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372 lines
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# pragma pylint: disable=missing-docstring, W0212, line-too-long, C0103, unused-argument
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, PropertyMock
import pytest
from freqtrade.commands.optimize_commands import start_recursive_analysis
from freqtrade.data.history import get_timerange
from freqtrade.exceptions import OperationalException
from freqtrade.optimize.recursive_analysis import Analysis, RecursiveAnalysis
from freqtrade.optimize.recursive_analysis_helpers import RecursiveAnalysisSubFunctions
from tests.conftest import EXMS, get_args, log_has_re, patch_exchange
def recursive_conf(default_conf_usdt):
default_conf_usdt['timerange'] = '20220101-20220501'
default_conf_usdt['strategy_path'] = str(
Path(__file__).parent.parent / "strategy/strats")
default_conf_usdt['strategy'] = 'strategy_test_v3_recursive_issue'
default_conf_usdt['pairs'] = ['UNITTEST/USDT']
return default_conf_usdt
# def test_start_recursive_analysis(mocker):
# single_mock = MagicMock()
# text_table_mock = MagicMock()
# mocker.patch.multiple(
# 'freqtrade.optimize.recursive_analysis_helpers.RecursiveAnalysisSubFunctions',
# initialize_single_recursive_analysis=single_mock,
# text_table_recursive_analysis_instances=text_table_mock,
# )
# args = [
# "recursive-analysis",
# "--strategy",
# "strategy_test_v3_recursive_issue",
# "--strategy-path",
# str(Path(__file__).parent.parent / "strategy/strats"),
# "--pairs",
# "--timerange",
# "20220101-20220201"
# ]
# pargs = get_args(args)
# pargs['config'] = None
# start_recursive_analysis(pargs)
# assert single_mock.call_count == 1
# assert text_table_mock.call_count == 1
# single_mock.reset_mock()
# # Test invalid config
# args = [
# "lookahead-analysis",
# "--strategy",
# "strategy_test_v3_with_lookahead_bias",
# "--strategy-path",
# str(Path(__file__).parent.parent / "strategy/strats/lookahead_bias"),
# "--targeted-trade-amount",
# "10",
# "--minimum-trade-amount",
# "20",
# ]
# pargs = get_args(args)
# pargs['config'] = None
# with pytest.raises(OperationalException,
# match=r"Targeted trade amount can't be smaller than minimum trade amount.*"):
# start_lookahead_analysis(pargs)
# # Missing timerange
# args = [
# "lookahead-analysis",
# "--strategy",
# "strategy_test_v3_with_lookahead_bias",
# "--strategy-path",
# str(Path(__file__).parent.parent / "strategy/strats/lookahead_bias"),
# "--pairs",
# "--max-open-trades",
# "1",
# ]
# pargs = get_args(args)
# pargs['config'] = None
# with pytest.raises(OperationalException,
# match=r"Please set a timerange\..*"):
# start_lookahead_analysis(pargs)
# def test_lookahead_helper_invalid_config(recursive_conf) -> None:
# conf = deepcopy(recursive_conf)
# conf['targeted_trade_amount'] = 10
# conf['minimum_trade_amount'] = 40
# with pytest.raises(OperationalException,
# match=r"Targeted trade amount can't be smaller than minimum trade amount.*"):
# RecursiveAnalysisSubFunctions.start(conf)
# def test_lookahead_helper_no_strategy_defined(recursive_conf):
# conf = deepcopy(recursive_conf)
# conf['pairs'] = ['UNITTEST/USDT']
# del conf['strategy']
# with pytest.raises(OperationalException,
# match=r"No Strategy specified"):
# RecursiveAnalysisSubFunctions.start(conf)
# def test_lookahead_helper_start(recursive_conf, mocker) -> None:
# single_mock = MagicMock()
# text_table_mock = MagicMock()
# mocker.patch.multiple(
# 'freqtrade.optimize.lookahead_analysis_helpers.RecursiveAnalysisSubFunctions',
# initialize_single_lookahead_analysis=single_mock,
# text_table_lookahead_analysis_instances=text_table_mock,
# )
# RecursiveAnalysisSubFunctions.start(recursive_conf)
# assert single_mock.call_count == 1
# assert text_table_mock.call_count == 1
# single_mock.reset_mock()
# text_table_mock.reset_mock()
# def test_lookahead_helper_text_table_lookahead_analysis_instances(recursive_conf):
# analysis = Analysis()
# analysis.has_bias = True
# analysis.total_signals = 5
# analysis.false_entry_signals = 4
# analysis.false_exit_signals = 3
# strategy_obj = {
# 'name': "strategy_test_v3_with_lookahead_bias",
# 'location': Path(recursive_conf['strategy_path'], f"{recursive_conf['strategy']}.py")
# }
# instance = LookaheadAnalysis(recursive_conf, strategy_obj)
# instance.current_analysis = analysis
# table, headers, data = (RecursiveAnalysisSubFunctions.
# text_table_lookahead_analysis_instances(recursive_conf, [instance]))
# # check row contents for a try that has too few signals
# assert data[0][0] == 'strategy_test_v3_with_lookahead_bias.py'
# assert data[0][1] == 'strategy_test_v3_with_lookahead_bias'
# assert data[0][2].__contains__('too few trades')
# assert len(data[0]) == 3
# # now check for an error which occured after enough trades
# analysis.total_signals = 12
# analysis.false_entry_signals = 11
# analysis.false_exit_signals = 10
# instance = LookaheadAnalysis(recursive_conf, strategy_obj)
# instance.current_analysis = analysis
# table, headers, data = (RecursiveAnalysisSubFunctions.
# text_table_lookahead_analysis_instances(recursive_conf, [instance]))
# assert data[0][2].__contains__("error")
# # edit it into not showing an error
# instance.failed_bias_check = False
# table, headers, data = (RecursiveAnalysisSubFunctions.
# text_table_lookahead_analysis_instances(recursive_conf, [instance]))
# assert data[0][0] == 'strategy_test_v3_with_lookahead_bias.py'
# assert data[0][1] == 'strategy_test_v3_with_lookahead_bias'
# assert data[0][2] # True
# assert data[0][3] == 12
# assert data[0][4] == 11
# assert data[0][5] == 10
# assert data[0][6] == ''
# analysis.false_indicators.append('falseIndicator1')
# analysis.false_indicators.append('falseIndicator2')
# table, headers, data = (RecursiveAnalysisSubFunctions.
# text_table_lookahead_analysis_instances(recursive_conf, [instance]))
# assert data[0][6] == 'falseIndicator1, falseIndicator2'
# # check amount of returning rows
# assert len(data) == 1
# # check amount of multiple rows
# table, headers, data = (RecursiveAnalysisSubFunctions.text_table_lookahead_analysis_instances(
# recursive_conf, [instance, instance, instance]))
# assert len(data) == 3
# def test_lookahead_helper_export_to_csv(recursive_conf):
# import pandas as pd
# recursive_conf['lookahead_analysis_exportfilename'] = "temp_csv_lookahead_analysis.csv"
# # just to be sure the test won't fail: remove file if exists for some reason
# # (repeat this at the end once again to clean up)
# if Path(recursive_conf['lookahead_analysis_exportfilename']).exists():
# Path(recursive_conf['lookahead_analysis_exportfilename']).unlink()
# # before we can start we have to delete the
# # 1st check: create a new file and verify its contents
# analysis1 = Analysis()
# analysis1.has_bias = True
# analysis1.total_signals = 12
# analysis1.false_entry_signals = 11
# analysis1.false_exit_signals = 10
# analysis1.false_indicators.append('falseIndicator1')
# analysis1.false_indicators.append('falseIndicator2')
# recursive_conf['lookahead_analysis_exportfilename'] = "temp_csv_lookahead_analysis.csv"
# strategy_obj1 = {
# 'name': "strat1",
# 'location': Path("file1.py"),
# }
# instance1 = LookaheadAnalysis(recursive_conf, strategy_obj1)
# instance1.failed_bias_check = False
# instance1.current_analysis = analysis1
# RecursiveAnalysisSubFunctions.export_to_csv(recursive_conf, [instance1])
# saved_data1 = pd.read_csv(recursive_conf['lookahead_analysis_exportfilename'])
# expected_values1 = [
# [
# 'file1.py', 'strat1', True,
# 12, 11, 10,
# "falseIndicator1,falseIndicator2"
# ],
# ]
# expected_columns = ['filename', 'strategy', 'has_bias',
# 'total_signals', 'biased_entry_signals', 'biased_exit_signals',
# 'biased_indicators']
# expected_data1 = pd.DataFrame(expected_values1, columns=expected_columns)
# assert Path(recursive_conf['lookahead_analysis_exportfilename']).exists()
# assert expected_data1.equals(saved_data1)
# # 2nd check: update the same strategy (which internally changed or is being retested)
# expected_values2 = [
# [
# 'file1.py', 'strat1', False,
# 22, 21, 20,
# "falseIndicator3,falseIndicator4"
# ],
# ]
# expected_data2 = pd.DataFrame(expected_values2, columns=expected_columns)
# analysis2 = Analysis()
# analysis2.has_bias = False
# analysis2.total_signals = 22
# analysis2.false_entry_signals = 21
# analysis2.false_exit_signals = 20
# analysis2.false_indicators.append('falseIndicator3')
# analysis2.false_indicators.append('falseIndicator4')
# strategy_obj2 = {
# 'name': "strat1",
# 'location': Path("file1.py"),
# }
# instance2 = LookaheadAnalysis(recursive_conf, strategy_obj2)
# instance2.failed_bias_check = False
# instance2.current_analysis = analysis2
# RecursiveAnalysisSubFunctions.export_to_csv(recursive_conf, [instance2])
# saved_data2 = pd.read_csv(recursive_conf['lookahead_analysis_exportfilename'])
# assert expected_data2.equals(saved_data2)
# # 3rd check: now we add a new row to an already existing file
# expected_values3 = [
# [
# 'file1.py', 'strat1', False,
# 22, 21, 20,
# "falseIndicator3,falseIndicator4"
# ],
# [
# 'file3.py', 'strat3', True,
# 32, 31, 30, "falseIndicator5,falseIndicator6"
# ],
# ]
# expected_data3 = pd.DataFrame(expected_values3, columns=expected_columns)
# analysis3 = Analysis()
# analysis3.has_bias = True
# analysis3.total_signals = 32
# analysis3.false_entry_signals = 31
# analysis3.false_exit_signals = 30
# analysis3.false_indicators.append('falseIndicator5')
# analysis3.false_indicators.append('falseIndicator6')
# recursive_conf['lookahead_analysis_exportfilename'] = "temp_csv_lookahead_analysis.csv"
# strategy_obj3 = {
# 'name': "strat3",
# 'location': Path("file3.py"),
# }
# instance3 = LookaheadAnalysis(recursive_conf, strategy_obj3)
# instance3.failed_bias_check = False
# instance3.current_analysis = analysis3
# RecursiveAnalysisSubFunctions.export_to_csv(recursive_conf, [instance3])
# saved_data3 = pd.read_csv(recursive_conf['lookahead_analysis_exportfilename'])
# assert expected_data3.equals(saved_data3)
# # remove csv file after the test is done
# if Path(recursive_conf['lookahead_analysis_exportfilename']).exists():
# Path(recursive_conf['lookahead_analysis_exportfilename']).unlink()
# def test_initialize_single_lookahead_analysis(recursive_conf, mocker, caplog):
# mocker.patch('freqtrade.data.history.get_timerange', get_timerange)
# mocker.patch(f'{EXMS}.get_fee', return_value=0.0)
# mocker.patch(f'{EXMS}.get_min_pair_stake_amount', return_value=0.00001)
# mocker.patch(f'{EXMS}.get_max_pair_stake_amount', return_value=float('inf'))
# patch_exchange(mocker)
# mocker.patch('freqtrade.plugins.pairlistmanager.PairListManager.whitelist',
# PropertyMock(return_value=['UNITTEST/BTC']))
# recursive_conf['pairs'] = ['UNITTEST/USDT']
# recursive_conf['timeframe'] = '5m'
# recursive_conf['timerange'] = '20180119-20180122'
# start_mock = mocker.patch('freqtrade.optimize.lookahead_analysis.LookaheadAnalysis.start')
# strategy_obj = {
# 'name': "strategy_test_v3_with_lookahead_bias",
# 'location': Path(recursive_conf['strategy_path'], f"{recursive_conf['strategy']}.py")
# }
# instance = RecursiveAnalysisSubFunctions.initialize_single_lookahead_analysis(
# recursive_conf, strategy_obj)
# assert log_has_re(r"Bias test of .* started\.", caplog)
# assert start_mock.call_count == 1
# assert instance.strategy_obj['name'] == "strategy_test_v3_with_lookahead_bias"
@pytest.mark.parametrize('scenario', [
'no_bias', 'bias1'
def test_biased_strategy(recursive_conf, mocker, caplog, scenario) -> None:
mocker.patch('freqtrade.data.history.get_timerange', get_timerange)
recursive_conf['pairs'] = ['UNITTEST/USDT']
recursive_conf['timeframe'] = '5m'
recursive_conf['timerange'] = '20180119-20180122'
recursive_conf['startup_candle'] = [100]
# Patch scenario Parameter to allow for easy selection
'params': {
"buy": {
"scenario": scenario
strategy_obj = {'name': "strategy_test_v3_recursive_issue"}
instance = RecursiveAnalysis(recursive_conf, strategy_obj)
# Assert init correct
assert log_has_re(f"Strategy Parameter: scenario = {scenario}", caplog)
diff_pct = float(instance.dict_recursive['rsi'][100].replace("%", ""))
# check non-biased strategy
if scenario == "no_bias":
assert diff_pct < 0.01
# check biased strategy
elif scenario == "bias1":
assert diff_pct >= 0.01