import csv import logging import sys from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union import rapidjson from colorama import Fore, Style from colorama import init as colorama_init from tabulate import tabulate from freqtrade.configuration import setup_utils_configuration from freqtrade.enums import RunMode from freqtrade.exceptions import OperationalException from import list_available_exchanges, market_is_active from freqtrade.misc import parse_db_uri_for_logging, plural from freqtrade.resolvers import ExchangeResolver, StrategyResolver from freqtrade.types import ValidExchangesType logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def start_list_exchanges(args: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Print available exchanges :param args: Cli args from Arguments() :return: None """ exchanges = list_available_exchanges(args['list_exchanges_all']) if args['print_one_column']: print('\n'.join([e['name'] for e in exchanges])) else: headers = { 'name': 'Exchange name', 'valid': 'Valid', 'supported': 'Supported', 'trade_modes': 'Markets', 'comment': 'Reason', } def build_entry(exchange: ValidExchangesType, valid: bool): valid_entry = {'valid': exchange['valid']} if valid else {} result: Dict[str, Union[str, bool]] = { 'name': exchange['name'], **valid_entry, 'supported': 'Official' if exchange['supported'] else '', 'trade_modes': ', '.join( (f"{a['margin_mode']} " if a['margin_mode'] else '') + a['trading_mode'] for a in exchange['trade_modes'] ), 'comment': exchange['comment'], } return result if args['list_exchanges_all']: print("All exchanges supported by the ccxt library:") exchanges = [build_entry(e, True) for e in exchanges] else: print("Exchanges available for Freqtrade:") exchanges = [build_entry(e, False) for e in exchanges if e['valid'] is not False] print(tabulate(exchanges, headers=headers, )) def _print_objs_tabular(objs: List, print_colorized: bool) -> None: if print_colorized: colorama_init(autoreset=True) red = Fore.RED yellow = Fore.YELLOW reset = Style.RESET_ALL else: red = '' yellow = '' reset = '' names = [s['name'] for s in objs] objs_to_print = [{ 'name': s['name'] if s['name'] else "--", 'location': s['location_rel'], 'status': (red + "LOAD FAILED" + reset if s['class'] is None else "OK" if names.count(s['name']) == 1 else yellow + "DUPLICATE NAME" + reset) } for s in objs] for idx, s in enumerate(objs): if 'hyperoptable' in s: objs_to_print[idx].update({ 'hyperoptable': "Yes" if s['hyperoptable']['count'] > 0 else "No", 'buy-Params': len(s['hyperoptable'].get('buy', [])), 'sell-Params': len(s['hyperoptable'].get('sell', [])), }) print(tabulate(objs_to_print, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql', stralign='right')) def start_list_strategies(args: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Print files with Strategy custom classes available in the directory """ config = setup_utils_configuration(args, RunMode.UTIL_NO_EXCHANGE) strategy_objs = StrategyResolver.search_all_objects( config, not args['print_one_column'], config.get('recursive_strategy_search', False)) # Sort alphabetically strategy_objs = sorted(strategy_objs, key=lambda x: x['name']) for obj in strategy_objs: if obj['class']: obj['hyperoptable'] = obj['class'].detect_all_parameters() else: obj['hyperoptable'] = {'count': 0} if args['print_one_column']: print('\n'.join([s['name'] for s in strategy_objs])) else: _print_objs_tabular(strategy_objs, config.get('print_colorized', False)) def start_list_freqAI_models(args: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Print files with FreqAI models custom classes available in the directory """ config = setup_utils_configuration(args, RunMode.UTIL_NO_EXCHANGE) from freqtrade.resolvers.freqaimodel_resolver import FreqaiModelResolver model_objs = FreqaiModelResolver.search_all_objects(config, not args['print_one_column']) # Sort alphabetically model_objs = sorted(model_objs, key=lambda x: x['name']) if args['print_one_column']: print('\n'.join([s['name'] for s in model_objs])) else: _print_objs_tabular(model_objs, config.get('print_colorized', False)) def start_list_timeframes(args: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Print timeframes available on Exchange """ config = setup_utils_configuration(args, RunMode.UTIL_EXCHANGE) # Do not use timeframe set in the config config['timeframe'] = None # Init exchange exchange = ExchangeResolver.load_exchange(config, validate=False) if args['print_one_column']: print('\n'.join(exchange.timeframes)) else: print(f"Timeframes available for the exchange `{}`: " f"{', '.join(exchange.timeframes)}") def start_list_markets(args: Dict[str, Any], pairs_only: bool = False) -> None: """ Print pairs/markets on the exchange :param args: Cli args from Arguments() :param pairs_only: if True print only pairs, otherwise print all instruments (markets) :return: None """ config = setup_utils_configuration(args, RunMode.UTIL_EXCHANGE) # Init exchange exchange = ExchangeResolver.load_exchange(config, validate=False) # By default only active pairs/markets are to be shown active_only = not args.get('list_pairs_all', False) base_currencies = args.get('base_currencies', []) quote_currencies = args.get('quote_currencies', []) try: pairs = exchange.get_markets(base_currencies=base_currencies, quote_currencies=quote_currencies, tradable_only=pairs_only, active_only=active_only) # Sort the pairs/markets by symbol pairs = dict(sorted(pairs.items())) except Exception as e: raise OperationalException(f"Cannot get markets. Reason: {e}") from e else: summary_str = ((f"Exchange {} has {len(pairs)} ") + ("active " if active_only else "") + (plural(len(pairs), "pair" if pairs_only else "market")) + (f" with {', '.join(base_currencies)} as base " f"{plural(len(base_currencies), 'currency', 'currencies')}" if base_currencies else "") + (" and" if base_currencies and quote_currencies else "") + (f" with {', '.join(quote_currencies)} as quote " f"{plural(len(quote_currencies), 'currency', 'currencies')}" if quote_currencies else "")) headers = ["Id", "Symbol", "Base", "Quote", "Active", "Spot", "Margin", "Future", "Leverage"] tabular_data = [{ 'Id': v['id'], 'Symbol': v['symbol'], 'Base': v['base'], 'Quote': v['quote'], 'Active': market_is_active(v), 'Spot': 'Spot' if exchange.market_is_spot(v) else '', 'Margin': 'Margin' if exchange.market_is_margin(v) else '', 'Future': 'Future' if exchange.market_is_future(v) else '', 'Leverage': exchange.get_max_leverage(v['symbol'], 20) } for _, v in pairs.items()] if (args.get('print_one_column', False) or args.get('list_pairs_print_json', False) or args.get('print_csv', False)): # Print summary string in the log in case of machine-readable # regular formats."{summary_str}.") else: # Print empty string separating leading logs and output in case of # human-readable formats. print() if pairs: if args.get('print_list', False): # print data as a list, with human-readable summary print(f"{summary_str}: {', '.join(pairs.keys())}.") elif args.get('print_one_column', False): print('\n'.join(pairs.keys())) elif args.get('list_pairs_print_json', False): print(rapidjson.dumps(list(pairs.keys()), default=str)) elif args.get('print_csv', False): writer = csv.DictWriter(sys.stdout, fieldnames=headers) writer.writeheader() writer.writerows(tabular_data) else: # print data as a table, with the human-readable summary print(f"{summary_str}:") print(tabulate(tabular_data, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql', stralign='right')) elif not (args.get('print_one_column', False) or args.get('list_pairs_print_json', False) or args.get('print_csv', False)): print(f"{summary_str}.") def start_show_trades(args: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Show trades """ import json from freqtrade.persistence import Trade, init_db config = setup_utils_configuration(args, RunMode.UTIL_NO_EXCHANGE) if 'db_url' not in config: raise OperationalException("--db-url is required for this command.")'Using DB: "{parse_db_uri_for_logging(config["db_url"])}"') init_db(config['db_url']) tfilter = [] if config.get('trade_ids'): tfilter.append(['trade_ids'])) trades = Trade.get_trades(tfilter).all()"Printing {len(trades)} Trades: ") if config.get('print_json', False): print(json.dumps([trade.to_json() for trade in trades], indent=4)) else: for trade in trades: print(trade)