import logging from datetime import datetime, timezone from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, List, Optional import pandas as pd from freqtrade.configuration import TimeRange from freqtrade.constants import Config from import (analyze_trade_parallelism, extract_trades_of_period, load_trades) from import trim_dataframe from import DataProvider from import get_timerange, load_data from import (calculate_max_drawdown, calculate_underwater, combine_dataframes_with_mean, create_cum_profit) from freqtrade.enums import CandleType from freqtrade.exceptions import OperationalException from import timeframe_to_prev_date, timeframe_to_seconds from freqtrade.misc import pair_to_filename from freqtrade.plugins.pairlist.pairlist_helpers import expand_pairlist from freqtrade.resolvers import ExchangeResolver, StrategyResolver from freqtrade.strategy import IStrategy logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: import plotly.graph_objects as go from plotly.offline import plot from plotly.subplots import make_subplots except ImportError: logger.exception("Module plotly not found \n Please install using `pip3 install plotly`") exit(1) def init_plotscript(config, markets: List, startup_candles: int = 0): """ Initialize objects needed for plotting :return: Dict with candle (OHLCV) data, trades and pairs """ if "pairs" in config: pairs = expand_pairlist(config['pairs'], markets) else: pairs = expand_pairlist(config['exchange']['pair_whitelist'], markets) # Set timerange to use timerange = TimeRange.parse_timerange(config.get('timerange')) data = load_data( datadir=config.get('datadir'), pairs=pairs, timeframe=config['timeframe'], timerange=timerange, startup_candles=startup_candles, data_format=config['dataformat_ohlcv'], candle_type=config.get('candle_type_def', CandleType.SPOT) ) if startup_candles and data: min_date, max_date = get_timerange(data)"Loading data from {min_date} to {max_date}") timerange.adjust_start_if_necessary(timeframe_to_seconds(config['timeframe']), startup_candles, min_date) no_trades = False filename = config.get("exportfilename") if config.get("no_trades", False): no_trades = True elif config['trade_source'] == 'file': if not filename.is_dir() and not filename.is_file(): logger.warning("Backtest file is missing skipping trades.") no_trades = True try: trades = load_trades( config['trade_source'], db_url=config.get('db_url'), exportfilename=filename, no_trades=no_trades, strategy=config.get('strategy'), ) except ValueError as e: raise OperationalException(e) from e if not trades.empty: trades = trim_dataframe(trades, timerange, df_date_col='open_date') return {"ohlcv": data, "trades": trades, "pairs": pairs, "timerange": timerange, } def add_indicators(fig, row, indicators: Dict[str, Dict], data: pd.DataFrame) -> make_subplots: """ Generate all the indicators selected by the user for a specific row, based on the configuration :param fig: Plot figure to append to :param row: row number for this plot :param indicators: Dict of Indicators with configuration options. Dict key must correspond to dataframe column. :param data: candlestick DataFrame """ plot_kinds = { 'scatter': go.Scatter, 'bar': go.Bar, } for indicator, conf in indicators.items(): logger.debug(f"indicator {indicator} with config {conf}") if indicator in data: kwargs = {'x': data['date'], 'y': data[indicator].values, 'name': indicator } plot_type = conf.get('type', 'scatter') color = conf.get('color') if plot_type == 'bar': kwargs.update({'marker_color': color or 'DarkSlateGrey', 'marker_line_color': color or 'DarkSlateGrey'}) else: if color: kwargs.update({'line': {'color': color}}) kwargs['mode'] = 'lines' if plot_type != 'scatter': logger.warning(f'Indicator {indicator} has unknown plot trace kind {plot_type}' f', assuming "scatter".') kwargs.update(conf.get('plotly', {})) trace = plot_kinds[plot_type](**kwargs) fig.add_trace(trace, row, 1) else: 'Indicator "%s" ignored. Reason: This indicator is not found ' 'in your strategy.', indicator ) return fig def add_profit(fig, row, data: pd.DataFrame, column: str, name: str) -> make_subplots: """ Add profit-plot :param fig: Plot figure to append to :param row: row number for this plot :param data: candlestick DataFrame :param column: Column to use for plot :param name: Name to use :return: fig with added profit plot """ profit = go.Scatter( x=data.index, y=data[column], name=name, ) fig.add_trace(profit, row, 1) return fig def add_max_drawdown(fig, row, trades: pd.DataFrame, df_comb: pd.DataFrame, timeframe: str, starting_balance: float) -> make_subplots: """ Add scatter points indicating max drawdown """ try: _, highdate, lowdate, _, _, max_drawdown = calculate_max_drawdown( trades, starting_balance=starting_balance ) drawdown = go.Scatter( x=[highdate, lowdate], y=[ df_comb.loc[timeframe_to_prev_date(timeframe, highdate), 'cum_profit'], df_comb.loc[timeframe_to_prev_date(timeframe, lowdate), 'cum_profit'], ], mode='markers', name=f"Max drawdown {max_drawdown:.2%}", text=f"Max drawdown {max_drawdown:.2%}", marker=dict( symbol='square-open', size=9, line=dict(width=2), color='green' ) ) fig.add_trace(drawdown, row, 1) except ValueError: logger.warning("No trades found - not plotting max drawdown.") return fig def add_underwater(fig, row, trades: pd.DataFrame, starting_balance: float) -> make_subplots: """ Add underwater plots """ try: underwater = calculate_underwater( trades, value_col="profit_abs", starting_balance=starting_balance ) underwater_plot = go.Scatter( x=underwater['date'], y=underwater['drawdown'], name="Underwater Plot", fill='tozeroy', fillcolor='#cc362b', line={'color': '#cc362b'} ) underwater_plot_relative = go.Scatter( x=underwater['date'], y=(-underwater['drawdown_relative']), name="Underwater Plot (%)", fill='tozeroy', fillcolor='green', line={'color': 'green'} ) fig.add_trace(underwater_plot, row, 1) fig.add_trace(underwater_plot_relative, row + 1, 1) except ValueError: logger.warning("No trades found - not plotting underwater plot") return fig def add_parallelism(fig, row, trades: pd.DataFrame, timeframe: str) -> make_subplots: """ Add Chart showing trade parallelism """ try: result = analyze_trade_parallelism(trades, timeframe) drawdown = go.Scatter( x=result.index, y=result['open_trades'], name="Parallel trades", fill='tozeroy', fillcolor='#242222', line={'color': '#242222'}, ) fig.add_trace(drawdown, row, 1) except ValueError: logger.warning("No trades found - not plotting Parallelism.") return fig def plot_trades(fig, trades: pd.DataFrame) -> make_subplots: """ Add trades to "fig" """ # Trades can be empty if trades is not None and len(trades) > 0: # Create description for exit summarizing the trade trades['desc'] = trades.apply( lambda row: f"{row['profit_ratio']:.2%}, " + (f"{row['enter_tag']}, " if row['enter_tag'] is not None else "") + f"{row['exit_reason']}, " + f"{row['trade_duration']} min", axis=1) trade_entries = go.Scatter( x=trades["open_date"], y=trades["open_rate"], mode='markers', name='Trade entry', text=trades["desc"], marker=dict( symbol='circle-open', size=11, line=dict(width=2), color='cyan' ) ) trade_exits = go.Scatter( x=trades.loc[trades['profit_ratio'] > 0, "close_date"], y=trades.loc[trades['profit_ratio'] > 0, "close_rate"], text=trades.loc[trades['profit_ratio'] > 0, "desc"], mode='markers', name='Exit - Profit', marker=dict( symbol='square-open', size=11, line=dict(width=2), color='green' ) ) trade_exits_loss = go.Scatter( x=trades.loc[trades['profit_ratio'] <= 0, "close_date"], y=trades.loc[trades['profit_ratio'] <= 0, "close_rate"], text=trades.loc[trades['profit_ratio'] <= 0, "desc"], mode='markers', name='Exit - Loss', marker=dict( symbol='square-open', size=11, line=dict(width=2), color='red' ) ) fig.add_trace(trade_entries, 1, 1) fig.add_trace(trade_exits, 1, 1) fig.add_trace(trade_exits_loss, 1, 1) else: logger.warning("No trades found.") return fig def create_plotconfig(indicators1: List[str], indicators2: List[str], plot_config: Dict[str, Dict]) -> Dict[str, Dict]: """ Combines indicators 1 and indicators 2 into plot_config if necessary :param indicators1: List containing Main plot indicators :param indicators2: List containing Sub plot indicators :param plot_config: Dict of Dicts containing advanced plot configuration :return: plot_config - eventually with indicators 1 and 2 """ if plot_config: if indicators1: plot_config['main_plot'] = {ind: {} for ind in indicators1} if indicators2: plot_config['subplots'] = {'Other': {ind: {} for ind in indicators2}} if not plot_config: # If no indicators and no plot-config given, use defaults. if not indicators1: indicators1 = ['sma', 'ema3', 'ema5'] if not indicators2: indicators2 = ['macd', 'macdsignal'] # Create subplot configuration if plot_config is not available. plot_config = { 'main_plot': {ind: {} for ind in indicators1}, 'subplots': {'Other': {ind: {} for ind in indicators2}}, } if 'main_plot' not in plot_config: plot_config['main_plot'] = {} if 'subplots' not in plot_config: plot_config['subplots'] = {} return plot_config def plot_area(fig, row: int, data: pd.DataFrame, indicator_a: str, indicator_b: str, label: str = "", fill_color: str = "rgba(0,176,246,0.2)") -> make_subplots: """ Creates a plot for the area between two traces and adds it to fig. :param fig: Plot figure to append to :param row: row number for this plot :param data: candlestick DataFrame :param indicator_a: indicator name as populated in strategy :param indicator_b: indicator name as populated in strategy :param label: label for the filled area :param fill_color: color to be used for the filled area :return: fig with added filled_traces plot """ if indicator_a in data and indicator_b in data: # make lines invisible to get the area plotted, only. line = {'color': 'rgba(255,255,255,0)'} # TODO: Figure out why scattergl causes problems plotly/plotly.js#2284 trace_a = go.Scatter(, y=data[indicator_a], showlegend=False, line=line) trace_b = go.Scatter(, y=data[indicator_b], name=label, fill="tonexty", fillcolor=fill_color, line=line) fig.add_trace(trace_a, row, 1) fig.add_trace(trace_b, row, 1) return fig def add_areas(fig, row: int, data: pd.DataFrame, indicators) -> make_subplots: """ Adds all area plots (specified in plot_config) to fig. :param fig: Plot figure to append to :param row: row number for this plot :param data: candlestick DataFrame :param indicators: dict with indicators. ie.: plot_config['main_plot'] or plot_config['subplots'][subplot_label] :return: fig with added filled_traces plot """ for indicator, ind_conf in indicators.items(): if 'fill_to' in ind_conf: indicator_b = ind_conf['fill_to'] if indicator in data and indicator_b in data: label = ind_conf.get('fill_label', f'{indicator}<>{indicator_b}') fill_color = ind_conf.get('fill_color', 'rgba(0,176,246,0.2)') fig = plot_area(fig, row, data, indicator, indicator_b, label=label, fill_color=fill_color) elif indicator not in data: 'Indicator "%s" ignored. Reason: This indicator is not ' 'found in your strategy.', indicator ) elif indicator_b not in data: 'fill_to: "%s" ignored. Reason: This indicator is not ' 'in your strategy.', indicator_b ) return fig def create_scatter( data, column_name, color, direction ) -> Optional[go.Scatter]: if column_name in data.columns: df_short = data[data[column_name] == 1] if len(df_short) > 0: shorts = go.Scatter(, y=df_short.close, mode='markers', name=column_name, marker=dict( symbol=f"triangle-{direction}-dot", size=9, line=dict(width=1), color=color, ) ) return shorts else: logger.warning(f"No {column_name}-signals found.") return None def generate_candlestick_graph( pair: str, data: pd.DataFrame, trades: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, *, indicators1: List[str] = [], indicators2: List[str] = [], plot_config: Dict[str, Dict] = {}, ) -> go.Figure: """ Generate the graph from the data generated by Backtesting or from DB Volume will always be ploted in row2, so Row 1 and 3 are to our disposal for custom indicators :param pair: Pair to Display on the graph :param data: OHLCV DataFrame containing indicators and entry/exit signals :param trades: All trades created :param indicators1: List containing Main plot indicators :param indicators2: List containing Sub plot indicators :param plot_config: Dict of Dicts containing advanced plot configuration :return: Plotly figure """ plot_config = create_plotconfig(indicators1, indicators2, plot_config) rows = 2 + len(plot_config['subplots']) row_widths = [1 for _ in plot_config['subplots']] # Define the graph fig = make_subplots( rows=rows, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True, row_width=row_widths + [1, 4], vertical_spacing=0.0001, ) fig['layout'].update(title=pair) fig['layout']['yaxis1'].update(title='Price') fig['layout']['yaxis2'].update(title='Volume') for i, name in enumerate(plot_config['subplots']): fig['layout'][f'yaxis{3 + i}'].update(title=name) fig['layout']['xaxis']['rangeslider'].update(visible=False) fig.update_layout(modebar_add=["v1hovermode", "toggleSpikeLines"]) # Common information candles = go.Candlestick(,, high=data.high, low=data.low, close=data.close, name='Price' ) fig.add_trace(candles, 1, 1) longs = create_scatter(data, 'enter_long', 'green', 'up') exit_longs = create_scatter(data, 'exit_long', 'red', 'down') shorts = create_scatter(data, 'enter_short', 'blue', 'down') exit_shorts = create_scatter(data, 'exit_short', 'violet', 'up') for scatter in [longs, exit_longs, shorts, exit_shorts]: if scatter: fig.add_trace(scatter, 1, 1) # Add Bollinger Bands fig = plot_area(fig, 1, data, 'bb_lowerband', 'bb_upperband', label="Bollinger Band") # prevent bb_lower and bb_upper from plotting try: del plot_config['main_plot']['bb_lowerband'] del plot_config['main_plot']['bb_upperband'] except KeyError: pass # main plot goes to row 1 fig = add_indicators(fig=fig, row=1, indicators=plot_config['main_plot'], data=data) fig = add_areas(fig, 1, data, plot_config['main_plot']) fig = plot_trades(fig, trades) # sub plot: Volume goes to row 2 volume = go.Bar( x=data['date'], y=data['volume'], name='Volume', marker_color='DarkSlateGrey', marker_line_color='DarkSlateGrey' ) fig.add_trace(volume, 2, 1) # add each sub plot to a separate row for i, label in enumerate(plot_config['subplots']): sub_config = plot_config['subplots'][label] row = 3 + i fig = add_indicators(fig=fig, row=row, indicators=sub_config, data=data) # fill area between indicators ( 'fill_to': 'other_indicator') fig = add_areas(fig, row, data, sub_config) return fig def generate_profit_graph(pairs: str, data: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame], trades: pd.DataFrame, timeframe: str, stake_currency: str, starting_balance: float) -> go.Figure: # Combine close-values for all pairs, rename columns to "pair" try: df_comb = combine_dataframes_with_mean(data, "close") except ValueError: raise OperationalException( "No data found. Please make sure that data is available for " "the timerange and pairs selected.") # Trim trades to available OHLCV data trades = extract_trades_of_period(df_comb, trades, date_index=True) if len(trades) == 0: raise OperationalException('No trades found in selected timerange.') # Add combined cumulative profit df_comb = create_cum_profit(df_comb, trades, 'cum_profit', timeframe) # Plot the pairs average close prices, and total profit growth avgclose = go.Scatter( x=df_comb.index, y=df_comb['mean'], name='Avg close price', ) fig = make_subplots(rows=6, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True, row_heights=[1, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.75, 0.75], vertical_spacing=0.05, subplot_titles=[ "AVG Close Price", "Combined Profit", "Profit per pair", "Parallelism", "Underwater", "Relative Drawdown", ]) fig['layout'].update(title="Freqtrade Profit plot") fig['layout']['yaxis1'].update(title='Price') fig['layout']['yaxis2'].update(title=f'Profit {stake_currency}') fig['layout']['yaxis3'].update(title=f'Profit {stake_currency}') fig['layout']['yaxis4'].update(title='Trade count') fig['layout']['yaxis5'].update(title='Underwater Plot') fig['layout']['yaxis6'].update(title='Underwater Plot Relative (%)', tickformat=',.2%') fig['layout']['xaxis']['rangeslider'].update(visible=False) fig.update_layout(modebar_add=["v1hovermode", "toggleSpikeLines"]) fig.add_trace(avgclose, 1, 1) fig = add_profit(fig, 2, df_comb, 'cum_profit', 'Profit') fig = add_max_drawdown(fig, 2, trades, df_comb, timeframe, starting_balance) fig = add_parallelism(fig, 4, trades, timeframe) # Two rows consumed fig = add_underwater(fig, 5, trades, starting_balance) for pair in pairs: profit_col = f'cum_profit_{pair}' try: df_comb = create_cum_profit(df_comb, trades[trades['pair'] == pair], profit_col, timeframe) fig = add_profit(fig, 3, df_comb, profit_col, f"Profit {pair}") except ValueError: pass return fig def generate_plot_filename(pair: str, timeframe: str) -> str: """ Generate filenames per pair/timeframe to be used for storing plots """ pair_s = pair_to_filename(pair) file_name = 'freqtrade-plot-' + pair_s + '-' + timeframe + '.html''Generate plot file for %s', pair) return file_name def store_plot_file(fig, filename: str, directory: Path, auto_open: bool = False) -> None: """ Generate a plot html file from pre populated fig plotly object :param fig: Plotly Figure to plot :param filename: Name to store the file as :param directory: Directory to store the file in :param auto_open: Automatically open files saved :return: None """ directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) _filename = directory.joinpath(filename) plot(fig, filename=str(_filename), auto_open=auto_open)"Stored plot as {_filename}") def load_and_plot_trades(config: Config): """ From configuration provided - Initializes plot-script - Get candle (OHLCV) data - Generate Dafaframes populated with indicators and signals based on configured strategy - Load trades executed during the selected period - Generate Plotly plot objects - Generate plot files :return: None """ strategy = StrategyResolver.load_strategy(config) exchange = ExchangeResolver.load_exchange(config) IStrategy.dp = DataProvider(config, exchange) strategy.ft_bot_start() strategy.bot_loop_start( plot_elements = init_plotscript(config, list(, strategy.startup_candle_count) timerange = plot_elements['timerange'] trades = plot_elements['trades'] pair_counter = 0 for pair, data in plot_elements["ohlcv"].items(): pair_counter += 1"analyse pair %s", pair) df_analyzed = strategy.analyze_ticker(data, {'pair': pair}) df_analyzed = trim_dataframe(df_analyzed, timerange) if not trades.empty: trades_pair = trades.loc[trades['pair'] == pair] trades_pair = extract_trades_of_period(df_analyzed, trades_pair) else: trades_pair = trades fig = generate_candlestick_graph( pair=pair, data=df_analyzed, trades=trades_pair, indicators1=config.get('indicators1', []), indicators2=config.get('indicators2', []), plot_config=strategy.plot_config if hasattr(strategy, 'plot_config') else {} ) store_plot_file(fig, filename=generate_plot_filename(pair, config['timeframe']), directory=config['user_data_dir'] / 'plot')'End of plotting process. %s plots generated', pair_counter) def plot_profit(config: Config) -> None: """ Plots the total profit for all pairs. Note, the profit calculation isn't realistic. But should be somewhat proportional, and therefor useful in helping out to find a good algorithm. """ if 'timeframe' not in config: raise OperationalException('Timeframe must be set in either config or via --timeframe.') exchange = ExchangeResolver.load_exchange(config) plot_elements = init_plotscript(config, list( trades = plot_elements['trades'] # Filter trades to relevant pairs # Remove open pairs - we don't know the profit yet so can't calculate profit for these. # Also, If only one open pair is left, then the profit-generation would fail. trades = trades[(trades['pair'].isin(plot_elements['pairs'])) & (~trades['close_date'].isnull()) ] if len(trades) == 0: raise OperationalException("No trades found, cannot generate Profit-plot without " "trades from either Backtest result or database.") # Create an average close price of all the pairs that were involved. # this could be useful to gauge the overall market trend fig = generate_profit_graph(plot_elements['pairs'], plot_elements['ohlcv'], trades, config['timeframe'], config.get('stake_currency', ''), config.get('available_capital', config['dry_run_wallet'])) store_plot_file(fig, filename='freqtrade-profit-plot.html', directory=config['user_data_dir'] / 'plot', auto_open=config.get('plot_auto_open', False))