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Tests in this file do NOT mock network calls, so they are expected to be fluky at times.
However, these tests should give a good idea to determine if a new exchange is
suitable to run with freqtrade.
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
import pytest
from freqtrade.enums import CandleType
from freqtrade.exchange import timeframe_to_minutes, timeframe_to_prev_date
from freqtrade.exchange.exchange import timeframe_to_msecs
from tests.exchange_online.conftest import EXCHANGE_FIXTURE_TYPE, EXCHANGES
class TestCCXTExchange:
def test_load_markets(self, exchange: EXCHANGE_FIXTURE_TYPE):
exch, exchangename = exchange
pair = EXCHANGES[exchangename]['pair']
markets = exch.markets
assert pair in markets
assert isinstance(markets[pair], dict)
assert exch.market_is_spot(markets[pair])
def test_has_validations(self, exchange: EXCHANGE_FIXTURE_TYPE):
exch, exchangename = exchange
'entry': 'limit',
'exit': 'limit',
'stoploss': 'limit',
if exchangename == 'gate':
# gate doesn't have market orders on spot
'entry': 'market',
'exit': 'market',
'stoploss': 'market',
def test_load_markets_futures(self, exchange_futures: EXCHANGE_FIXTURE_TYPE):
exchange, exchangename = exchange_futures
pair = EXCHANGES[exchangename]['pair']
pair = EXCHANGES[exchangename].get('futures_pair', pair)
markets = exchange.markets
assert pair in markets
assert isinstance(markets[pair], dict)
assert exchange.market_is_future(markets[pair])
def test_ccxt_order_parse(self, exchange: EXCHANGE_FIXTURE_TYPE):
exch, exchange_name = exchange
if orders := EXCHANGES[exchange_name].get('sample_order'):
for order in orders:
po = exch._api.parse_order(order)
assert isinstance(po['id'], str)
assert po['id'] is not None
if len(order.keys()) < 5:
# Kucoin case
assert po['status'] is None
assert po['timestamp'] == 1674493798550
assert isinstance(po['datetime'], str)
assert isinstance(po['timestamp'], int)
assert isinstance(po['price'], float)
assert po['price'] == 15.5
if po['average'] is not None:
assert isinstance(po['average'], float)
assert po['average'] == 15.5
assert po['symbol'] == 'SOL/USDT'
assert isinstance(po['amount'], float)
assert po['amount'] == 1.1
assert isinstance(po['status'], str)
pytest.skip(f"No sample order available for exchange {exchange_name}")
def test_ccxt_fetch_tickers(self, exchange: EXCHANGE_FIXTURE_TYPE):
exch, exchangename = exchange
pair = EXCHANGES[exchangename]['pair']
tickers = exch.get_tickers()
assert pair in tickers
assert 'ask' in tickers[pair]
assert tickers[pair]['ask'] is not None
assert 'bid' in tickers[pair]
assert tickers[pair]['bid'] is not None
assert 'quoteVolume' in tickers[pair]
if EXCHANGES[exchangename].get('hasQuoteVolume'):
assert tickers[pair]['quoteVolume'] is not None
def test_ccxt_fetch_tickers_futures(self, exchange_futures: EXCHANGE_FIXTURE_TYPE):
exch, exchangename = exchange_futures
if not exch or exchangename in ('gate'):
# exchange_futures only returns values for supported exchanges
pair = EXCHANGES[exchangename]['pair']
pair = EXCHANGES[exchangename].get('futures_pair', pair)
tickers = exch.get_tickers()
assert pair in tickers
assert 'ask' in tickers[pair]
assert tickers[pair]['ask'] is not None
assert 'bid' in tickers[pair]
assert tickers[pair]['bid'] is not None
assert 'quoteVolume' in tickers[pair]
if EXCHANGES[exchangename].get('hasQuoteVolumeFutures'):
assert tickers[pair]['quoteVolume'] is not None
def test_ccxt_fetch_ticker(self, exchange: EXCHANGE_FIXTURE_TYPE):
exch, exchangename = exchange
pair = EXCHANGES[exchangename]['pair']
ticker = exch.fetch_ticker(pair)
assert 'ask' in ticker
assert ticker['ask'] is not None
assert 'bid' in ticker
assert ticker['bid'] is not None
assert 'quoteVolume' in ticker
if EXCHANGES[exchangename].get('hasQuoteVolume'):
assert ticker['quoteVolume'] is not None
def test_ccxt_fetch_l2_orderbook(self, exchange: EXCHANGE_FIXTURE_TYPE):
exch, exchangename = exchange
pair = EXCHANGES[exchangename]['pair']
l2 = exch.fetch_l2_order_book(pair)
assert 'asks' in l2
assert 'bids' in l2
assert len(l2['asks']) >= 1
assert len(l2['bids']) >= 1
l2_limit_range = exch._ft_has['l2_limit_range']
l2_limit_range_required = exch._ft_has['l2_limit_range_required']
if exchangename == 'gate':
# TODO: Gate is unstable here at the moment, ignoring the limit partially.
for val in [1, 2, 5, 25, 50, 100]:
if val > 50 and exchangename == 'bybit':
l2 = exch.fetch_l2_order_book(pair, val)
if not l2_limit_range or val in l2_limit_range:
if val > 50:
# Orderbooks are not always this deep.
assert val - 5 < len(l2['asks']) <= val
assert val - 5 < len(l2['bids']) <= val
assert len(l2['asks']) == val
assert len(l2['bids']) == val
next_limit = exch.get_next_limit_in_list(
val, l2_limit_range, l2_limit_range_required)
if next_limit is None:
assert len(l2['asks']) > 100
assert len(l2['asks']) > 100
elif next_limit > 200:
# Large orderbook sizes can be a problem for some exchanges (bitrex ...)
assert len(l2['asks']) > 200
assert len(l2['asks']) > 200
assert len(l2['asks']) == next_limit
assert len(l2['asks']) == next_limit
def test_ccxt_fetch_ohlcv(self, exchange: EXCHANGE_FIXTURE_TYPE):
exch, exchangename = exchange
pair = EXCHANGES[exchangename]['pair']
timeframe = EXCHANGES[exchangename]['timeframe']
pair_tf = (pair, timeframe, CandleType.SPOT)
ohlcv = exch.refresh_latest_ohlcv([pair_tf])
assert isinstance(ohlcv, dict)
assert len(ohlcv[pair_tf]) == len(exch.klines(pair_tf))
# assert len(exch.klines(pair_tf)) > 200
# Assume 90% uptime ...
assert len(exch.klines(pair_tf)) > exch.ohlcv_candle_limit(
timeframe, CandleType.SPOT) * 0.90
# Check if last-timeframe is within the last 2 intervals
now = datetime.now(timezone.utc) - timedelta(minutes=(timeframe_to_minutes(timeframe) * 2))
assert exch.klines(pair_tf).iloc[-1]['date'] >= timeframe_to_prev_date(timeframe, now)
def ccxt__async_get_candle_history(
self, exchange, exchangename, pair, timeframe, candle_type, factor=0.9):
timeframe_ms = timeframe_to_msecs(timeframe)
now = timeframe_to_prev_date(
timeframe, datetime.now(timezone.utc))
for offset in (360, 120, 30, 10, 5, 2):
since = now - timedelta(days=offset)
since_ms = int(since.timestamp() * 1000)
res = exchange.loop.run_until_complete(exchange._async_get_candle_history(
assert res
assert res[0] == pair
assert res[1] == timeframe
assert res[2] == candle_type
candles = res[3]
candle_count = exchange.ohlcv_candle_limit(timeframe, candle_type, since_ms) * factor
candle_count1 = (now.timestamp() * 1000 - since_ms) // timeframe_ms * factor
assert len(candles) >= min(candle_count, candle_count1), \
f"{len(candles)} < {candle_count} in {timeframe}, Offset: {offset} {factor}"
# Check if first-timeframe is either the start, or start + 1
assert candles[0][0] == since_ms or (since_ms + timeframe_ms)
def test_ccxt__async_get_candle_history(self, exchange: EXCHANGE_FIXTURE_TYPE):
exc, exchangename = exchange
if exchangename in ('bittrex'):
# For some weired reason, this test returns random lengths for bittrex.
pytest.skip("Exchange doesn't provide stable ohlcv history")
if not exc._ft_has['ohlcv_has_history']:
pytest.skip("Exchange does not support candle history")
pair = EXCHANGES[exchangename]['pair']
timeframe = EXCHANGES[exchangename]['timeframe']
exc, exchangename, pair, timeframe, CandleType.SPOT)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('candle_type', [
def test_ccxt__async_get_candle_history_futures(
self, exchange_futures: EXCHANGE_FIXTURE_TYPE, candle_type):
exchange, exchangename = exchange_futures
pair = EXCHANGES[exchangename].get('futures_pair', EXCHANGES[exchangename]['pair'])
timeframe = EXCHANGES[exchangename]['timeframe']
if candle_type == CandleType.FUNDING_RATE:
timeframe = exchange._ft_has.get('funding_fee_timeframe',
def test_ccxt_fetch_funding_rate_history(self, exchange_futures: EXCHANGE_FIXTURE_TYPE):
exchange, exchangename = exchange_futures
pair = EXCHANGES[exchangename].get('futures_pair', EXCHANGES[exchangename]['pair'])
since = int((datetime.now(timezone.utc) - timedelta(days=5)).timestamp() * 1000)
timeframe_ff = exchange._ft_has.get('funding_fee_timeframe',
pair_tf = (pair, timeframe_ff, CandleType.FUNDING_RATE)
funding_ohlcv = exchange.refresh_latest_ohlcv(
assert isinstance(funding_ohlcv, dict)
rate = funding_ohlcv[pair_tf]
this_hour = timeframe_to_prev_date(timeframe_ff)
hour1 = timeframe_to_prev_date(timeframe_ff, this_hour - timedelta(minutes=1))
hour2 = timeframe_to_prev_date(timeframe_ff, hour1 - timedelta(minutes=1))
hour3 = timeframe_to_prev_date(timeframe_ff, hour2 - timedelta(minutes=1))
val0 = rate[rate['date'] == this_hour].iloc[0]['open']
val1 = rate[rate['date'] == hour1].iloc[0]['open']
val2 = rate[rate['date'] == hour2].iloc[0]['open']
val3 = rate[rate['date'] == hour3].iloc[0]['open']
# Test For last 4 hours
# Avoids random test-failure when funding-fees are 0 for a few hours.
assert val0 != 0.0 or val1 != 0.0 or val2 != 0.0 or val3 != 0.0
# We expect funding rates to be different from 0.0 - or moving around.
assert (
rate['open'].max() != 0.0 or rate['open'].min() != 0.0 or
(rate['open'].min() != rate['open'].max())
def test_ccxt_fetch_mark_price_history(self, exchange_futures: EXCHANGE_FIXTURE_TYPE):
exchange, exchangename = exchange_futures
pair = EXCHANGES[exchangename].get('futures_pair', EXCHANGES[exchangename]['pair'])
since = int((datetime.now(timezone.utc) - timedelta(days=5)).timestamp() * 1000)
pair_tf = (pair, '1h', CandleType.MARK)
mark_ohlcv = exchange.refresh_latest_ohlcv(
assert isinstance(mark_ohlcv, dict)
expected_tf = '1h'
mark_candles = mark_ohlcv[pair_tf]
this_hour = timeframe_to_prev_date(expected_tf)
prev_hour = timeframe_to_prev_date(expected_tf, this_hour - timedelta(minutes=1))
assert mark_candles[mark_candles['date'] == prev_hour].iloc[0]['open'] != 0.0
assert mark_candles[mark_candles['date'] == this_hour].iloc[0]['open'] != 0.0
def test_ccxt__calculate_funding_fees(self, exchange_futures: EXCHANGE_FIXTURE_TYPE):
exchange, exchangename = exchange_futures
pair = EXCHANGES[exchangename].get('futures_pair', EXCHANGES[exchangename]['pair'])
since = datetime.now(timezone.utc) - timedelta(days=5)
funding_fee = exchange._fetch_and_calculate_funding_fees(
pair, 20, is_short=False, open_date=since)
assert isinstance(funding_fee, float)
# assert funding_fee > 0
def test_ccxt__async_get_trade_history(self, exchange: EXCHANGE_FIXTURE_TYPE):
exch, exchangename = exchange
if not (lookback := EXCHANGES[exchangename].get('trades_lookback_hours')):
pytest.skip('test_fetch_trades not enabled for this exchange')
pair = EXCHANGES[exchangename]['pair']
since = int((datetime.now(timezone.utc) - timedelta(hours=lookback)).timestamp() * 1000)
res = exch.loop.run_until_complete(
exch._async_get_trade_history(pair, since, None, None)
assert len(res) == 2
res_pair, res_trades = res
assert res_pair == pair
assert isinstance(res_trades, list)
assert res_trades[0][0] >= since
assert len(res_trades) > 1200
def test_ccxt_get_fee(self, exchange: EXCHANGE_FIXTURE_TYPE):
exch, exchangename = exchange
pair = EXCHANGES[exchangename]['pair']
threshold = 0.01
assert 0 < exch.get_fee(pair, 'limit', 'buy') < threshold
assert 0 < exch.get_fee(pair, 'limit', 'sell') < threshold
assert 0 < exch.get_fee(pair, 'market', 'buy') < threshold
assert 0 < exch.get_fee(pair, 'market', 'sell') < threshold
def test_ccxt_get_max_leverage_spot(self, exchange: EXCHANGE_FIXTURE_TYPE):
spot, spot_name = exchange
if spot:
leverage_in_market_spot = EXCHANGES[spot_name].get('leverage_in_spot_market')
if leverage_in_market_spot:
spot_pair = EXCHANGES[spot_name].get('pair', EXCHANGES[spot_name]['pair'])
spot_leverage = spot.get_max_leverage(spot_pair, 20)
assert (isinstance(spot_leverage, float) or isinstance(spot_leverage, int))
assert spot_leverage >= 1.0
def test_ccxt_get_max_leverage_futures(self, exchange_futures: EXCHANGE_FIXTURE_TYPE):
futures, futures_name = exchange_futures
leverage_tiers_public = EXCHANGES[futures_name].get('leverage_tiers_public')
if leverage_tiers_public:
futures_pair = EXCHANGES[futures_name].get(
futures_leverage = futures.get_max_leverage(futures_pair, 20)
assert (isinstance(futures_leverage, float) or isinstance(futures_leverage, int))
assert futures_leverage >= 1.0
def test_ccxt_get_contract_size(self, exchange_futures: EXCHANGE_FIXTURE_TYPE):
futures, futures_name = exchange_futures
futures_pair = EXCHANGES[futures_name].get(
contract_size = futures.get_contract_size(futures_pair)
assert (isinstance(contract_size, float) or isinstance(contract_size, int))
assert contract_size >= 0.0
def test_ccxt_load_leverage_tiers(self, exchange_futures: EXCHANGE_FIXTURE_TYPE):
futures, futures_name = exchange_futures
if EXCHANGES[futures_name].get('leverage_tiers_public'):
leverage_tiers = futures.load_leverage_tiers()
futures_pair = EXCHANGES[futures_name].get(
assert (isinstance(leverage_tiers, dict))
assert futures_pair in leverage_tiers
pair_tiers = leverage_tiers[futures_pair]
assert len(pair_tiers) > 0
oldLeverage = float('inf')
oldMaintenanceMarginRate = oldminNotional = oldmaxNotional = -1
for tier in pair_tiers:
for key in [
assert key in tier
assert tier[key] >= 0.0
assert tier['maxNotional'] > tier['minNotional']
assert tier['maxLeverage'] <= oldLeverage
assert tier['maintenanceMarginRate'] >= oldMaintenanceMarginRate
assert tier['minNotional'] > oldminNotional
assert tier['maxNotional'] > oldmaxNotional
oldLeverage = tier['maxLeverage']
oldMaintenanceMarginRate = tier['maintenanceMarginRate']
oldminNotional = tier['minNotional']
oldmaxNotional = tier['maxNotional']
def test_ccxt_dry_run_liquidation_price(self, exchange_futures: EXCHANGE_FIXTURE_TYPE):
futures, futures_name = exchange_futures
if EXCHANGES[futures_name].get('leverage_tiers_public'):
futures_pair = EXCHANGES[futures_name].get(
liquidation_price = futures.dry_run_liquidation_price(
assert (isinstance(liquidation_price, float))
assert liquidation_price >= 0.0
liquidation_price = futures.dry_run_liquidation_price(
assert (isinstance(liquidation_price, float))
assert liquidation_price >= 0.0
def test_ccxt_get_max_pair_stake_amount(self, exchange_futures: EXCHANGE_FIXTURE_TYPE):
futures, futures_name = exchange_futures
futures_pair = EXCHANGES[futures_name].get(
max_stake_amount = futures.get_max_pair_stake_amount(futures_pair, 40000)
assert (isinstance(max_stake_amount, float))
assert max_stake_amount >= 0.0
def test_private_method_presence(self, exchange: EXCHANGE_FIXTURE_TYPE):
exch, exchangename = exchange
for method in EXCHANGES[exchangename].get('private_methods', []):
assert hasattr(exch._api, method)