - trade.open_rate) / trade.open_rate) orders = exchange.get_open_orders(trade.pair) orders = [o for o in orders if o['id'] == trade.open_order_id] order = orders[0] if orders else None fmt_close_profit = '{:.2f}%'.format( round(trade.close_profit, 2) ) if trade.close_profit else None message = """ *Trade ID:* `{trade_id}` *Current Pair:* [{pair}]({market_url}) *Open Since:* `{date}` *Amount:* `{amount}` *Open Rate:* `{open_rate}` *Close Rate:* `{close_rate}` *Current Rate:* `{current_rate}` *Close Profit:* `{close_profit}` *Current Profit:* `{current_profit:.2f}%` *Open Order:* `{open_order}` """.format(, pair=trade.pair, market_url=exchange.get_pair_detail_url(trade.pair), date=arrow.get(trade.open_date).humanize(), open_rate=trade.open_rate, close_rate=trade.close_rate, current_rate=current_rate, amount=round(trade.amount, 8), close_profit=fmt_close_profit, current_profit=round(current_profit, 2), open_order='{} ({})'.format(order['remaining'], order['type']) if order else None, ) send_msg(message, bot=bot) @authorized_only def _profit(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> None: """ Handler for /profit. Returns a cumulative profit statistics. :param bot: telegram bot :param update: message update :return: None """ trades = Trade.query.order_by( profit_amounts = [] profits = [] durations = [] for trade in trades: if trade.close_date: durations.append((trade.close_date - trade.open_date).total_seconds()) if trade.close_profit: profit = trade.close_profit else: # Get current rate current_rate = exchange.get_ticker(trade.pair)['bid'] profit = 100 * ((current_rate - trade.open_rate) / trade.open_rate) profit_amounts.append((profit / 100) * trade.stake_amount) profits.append(profit) best_pair = Trade.session.query(Trade.pair, func.sum(Trade.close_profit).label('profit_sum')) \ .filter(Trade.is_open.is_(False)) \ .group_by(Trade.pair) \ .order_by(text('profit_sum DESC')) \ .first() if not best_pair: send_msg('*Status:* `no closed trade`', bot=bot) return bp_pair, bp_rate = best_pair markdown_msg = """ *ROI:* `{profit_btc:.2f} ({profit:.2f}%)` *Trade Count:* `{trade_count}` *First Trade opened:* `{first_trade_date}` *Latest Trade opened:* `{latest_trade_date}` *Avg. Duration:* `{avg_duration}` *Best Performing:* `{best_pair}: {best_rate:.2f}%` """.format( profit_btc=round(sum(profit_amounts), 8), profit=round(sum(profits), 2), trade_count=len(trades), first_trade_date=arrow.get(trades[0].open_date).humanize(), latest_trade_date=arrow.get(trades[-1].open_date).humanize(), avg_duration=str(timedelta(seconds=sum(durations) / float(len(durations)))).split('.')[0], best_pair=bp_pair, best_rate=round(bp_rate, 2), ) send_msg(markdown_msg, bot=bot) @authorized_only def _balance(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> None: """ Handler for /balance Returns current account balance per crypto """ output = "" balances = exchange.get_balances() for currency in balances: if not currency['Balance'] and not currency['Available'] and not currency['Pending']: continue output += """*Currency*: {Currency} *Available*: {Available} *Balance*: {Balance} *Pending*: {Pending} """.format(**currency) send_msg(output) @authorized_only def _start(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> None: """ Handler for /start. Starts TradeThread :param bot: telegram bot :param update: message update :return: None """ if get_state() == State.RUNNING: send_msg('*Status:* `already running`', bot=bot) else: update_state(State.RUNNING) @authorized_only def _stop(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> None: """ Handler for /stop. Stops TradeThread :param bot: telegram bot :param update: message update :return: None """ if get_state() == State.RUNNING: send_msg('`Stopping trader ...`', bot=bot) update_state(State.STOPPED) else: send_msg('*Status:* `already stopped`', bot=bot) @authorized_only def _forcesell(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> None: """ Handler for /forcesell . Sells the given trade at current price :param bot: telegram bot :param update: message update :return: None """ if get_state() != State.RUNNING: send_msg('`trader is not running`', bot=bot) return try: trade_id = int(update.message.text .replace('/forcesell', '') .strip()) # Query for trade trade = Trade.query.filter(and_( == trade_id, Trade.is_open.is_(True) )).first() if not trade: send_msg('There is no open trade with ID: `{}`'.format(trade_id)) return # Get current rate current_rate = exchange.get_ticker(trade.pair)['bid'] # Get available balance currency = trade.pair.split('_')[1] balance = exchange.get_balance(currency) # Execute sell profit = trade.exec_sell_order(current_rate, balance) message = '*{}:* Selling [{}]({}) at rate `{:f} (profit: {}%)`'.format(, trade.pair.replace('_', '/'), exchange.get_pair_detail_url(trade.pair), trade.close_rate, round(profit, 2) ) send_msg(message) except ValueError: send_msg('Invalid argument. Usage: `/forcesell `') logger.warning('/forcesell: Invalid argument received') @authorized_only def _performance(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> None: """ Handler for /performance. Shows a performance statistic from finished trades :param bot: telegram bot :param update: message update :return: None """ if get_state() != State.RUNNING: send_msg('`trader is not running`', bot=bot) return pair_rates = Trade.session.query(Trade.pair, func.sum(Trade.close_profit).label('profit_sum')) \ .filter(Trade.is_open.is_(False)) \ .group_by(Trade.pair) \ .order_by(text('profit_sum DESC')) \ .all() stats = '\n'.join('{index}. {pair}\t{profit:.2f}%'.format( index=i + 1, pair=pair, profit=round(rate, 2) ) for i, (pair, rate) in enumerate(pair_rates)) message = 'Performance:\n{}\n'.format(stats) logger.debug(message) send_msg(message, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) @authorized_only def _help(bot: Bot, update: Update) -> None: """ Handler for /help. Show commands of the bot :param bot: telegram bot :param update: message update :return: None """ message = """ */start:* `Starts the trader` */stop:* `Stops the trader` */status:* `Lists all open trades` */profit:* `Lists cumulative profit from all finished trades` */forcesell :* `Instantly sells the given trade, regardless of profit` */performance:* `Show performance of each finished trade grouped by pair` */balance:* `Show account balance per currency` */help:* `This help message` """ send_msg(message, bot=bot) def send_msg(msg: str, bot: Bot = None, parse_mode: ParseMode = ParseMode.MARKDOWN) -> None: """ Send given markdown message :param msg: message :param bot: alternative bot :param parse_mode: telegram parse mode :return: None """ if not is_enabled(): return try: bot = bot or try: bot.send_message(_CONF['telegram']['chat_id'], msg, parse_mode=parse_mode) except NetworkError as error: # Sometimes the telegram server resets the current connection, # if this is the case we send the message again. logger.warning( 'Got Telegram NetworkError: %s! Trying one more time.', error.message ) bot.send_message(_CONF['telegram']['chat_id'], msg, parse_mode=parse_mode) except Exception: logger.exception('Exception occurred within Telegram API')