2023-04-24 14:27:56 +02:00

1809 lines
77 KiB

# pragma pylint: disable=unused-argument, unused-variable, protected-access, invalid-name
This module manage Telegram communication
import asyncio
import json
import logging
import re
from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
from functools import partial
from html import escape
from itertools import chain
from math import isnan
from threading import Thread
from typing import Any, Callable, Coroutine, Dict, List, Optional, Union
import arrow
from tabulate import tabulate
from telegram import (CallbackQuery, InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup, KeyboardButton,
ReplyKeyboardMarkup, Update)
from telegram.constants import MessageLimit, ParseMode
from telegram.error import BadRequest, NetworkError, TelegramError
from telegram.ext import Application, CallbackContext, CallbackQueryHandler, CommandHandler
from telegram.helpers import escape_markdown
from freqtrade.__init__ import __version__
from freqtrade.constants import DUST_PER_COIN, Config
from freqtrade.enums import MarketDirection, RPCMessageType, SignalDirection, TradingMode
from freqtrade.exceptions import OperationalException
from freqtrade.misc import chunks, plural, round_coin_value
from freqtrade.persistence import Trade
from freqtrade.rpc import RPC, RPCException, RPCHandler
from freqtrade.rpc.rpc_types import RPCSendMsg
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger.debug('Included module rpc.telegram ...')
class TimeunitMappings:
header: str
message: str
message2: str
callback: str
default: int
def authorized_only(command_handler: Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, None]]):
Decorator to check if the message comes from the correct chat_id
:param command_handler: Telegram CommandHandler
:return: decorated function
async def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Decorator logic """
update = kwargs.get('update') or args[0]
# Reject unauthorized messages
if update.callback_query:
cchat_id = int(
cchat_id = int(update.message.chat_id)
chat_id = int(self._config['telegram']['chat_id'])
if cchat_id != chat_id:'Rejected unauthorized message from: {update.message.chat_id}')
return wrapper
# Rollback session to avoid getting data stored in a transaction.
'Executing handler: %s for chat_id: %s',
return await command_handler(self, *args, **kwargs)
except RPCException as e:
await self._send_msg(str(e))
except BaseException:
logger.exception('Exception occurred within Telegram module')
return wrapper
class Telegram(RPCHandler):
""" This class handles all telegram communication """
def __init__(self, rpc: RPC, config: Config) -> None:
Init the Telegram call, and init the super class RPCHandler
:param rpc: instance of RPC Helper class
:param config: Configuration object
:return: None
super().__init__(rpc, config)
self._app: Application
self._loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop
def _start_thread(self):
Creates and starts the polling thread
self._thread = Thread(target=self._init, name='FTTelegram')
def _init_keyboard(self) -> None:
Validates the keyboard configuration from telegram config
self._keyboard: List[List[Union[str, KeyboardButton]]] = [
['/daily', '/profit', '/balance'],
['/status', '/status table', '/performance'],
['/count', '/start', '/stop', '/help']
# do not allow commands with mandatory arguments and critical cmds
# TODO: DRY! - its not good to list all valid cmds here. But otherwise
# this needs refactoring of the whole telegram module (same
# problem in _help()).
valid_keys: List[str] = [
r'/start$', r'/stop$', r'/status$', r'/status table$',
r'/trades$', r'/performance$', r'/buys', r'/entries',
r'/sells', r'/exits', r'/mix_tags',
r'/daily$', r'/daily \d+$', r'/profit$', r'/profit \d+',
r'/stats$', r'/count$', r'/locks$', r'/balance$',
r'/stopbuy$', r'/stopentry$', r'/reload_config$', r'/show_config$',
r'/logs$', r'/whitelist$', r'/whitelist(\ssorted|\sbaseonly)+$',
r'/blacklist$', r'/bl_delete$',
r'/weekly$', r'/weekly \d+$', r'/monthly$', r'/monthly \d+$',
r'/forcebuy$', r'/forcelong$', r'/forceshort$',
r'/forcesell$', r'/forceexit$',
r'/edge$', r'/health$', r'/help$', r'/version$', r'/marketdir (long|short|even|none)$',
# Create keys for generation
valid_keys_print = [k.replace('$', '') for k in valid_keys]
# custom keyboard specified in config.json
cust_keyboard = self._config['telegram'].get('keyboard', [])
if cust_keyboard:
combined = "(" + ")|(".join(valid_keys) + ")"
# check for valid shortcuts
invalid_keys = [b for b in chain.from_iterable(cust_keyboard)
if not re.match(combined, b)]
if len(invalid_keys):
err_msg = ('config.telegram.keyboard: Invalid commands for '
f'custom Telegram keyboard: {invalid_keys}'
f'\nvalid commands are: {valid_keys_print}')
raise OperationalException(err_msg)
self._keyboard = cust_keyboard'using custom keyboard from '
f'config.json: {self._keyboard}')
def _init_telegram_app(self):
return Application.builder().token(self._config['telegram']['token']).build()
def _init(self) -> None:
Initializes this module with the given config,
registers all known command handlers
and starts polling for message updates
Runs in a separate thread.
self._loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
except RuntimeError:
self._loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
self._app = self._init_telegram_app()
# Register command handler and start telegram message polling
handles = [
CommandHandler('status', self._status),
CommandHandler('profit', self._profit),
CommandHandler('balance', self._balance),
CommandHandler('start', self._start),
CommandHandler('stop', self._stop),
CommandHandler(['forcesell', 'forceexit', 'fx'], self._force_exit),
CommandHandler(['forcebuy', 'forcelong'], partial(
self._force_enter, order_side=SignalDirection.LONG)),
CommandHandler('forceshort', partial(
self._force_enter, order_side=SignalDirection.SHORT)),
CommandHandler('trades', self._trades),
CommandHandler('delete', self._delete_trade),
CommandHandler(['coo', 'cancel_open_order'], self._cancel_open_order),
CommandHandler('performance', self._performance),
CommandHandler(['buys', 'entries'], self._enter_tag_performance),
CommandHandler(['sells', 'exits'], self._exit_reason_performance),
CommandHandler('mix_tags', self._mix_tag_performance),
CommandHandler('stats', self._stats),
CommandHandler('daily', self._daily),
CommandHandler('weekly', self._weekly),
CommandHandler('monthly', self._monthly),
CommandHandler('count', self._count),
CommandHandler('locks', self._locks),
CommandHandler(['unlock', 'delete_locks'], self._delete_locks),
CommandHandler(['reload_config', 'reload_conf'], self._reload_config),
CommandHandler(['show_config', 'show_conf'], self._show_config),
CommandHandler(['stopbuy', 'stopentry'], self._stopentry),
CommandHandler('whitelist', self._whitelist),
CommandHandler('blacklist', self._blacklist),
CommandHandler(['blacklist_delete', 'bl_delete'], self._blacklist_delete),
CommandHandler('logs', self._logs),
CommandHandler('edge', self._edge),
CommandHandler('health', self._health),
CommandHandler('help', self._help),
CommandHandler('version', self._version),
CommandHandler('marketdir', self._changemarketdir)
callbacks = [
CallbackQueryHandler(self._status_table, pattern='update_status_table'),
CallbackQueryHandler(self._daily, pattern='update_daily'),
CallbackQueryHandler(self._weekly, pattern='update_weekly'),
CallbackQueryHandler(self._monthly, pattern='update_monthly'),
CallbackQueryHandler(self._profit, pattern='update_profit'),
CallbackQueryHandler(self._balance, pattern='update_balance'),
CallbackQueryHandler(self._performance, pattern='update_performance'),
CallbackQueryHandler(self._mix_tag_performance, pattern='update_mix_tag_performance'),
CallbackQueryHandler(self._count, pattern='update_count'),
CallbackQueryHandler(self._force_exit_inline, pattern=r"force_exit__\S+"),
CallbackQueryHandler(self._force_enter_inline, pattern=r"\S+\/\S+"),
for handle in handles:
for callback in callbacks:
'rpc.telegram is listening for following commands: %s',
[[x for x in sorted(h.commands)] for h in handles]
async def _startup_telegram(self) -> None:
await self._app.initialize()
await self._app.start()
if self._app.updater:
await self._app.updater.start_polling(
# read_latency=60, # Assumed transmission latency
# stop_signals=[], # Necessary as we don't run on the main thread
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(10)
if not self._app.updater.running:
async def _cleanup_telegram(self) -> None:
if self._app.updater:
await self._app.updater.stop()
await self._app.stop()
await self._app.shutdown()
def cleanup(self) -> None:
Stops all running telegram threads.
:return: None
# This can take up to `timeout` from the call to `start_polling`.
asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(self._cleanup_telegram(), self._loop)
def _exchange_from_msg(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
Extracts the exchange name from the given message.
:param msg: The message to extract the exchange name from.
:return: The exchange name.
return f"{msg['exchange']}{' (dry)' if self._config['dry_run'] else ''}"
def _add_analyzed_candle(self, pair: str) -> str:
candle_val = self._config['telegram'].get(
'notification_settings', {}).get('show_candle', 'off')
if candle_val != 'off':
if candle_val == 'ohlc':
analyzed_df, _ = self._rpc._freqtrade.dataprovider.get_analyzed_dataframe(
pair, self._config['timeframe'])
candle = analyzed_df.iloc[-1].squeeze() if len(analyzed_df) > 0 else None
if candle is not None:
return (
f"*Candle OHLC*: `{candle['open']}, {candle['high']}, "
f"{candle['low']}, {candle['close']}`\n"
return ''
def _format_entry_msg(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
if self._rpc._fiat_converter:
msg['stake_amount_fiat'] = self._rpc._fiat_converter.convert_amount(
msg['stake_amount'], msg['stake_currency'], msg['fiat_currency'])
msg['stake_amount_fiat'] = 0
is_fill = msg['type'] in [RPCMessageType.ENTRY_FILL]
emoji = '\N{CHECK MARK}' if is_fill else '\N{LARGE BLUE CIRCLE}'
entry_side = ({'enter': 'Long', 'entered': 'Longed'} if msg['direction'] == 'Long'
else {'enter': 'Short', 'entered': 'Shorted'})
message = (
f"{emoji} *{self._exchange_from_msg(msg)}:*"
f" {entry_side['entered'] if is_fill else entry_side['enter']} {msg['pair']}"
f" (#{msg['trade_id']})\n"
message += self._add_analyzed_candle(msg['pair'])
message += f"*Enter Tag:* `{msg['enter_tag']}`\n" if msg.get('enter_tag') else ""
message += f"*Amount:* `{msg['amount']:.8f}`\n"
if msg.get('leverage') and msg.get('leverage', 1.0) != 1.0:
message += f"*Leverage:* `{msg['leverage']}`\n"
if msg['type'] in [RPCMessageType.ENTRY_FILL]:
message += f"*Open Rate:* `{msg['open_rate']:.8f}`\n"
elif msg['type'] in [RPCMessageType.ENTRY]:
message += f"*Open Rate:* `{msg['open_rate']:.8f}`\n"\
f"*Current Rate:* `{msg['current_rate']:.8f}`\n"
message += f"*Total:* `({round_coin_value(msg['stake_amount'], msg['stake_currency'])}"
if msg.get('fiat_currency'):
message += f", {round_coin_value(msg['stake_amount_fiat'], msg['fiat_currency'])}"
message += ")`"
return message
def _format_exit_msg(self, msg: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
msg['amount'] = round(msg['amount'], 8)
msg['profit_percent'] = round(msg['profit_ratio'] * 100, 2)
msg['duration'] = msg['close_date'].replace(
microsecond=0) - msg['open_date'].replace(microsecond=0)
msg['duration_min'] = msg['duration'].total_seconds() / 60
msg['enter_tag'] = msg['enter_tag'] if "enter_tag" in msg.keys() else None
msg['emoji'] = self._get_sell_emoji(msg)
msg['leverage_text'] = (f"*Leverage:* `{msg['leverage']:.1f}`\n"
if msg.get('leverage') and msg.get('leverage', 1.0) != 1.0
else "")
# Check if all sell properties are available.
# This might not be the case if the message origin is triggered by /forceexit
if (all(prop in msg for prop in ['gain', 'fiat_currency', 'stake_currency'])
and self._rpc._fiat_converter):
msg['profit_fiat'] = self._rpc._fiat_converter.convert_amount(
msg['profit_amount'], msg['stake_currency'], msg['fiat_currency'])
msg['profit_extra'] = f" / {msg['profit_fiat']:.3f} {msg['fiat_currency']}"
msg['profit_extra'] = ''
msg['profit_extra'] = (
f" ({msg['gain']}: {msg['profit_amount']:.8f} {msg['stake_currency']}"
is_fill = msg['type'] == RPCMessageType.EXIT_FILL
is_sub_trade = msg.get('sub_trade')
is_sub_profit = msg['profit_amount'] != msg.get('cumulative_profit')
profit_prefix = ('Sub ' if is_sub_profit else 'Cumulative ') if is_sub_trade else ''
cp_extra = ''
exit_wording = 'Exited' if is_fill else 'Exiting'
if is_sub_profit and is_sub_trade:
if self._rpc._fiat_converter:
cp_fiat = self._rpc._fiat_converter.convert_amount(
msg['cumulative_profit'], msg['stake_currency'], msg['fiat_currency'])
cp_extra = f" / {cp_fiat:.3f} {msg['fiat_currency']}"
exit_wording = f"Partially {exit_wording.lower()}"
cp_extra = (
f"*Cumulative Profit:* (`{msg['cumulative_profit']:.8f} "
message = (
f"{msg['emoji']} *{self._exchange_from_msg(msg)}:* "
f"{exit_wording} {msg['pair']} (#{msg['trade_id']})\n"
f"*{f'{profit_prefix}Profit' if is_fill else f'Unrealized {profit_prefix}Profit'}:* "
f"*Enter Tag:* `{msg['enter_tag']}`\n"
f"*Exit Reason:* `{msg['exit_reason']}`\n"
f"*Direction:* `{msg['direction']}`\n"
f"*Amount:* `{msg['amount']:.8f}`\n"
f"*Open Rate:* `{msg['open_rate']:.8f}`\n"
if msg['type'] == RPCMessageType.EXIT:
message += f"*Current Rate:* `{msg['current_rate']:.8f}`\n"
if msg['order_rate']:
message += f"*Exit Rate:* `{msg['order_rate']:.8f}`"
elif msg['type'] == RPCMessageType.EXIT_FILL:
message += f"*Exit Rate:* `{msg['close_rate']:.8f}`"
if is_sub_trade:
if self._rpc._fiat_converter:
msg['stake_amount_fiat'] = self._rpc._fiat_converter.convert_amount(
msg['stake_amount'], msg['stake_currency'], msg['fiat_currency'])
msg['stake_amount_fiat'] = 0
rem = round_coin_value(msg['stake_amount'], msg['stake_currency'])
message += f"\n*Remaining:* `({rem}"
if msg.get('fiat_currency', None):
message += f", {round_coin_value(msg['stake_amount_fiat'], msg['fiat_currency'])}"
message += ")`"
message += f"\n*Duration:* `{msg['duration']} ({msg['duration_min']:.1f} min)`"
return message
def compose_message(self, msg: Dict[str, Any], msg_type: RPCMessageType) -> Optional[str]:
if msg_type in [RPCMessageType.ENTRY, RPCMessageType.ENTRY_FILL]:
message = self._format_entry_msg(msg)
elif msg_type in [RPCMessageType.EXIT, RPCMessageType.EXIT_FILL]:
message = self._format_exit_msg(msg)
elif msg_type in (RPCMessageType.ENTRY_CANCEL, RPCMessageType.EXIT_CANCEL):
msg['message_side'] = 'enter' if msg_type in [RPCMessageType.ENTRY_CANCEL] else 'exit'
message = (f"\N{WARNING SIGN} *{self._exchange_from_msg(msg)}:* "
f"Cancelling {'partial ' if msg.get('sub_trade') else ''}"
f"{msg['message_side']} Order for {msg['pair']} "
f"(#{msg['trade_id']}). Reason: {msg['reason']}.")
elif msg_type == RPCMessageType.PROTECTION_TRIGGER:
message = (
f"*Protection* triggered due to {msg['reason']}. "
f"`{msg['pair']}` will be locked until `{msg['lock_end_time']}`."
elif msg_type == RPCMessageType.PROTECTION_TRIGGER_GLOBAL:
message = (
f"*Protection* triggered due to {msg['reason']}. "
f"*All pairs* will be locked until `{msg['lock_end_time']}`."
elif msg_type == RPCMessageType.STATUS:
message = f"*Status:* `{msg['status']}`"
elif msg_type == RPCMessageType.WARNING:
message = f"\N{WARNING SIGN} *Warning:* `{msg['status']}`"
elif msg_type == RPCMessageType.EXCEPTION:
# Errors will contain exceptions, which are wrapped in tripple ticks.
message = f"\N{WARNING SIGN} *ERROR:* \n {msg['status']}"
elif msg_type == RPCMessageType.STARTUP:
message = f"{msg['status']}"
elif msg_type == RPCMessageType.STRATEGY_MSG:
message = f"{msg['msg']}"
logger.debug("Unknown message type: %s", msg_type)
return None
return message
def send_msg(self, msg: RPCSendMsg) -> None:
""" Send a message to telegram channel """
default_noti = 'on'
msg_type = msg['type']
noti = ''
if msg['type'] == RPCMessageType.EXIT:
sell_noti = self._config['telegram'] \
.get('notification_settings', {}).get(str(msg_type), {})
# For backward compatibility sell still can be string
if isinstance(sell_noti, str):
noti = sell_noti
noti = sell_noti.get(str(msg['exit_reason']), default_noti)
noti = self._config['telegram'] \
.get('notification_settings', {}).get(str(msg_type), default_noti)
if noti == 'off':"Notification '{msg_type}' not sent.")
# Notification disabled
message = self.compose_message(deepcopy(msg), msg_type) # type: ignore
if message:
self._send_msg(message, disable_notification=(noti == 'silent')),
def _get_sell_emoji(self, msg):
Get emoji for sell-side
if float(msg['profit_percent']) >= 5.0:
return "\N{ROCKET}"
elif float(msg['profit_percent']) >= 0.0:
elif msg['exit_reason'] == "stop_loss":
return "\N{WARNING SIGN}"
return "\N{CROSS MARK}"
def _prepare_order_details(self, filled_orders: List, quote_currency: str, is_open: bool):
Prepare details of trade with entry adjustment enabled
lines_detail: List[str] = []
if len(filled_orders) > 0:
first_avg = filled_orders[0]["safe_price"]
order_nr = 0
for order in filled_orders:
lines: List[str] = []
if order['is_open'] is True:
order_nr += 1
wording = 'Entry' if order['ft_is_entry'] else 'Exit'
cur_entry_datetime = arrow.get(order["order_filled_date"])
cur_entry_amount = order["filled"] or order["amount"]
cur_entry_average = order["safe_price"]
lines.append(" ")
if order_nr == 1:
lines.append(f"*{wording} #{order_nr}:*")
f"*Amount:* {cur_entry_amount} "
f"({round_coin_value(order['cost'], quote_currency)})"
lines.append(f"*Average Price:* {cur_entry_average}")
sum_stake = 0
sum_amount = 0
for y in range(order_nr):
loc_order = filled_orders[y]
if loc_order['is_open'] is True:
# Skip open orders (e.g. stop orders)
amount = loc_order["filled"] or loc_order["amount"]
sum_stake += amount * loc_order["safe_price"]
sum_amount += amount
prev_avg_price = sum_stake / sum_amount
# TODO: This calculation ignores fees.
price_to_1st_entry = ((cur_entry_average - first_avg) / first_avg)
minus_on_entry = 0
if prev_avg_price:
minus_on_entry = (cur_entry_average - prev_avg_price) / prev_avg_price
lines.append(f"*{wording} #{order_nr}:* at {minus_on_entry:.2%} avg Profit")
if is_open:
.humanize(granularity=["day", "hour", "minute"])))
lines.append(f"*Amount:* {cur_entry_amount} "
f"({round_coin_value(order['cost'], quote_currency)})")
lines.append(f"*Average {wording} Price:* {cur_entry_average} "
f"({price_to_1st_entry:.2%} from 1st entry Rate)")
lines.append(f"*Order filled:* {order['order_filled_date']}")
# TODO: is this really useful?
# dur_entry = cur_entry_datetime - arrow.get(
# filled_orders[x - 1]["order_filled_date"])
# days = dur_entry.days
# hours, remainder = divmod(dur_entry.seconds, 3600)
# minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
# lines.append(
# f"({days}d {hours}h {minutes}m {seconds}s from previous {wording.lower()})")
return lines_detail
async def _status(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /status.
Returns the current TradeThread status
:param bot: telegram bot
:param update: message update
:return: None
if context.args and 'table' in context.args:
await self._status_table(update, context)
await self._status_msg(update, context)
async def _status_msg(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
handler for `/status` and `/status <id>`.
# Check if there's at least one numerical ID provided.
# If so, try to get only these trades.
trade_ids = []
if context.args and len(context.args) > 0:
trade_ids = [int(i) for i in context.args if i.isnumeric()]
results = self._rpc._rpc_trade_status(trade_ids=trade_ids)
position_adjust = self._config.get('position_adjustment_enable', False)
max_entries = self._config.get('max_entry_position_adjustment', -1)
for r in results:
r['open_date_hum'] = arrow.get(r['open_date']).humanize()
r['num_entries'] = len([o for o in r['orders'] if o['ft_is_entry']])
r['num_exits'] = len([o for o in r['orders'] if not o['ft_is_entry']
and not o['ft_order_side'] == 'stoploss'])
r['exit_reason'] = r.get('exit_reason', "")
r['stake_amount_r'] = round_coin_value(r['stake_amount'], r['quote_currency'])
r['max_stake_amount_r'] = round_coin_value(
r['max_stake_amount'] or r['stake_amount'], r['quote_currency'])
r['profit_abs_r'] = round_coin_value(r['profit_abs'], r['quote_currency'])
r['realized_profit_r'] = round_coin_value(r['realized_profit'], r['quote_currency'])
r['total_profit_abs_r'] = round_coin_value(
r['total_profit_abs'], r['quote_currency'])
lines = [
"*Trade ID:* `{trade_id}`" +
(" `(since {open_date_hum})`" if r['is_open'] else ""),
"*Current Pair:* {pair}",
f"*Direction:* {'`Short`' if r.get('is_short') else '`Long`'}"
+ " ` ({leverage}x)`" if r.get('leverage') else "",
"*Amount:* `{amount} ({stake_amount_r})`",
"*Total invested:* `{max_stake_amount_r}`" if position_adjust else "",
"*Enter Tag:* `{enter_tag}`" if r['enter_tag'] else "",
"*Exit Reason:* `{exit_reason}`" if r['exit_reason'] else "",
if position_adjust:
max_buy_str = (f"/{max_entries + 1}" if (max_entries > 0) else "")
"*Number of Entries:* `{num_entries}" + max_buy_str + "`",
"*Number of Exits:* `{num_exits}`"
"*Open Rate:* `{open_rate:.8f}`",
"*Close Rate:* `{close_rate:.8f}`" if r['close_rate'] else "",
"*Open Date:* `{open_date}`",
"*Close Date:* `{close_date}`" if r['close_date'] else "",
" \n*Current Rate:* `{current_rate:.8f}`" if r['is_open'] else "",
("*Unrealized Profit:* " if r['is_open'] else "*Close Profit: *")
+ "`{profit_ratio:.2%}` `({profit_abs_r})`",
if r['is_open']:
if r.get('realized_profit'):
"*Realized Profit:* `{realized_profit_ratio:.2%} ({realized_profit_r})`",
"*Total Profit:* `{total_profit_ratio:.2%} ({total_profit_abs_r})`"
# Append empty line to improve readability
lines.append(" ")
if (r['stop_loss_abs'] != r['initial_stop_loss_abs']
and r['initial_stop_loss_ratio'] is not None):
# Adding initial stoploss only if it is different from stoploss
lines.append("*Initial Stoploss:* `{initial_stop_loss_abs:.8f}` "
# Adding stoploss and stoploss percentage only if it is not None
lines.append("*Stoploss:* `{stop_loss_abs:.8f}` " +
("`({stop_loss_ratio:.2%})`" if r['stop_loss_ratio'] else ""))
lines.append("*Stoploss distance:* `{stoploss_current_dist:.8f}` "
if r['open_order']:
"*Open Order:* `{open_order}`"
+ "- `{exit_order_status}`" if r['exit_order_status'] else "")
lines_detail = self._prepare_order_details(
r['orders'], r['quote_currency'], r['is_open'])
lines.extend(lines_detail if lines_detail else "")
await self.__send_status_msg(lines, r)
async def __send_status_msg(self, lines: List[str], r: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
Send status message.
msg = ''
for line in lines:
if line:
if (len(msg) + len(line) + 1) < MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH:
msg += line + '\n'
await self._send_msg(msg.format(**r))
msg = "*Trade ID:* `{trade_id}` - continued\n" + line + '\n'
await self._send_msg(msg.format(**r))
async def _status_table(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /status table.
Returns the current TradeThread status in table format
:param bot: telegram bot
:param update: message update
:return: None
fiat_currency = self._config.get('fiat_display_currency', '')
statlist, head, fiat_profit_sum = self._rpc._rpc_status_table(
self._config['stake_currency'], fiat_currency)
show_total = not isnan(fiat_profit_sum) and len(statlist) > 1
max_trades_per_msg = 50
Calculate the number of messages of 50 trades per message
0.99 is used to make sure that there are no extra (empty) messages
As an example with 50 trades, there will be int(50/50 + 0.99) = 1 message
messages_count = max(int(len(statlist) / max_trades_per_msg + 0.99), 1)
for i in range(0, messages_count):
trades = statlist[i * max_trades_per_msg:(i + 1) * max_trades_per_msg]
if show_total and i == messages_count - 1:
# append total line
trades.append(["Total", "", "", f"{fiat_profit_sum:.2f} {fiat_currency}"])
message = tabulate(trades,
if show_total and i == messages_count - 1:
# insert separators line between Total
lines = message.split("\n")
message = "\n".join(lines[:-1] + [lines[1]] + [lines[-1]])
await self._send_msg(f"<pre>{message}</pre>", parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML,
reload_able=True, callback_path="update_status_table",
async def _timeunit_stats(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext, unit: str) -> None:
Handler for /daily <n>
Returns a daily profit (in BTC) over the last n days.
:param bot: telegram bot
:param update: message update
:return: None
vals = {
'days': TimeunitMappings('Day', 'Daily', 'days', 'update_daily', 7),
'weeks': TimeunitMappings('Monday', 'Weekly', 'weeks (starting from Monday)',
'update_weekly', 8),
'months': TimeunitMappings('Month', 'Monthly', 'months', 'update_monthly', 6),
val = vals[unit]
stake_cur = self._config['stake_currency']
fiat_disp_cur = self._config.get('fiat_display_currency', '')
timescale = int(context.args[0]) if context.args else val.default
except (TypeError, ValueError, IndexError):
timescale = val.default
stats = self._rpc._rpc_timeunit_profit(
stats_tab = tabulate(
[[f"{period['date']} ({period['trade_count']})",
f"{round_coin_value(period['abs_profit'], stats['stake_currency'])}",
f"{period['fiat_value']:.2f} {stats['fiat_display_currency']}",
] for period in stats['data']],
f"{val.header} (count)",
'Profit %',
message = (
f'<b>{val.message} Profit over the last {timescale} {val.message2}</b>:\n'
await self._send_msg(message, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML, reload_able=True,
callback_path=val.callback, query=update.callback_query)
async def _daily(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /daily <n>
Returns a daily profit (in BTC) over the last n days.
:param bot: telegram bot
:param update: message update
:return: None
await self._timeunit_stats(update, context, 'days')
async def _weekly(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /weekly <n>
Returns a weekly profit (in BTC) over the last n weeks.
:param bot: telegram bot
:param update: message update
:return: None
await self._timeunit_stats(update, context, 'weeks')
async def _monthly(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /monthly <n>
Returns a monthly profit (in BTC) over the last n months.
:param bot: telegram bot
:param update: message update
:return: None
await self._timeunit_stats(update, context, 'months')
async def _profit(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /profit.
Returns a cumulative profit statistics.
:param bot: telegram bot
:param update: message update
:return: None
stake_cur = self._config['stake_currency']
fiat_disp_cur = self._config.get('fiat_display_currency', '')
start_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(0)
timescale = None
if context.args:
timescale = int(context.args[0]) - 1
today_start = datetime.combine(, datetime.min.time())
start_date = today_start - timedelta(days=timescale)
except (TypeError, ValueError, IndexError):
stats = self._rpc._rpc_trade_statistics(
profit_closed_coin = stats['profit_closed_coin']
profit_closed_ratio_mean = stats['profit_closed_ratio_mean']
profit_closed_percent = stats['profit_closed_percent']
profit_closed_fiat = stats['profit_closed_fiat']
profit_all_coin = stats['profit_all_coin']
profit_all_ratio_mean = stats['profit_all_ratio_mean']
profit_all_percent = stats['profit_all_percent']
profit_all_fiat = stats['profit_all_fiat']
trade_count = stats['trade_count']
first_trade_date = stats['first_trade_date']
latest_trade_date = stats['latest_trade_date']
avg_duration = stats['avg_duration']
best_pair = stats['best_pair']
best_pair_profit_ratio = stats['best_pair_profit_ratio']
if stats['trade_count'] == 0:
markdown_msg = f"No trades yet.\n*Bot started:* `{stats['bot_start_date']}`"
# Message to display
if stats['closed_trade_count'] > 0:
markdown_msg = ("*ROI:* Closed trades\n"
f"∙ `{round_coin_value(profit_closed_coin, stake_cur)} "
f"({profit_closed_ratio_mean:.2%}) "
f"({profit_closed_percent} \N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA}%)`\n"
f"∙ `{round_coin_value(profit_closed_fiat, fiat_disp_cur)}`\n")
markdown_msg = "`No closed trade` \n"
markdown_msg += (
f"*ROI:* All trades\n"
f"∙ `{round_coin_value(profit_all_coin, stake_cur)} "
f"({profit_all_ratio_mean:.2%}) "
f"({profit_all_percent} \N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA}%)`\n"
f"∙ `{round_coin_value(profit_all_fiat, fiat_disp_cur)}`\n"
f"*Total Trade Count:* `{trade_count}`\n"
f"*Bot started:* `{stats['bot_start_date']}`\n"
f"*{'First Trade opened' if not timescale else 'Showing Profit since'}:* "
f"*Latest Trade opened:* `{latest_trade_date}`\n"
f"*Win / Loss:* `{stats['winning_trades']} / {stats['losing_trades']}`"
if stats['closed_trade_count'] > 0:
markdown_msg += (
f"\n*Avg. Duration:* `{avg_duration}`\n"
f"*Best Performing:* `{best_pair}: {best_pair_profit_ratio:.2%}`\n"
f"*Trading volume:* `{round_coin_value(stats['trading_volume'], stake_cur)}`\n"
f"*Profit factor:* `{stats['profit_factor']:.2f}`\n"
f"*Max Drawdown:* `{stats['max_drawdown']:.2%} "
f"({round_coin_value(stats['max_drawdown_abs'], stake_cur)})`"
await self._send_msg(markdown_msg, reload_able=True, callback_path="update_profit",
async def _stats(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /stats
Show stats of recent trades
stats = self._rpc._rpc_stats()
reason_map = {
'roi': 'ROI',
'stop_loss': 'Stoploss',
'trailing_stop_loss': 'Trail. Stop',
'stoploss_on_exchange': 'Stoploss',
'exit_signal': 'Exit Signal',
'force_exit': 'Force Exit',
'emergency_exit': 'Emergency Exit',
exit_reasons_tabulate = [
reason_map.get(reason, reason),
] for reason, count in stats['exit_reasons'].items()
exit_reasons_msg = 'No trades yet.'
for reason in chunks(exit_reasons_tabulate, 25):
exit_reasons_msg = tabulate(
headers=['Exit Reason', 'Exits', 'Wins', 'Losses']
if len(exit_reasons_tabulate) > 25:
await self._send_msg(f"```\n{exit_reasons_msg}```", ParseMode.MARKDOWN)
exit_reasons_msg = ''
durations = stats['durations']
duration_msg = tabulate(
['Wins', str(timedelta(seconds=durations['wins']))
if durations['wins'] is not None else 'N/A'],
['Losses', str(timedelta(seconds=durations['losses']))
if durations['losses'] is not None else 'N/A']
headers=['', 'Avg. Duration']
msg = (f"""```\n{exit_reasons_msg}```\n```\n{duration_msg}```""")
await self._send_msg(msg, ParseMode.MARKDOWN)
async def _balance(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
""" Handler for /balance """
full_result = context.args and 'full' in context.args
result = self._rpc._rpc_balance(self._config['stake_currency'],
self._config.get('fiat_display_currency', ''))
balance_dust_level = self._config['telegram'].get('balance_dust_level', 0.0)
if not balance_dust_level:
balance_dust_level = DUST_PER_COIN.get(self._config['stake_currency'], 1.0)
output = ''
if self._config['dry_run']:
output += "*Warning:* Simulated balances in Dry Mode.\n"
starting_cap = round_coin_value(result['starting_capital'], self._config['stake_currency'])
output += f"Starting capital: `{starting_cap}`"
starting_cap_fiat = round_coin_value(
result['starting_capital_fiat'], self._config['fiat_display_currency']
) if result['starting_capital_fiat'] > 0 else ''
output += (f" `, {starting_cap_fiat}`.\n"
) if result['starting_capital_fiat'] > 0 else '.\n'
total_dust_balance = 0
total_dust_currencies = 0
for curr in result['currencies']:
curr_output = ''
if (
(curr['is_position'] or curr['est_stake'] > balance_dust_level)
and (full_result or curr['is_bot_managed'])
if curr['is_position']:
curr_output = (
f"\t`{curr['side']}: {curr['position']:.8f}`\n"
f"\t`Leverage: {curr['leverage']:.1f}`\n"
f"\t`Est. {curr['stake']}: "
f"{round_coin_value(curr['est_stake'], curr['stake'], False)}`\n")
est_stake = round_coin_value(
curr['est_stake' if full_result else 'est_stake_bot'], curr['stake'], False)
curr_output = (
f"\t`Available: {curr['free']:.8f}`\n"
f"\t`Balance: {curr['balance']:.8f}`\n"
f"\t`Pending: {curr['used']:.8f}`\n"
f"\t`Bot Owned: {curr['bot_owned']:.8f}`\n"
f"\t`Est. {curr['stake']}: {est_stake}`\n")
elif curr['est_stake'] <= balance_dust_level:
total_dust_balance += curr['est_stake']
total_dust_currencies += 1
# Handle overflowing message length
if len(output + curr_output) >= MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH:
await self._send_msg(output)
output = curr_output
output += curr_output
if total_dust_balance > 0:
output += (
f"*{total_dust_currencies} Other "
f"{plural(total_dust_currencies, 'Currency', 'Currencies')} "
f"(< {balance_dust_level} {result['stake']}):*\n"
f"\t`Est. {result['stake']}: "
f"{round_coin_value(total_dust_balance, result['stake'], False)}`\n")
tc = result['trade_count'] > 0
stake_improve = f" `({result['starting_capital_ratio']:.2%})`" if tc else ''
fiat_val = f" `({result['starting_capital_fiat_ratio']:.2%})`" if tc else ''
value = round_coin_value(
result['value' if full_result else 'value_bot'], result['symbol'], False)
total_stake = round_coin_value(
result['total' if full_result else 'total_bot'], result['stake'], False)
output += (
f"\n*Estimated Value{' (Bot managed assets only)' if not full_result else ''}*:\n"
f"\t`{result['stake']}: {total_stake}`{stake_improve}\n"
f"\t`{result['symbol']}: {value}`{fiat_val}\n"
await self._send_msg(output, reload_able=True, callback_path="update_balance",
async def _start(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /start.
Starts TradeThread
:param bot: telegram bot
:param update: message update
:return: None
msg = self._rpc._rpc_start()
await self._send_msg(f"Status: `{msg['status']}`")
async def _stop(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /stop.
Stops TradeThread
:param bot: telegram bot
:param update: message update
:return: None
msg = self._rpc._rpc_stop()
await self._send_msg(f"Status: `{msg['status']}`")
async def _reload_config(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /reload_config.
Triggers a config file reload
:param bot: telegram bot
:param update: message update
:return: None
msg = self._rpc._rpc_reload_config()
await self._send_msg(f"Status: `{msg['status']}`")
async def _stopentry(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /stop_buy.
Sets max_open_trades to 0 and gracefully sells all open trades
:param bot: telegram bot
:param update: message update
:return: None
msg = self._rpc._rpc_stopentry()
await self._send_msg(f"Status: `{msg['status']}`")
async def _force_exit(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /forceexit <id>.
Sells the given trade at current price
:param bot: telegram bot
:param update: message update
:return: None
if context.args:
trade_id = context.args[0]
await self._force_exit_action(trade_id)
fiat_currency = self._config.get('fiat_display_currency', '')
statlist, _, _ = self._rpc._rpc_status_table(
self._config['stake_currency'], fiat_currency)
except RPCException:
await self._send_msg(msg='No open trade found.')
trades = []
for trade in statlist:
trades.append((trade[0], f"{trade[0]} {trade[1]} {trade[2]} {trade[3]}"))
trade_buttons = [
InlineKeyboardButton(text=trade[1], callback_data=f"force_exit__{trade[0]}")
for trade in trades]
buttons_aligned = self._layout_inline_keyboard_onecol(trade_buttons)
text='Cancel', callback_data='force_exit__cancel')])
await self._send_msg(msg="Which trade?", keyboard=buttons_aligned)
async def _force_exit_action(self, trade_id):
if trade_id != 'cancel':
except RPCException as e:
await self._send_msg(str(e))
async def _force_exit_inline(self, update: Update, _: CallbackContext) -> None:
if update.callback_query:
query = update.callback_query
if and '__' in
# Input data is "force_exit__<tradid|cancel>"
trade_id ="__")[1].split(' ')[0]
if trade_id == 'cancel':
await query.answer()
await query.edit_message_text(text="Force exit canceled.")
trade: Optional[Trade] = Trade.get_trades( == trade_id).first()
await query.answer()
if trade:
await query.edit_message_text(
text=f"Manually exiting Trade #{trade_id}, {trade.pair}")
await self._force_exit_action(trade_id)
await query.edit_message_text(text=f"Trade {trade_id} not found.")
async def _force_enter_action(self, pair, price: Optional[float], order_side: SignalDirection):
if pair != 'cancel':
self._rpc._rpc_force_entry(pair, price, order_side=order_side)
except RPCException as e:
logger.exception("Forcebuy error!")
await self._send_msg(str(e), ParseMode.HTML)
async def _force_enter_inline(self, update: Update, _: CallbackContext) -> None:
if update.callback_query:
query = update.callback_query
if and '_||_' in
pair, side ='_||_')
order_side = SignalDirection(side)
await query.answer()
await query.edit_message_text(text=f"Manually entering {order_side} for {pair}")
await self._force_enter_action(pair, None, order_side)
def _layout_inline_keyboard(
buttons: List[InlineKeyboardButton], cols=3) -> List[List[InlineKeyboardButton]]:
return [buttons[i:i + cols] for i in range(0, len(buttons), cols)]
def _layout_inline_keyboard_onecol(
buttons: List[InlineKeyboardButton], cols=1) -> List[List[InlineKeyboardButton]]:
return [buttons[i:i + cols] for i in range(0, len(buttons), cols)]
async def _force_enter(
self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext, order_side: SignalDirection) -> None:
Handler for /forcelong <asset> <price> and `/forceshort <asset> <price>
Buys a pair trade at the given or current price
:param bot: telegram bot
:param update: message update
:return: None
if context.args:
pair = context.args[0]
price = float(context.args[1]) if len(context.args) > 1 else None
await self._force_enter_action(pair, price, order_side)
whitelist = self._rpc._rpc_whitelist()['whitelist']
pair_buttons = [
InlineKeyboardButton(text=pair, callback_data=f"{pair}_||_{order_side}")
for pair in sorted(whitelist)
buttons_aligned = self._layout_inline_keyboard(pair_buttons)
buttons_aligned.append([InlineKeyboardButton(text='Cancel', callback_data='cancel')])
await self._send_msg(msg="Which pair?",
async def _trades(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /trades <n>
Returns last n recent trades.
:param bot: telegram bot
:param update: message update
:return: None
stake_cur = self._config['stake_currency']
nrecent = int(context.args[0]) if context.args else 10
except (TypeError, ValueError, IndexError):
nrecent = 10
trades = self._rpc._rpc_trade_history(
trades_tab = tabulate(
trade['pair'] + " (#" + str(trade['trade_id']) + ")",
f"{(trade['close_profit']):.2%} ({trade['close_profit_abs']})"]
for trade in trades['trades']],
'Close Date',
'Pair (ID)',
f'Profit ({stake_cur})',
message = (f"<b>{min(trades['trades_count'], nrecent)} recent trades</b>:\n"
+ (f"<pre>{trades_tab}</pre>" if trades['trades_count'] > 0 else ''))
await self._send_msg(message, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
async def _delete_trade(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /delete <id>.
Delete the given trade
:param bot: telegram bot
:param update: message update
:return: None
if not context.args or len(context.args) == 0:
raise RPCException("Trade-id not set.")
trade_id = int(context.args[0])
msg = self._rpc._rpc_delete(trade_id)
await self._send_msg(
'Please make sure to take care of this asset on the exchange manually.'
async def _cancel_open_order(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /cancel_open_order <id>.
Cancel open order for tradeid
:param bot: telegram bot
:param update: message update
:return: None
if not context.args or len(context.args) == 0:
raise RPCException("Trade-id not set.")
trade_id = int(context.args[0])
await self._send_msg('Open order canceled.')
async def _performance(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /performance.
Shows a performance statistic from finished trades
:param bot: telegram bot
:param update: message update
:return: None
trades = self._rpc._rpc_performance()
output = "<b>Performance:</b>\n"
for i, trade in enumerate(trades):
stat_line = (
f"{i+1}.\t <code>{trade['pair']}\t"
f"{round_coin_value(trade['profit_abs'], self._config['stake_currency'])} "
f"({trade['profit_ratio']:.2%}) "
if len(output + stat_line) >= MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH:
await self._send_msg(output, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
output = stat_line
output += stat_line
await self._send_msg(output, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML,
reload_able=True, callback_path="update_performance",
async def _enter_tag_performance(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /buys PAIR .
Shows a performance statistic from finished trades
:param bot: telegram bot
:param update: message update
:return: None
pair = None
if context.args and isinstance(context.args[0], str):
pair = context.args[0]
trades = self._rpc._rpc_enter_tag_performance(pair)
output = "<b>Entry Tag Performance:</b>\n"
for i, trade in enumerate(trades):
stat_line = (
f"{i+1}.\t <code>{trade['enter_tag']}\t"
f"{round_coin_value(trade['profit_abs'], self._config['stake_currency'])} "
f"({trade['profit_ratio']:.2%}) "
if len(output + stat_line) >= MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH:
await self._send_msg(output, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
output = stat_line
output += stat_line
await self._send_msg(output, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML,
reload_able=True, callback_path="update_enter_tag_performance",
async def _exit_reason_performance(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /sells.
Shows a performance statistic from finished trades
:param bot: telegram bot
:param update: message update
:return: None
pair = None
if context.args and isinstance(context.args[0], str):
pair = context.args[0]
trades = self._rpc._rpc_exit_reason_performance(pair)
output = "<b>Exit Reason Performance:</b>\n"
for i, trade in enumerate(trades):
stat_line = (
f"{i+1}.\t <code>{trade['exit_reason']}\t"
f"{round_coin_value(trade['profit_abs'], self._config['stake_currency'])} "
f"({trade['profit_ratio']:.2%}) "
if len(output + stat_line) >= MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH:
await self._send_msg(output, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
output = stat_line
output += stat_line
await self._send_msg(output, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML,
reload_able=True, callback_path="update_exit_reason_performance",
async def _mix_tag_performance(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /mix_tags.
Shows a performance statistic from finished trades
:param bot: telegram bot
:param update: message update
:return: None
pair = None
if context.args and isinstance(context.args[0], str):
pair = context.args[0]
trades = self._rpc._rpc_mix_tag_performance(pair)
output = "<b>Mix Tag Performance:</b>\n"
for i, trade in enumerate(trades):
stat_line = (
f"{i+1}.\t <code>{trade['mix_tag']}\t"
f"{round_coin_value(trade['profit_abs'], self._config['stake_currency'])} "
f"({trade['profit']:.2%}) "
if len(output + stat_line) >= MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH:
await self._send_msg(output, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
output = stat_line
output += stat_line
await self._send_msg(output, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML,
reload_able=True, callback_path="update_mix_tag_performance",
async def _count(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /count.
Returns the number of trades running
:param bot: telegram bot
:param update: message update
:return: None
counts = self._rpc._rpc_count()
message = tabulate({k: [v] for k, v in counts.items()},
headers=['current', 'max', 'total stake'],
message = f"<pre>{message}</pre>"
await self._send_msg(message, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML,
reload_able=True, callback_path="update_count",
async def _locks(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /locks.
Returns the currently active locks
rpc_locks = self._rpc._rpc_locks()
if not rpc_locks['locks']:
await self._send_msg('No active locks.', parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
for locks in chunks(rpc_locks['locks'], 25):
message = tabulate([[
lock['reason']] for lock in locks],
headers=['ID', 'Pair', 'Until', 'Reason'],
message = f"<pre>{escape(message)}</pre>"
await self._send_msg(message, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
async def _delete_locks(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /delete_locks.
Returns the currently active locks
arg = context.args[0] if context.args and len(context.args) > 0 else None
lockid = None
pair = None
if arg:
lockid = int(arg)
except ValueError:
pair = arg
self._rpc._rpc_delete_lock(lockid=lockid, pair=pair)
await self._locks(update, context)
async def _whitelist(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /whitelist
Shows the currently active whitelist
whitelist = self._rpc._rpc_whitelist()
if context.args:
if "sorted" in context.args:
whitelist['whitelist'] = sorted(whitelist['whitelist'])
if "baseonly" in context.args:
whitelist['whitelist'] = [pair.split("/")[0] for pair in whitelist['whitelist']]
message = f"Using whitelist `{whitelist['method']}` with {whitelist['length']} pairs\n"
message += f"`{', '.join(whitelist['whitelist'])}`"
await self._send_msg(message)
async def _blacklist(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /blacklist
Shows the currently active blacklist
await self.send_blacklist_msg(self._rpc._rpc_blacklist(context.args))
async def send_blacklist_msg(self, blacklist: Dict):
errmsgs = []
for pair, error in blacklist['errors'].items():
errmsgs.append(f"Error: {error['error_msg']}")
if errmsgs:
await self._send_msg('\n'.join(errmsgs))
message = f"Blacklist contains {blacklist['length']} pairs\n"
message += f"`{', '.join(blacklist['blacklist'])}`"
await self._send_msg(message)
async def _blacklist_delete(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /bl_delete
Deletes pair(s) from current blacklist
await self.send_blacklist_msg(self._rpc._rpc_blacklist_delete(context.args or []))
async def _logs(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /logs
Shows the latest logs
limit = int(context.args[0]) if context.args else 10
except (TypeError, ValueError, IndexError):
limit = 10
logs = RPC._rpc_get_logs(limit)['logs']
msgs = ''
msg_template = "*{}* {}: {} \\- `{}`"
for logrec in logs:
msg = msg_template.format(escape_markdown(logrec[0], version=2),
escape_markdown(logrec[2], version=2),
escape_markdown(logrec[3], version=2),
escape_markdown(logrec[4], version=2))
if len(msgs + msg) + 10 >= MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH:
# Send message immediately if it would become too long
await self._send_msg(msgs, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN_V2)
msgs = msg + '\n'
# Append message to messages to send
msgs += msg + '\n'
if msgs:
await self._send_msg(msgs, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN_V2)
async def _edge(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /edge
Shows information related to Edge
edge_pairs = self._rpc._rpc_edge()
if not edge_pairs:
message = '<b>Edge only validated following pairs:</b>'
await self._send_msg(message, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
for chunk in chunks(edge_pairs, 25):
edge_pairs_tab = tabulate(chunk, headers='keys', tablefmt='simple')
message = (f'<b>Edge only validated following pairs:</b>\n'
await self._send_msg(message, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)
async def _help(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /help.
Show commands of the bot
:param bot: telegram bot
:param update: message update
:return: None
force_enter_text = ("*/forcelong <pair> [<rate>]:* `Instantly buys the given pair. "
"Optionally takes a rate at which to buy "
"(only applies to limit orders).` \n"
if self._rpc._freqtrade.trading_mode != TradingMode.SPOT:
force_enter_text += ("*/forceshort <pair> [<rate>]:* `Instantly shorts the given pair. "
"Optionally takes a rate at which to sell "
"(only applies to limit orders).` \n")
message = (
"_Bot Control_\n"
"*/start:* `Starts the trader`\n"
"*/stop:* Stops the trader\n"
"*/stopentry:* `Stops entering, but handles open trades gracefully` \n"
"*/forceexit <trade_id>|all:* `Instantly exits the given trade or all trades, "
"regardless of profit`\n"
"*/fx <trade_id>|all:* `Alias to /forceexit`\n"
f"{force_enter_text if self._config.get('force_entry_enable', False) else ''}"
"*/delete <trade_id>:* `Instantly delete the given trade in the database`\n"
"*/cancel_open_order <trade_id>:* `Cancels open orders for trade. "
"Only valid when the trade has open orders.`\n"
"*/coo <trade_id>|all:* `Alias to /cancel_open_order`\n"
"*/whitelist [sorted] [baseonly]:* `Show current whitelist. Optionally in "
"order and/or only displaying the base currency of each pairing.`\n"
"*/blacklist [pair]:* `Show current blacklist, or adds one or more pairs "
"to the blacklist.` \n"
"*/blacklist_delete [pairs]| /bl_delete [pairs]:* "
"`Delete pair / pattern from blacklist. Will reset on reload_conf.` \n"
"*/reload_config:* `Reload configuration file` \n"
"*/unlock <pair|id>:* `Unlock this Pair (or this lock id if it's numeric)`\n"
"_Current state_\n"
"*/show_config:* `Show running configuration` \n"
"*/locks:* `Show currently locked pairs`\n"
"*/balance:* `Show bot managed balance per currency`\n"
"*/balance total:* `Show account balance per currency`\n"
"*/logs [limit]:* `Show latest logs - defaults to 10` \n"
"*/count:* `Show number of active trades compared to allowed number of trades`\n"
"*/edge:* `Shows validated pairs by Edge if it is enabled` \n"
"*/health* `Show latest process timestamp - defaults to 1970-01-01 00:00:00` \n"
"*/marketdir [long | short | even | none]:* `Updates the user managed variable "
"that represents the current market direction. If no direction is provided `"
"`the currently set market direction will be output.` \n"
"*/status <trade_id>|[table]:* `Lists all open trades`\n"
" *<trade_id> :* `Lists one or more specific trades.`\n"
" `Separate multiple <trade_id> with a blank space.`\n"
" *table :* `will display trades in a table`\n"
" `pending buy orders are marked with an asterisk (*)`\n"
" `pending sell orders are marked with a double asterisk (**)`\n"
"*/buys <pair|none>:* `Shows the enter_tag performance`\n"
"*/sells <pair|none>:* `Shows the exit reason performance`\n"
"*/mix_tags <pair|none>:* `Shows combined entry tag + exit reason performance`\n"
"*/trades [limit]:* `Lists last closed trades (limited to 10 by default)`\n"
"*/profit [<n>]:* `Lists cumulative profit from all finished trades, "
"over the last n days`\n"
"*/performance:* `Show performance of each finished trade grouped by pair`\n"
"*/daily <n>:* `Shows profit or loss per day, over the last n days`\n"
"*/weekly <n>:* `Shows statistics per week, over the last n weeks`\n"
"*/monthly <n>:* `Shows statistics per month, over the last n months`\n"
"*/stats:* `Shows Wins / losses by Sell reason as well as "
"Avg. holding durations for buys and sells.`\n"
"*/help:* `This help message`\n"
"*/version:* `Show version`"
await self._send_msg(message, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN)
async def _health(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /health
Shows the last process timestamp
health =
message = f"Last process: `{health['last_process_loc']}`"
await self._send_msg(message)
async def _version(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /version.
Show version information
:param bot: telegram bot
:param update: message update
:return: None
strategy_version = self._rpc._freqtrade.strategy.version()
version_string = f'*Version:* `{__version__}`'
if strategy_version is not None:
version_string += f', *Strategy version: * `{strategy_version}`'
await self._send_msg(version_string)
async def _show_config(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /show_config.
Show config information information
:param bot: telegram bot
:param update: message update
:return: None
val = RPC._rpc_show_config(self._config, self._rpc._freqtrade.state)
if val['trailing_stop']:
sl_info = (
f"*Initial Stoploss:* `{val['stoploss']}`\n"
f"*Trailing stop positive:* `{val['trailing_stop_positive']}`\n"
f"*Trailing stop offset:* `{val['trailing_stop_positive_offset']}`\n"
f"*Only trail above offset:* `{val['trailing_only_offset_is_reached']}`\n"
sl_info = f"*Stoploss:* `{val['stoploss']}`\n"
if val['position_adjustment_enable']:
pa_info = (
f"*Position adjustment:* On\n"
f"*Max enter position adjustment:* `{val['max_entry_position_adjustment']}`\n"
pa_info = "*Position adjustment:* Off\n"
await self._send_msg(
f"*Mode:* `{'Dry-run' if val['dry_run'] else 'Live'}`\n"
f"*Exchange:* `{val['exchange']}`\n"
f"*Market: * `{val['trading_mode']}`\n"
f"*Stake per trade:* `{val['stake_amount']} {val['stake_currency']}`\n"
f"*Max open Trades:* `{val['max_open_trades']}`\n"
f"*Minimum ROI:* `{val['minimal_roi']}`\n"
f"*Entry strategy:* ```\n{json.dumps(val['entry_pricing'])}```\n"
f"*Exit strategy:* ```\n{json.dumps(val['exit_pricing'])}```\n"
f"*Timeframe:* `{val['timeframe']}`\n"
f"*Strategy:* `{val['strategy']}`\n"
f"*Current state:* `{val['state']}`"
async def _update_msg(self, query: CallbackQuery, msg: str, callback_path: str = "",
reload_able: bool = False, parse_mode: str = ParseMode.MARKDOWN) -> None:
if reload_able:
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup([
[InlineKeyboardButton("Refresh", callback_data=callback_path)],
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[]])
msg += f"\nUpdated: {}"
if not query.message:
chat_id = query.message.chat_id
message_id = query.message.message_id
except BadRequest as e:
if 'not modified' in e.message.lower():
logger.warning('TelegramError: %s', e.message)
except TelegramError as telegram_err:
logger.warning('TelegramError: %s! Giving up on that message.', telegram_err.message)
async def _send_msg(self, msg: str, parse_mode: str = ParseMode.MARKDOWN,
disable_notification: bool = False,
keyboard: Optional[List[List[InlineKeyboardButton]]] = None,
callback_path: str = "",
reload_able: bool = False,
query: Optional[CallbackQuery] = None) -> None:
Send given markdown message
:param msg: message
:param bot: alternative bot
:param parse_mode: telegram parse mode
:return: None
reply_markup: Union[InlineKeyboardMarkup, ReplyKeyboardMarkup]
if query:
await self._update_msg(query=query, msg=msg, parse_mode=parse_mode,
callback_path=callback_path, reload_able=reload_able)
if reload_able and self._config['telegram'].get('reload', True):
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup([
[InlineKeyboardButton("Refresh", callback_data=callback_path)]])
if keyboard is not None:
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard)
reply_markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(self._keyboard, resize_keyboard=True)
except NetworkError as network_err:
# Sometimes the telegram server resets the current connection,
# if this is the case we send the message again.
'Telegram NetworkError: %s! Trying one more time.',
except TelegramError as telegram_err:
'TelegramError: %s! Giving up on that message.',
async def _changemarketdir(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
Handler for /marketdir.
Updates the bot's market_direction
:param bot: telegram bot
:param update: message update
:return: None
if context.args and len(context.args) == 1:
new_market_dir_arg = context.args[0]
old_market_dir = self._rpc._get_market_direction()
new_market_dir = None
if new_market_dir_arg == "long":
new_market_dir = MarketDirection.LONG
elif new_market_dir_arg == "short":
new_market_dir = MarketDirection.SHORT
elif new_market_dir_arg == "even":
new_market_dir = MarketDirection.EVEN
elif new_market_dir_arg == "none":
new_market_dir = MarketDirection.NONE
if new_market_dir is not None:
await self._send_msg("Successfully updated market direction"
f" from *{old_market_dir}* to *{new_market_dir}*.")
raise RPCException("Invalid market direction provided. \n"
"Valid market directions: *long, short, even, none*")
elif context.args is not None and len(context.args) == 0:
old_market_dir = self._rpc._get_market_direction()
await self._send_msg(f"Currently set market direction: *{old_market_dir}*")
raise RPCException("Invalid usage of command /marketdir. \n"
"Usage: */marketdir [short | long | even | none]*")